Experimental Flowers in Watercolour: Creative Techniques for Painting Flowers and Plants

Ann Blockley

Experimental Flowers in Watercolour: Creative Techniques for Painting Flowers and Plants

Ann Blockley
Цена: 980 грн
Есть в наличии
ID: 13738
Издательство: Batsford
Переплёт: Hardcover, 23 x 25.5 cm
Количество страниц: 128
Год издания: 2011
Язык: English
ISBN-13: 9781906388775

Well-known watercolour painter Ann Blockley presents flowers through a variety of interpretations, from traditional to unconventional in both technique and concept. In this exciting new book, she really pushes the boundaries of watercolour, showing how to paint a stunning range of flowers throughout the seasons.

Everyone loves to paint flowers in spring and summer but Ann inspires you to paint dramatic seedheads, foliage, fruit and berries in winter, as well as the more traditional flowers and blossoms. She also demonstrates how to create exciting textures by using collage materials like glitter, sequins, salt and gold paint.

Divided by seasons into four sections, Experimental Flowers in Watercolour is a practical and inspirational book aimed at the more experienced flower painter who wishes to take their painting to the next level. 

About the Author:

Ann Blockley is a well-known watercolourist with an international reputation. She is a member of the RI (Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour) and the author of seven bestselling practical art books, including Experimental Flowers in Watercolour and Experimental Landscapes in Watercolour, both published by Batsford. Ann runs her own very popular watercolour courses, teaches at international workshops, has made three DVDs of her painting techniques and regularly writes for The Artist magazine. She lives in Devon.


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