Друкарня, Шрифти, Леттеринг

Книги з типографіки, шрифтів та леттерингу

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Mark van Wageningen
ID: 12945
Видавництво: Princeton Architectural Press

To create his award-winning multicolored typefaces, Mark van Wageningen first returned to the past for his research: wood-type printing. 

His subsequentform and color studies led to a series of popular digital typefaces and awards for typographic excellence from the Type Directors Club. 

In Type and Color, the pioneering typographic designer provides all the tools you will need to participate in the hottest typography trend: designing with multicolored fonts. 

This manual, aimed at a broad spectrum of graphic design professionals, offers analyses of chromatic type specimens, instructions for multilayer type design, and applications across a range of print and digital media. From display fonts to running text, discover how color can give words expressive new possibilities.

About the Author

Mark van Wageningen is a (typo)graphic designer and founder of Novo Typo, a design studio based in Amsterdam. A self-proclaimed “ambassador of multicolored typography,” he organizes workshops and presentations at several international design conferences and festivals. Mark van Wageningen’s favorite color is full color.

Ціна: 1200 грн
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ID: 13543
Видавництво: Victionary

Custom typefaces have become an increasingly common means for forward-thinking brands to establish and further strengthen their visual identities. By expressing a unique personality or supporting a campaign effectively, these typefaces go beyond aesthetics and achieving marketing objectives to build value for the brands over the long term. Type for Type collates some of the best custom typography work around the world that demonstrates both creative and commercial ingenuity. It also features cover stories that offer insights by some of the top design studios in the industry as well as compelling project- and technique-related details to inspire both designers and clients alike.

Ціна: 2000 грн
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Scott Williams, Henrik Kubel
ID: 11377
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

This selection of typographic design, edited by leading typographers A2/SW/HK, showcases more than 100 carefully selected contemporary designers, including the best examples of their current work, and also features an introduction by Rick Poynor.

Featured designers include Michael Bierut, Experimental Jetset, Scott King, Cornel Windlin, Hort, karlssonwilker inc., Stefan Sagmeister, Fuel, Gavillet & Rust, De Designpolitie and Richard Turley among others.

There are also essays by acclaimed design writers Emily King, Paul Shaw, Monika Parrinder and Colin Davies that explore the past and future of type design. This book will encourage and inspire the next generation of designers as well as provide a sourcebook for seasoned designers and educators.

Ціна: 1300 грн
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Dave Addey
ID: 12279
Видавництво: Abrams

In Typeset in the Future, blogger and designer Dave Addey invites sci-fi movie fans on a journey through seven genre-defining classics, discovering how they create compelling visions of the future through typography and design. The book delves deep into 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Alien, Blade Runner, Total Recall, WALL·E, and Moon, studying the design tricks and inspirations that make each film transcend mere celluloid and become a believable reality. These studies are illustrated by film stills, concept art, type specimens, and ephemera, plus original interviews with Mike Okuda (Star Trek), Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall), and Ralph Eggleston and Craig Foster (Pixar). Typeset in the Future is an obsessively geeky study of how classic sci-fi movies draw us in to their imagined worlds — and how they have come to represent “THE FUTURE” in popular culture.

About the Author: 

Dave Addey is the creator of the website Typeset in the Future, a detailed, geeky, and humorous study of the design and typography of classic science fiction movies. He is a designer, writer, and software developer based in Santa Cruz, California. Matt Zoller Seitz is the editor-in-chief of RogerEbert.com, the TV critic for New York Magazine, the author of The Wes Anderson Collection, The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Oliver Stone Experience, and Mad Men Carousel, and the coauthor of TV (The Book). He is based in New York City.

Ціна: 1500 грн
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Shaoqiang Wang
ID: 11498
Видавництво: Promopress

Typography brings together the most creative typography projects from all over the world. Whether they are used in branding, advertising, packaging or other creative designs, the typefaces featured here have the power to catch the eye and inspire the mind. Typography is an essential introduction to this fascinating and fundamental area of graphic design. 

Ціна: 1600 грн
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Pepin Presd Design
ID: 1487
Видавництво: Pepin Press

A lavish treasury of decorative initials presented in a wide variety of styles ranging from Medieval, Celtic, Renaissance, Victorian and Classica, to Art Nouveau and Art Deco. All letters from A-Z are shown on average in 30 different styles. Black and White high resolution initials, MAC or PC compatible. The books acts as a full CD browser

Bob Gordon
ID: 4984
Видавництво: Ilex

1000 Fonts is the fast and easy way to identify the font that works perfectly for any purpose. Each typeface is displayed in its entirety with a brief introduction and suggestions for use, and there are hundreds of real-world examples of the fonts in action. Supplemented by a glossary and an extensive resource section, this thorough and accessible volume offers a myriad of options to anyone seeking to make their words stand out. Covering everything from serif and sans serif text fonts to ornamentals, dingbats and display fonts, this chunky, practical reference will prove itself invaluable to any graphic designer – or to anyone who wants to look beyond Times New Roman and Arial.

Wilson Harvey
ID: 1081
Видавництво: РИП-холдинг

- Внимание! Книга на английском языке! - Способность дизайнера грамотно работать со шрифтами - это высший пилотаж. Возможность искусно обращаться со шрифтом говорит о глубоком понимании всех сложностей типографики, а также об остром глазе, способном заметить едва различимые детали. В книге вы найдете коллекцию из 1000 примеров продуманного и вдохновленного использования шрифтов в соответствии с классическими правилами, и нарушая все правила. Фотографии и иллюстрации в этой книге рассказывают о способах создания шрифтов. Читатели смогут более детально узнать о каждой стадии работы. В книге множество примеров шрифтового дизайна, которые расположены в определенном порядке, что позволяет быстро находить необходимую информацию. Издание послужит источником вдохновение при создании плаката, приглашения или брошюры в любом разделе вы без труда сможет найти новые динамичные идеи.

Graham McCallum
ID: 4577
Видавництво: Anova

This title is the next in the bestselling series for all crafters and designers: 4000 stunning motifs of initials, whole alphabets, numbers and characters - from question marks to musical notation. Like all of his previous motif books, the author provides alphabets and initials in a range of historic fonts and scripts. He also presents Roman alphabets that show the influence of other cultures, such as Cyrillic (Russian/Slavonic) scripts and Rune letters. But unique alphabets and elaborate initials - created by the author himself - are also featured to make up a great sourcebook for all those working in the creative field.

Грэхем Лесли Маккэлэм
ID: 6643
Видавництво: АСТ

4000 Alphabet & Letter Motifs

Книга содержит более 4000 образцов букв.
В книге представлены как алфавиты целиком, так и тщательно выполненные отдельные буквицы.
От латинской азбуки до современных шрифтовых коллекций для художников-графиков.
Включены наглядные таблицы, показывающие развитие письменности от иероглифов до современных букв.
Изображения можно копировать, увеличивать, срисовывать или видоизменять.
Подходит для художественного творчества в любой области: от вышивки до работ по дереву, от выполнения татуировок до графического дизайна.

Pedro Guitton
ID: 4916
Видавництво: Index Book

A Homage to Typography contains 100 fonts and their applications, designed by top typographers. It covers typography in a wide variety of media, including examples ranging from publishing and corporate identity to product design and signage. Includes a CD with 57 free fonts.

Colleen Ellis
ID: 8855
Видавництво: Mark Batty Publisher

From abstract to zeitgeist, ABCing: Seeing the Alphabet Differently spurs alternative approaches to seeing and understanding letterforms, and the world.

Colleen Ellis has dismantled the Latin alphabet, shifting the focus from the subject - the letter - to the surrounding space, introducing new ways of visualizing, thinking and talking about art and design. Each illustration is created using only the negative shapes of a letter. The shapes are rotated and resized; they are not duplicated, mirrored or otherwise altered. The shapes are then composed as a visual translation of a given word’s meaning, creating visual and conceptual connections between the letter, the word and the surrounding space.

Both seasoned designers and students of all ages will value this book, which colorfully reminds everyone how new perspectives can provide new meanings

ID: 3633
Видавництво: L'Aventurine
Данное издание как антология алфавитов предлагает вниманию читателя исключительные примеры из истории шрифтов и каллиграфии. Восемь столетий декоративного письма предстанут перед Вами в этой книге. Все иллюстрации в этой книге представлены на CD, которые могут быть использованы как на PC так и на MAC компьютерах. Изображения сохранены в файлах формата TIFF высокого разрешения.
Ben Wittner, Sascha Thoma, Timm Hartmann
ID: 12342
Видавництво: niggli Verlag

As a result of globalization and increased interaction across countries and cultures, multilingualism is becoming increasingly important all around the world. Script, as the most important conveyor of information, is at the center of this development. Designers are more and more faced with the challenging task to create advertising posters, signage systems, books or lettering, for example, that not only combine different languages but two or even more writing systems with varying visual precepts and habits.

At first, important general aspects are documented and discussed such as sociocultural premises, technical requirements as well as practical considerations. All eight in-depth presented writing systems are then described by specialists in the field and illustrated by work examples from international designers and studios. "Bi-Scriptual" provides a thorough overview of the various possibilities for the booming field of multiscript design to foster international communication.

_Significance of multilingual typography
_Theoretical backgrounds
_Best-practice in designing with different script-systems
_Work samples by more than 100 studios worldwide

Stephan Fussel
ID: 9442
Видавництво: Taschen

The birth of the legendary typeface

The complete reproduction of Bodoni's rare masterwork

Celebrated printer and type designer Giambattista Bodoni set the standard for printing the alphabet with his Manuale tipografico (1818). The two-volume set - published posthumously in a limited edition of 250 - features 142 sets of roman and italic typefaces, a wide selection of borders, ornaments, symbols, and flowers, as well as Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Phoenician, Armenian, Coptic, and Tibetan alphabets.

Official printer for the Duke of Parma, Bodoni (1740-1813) declared that well-designed type derived its beauty from four principles: uniformity of design, sharpness and neatness, good taste, and charm. His typefaces display an unprecedented degree of technical refinement, and epitomize purity and grace. The culmination of more than four decades of work, the Manuale tipografico represents one of history’s greatest typographical achievements. The Bodoni typeface is still widely used even today, both in digital media and in print, and TASCHEN’s meticulous reprint of Bodoni’s masterwork gives readers a rare opportunity to explore the origins of the Bodoni typeface and learn about its creator.

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