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Andreas Wenning
ID: 6031
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This book presents 25 in­novative examples of contemporary­­­­ treehouses and 10 conceptions of treehouses created­ by Andreas Wenning. With large-scale photos and substantial­ essays on questions of statics and construction­.

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Drew Plunkett
ID: 11697
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Construction and detailing are vital skills for all students studying interior design and architecture

This new edition of this book allows each student the means to find and put into practice the appropriate solution to fabrication issues and also to express their own personal aesthetic. The relation of existing building shells to the construction and detailing of new elements is also explored. Practical tips are given throughout the book, the roles of consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and fabricators are explained, and theories of modern, sustainable approaches to interior detailing are discussed.

The chapters are packed with professional, annotated drawings and explanatory photographs of techniques, materials and tools. Through these, the principles of sound construction are explained. This second edition includes revised diagrams to increase clarity, more on sustainability and more on services and lighting.

About the Author:

Drew Plunkett is Head of the Department of Interior Design at the Glasgow School of Art. Since 1981 he has practised as an interior designer based in London and Glasgow. Plunkett is also active as an exhibitor, curator and critical writer. His published work includes a chapter in the book Four Studies on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and articles and reviews for Designers’ Journal, The Architects’ Journal, Blueprint, Magazine of the Mackintosh Society and Building Design.

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Jean-Marc Laurent
ID: 7149
Издательство: Vial

Le livre décrit tout d’abord les matériaux et les techniques utilisées au cours de l’histoire dans la construction des bâtiments en pierre calcaire. Ces techniques anciennes ont déjà été décrites par Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, ont souvent été confirmés par des analyses scientifiques récentes, et sont toujours employées de nos jours, notamment pour la restauration des monuments historiques. La connaissance de la pierre, son utilisation, sa mise en œuvre et la fabrication des mortiers de chaux sont d’abord étudiés, avant d’aborder la technique du ravalement, la fabrication des enduits et leur application sur les murs en moellons.
La deuxième partie présente l’architecture et la construction des principaux éléments d’un bâtiment de pierre (fondations, murs, baies, voûtes, escaliers…) tant sur le plan du dessin et du tracé que sur celui de la taille et de la pose.
La troisième partie présente les techniques de restauration des bâtiments en pierre : assèchement et des murs, consolidation de la pierre par procédés traditionnels ou modernes (résines, silicates), protection et nettoyage de la pierre, étaiement, consolidation des fondations, redressement des murs, restauration des voûtes.
Ce livre présente également les principes de restauration à travers l’analyse de la Chartre de Venise, et décrit la procédure administrative à suivre pour restaurer ou exécuter des travaux sur un édifice classé, inscrit à l’inventaire supplémentaire des monuments historiques ou encore adossé à un édifice classé.
Les illustrations nombreuses sont dues à l’auteur ou ont été copiées d’ouvrages de référence comme ceux de Viollet-le-Duc.

Sommaire :
1 - Matériaux et méthode de pose
Connaissance de la pierre calcaire
Les mortiers utilisés dans la construction des bâtiments de pierre
La préparation du travail : dessins et tracés
La taille des pierres et les outils
La pose des pierres et le remplissage des joints
Le ravalement
Les enduits
La décoration peinte des édifices en pierre
2 - Architecture des bâtiments de pierre
Les fondations
Les murs en élévation
Les ouvertures (fenêtres, lucarnes, portes)
Les voûtes
Les escaliers en pierre
3 - Restauration des édifices en pierre
Évolution de la doctrine de la restauration (Viollet-le-Duc, chartre de Venise)
Études préalables et diagnostic
L’assèchement des murs
Les procédés de nettoyage, de consolidation et de protection de la pierre
Procédés de restauration qui portent sur la structure de l’édifice (étaiement, consolidation des fondations, redressement des murs, remise en état des pierres, restauration des voûtes)
4 - Annexes
Procédure à suivre pour exécuter des travaux sur un monument historique
Carrières françaises avec caractéristiques physiques des pierres extraites

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Robert Holden, Jamie Liversedge
ID: 6790
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This book covers all aspects of landscape construction, giving a good understanding of building materials and assembly. It is heavily illustrated with numerous specially commissioned, detailed construction drawings and has a strong emphasis on sustainability and good practice. At the end of the book there is a glossary and an appendix of technical information.

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Manfred Hegger, Volker Auch-Schwelk, Matthias Fuchs, Thorste
ID: 755
Издательство: Birkhauser

Until now, the few existing systematic texts on construction materials have primarily been directed at building engineers. An overview for architects, which also considers the importance of construction materials in the sensory perception of architecture—including tactile qualities, smell, color, and surface structure—has not been available. With the publication of the Construction Materials Manual, all that has changed. As a basic work aimed equally at the questions and perspectives of architects and building engineers, it will bring together all of the above-mentioned viewpoints. It addresses fundamental questions of sustainability, including life-span, environmental impact, and material cycles, while also presenting material innovations. All of the principal conventional and innovative construction materials are comprehensively documented, with attention to their production, manufacture, fabrication, treatment, surfaces, connections, and characteristics. International examples help to illustrate their use in architecture, where a building’s appearance is often defined by a single material. Thus, the Construction Materials Manual will support the daily work of architects and engineers in the choice of construction materials in a comprehensive and at the same time vivid and stimulating manner.

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Tim Snyder (editor)
ID: 3163
Издательство: Taunton Press

Containers with Style features unique projects that will add instant style to both indoor and outdoor spaces. More than 300 step-by-step photos show you how to create and plant containers that will transform any space into a lush, colorful oasis.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 6753
Издательство: Beta-Plus

In this new book, newly built apartments are presented by interior architects and designers. A beautiful illustrated book full to the brim with inspiration for designing a contemporary apartment.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги  Contemporary Apartments  в pdf-формате.

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ID: 9313
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

Each volume in this collection features the most representative works of 30 leading architects in the international arena. These studios or individual architects have been distinguished with numerous local and international awards for their innovative contributions to the world of architecture and for designing new buildings that fulfil an important cultural, political and social purpose. Their projects have become icons because of their spectacular design or the use of new construction materials. New technologies, home automation, functionality, spectacular structures and respect for the environment have earned them a place in the annals of architectural history.

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ID: 2311
Издательство: Pace
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Eduard Broto
ID: 4786
Издательство: Links

320 color illustrations, 210 B/W plans & drawings

This collection brings together buildings that inject a fresh dose of creativity into any architectural project and set the tone and pace for architects around the world, surveying the range of different styles, functions and needs that make each project a unique challenge. Along with the iconic, definitive buildings of the era are lesser-known projects that are no less creative or surprisingIllustrated with a wealth of photographs and floor plans.

Eduard Broto, Phd in Architecture and active member of the COAC architecture association. He has carried out extensive research and analysis into the way architecture is evolving in response to the new challenges created by a rapidly changing world. Author of many articles about architectural trends, and supervisor of NEW HOUSING CONCEPTS. This compilation illustrates new trends in single-family housing. He lives in Barcelona.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 4755
Издательство: Beta-Plus

The first edition of the Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook was immediately a great success and consequently the decision was also taken directly to publish an annual repeat of this fundamental work. As in the previous edition this book presents about twenty detailed projects of contemporary, recently finished residences, with technical plans and a detailed commentary.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 7332
Издательство: Beta-Plus

This is the fourth edition of the highly acclaimed Beta-Plus yearbooks. Stunning photographs, detailed plans and comprehensive project descriptions of this year's most astonishing contemporary houses.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 6005
Издательство: Beta-Plus

This is the third edition of the Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook: a rich collection of never-before photographed, highly luxurious homes and apartments in a contemporary, pure style.
Fifteen architects and designers showcase their most recent projects here, illustrated with the plans of the homes published.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги  Contemporary Architecture & Interiors: Yearbook 2011  в pdf-формате.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 10553
Издательство: Beta-Plus

This is the sixth edition of the best-selling reference work. Stunning photographs, detailed plans and comprehensive project descriptions of this year's most astonishing contemporary houses contribute to a flawless source of ideas.

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Robyn Beaver
ID: 989
Издательство: Images

CA1 continues The Images Publishing Group's commitment to an annual showcase of contemporary architecture. Previously published as the International Architecture Yearbook, this annual series presents a snapshot of current architectural trends. The new title better reflects the spirit and content of the series, which will continue to entertain and inspire with its eclectic mix of international projects. The projects collected in this book are outstanding examples of ingenuity, innovation, cultural sensitivity and ecological preservation. Ranging from the playful to the sombre, from high-tech to historic, from cultural to commercial and all in between, they are among the finest contemporary examples of architecture's unfailing ability to improvise, surprise and delight. More than 50 architectural practices are featured. Many are multi-award-winning household names and some are rising stars in world architecture. Together they present a fascinating view of contemporary architecture.

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