
Martin Sigrist (Editor)
книга BoobMania, автор: Martin Sigrist (Editor)

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Martin Sigrist (Editor)
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ID: 7171
Издательство: Edition Skylight
Переплёт: мягкий, 180 х 240 мм
Количество страниц: 400, иллюстраций: 400
Язык: Dual language edition: English/German
ISBN-13: 9783037665855

The title of this lavish volume says it all. In other words, that beautiful breasts can become a real mania, a minor but fully deserved addiction. When he was playing a female character, what was it the actor and comic Robin Williams said? “If I actually were a woman, I would be fooling around with my breasts all day long…” Who would b nd begrudge him this erotic fantasy? We are actually extremely fortunate that quite a few of these magnifi cently buxom women are still around, possessed as they are of two irresistible arguments. Given today's anorexic models, still seen by the fashion industry as the measure of all things (and have been since Twiggy), they should not be taken for granted. Among the fabulously well-upholstered women in the pages of this bumper 400-page collection, you won't fi nd many in current fashion magazines. All the more surprising and gratifying, then, to discover that there are still well-known and even famous photographers who are more than happy to get back to the roots of unalloyed joy. This certainly applies to the approximately 40 international photographers included here, whose unique images boast some pretty impressive vital statistics.

Schon der Titel dieses üppigen Bildbandes sagt es: Schöne Brüste können zu einer richtigen Manie, zu einer liebenswerten kleinen Sucht führen. Wie sagte der berühmte Filmkomiker Robin Williams, als er eine Frauenrolle spielte? „Wenn ich eine Frau wäre, würde ich den ganzen Tag an meinen Brüsten herumspielen …“ Wer kann ihm diesen Wunschtraum schon verargen – denn zum grossen Glück gibt es sie noch, die prachtvollen Vollblutweiber, die uns mit ihren beiden schlagkräftigen Argumenten jederzeit zu überzeugen vermögen