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Antony Wood
ID: 11322
Издательство: Images

This book will showcase many of the new tall builds across Asia and the Middle East, in particular.The first 100 of the world’s tallest buildings will be more than 985 feet (300 meters) for the first time.

Compiled by the CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat), with insightful introductory essays on key trends in the skyscraper typology (a preview of the future) and by renowned tall buildings expert, Georges Binder, on the history of the world’s tallest buildings by decade, this ambitious and comprehensive text provides in-depth descriptions of the buildings’ design and significance, accompanied by stunning images, detailed drawings, and plans.

Towering structures are oftentimes the subject of admiration only for their sheer height or skyline silhouette, and oftentimes criticized for their poor environmental performance (and not without justification). This book aims to change that impression by showing innovations that are particular to this group of tall buildings, in addition to generally good architectural design and engineering prowess.

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Catherine Slessor
ID: 6907
Издательство: Images

An international best-seller featuring superlative contemporary houses redesigned in a chic, compact form, 100 of the World's Best Houses is sure to appeal to the general public and design connoisseurs alike. Created by an impressive selection of architects, there is an incredible variety of architectural styles represented here - from exquisite urban villas and resplendent country homes, to sprawling ranches and breathtaking beach houses. The picturesque surroundings of these homes are often as remarkable as the houses themselves. Featuring exciting contemporary houses from some of the greatest architects, including Hugh Newell Jacobsen (Buckwalter House), Daryl Jackson Architects (Jackson House), Glenn Murcutt (Southern Highlights House), Kisho Kurokawa (Residence), Eric Owen Moss (Lawson-Western House), Ray Kappe (Shapiro Residence), Harry Seidler Hamilton House), Steven Ehrlich (Canyon Residence), Sean Godsell Architects (Carter/Tucker House), Rick Joy (Tyler Residence), and Alberto Campo Baeza (De Blas House). Many of this these inspirational structures are accompanied by detailed plans.

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Arthur Gao
ID: 10448
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

'100 Restaurant Design Principles' explores various aspects of restaurant design, from management concept, establishment of brand image to connection between different functional areas. It proves that the secret of a restaurant's success lies in the unique dining experience. Selected projects include colour photographs, detail plans as well as comprehensive information about background, design concept, duration and construction methods.

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ID: 4455
Издательство: Rebo

India: the name evokes a country as vast as a continent, rich with the manmade and natural wonders of a civilization dating back 4,500 years. With exquisite photography of this land"s diverse styles of architecture and art-both religious and secular-and of its stunning natural landscapes, this book catalogues India"s marvels. Great attention is paid to locating India"s treasures in a cultural and historical context, and each marvel is accompanied by descriptions that will transport you to a world simultaneously containing the ancient and the modern.

Savor this journey through the country"s grandest palaces, public places, mosques, museums, and mansions, and experience the awe of its tremendously varied geography of deserts, wetlands, mountains, forests, and inlets. From Delhi"s sweeping Lodhi Gardens to the fantastic Lake Palace at Udaipur, from the beaches of Goa to the iconic Taj Mahal, 100 Wonders of India reveals the treasures of this fascinating country with detailed descriptions and breathtaking photography.

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ID: 1515
Издательство: БММ
Эта книга – прекрасно иллюстрированный рассказ о неповторимых красотах, культурной и политической жизни, исторических фактах и современности самых интересных городов планеты. В книге вы найдете множество любопытнейших сведений и цифр, информацию об исторических памятниках, выдающихся личностях и знаменательных событиях, сформировавших облик и характер каждого из этих городов. Описание городов удобно сгруппировано по континентам и сопровождается картой каждого региона.
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Сергей Экономов
ID: 9494
Издательство: Красивые дома

В книге «100 проектов. Дизайн сада» собраны наиболее интересные проекты, представленные за последние 10 лет на всемирно известных выставках Chelsea Flower Show и Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, которые проходят под патронажем Королевского общества садоводов Великобритании.

Читатель найдет в ней оригинальные идеи и современные решения для организации пространства под открытым небом от ландшафтных дизайнеров из разных стран мира. В том числе авторские сады Маурен Базби, Джинни Блом, Кристофера Брэдли-Хоула, Клива Веста, Энди Стерджена, Пола Стоуна и др.

Каждый проект прекрасно иллюстрирован, сопровождается подробным планом и комментариями. В книге собраны более 500 иллюстраций и 100 чертежей.

Представленные работы позволят проследить, как менялся язык ландшафтного дизайна в начале ХХI века, что вдохновляло дизайнеров на создание садов, какие материалы, растения и технологии они использовали.

В основу книги легли фотографии из личного архива Сергея Экономова — архитектора, члена Союза московских архитекторов (СМА), главного редактора Издательского Дома «Красивые дома пресс», действительного члена Королевского общества садоводов Великобритании.

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ID: 1588
Издательство: БММ

Из семи чудес света до наших дней дошли только египетские пирамиды. А какие чудеса нашего времени увидят потомки? О ста самых значительных архитектурных сооружениях последних десятилетий расскажет эта книга.

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Robyn Beaver
ID: 982
Издательство: Images
1000 Architects is one of IMAGES' most ambitious and successful projects to date. A comprehensive directory of the world's leading architects, this double-volume boxed set has established its place as a must-have resource. Each individual architect or firm is represented with a stylish full-page entry, comprising complete contact details, a brief profile, and images of projects. 1000 Architects contains entries from architects in Europe; North, South and Central America; Asia-Pacific; the Middle East and Africa, delivering extensive international coverage.
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Sandra Salamony, Gina Brown
ID: 9113
Издательство: Quarry Books

This stunning gallery-style volume includes some of the finest examples of contemporary textiles and fiber art being made today. The collection includes wearable art and couture, fashion accessories, soft furnishings and vessels, tapestries, display art, and quilts. A wide variety of techniques are featured, including hand and machine embroidery, decorative stitching, batik, dyeing, fabric painting, appliqué, felt, weaving, and all types of surface decoration. Full-color photography features both full views as well as close-ups that will allow readers to appreciate the finer details of many works.

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Ian Rudge, Geraldine Rudge
ID: 6477
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

1000 Designs for the Garden is a highly illustrated sourcebook focusing on the best in contemporary garden product design, including work from designers such as Marcel Wanders, Philippe Starck and Ross Lovegrove. Packed with the very latest in outdoor furniture, garden art and both practical and luxury garden items, the book features sourcing information and full specifications for every product.

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Alex Sanchez Vidiella
ID: 8206
Издательство: BooQs

This book offers a visual, technical and theoretical analysis of detail in modern architecture. Construction and technical detail is fundamental in architectural study as this minutae reflects the thought and vision of the architect. The 1000 details in this book are shown through colour photographs and drawings, accompanied by descriptive captions.

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Stafford Cliff
ID: 1984
Издательство: Quadrille Publishing

Highly successful author and innovative designer, Stafford Cliff, has visited hundreds of gardens in the course of his travels over forty years all around the world.

With his unique designer's eye, he has photographed the cleverest solutions, the most original choices the best of everything a gardener could dream of. This fascinating book brings together those images in kaleidoscopic juxtaposition, creating, for the first time, a complete sourcebook of inspiration and reference on all the best ideas for gardens from colour and planting to hard surfaces and features. A veritable visual jigsaw delights the eye with the quirky alongside the classic, the modern set against the traditional.

For every decision that a new gardener has to make, for every change that an established gardener wishes to introduce, here is the complete range of choices the plants, the path, the paving, the pots are all shown. And if you'd never thought of an ornamental gate, a water feature in a container, a sundial, here they are, too. And, as practical as it is inspiring, the book also includes a directory of suppliers so that readers can turn inspiration into reality.


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Stafford Cliff
ID: 3635
Издательство: Quadrille Publishing

Our homes respond to the way that we live, reflecting the different stages in our lives and revealing aspects of our character.

They need to be flexible - a space for working and relaxing, for entertaining, eating and sleeping, for family and pets. Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced home-owner, you will be interested in ideas for your home. How can you enhance its original features or add your own stamp of individuality? What colours will work best, what type of floor will you have? How will you display your pictures, and will you conceal everything in cupboards, or have it all on show? Will you choose minimalist simplicity or ordered chaos; traditional and classic, or modern and experimental?

Whether you've considered having a fire in a glass jar, a new window placed high up in a wall or an outside dining room, this fascinating book answers all your questions and more. A unique and inspiring sourcebook of ideas, Stafford Cliff has put together over 1000 stunning photographs to delight, amaze and provide all the inspiration you will need to make the home of your dreams.

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Sergi Costa Duran and Mariana R. Eguaras Etchetto
ID: 5521
Издательство: Rockport

Architecture is an art form that provides both function and beauty. Each architect brings something uniquely distinct to his or her work. Learning what makes an architectural work or the body of an architect's work unique is difficult to deconstruct. This book provides behind the scenes insight into the work of 100 top international designers through the deconstruction of 1000 architectural details and projects. An unrivaled sourcebook for ideas, this collection also provides details and information that are not available on this level through any other source.

Sergi Costa Duran is the author of the architectural books Green Homes, New Prefab, High Density and Earth. He lectures frequently on environmental subjects for the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He lives in Barcelona, Spain.
Mariana R. Eguaras Etchetto is an architecture and interior design editor. She lives in Barcelona, Spain.

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Mariana R. Eguaras Etchetto
ID: 5771
Издательство: Rizzoli

A plethora of practical ideas for home improvement. Using interiors created by designers and decorators from all over the world, and incorporating the latest in furniture and object design, this book is a treasure trove of ideas for decorating the home, whether a house in the woods, an airy urban loft, or a post-collegiate studio. Aimed at a general audience, it offers hundreds of useful ideas, tips, suggestions, advice, and solutions for anyone interested in decorating a first-time home or remodeling an existing space.

The book begins with an overview of space, lighting, color, and furniture and continues with a thorough review of the options available when considering flooring, wall coverings, window treatments, color schemes, incorporating furniture, and lighting for every room of the home.

"Do and do not" tips are sprinkled throughout, and this sourcebook of inspirational ideas and themes addresses even the toughest design challenges on the road to transforming any space, big or small.

Beautiful photographs, drawings, and informative sidebars make this volume a one-stop basic resource for interior design.

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