Basic Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series
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The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books – Structural Package Design – consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed – more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.
Basic Packaging, the first title in this series, contains 300 designs, including all major international packaging standards – very important for communication between designers, clients and manufacturers.
All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.
Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.
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Advanced Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series