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ID: 8525
Видавництво: Monsa

This is a superbly illustrated exploration of the latest trends and innovations in creating fun, safe, and educational playgrounds. Children's playgrounds form an integral part of the modern urban landscape, providing safe spaces for children to play, learn, and interrelate with each other. But getting the mix between adventure, education, safety, and aesthetics can be challenging. Filled with full-colour photographs, illustrations, and detailed plans, "Playground Spaces" examines a number of innovative solutions created by architects and designers from across the globe.

Elisa Pilia
ID: 14000
Видавництво: DOM Publishers

This monograph discusses the role that ruins play in urban centers in terms of their meaning, testimony, and value, and the opportunities they provide. After an outline of historical and contemporary of approaches, with a special analysis of British and Italian approaches, Elisa Pilia puts forward a methodology for the inves­tigation of the strategic values of such ar­tifacts, and ideas for their potential con­tribution to a sustainable requalification of historic urban cores. The protocol is tested on the historical center of Cagliari, a mid­sized port city on the south­ern coast of the island of Sardinia, Italy, where the remains left by aerial bombardment during the Second World War are still a dramatic part of the controversial European debate on how to reuse ruins.


В монографии анализируется роль руин в современных городах с точки зрения их смыслового наполнения, признания историческим свидетельством и ценностью, а также возможностей, которые они в себе хранят. Автор книги Элиза Пилиа предлагает читателям обзор исторических и современных подходов к исследованию темы городских руин, особенно выделяя британский и итальянский подходы, а затем выдвигает методологию исследования объектов, имеющих стратегическое значение и предлагает идеи касательно использования их потенциала для бережного преобразования исторических районов городов. Эти предложения воплощаются в жизнь в историческом центре Кальяри, портового города на южном побережье острова Сардиния (Италия), где разрушенные здания, оставленные бомбардировками времен Второй мировой войны, по-прежнему являются предметом споров о том, как сегодня следует обходиться с руинами. 

Jacobo Krauel
ID: 3724
Видавництво: Links
Dimitris Kottas
ID: 2826
Видавництво: Links
Mountains, valleys, weather conditions and open spaces become the background and the support for a new medium of artistic expression that does not adhere to the conventional walled boundaries of museums or art galleries. Nature and art acquire a new identity that provides an almost cosmological vision, where boundaries blur and meaningful new environments arise, enhancing the specific characteristics of a particular location, inviting the inhabitants of the surrounjding neighborhoods to a creative reevaluation of the place the live in.This book encompasses a complete collection of projects within the field of landscape architecture, a specialization that is of ever-greater importance, as our awareness and sensitivity towards environmental concerns increases. Within these pages, over fifteen imaginative and innovative solutions will allow the professional or the student involved in landscape management to achieve an understanding of this field, with application to a wide variety of scales and contexts, as well as in different parts of the world. These projects, thoroughly documented and commented by the architects who authored them, offer a wide-angle vision of the diversified strategies implemented in contemporary landscape design and construction.
Dimitris Kottas
ID: 1929
Видавництво: Links

A stone-garden fountain where children are invited to play...a striking landscape created by the "flying floors" of an airport...in the midst of the most crowded, most intense cities and buildings, open spaces provide visual and emotional relief. Twenty exciting examples of the best in urban design, each thoroughly illustrated and documented, make Urban Spaces: Plazas and Squares an invaluable resource for architects, urban planners, and students seeking out the latest trends in public space design.

* Exciting projects by top design firms from around the world
* Innovative, unusual, unexpected projects

Ronald A. Altoon, James C. Auld
ID: 7730
Видавництво: Images

Migration from the countryside to cities is a global phenomenon, placing increased population and transport pressures on cities around the world. And yet there are precious few great transit developments, little variety in the ones we do have, only rare examples of development profitability, and consequently, minimal motivation for our industry and our communities.

Urban Transformation is really about providing the critical inspiration to change this situation. It is about restocking our weak architectural portfolio of transit facilities with dynamic new models. It is about recognizing the potential value and longevity of these projects, and making them exceptional rather than forgettable.

The powerful cases in this book remove the excuses for mediocrity and mundane functionality, and show us how to excel. The text introduces an understandable typology of development around transit, and uses that to illustrate different strategies and design techniques. There is a broad range and scale of projects represented—large and small, domestic and global, big markets and modest communities—and each an excellent example of what can be realized.

Пролистать книгу Urban Transformation: Energizing Smart Urban Growth with Public Private Partnership Transport Oriented Development на Google Books

Igor Kovacevic, Yvette Vasourkova, Urban Jeriha
ID: 9830
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

In the first publication of the URBANITY project, readers can see thoughts of upcoming architects about the city and it’s potential.

Urbanity Twenty Years Later is a long term regional research project which is rediscovering Central European urban values and aiming to find answers for the future of our cities as such.

In the book, readers will find out why guest critic Elia Zenghelis pointed out that “Urbanity Twenty Years Later is going beyond official education where political awareness is treated like a hot potato”.

Research partners were Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Berlin Institute of Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical University of Budapest, University of Ljubljana and Warsaw University of Technology.

Robert Klanten, L. Feireiss
ID: 8194
Видавництво: Gestalten

An inspirational exploration of utopias and radical approaches to city planning.

Whether created by established architects and artists or new talents, the examples in Utopia Forever are important catalysts for fundamental change and are radically shaping our notions of life in the future. The current projects and concepts from architecture, city planning, urbanism, and art collected here point beyond the restrictions of the factual to unleash the potential of creative visions. This inspiring work explores how current challenges for architecture, mobility, and energy as well as the logistics of food consumption and waste removal can be met. Text features by both architects and theorists give added insight.

A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing.- Oscar Wilde

The cities in which we live today are unfortunately not the cities that we need for a humane and sustainable tomorrow. Societies and politicians are desperately looking for solutions and ideas for the urban areas of the future. That is why the development and discussion of utopias are - next to sustainability - the most current topics in contemporary architecture.

We have learned from the 1960s and 1970s that utopian visions are one of the most important catalysts for fundamental change. Modern wind farms for generating energy, for example, were initially contemplated at that time and are now permanent fixtures in our landscapes.

Utopia Forever is a collection of current projects and concepts from architecture, city planning, urbanism, and art that point beyond the restrictions of the factual to unleash the potential of creative visions. In contrast to the largely ideal-theoretic approaches of the past, today’s utopias take the necessity for societal changes into account. The projects in this book explore how current challenges for architecture, mobility, and energy as well as the logistics of food consumption and waste removal can be met.

Whether created by established architects and artists or new talents, the projects in Utopia Forever are radically shaping our notions of life in the future.

Leon van Schaik
ID: 5963
Видавництво: Images

Ecoinfrastructure is the continuous 'green' subculture which runs throughout a building integrating inorganic mass with the organic content of the green ecoinfrastructure, imitating the balance of biotic with the abiotic constituents present in an ecosy

Jacques Leenhardt, Mario Ciampi
ID: 6322
Видавництво: VerbaVolant

Bringing nature into urban environments has always been a challenge; one of the most spectacular solutions to this problem is the vertical garden. Far more than just an unusual decoration attached to a wall, these gardens are an exciting means of bringing life and greenery to a bleak courtyard, a gray city street or a cold modern building.

Vertical Gardens is the first publication to present a collection of the most important examples of this emerging trend. Not content with projecting gardens and cultivating plants on horizontal terrain, those who create vertical gardens apply the principles of hydroponics (a technique of growing plants in water containing dissolved nutrients) and use ingenious framing systems that allow luxuriant compositions of plant life to colonize the exteriors of buildings.

Overshadowing the traditional band of less versatile climbing plants, the extraordinary array of botanical species that thrive with hydroponic cultivation allows for the creation of a limitless variety of living compositions with different textures, patterns, chromatic effects, and aromas.

The aesthetic result is truly stunning and has attracted the attention of architects and designers such as Jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano, and Andrée Putman who, in collaboration with Patrick Blanc, have added the vertical garden to their design vocabularies. There are also projects where entire buildings have been imagined as biological organisms, or as a landscape, like the apartment building by Edouard François in Montpellier, constructed out of a mix of stone, wood, metal, and plants.

Vertical Gardens explores this phenomenon in thematic sections, which are enriched by the reflections of its most innovative practitioners.

This richly illustrated book is essential reading for all professionals or anyone interested in this fertile new area of design.

Anna Lambertini, Maria Ciampi
ID: 3820
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Vertical gardens are an exciting means of bringing life and greenery to a bleak courtyard, a grey city street or a cold modern building. This is the first book to present a collection of the most important examples of this emerging trend.

Those who create vertical gardens apply the principles of hydroponics (a technique of growing plants in water containing dissolved nutrients) and use ingenious framing systems that allow luxuriant plant life to colonize the exteriors of buildings.

The extraordinary array of botanical species that thrive with hydroponic cultivation allows for the creation of a limitless variety of textures, patterns, colours and scents. The result is truly stunning and has attracted the attention of architects and designers such as Jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano and Andrée Putman who, in collaboration with Patrick Blanc, have added the vertical garden to their design vocabularies.

Vertical Gardens explores this phenomenon in thematic sections, enriched by the reflections of innovative practitioners. This richly illustrated book will be essential reading for all professionals or anyone interested in this fertile new area of landscape design.

Julie Decker
ID: 7458
Видавництво: Design Media Publishing

This is a monograph by the well-known American company Charles Anderson Landscape. Charles Anderson is an experienced professional landscape architect. The projects in this collection present his design concepts and characteristics. It is an inspiring reference for landscape designers worldwide.


Посмотреть видео о книге Wandering Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Charles Anderson

ID: 9924
Видавництво: Tang Art

The book explains how to win landscapes through excellent real estate landscape analysis. It expounds brand-new design concept and shows new design effect with the characterization of large numbers of pictures, novel design, unique classification, and high reference value, etc

Project Introduction:

Winning Ideas
Winning Techniques
Winning Practices

ID: 2688
Видавництво: АСС

«АСС-ватерпас» - профессиональный журнал для архитекторов, дизайнеров и проектировщиков, освещающий наиболее прогрессивные тенденции современных зарубежной и отечественной архитектуры и дизайна.

Журнал не пересказывает достижения мировых звезд архитектуры и дизайна, но ориентирован на архитектуру с точки зрения планировочных решений, методик проектирования и технологий, на, так называемый, второй эшелон молодых европейских архитекторов. По мнению редакции, этот слой архитектуры более интересен и близок отечественному читателю, и кроме того,  именно здесь заложен потенциал будущего развития архитектуры в целом.

Барановский Г. В.
ID: 4527
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Энциклопедия воссоздана по изданию 1902–1908 годов, впервые печатается в 7 томах (8 книгах), в оригинальном формате и в полном объеме.

Автор энциклопедии Барановский Гавриил Васильевич (1860–1920), архитектор, историк архитектуры, издатель.

В издание включены лучшие на тот период времени образцы художественно-архитектурного творчества мастеров всего мира. В энциклопедию включены графические таблицы с подробными изображениями фасадов зданий, их фрагментов; планы, различные проекции, перспективы, разрезы и пр., иллюстрирующие все богатство мировой культуры, явленное в самых различных темах и сюжетах, где архитектура и зодчество так или иначе проявляют себя. Ничего подобного ни до, ни после этого издания не было ни в России, ни в мире.

Богатство и количество представленного на страницах томов материала позволяет архитекторам, художникам, застройщикам, а также всем, кто интересуется архитектурой, найти ответы на интересующие вопросы, получить необходимые идеи для дальнейшего творчества.

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