iF communication design award yearbook 2010

книга iF communication design award yearbook 2010, автор:

iF communication design award yearbook 2010

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ID: 9786
Издательство: Birkhauser
Переплёт: Hardcover, 25 x 25 cm
Количество страниц: 632
Язык: Bilingual edition: English, German
ISBN-13: 9783034606103

The iF communication design award has long been regarded as a barometer of current trends in communication design – this year, it will be conferred for the seventh time. There is virtually no other industry as dynamic as that of communication design. The task of continuously facilitating access to information, organizing content, and using visual attractions to guide the user through the complexities of everyday life is not always a simple one. Only especially good communication media are capable of fulfilling these expectations and offering assistance. With the help of its jury of international experts, the iF communication design award 2010 once again honors commercials, publications, campaigns, corporate reports, websites, and other communication media which are especially outstanding in their designs. The "iF communication design award yearbook 2010" offers an appraisal and appreciation of the winners of the iF communication design award 2010 as well as exciting insights into the world of communication design.