International Houses Atlas
Casey C. M. Mathewson
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One of the most essential commonalities uniting all mankind is the necessity for shelter. In spite of all the differences that age-old differing cultural and societal traditions have wrought across the globe, the archetypal need for housing as a "place of home" remains unchanged as one of the most pressing demands facing humanity. In the face of an ever-tighter woven world the traditional cultural and regional chasms that once generated vastly different residential solutions within individual regions, countries, and continents are invariably being dissolved. As an expression of the common desire for humans everywhere to live in dignity, the houses portrayed here document an ever-increasing commonality in residential architecture worldwide wherein a triumphant renaissance of the ideals of Modernist architecture serves as a common denominator in the creation of exuberant new house solutions. At the same time, regional differences continue to exist, enrich, and invigorate the global discussion on residential architecture.