New Transport Architecture

Will Jones
книга New Transport Architecture, автор: Will Jones

New Transport Architecture

Will Jones
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ID: 6484
Издательство: Mitchell Beazley
Переплёт: Hardcover, 23 x 28 cm
Количество страниц: 272
Год издания: 2006
Язык: English
ISBN-13: 9781845332181

"New Transport Architecture" is broken down into thematic chapters according to transport type. Within each chapter, detailed case studies (36 in total) profile each travel hub, enabling a thorough understanding from overall scheme right down to the details.

Illustrations of each project range from professional technical drawings and plans, through shots of the work in progress, to stunning shots of the finished structure. In addition, the author, architectural authority Will Jones, invites five internationally acclaimed thinkers from the fields of architecture and architectural theory to consider themes pertinent to every transport type - from the importance of retail to the need for flexibility and future expansion.

The foreword is also provided by Ivan Harbour - architect and partner with Richard Rogers Partnership. Together, case studies and essays from the most complete exploration of the travel hub ever published.