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Creative Homeowner
ID: 8913
Издательство: Creative Homeowner

Not everyone is an interior designer. But anyone can design an interior…using Decorating: The Smart Approach to Design, the perfect go-to guide for real people. Trendy styles and colors may come and go, but good design is lasting. This book showcases hundreds of examples of appealing interiors and explains how to use the fundamental principles that professionals rely on to create tasteful, comfortable rooms. Learn how to choose colors with confidence and understand how lighting can affect it. Shop for quality furniture, and learn how to arrange it to make the most of space. Hang and display art and other accessories to create great conversation pieces.

- Approach a decorating project as a designer would.
- Learn the basic principles of design.
- Understand color and light.
- Select perfect window treatments.
- Arrange art and accessories.
- Shop smartly for quality furniture.

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Henry R. d’Allemagne
ID: 8176
Издательство: Dover

More than 4,500 objects on 415 plates illustrate a remarkable variety of decorative ironwork from Roman times to the 19th century. Drawn from a rare 1924 source by a noted scholar and collector, it runs the gamut from door knockers and grilles to jewelry and religious symbols.
Reprint of the J. Schemit, Paris, 1924 edition.

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R. Goodwin-Smith
ID: 2602
Издательство: Dover
Magnificent study by expert on age-old craft provides a spirited overview. 140 illustrations include grilles, doors, and gates; stair railings and balustrades; small handles, hinges, door-knockers, and keyhole plates; Elizabethan-era firedogs; weather vanes; much more, many never catalogued before. Rich source of inspiration, royalty-free graphics, information.
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Photography by Augusto Pedrini
ID: 9732
Издательство: Schiffer

Beautiful hand-wrought iron gates, grilles, architectural details, and fireplace equipment feature scrollwork and floral embellishments, from many ancient towns in Italy.

Medieval and rococo elements are plentiful.

487 full-page, black and white photographs illuminate details that will inspire blacksmiths and designers today.

The original locations of the ironwork are identified in the text.

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J. H. von Hefner-Alteneck
ID: 2604
Издательство: Dover
Over 400 magnificent designs, from 12th to 17th centuries, depict beautifully detailed hinges, door knockers, candlestands, grilles, gates, locks, chests, screens, keys and other architectural and ornamental elements. Wonderful inspiration for artists and illustrators; a splendid record for art historians, dealers and collectors.
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Margarete Baur-Heinhold
ID: 2668
Издательство: Schiffer

Who can resist the magic of beautiful wrought ironwork? What artists in iron have wrought over the centuries in ornaments and decorations is shown in this book through hundreds of captivating photographs. Thorough attention is paid to the restoration of wrought iron through discussions of techniques and various materials.

The ironwork examples are organized according to the uses of ironwork, such as gratings that protect doors and windows, entries and gates from Europe in the Middle Ages, through the artistic creations of the 17th and 18th centuries up to works of our own day.

Balconies and stairways, arbors, fencing, and church gratings provide exceptional opportunities for beautiful wrought iron artistry. Look and learn, and be inspired.

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Denise Van Der Kelen
ID: 7128
Издательство: Vial
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Claude Ossut
ID: 7130
Издательство: Vial

Le but de ce livre est de faire découvrir le décor àtravers les siècles, depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à la deuxième moitié du XIXesiècle. Les nombreux documents reproduits montrent les différentes formes dedécors dont on peut s’inspirer pour réaliser sa propre composition. Suivent desexplications techniques pour la réalisation du ou des décors tels que la prisede mesures, la confection des rideaux, la coupe des décors, la suspension dudécor et le métrage.

Sommaire :
Le décor dans l'Antiquité. Le Moyen-Age. De la Renaissance à Louis XIV. De la Régence à l'Empire. Le XIXe siècle. Le XXe siècle. Le décor drapé. La draperie à l'Antiquité. Les festons. Rideaux relevés à l'italienne. Les choux Storemarquise. Store vénitien. Rideau croisé. Le métrage. Les rideaux. Les têtes derideau. Les rideaux doublés. Pose de la passementerie. Bandeau et lambrequin.L’embrase. La suspension des décors. Le montage des tringles.

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Editors: R. Klanten, K. Bolhöfer, A. Mollard, S. Ehmann
ID: 7682
Издательство: Gestalten
An exploration of a worldwide scene that sees eating as a creative challenge.

Eating is so much more than merely fulfilling a fundamental bodily need. Eating appeals to all of our senses; it boosts our well-being on every level. Now, more than ever, it is an expression of our mindset, identity, spirit, and culture.

Around the world, a scene of young food entrepreneurs is developing that brings together creatives, tradespeople, and activists. This scene aspires to deal with both the food that we need, and the food that we enjoy, in more creative, more sensuous, and more responsible ways. It is united by a passion for making food an experience as well as by a high appreciation for the quality, origin, aesthetics, and workmanship of food.

Delicate introduces the protagonists at the forefront of this current movement along with the projects, places, and products associated with them. The book documents a wide spectrum from small brewers, coffee roasters, and chocolate-makers to artists, event managers, and creators of zines.

Event concepts are shown that use food to facilitate communication and social interaction in tried and true, as well as surprising new ways. Locations such as shops, markets, and restaurants become meeting places for everyone who would like to learn, participate, sample, and enjoy.

The experimental projects featured in Delicate are blazing trails for a better understanding of nourishment and a new passion for food.

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ID: 864
Издательство: Daab
This volume of a new series about young but very successful architects and designers introduces to the record track of the architecture company Delugan-Meissl Associated Architects. Their work is characterised by an open and sensible approach towards the different building and design tasks of all dimensions. Two main architectural strategies determine the work of the Viennes office: the creation of fluent contiguity and the resulting examination of transitional areas and facades.
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Pascal Amblard
ID: 6149
Издательство: Vial

Dans cet ouvrage, Pascal Amblard vous ouvre les portes de trois demeures de caractère dans lesquelles il a créé des décors muraux dont la variété n'a d'égal que la qualité d'exécution. Ce parcours d'une pièce à l'autre vous procurera des émotions esthétiques que peut-être vous n'auriez pas imaginé ressentir face à des décors muraux. La richesse de l'iconographie ainsi que la précision des textes vous permettront d'approfondir votre compréhension de cet art. Pascal Amblard vous invite à partager les pahses du travail qui sont habituellement ignorées du grand public, ses recherches, ses recettes. Une telle découverte de l'art des peintres décorateurs n'avait jamais été proposée sous cette forme. Le plaisir de l'œil y rejoint celui de l'esprit.

Sommaire :
Hôtel particulier à Fontainebleau : décor mural de style XVIIIe, interprétation contemporaine des dessins de Léonard de Vinci, décor de treillage en trompe l’oeil. Villa Claudinon : plafond orné style Louis XV, grotesques, panneaux décoratifs d’inspiration 1900, décor de statues classiques. Château Lagallée : salon Directoire, salon à décor panoramique, bibliothèque baroque. Galerie.

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Dennis Lau
ID: 1361
Издательство: Images
The work of Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers (DLN) is a search for an architecture that respects and blends into society. It seeks to anticipate the evolving needs of the community at large and to respond to the perception, sensitivity and culture of the individuals who become the end-users. DLN's architecture is motivated by an appreciation of these complex functional and social requirements that it seeks to convert into space and form. The large office, residential and mixed-use projects designed by DLN have become increasingly well-known city landmarks. This monograph features diverse projects that include the YKK Industrial Building, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Hong Kong Government Office and Magistrate's Courts, CITIC Plaza, as well as hotels, residential, and institutional projects.
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Howard Zhang, WANG Helong
ID: 10528
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

The dentist is the “smile designer”. Their working environment influences their mutual relationship with the patients. Comfortable dental clinic would help patient receive treatment well. The interior design of dental clinic involves many fields, such as lighting, finishing materials for healthcare, colour control, and ergonomics. Besides some planning and interior design guidelines from USA and European countries, this book selects 28 projects of dental clinic design, which improve aesthetic taste of dental clinic interior with hygeian precondition

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Michelle Galindo
ID: 5117
Издательство: Braun

Architects have always drawn inspiration from the magical ambience and unique conditions of the desert. Current predictions of climate change have made the issue of building in particularly hot climatic zones more relevant than ever.

Desert Architecture presents exciting and pioneering projects from the field of desert architecture, demonstrating that contemporary architecture can meet the unique challenges presented by torrid zones. Graphically illustrated with architects’ plans and numerous photographs, this volume shows that innovative architectural ideas can be successfully realized even in regions with extreme living conditions.

From the contents:
* Spaceport America in New Mexico, USA (Foster + Partners)
* Ras Al-Khaimah-Gateway Project, United Arab Emirates (Snøhetta)
* Hotel en Atacama, Chile (Germán del Sol)
* Desert Broom Public Library in Arizona, USA (richärd + bauer:)
* Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Center in British Columbia, Canada (Hotson Boniface Haden architecs + urbanists)

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Clare Cumberlidge, Lucy Musgrave
ID: 3232
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Through over twenty case studies this book constructs a picture of worldwide attempts to address these problems – projects that often use minimal resources to effect the maximum possible change, with the most precious resource being imagination.

Some of the ideas are breathtakingly simple:

  -  a mobile farm in Chicago that turns vacant lots into a source of food and employment
  -  a remote Japanese mountain village making a profitable virtue out of snow
  -  water pumps in south African villages operated by a child’s roundabout

– others rely on more subtle interventions, working over years to rebuild the broken ties of society and encouraging communities to take responsibility for their own environments.

Brimming with ideas, inspiring stories, and the conviction that design professionals can indeed make a difference to the lives of ordinary people, this book will galvanize all those working in architecture, landscape and design, but also all those who care about the future of our societies.

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