Дизайн мебели

Книги по дизайну мебели

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Monique Riccardi-Cubitt
ID: 3290
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

All of us have the desire to organize and store the multitude of items that fill our lives - a desire that is not unique to our century.

King Tutankhamen's 14th century B.C. tomb contained over 30 chests for storing his possessions. Here, the author traces the evolution of cabinets - including such variations as secretaires and caskets - that date from ancient Egypt and the classical world through the 19th century. (Coverage of the 20th century is slight.)

Helpful appendixes include several pages of notes on the color plates; brief biographies of cabinetmakers, architects, craftsmen, and designers of furniture; a glossary of some of the technical terms used; and a chronological guide to styles of cabinetry.

This guide, which includes a time line of pertinent dates and almost 200 small photographs, identifies pieces by country of origin, date, materials used, and dimensions. Recommended for both general collections and specialized art libraries.

Nancy N. Schiffer
ID: 6333
Видавництво: Schiffer

Fine details of carving and construction are highlighted to demonstrate the best golden oak furniture from American makers at the end of the nineteenth century. China cabinets, bookcases, chairs, tables, and accent forms are shown in various styles with detailed descriptions and price ranges to reflect their values in the furniture market today. This book will become the standard reference by which dealers, collectors, decorators, curators, and historians can judge the field.

Daniela Santos Quartino (Editor)
ID: 10810
Видавництво: Loft

A fully illustrated introductory guide to classic furniture characteristics organized according to style, era and country of origin.

Furniture design has always reflected the style of the period, but these days, eclecticism is one of the characteristics of interior design that creates varied and original rooms. Currently, eclecticism is one of the most important characteristics of design. Today, an intelligent combination of pieces, different in style, put together with good taste, creates original rooms that are utterly charming. The greater the contrast, the more impressive the result. Today you can find furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries in vintage or antique stores, or new items from contemporary manufacturers.

Whether original or replica, the options are immense and can be found in this book offered as a source of inspiration to achieve customized, original and surprising interiors.

Romeyn Beck Hough, Charles Sprague Sargent
ID: 1858
Видавництво: Taschen

Culled and assembled by Romeyn Beck Hough between 1888 and 1913 in what still remains a stunning and unparalleled achievement, American Woods - originally published in 14 volumes, with actual specimens mounted on card stock - is a work of breathtaking beauty that has set the standard for the study of trees and wood.

TASCHEN`s Wood Book reproduces, in painstaking facsimile, all of the specimen pages from the original volumes; for this purpose, we have obtained the use of an extremely rare original set of volumes in very good condition, with minimal damage to the woodcuts. For all trees, now arranged in alphabetical order, three different cross-section cuts of wood are represented (radial, horizontal, and vertical), demonstrating the particular characteristics of the grain and the wealth of colours and textures to be found among the many different wood types. Also included in this special edition are lithographs by Charles Sprague Sargent of the leaves and nuts of most trees, as well as texts describing the trees` geographical origins and physical characteristics.

Interior designers, craftsmen, nature enthusiasts, and artists alike will enjoy this beautiful collection of wood samples which includes many trees that are now very rare or completely extinct.

Danielle O. Kisluk-Grosheide, Jeffrey Munger
ID: 9464
Видавництво: Yale University Press

The Metropolitan’s holdings of late 17th- and 18th-century French decorative arts, unrivaled outside Europe, are on display in nine magnificent paneled period rooms and three galleries. This suite of spaces is named for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, whose extraordinary generosity made the installations possible and who also donated many of the furnishings from their own celebrated collection. The first book on the Wrightsman Galleries since 1979, this beautifully illustrated volume presents detailed descriptions of the period rooms and 116 of the most important artworks on view, including wood paneling and furniture, chimneypieces and fireplace furnishings, textiles and leather, portraits, gilt bronze, porcelain, silver, and decorative boxes, many of which have a royal provenance. The text incorporates the results of recent research and conveys the illuminating comments of contemporaries as expressed in diaries, travel guides, craft manuals, and correspondence.

D. Colaci, A. Rui
ID: 8370
Видавництво: 24 ORE Cultura

Minimum Design: An indispensable compendium on important designers of the modern era
An ideal and accessible introduction suitable for students and lovers of design today

Tunisian- born designer Tom Dixon's career took off in the 1980s when, as an ex- musician and a self-taught welder, he began working for Italian design giant Cappelini. His iconic 'S' chair design produced for Cappelini, and, later, his 'Jack light' created for his own company, Eurolounge, made him an iconic househood name. Dixon's creative process is unusual in that his ideas originate from the tools and materials he has selected, rather than vice versa, creating unique contemporary objects.

In 1998, Dixon was appointed Head of Design by household furnishing retailer Habitat, later becoming Creative Director until 2009. The Tom Dixon brand has gone from strength to strength, expanding to house an interior design arm that has taken on projects such as top restaurants in the UK and abroad. He has been recognised with a plethora of awards and nominations, including most notably an OBE.

Published in the same style as the successful Minimum Architects series, the Minimum Designers series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives. The lamp on our desk, the chair we are sitting on or the glasses we are wearing have a genius behind to be discovered.

These volumes will introduce in a practical manner the personalities and the works of the world's major designers by way of an historical-critical introduction to the work and life of each individual designer. An accurate selection of the designer's most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarising the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject.

Guy Jouberton
ID: 7150
Видавництво: Vial

Ce livre complète et approfondit le précédent volume. La démarche pédagogique proposée consiste à étudier des cas concrets de tracés et coupes de pierre. Chaque exemple est coté et fait l’objet d’un exercice de traçage à compléter. La démarche est détaillée et aboutit à une représentation en couleur de la pièce achevée.

Sommaire :
Pénétration et vue déformée de moulure (boudin, tore et corbeau). Exemples de construction : appuis, chapiteaux et bases de style gothique. Cônes, cylindres et pyramides. Méthodes et exercices.

Lucien Chanson
ID: 4852
Видавництво: Vial

Cet ouvrage, devenu un livre de référence, expose de façon claire et précise l’ensemble des connaissances techniques permettant de concevoir et de réaliser les principaux meubles de style. La première partie traite des points techniques nécessaires au dessin. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’étude des styles. Pour chaque style sont indiqués les caractéristiques du mobilier, le tracé des moulures, les ornements et les plans de construction du meuble le plus représentatif.

Sommaire :
Première partie :Tracés et constructions. Géométrie plane. Les ordres en architecture.La géométrie descriptive. Perspective. Les assemblages. La mise au plan.
Deuxième partie : études des styles : le Gothique, la Renaissance, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, la Régence, Louis XV, Transition, Louis XVI, le Directoire, L’Empire.

Steve Bisco
ID: 9557
Видавництво: GMC (Guild of Master Craftsman)

This wonderful collection of inspirational period carving projects ranges from the quick and simple to the long and complex, so caters for hobby carvers of all abilities. The new carver can start with the simplest project and, over a period of time, work through to the intermediate and advanced levels, while experienced carvers will find pieces to challenge and engage them. Each project is designed to capture the spirit and style of a particular period throughout history and at the end of each project readers will have developed new skills, gained an understanding of another style, and created a carving to proudly display in their home. Projects each have an introduction, setting it in historical context, a tracing pattern, an inspirational picture of the finished carving and comprehensive, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and photographs.

Jeremy Cooper
ID: 1497
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

The furniture designs of William Morris, C. R. Ashbee and Charles Rennie Mackintosh are even more popular today than in their own lifetimes.

The work of other figures, such as William Burges and Christopher Dresser is also being avidly collected. Jeremy Cooper’s survey contains an astonishing range of photographs and drawings: nearly 700 illustrations offer a uniquely comprehensive coverage of nineteenth-century furniture.

Every major designer is represented, and the choice of pictures includes little-known pieces from private collections. Rare contemporary photographs of Victorian and Edwardian interiors show how the furniture formed part of complete decorative ensembles.

Extensive commentaries on the illustrations and detailed text provide the essential background – wherever possible using the actual words of the designers, architects and critics themselves.

Written by Misha de Potestad, Photographed by Patrice Pascal
ID: 10823
Видавництво: Rizzoli

An exquisitely illustrated celebration of this influential style that is now at the forefront of interior design. Vintage Industrial covers the period from 1900 to 1950, which produced the raw, functional aesthetic that has become a cornerstone of modern design. The advent of the second industrial revolution created the need for a new kind of furniture to satisfy the demands of a rapidly growing workforce. Chairs, tables, lamps, and modular storage were designed from new materials to be mass-produced, stackable, and adjustable to the developing needs of brand-new industries that in turn were manufacturing the products that would define a changing society. These pieces, that inform a reclaimed style, are now highly popular among collectors and interior designers.

This volume celebrates the engineers who shaped the industrial aesthetic as the unsung heroes of modern design and showcases their creations. By discovering ways to work iron and steel into functional forms, luminaries such as Bernard-Albin Gras, George Carwardine, Jean Prouvé, and Édouard-Wilfred Buquet sparked a revolution in the way we think about our built environment.

Five chapters — on lighting, seating, tables, storage, and curiosities — describe the major innovations and designs from the period and include stunning photography depicting these objects in homes, workshops, factories, and warehouses. Meticulously curated, this elegant book is an informative style guide and source of inspiration for how to live with industrial design.

About the Authors:

Misha de Potestad is a journalist and stylist who has reported on interior design for forty years, writing articles for French Elle and Elle Decor.

Patrice Pascal is a photographer whose editorial and advertising work has appeared in numerous magazines, including French Elle and Elle Decor.

Пролистать книгу  Vintage Industrial: Living With Design Icons

Mark Moran
ID: 6562
Видавництво: Krause Publications

The Arts and Crafts Movement is probably best known for the furniture that came from it. Indeed, many claim that the furniture from this period was the one truly great product of the era. Now, enthusiasts of this popular furniture style can follow the rise of the design movement from its beginnings in mid-19th century England to the major American manufacturers of the 20th century.

Warman's Arts & Crafts Furniture covers the giants of the designers and manufacturers of Arts and Crafts furniture: John Ruskin, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, William Morris, the Stickley Brothers, designer Harvey Ellis, Charles Limbert, Elbert Hubbard and the Roycrofters, Charles Rohlfs, and more. Over 1,500 listings include detailed descriptions and pricing for each piece, and more than 1,000 vibrant full-color photos convey the functional beauty of the era's furniture.

Christopher Wilk
ID: 7436
Видавництво: V&A Victoria Albert Museum

This wide-ranging historical survey of Western furniture showcases the V&A's unrivalled collection, and covers a dazzling array of designers and styles over many historical periods and regions of the Western world.

Pamela Todd
ID: 371
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

In the history of the decorative arts, there has never been another designer who has achieved such lasting impact. While lamenting the excesses of mass-production, he set up the firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company. Soon it was producing a range of goods, from hand-woven tapestries, carpets and printed textiles to stained glass, metalwork and furniture. What the company offered was quite simply a way of life. 

In 'William Morris and the Arts & Crafts Home', Pamela Todd celebrates Morris’s genius for decoration and design and shows how he envisaged and implemented schemes for interiors in his own homes and those of others, passionately believing that beautiful surroundings promoted creativity and happiness. 

To demonstrate how the style can be applied to our living spaces today a series of ‘Case Studies’ explores six contemporary homes – from a modern London townhouse to a traditional Arts and Crafts house in Massachusetts – that have followed and adapted Morris’s guiding principles.


Посмотреть издание книги William Morris and the Arts & Crafts Home в мягкой обложке.

Другие книги о творческом наследии Уильяма Морриса

Грашин А.А
ID: 1732
Видавництво: Архитектура-С

Книга знакомит с основами современной типологии мебели, с терминологией, принятой в настоящее время. Для каждого исторического стилевого периода дается краткий анализ существовавшей номенклатуры мебели, своеобразия ее форм, конструкций, применяемых материалов и декора. Обращается внимание на определенную зависимость (или ее отсутствие) стилистики мебельных объектов, изготовлявшихся в различные эпохи, от уровня существовавшей архитектуры и искусства создания интерьеров, развития техники и технологий и т.д. Книга предназначена для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений архитектурного и дизайнерского профиля; может быть полезной для архитекторов, дизайнеров и других специалистов, занимающихся дизайн-проектированием элементов оборудования архитектурной среды.

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