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Philip Jodidio
ID: 9428
Издательство: Taschen

Sustainability meets chic. Building a better, more beautiful future for our planet

Green architecture used to be on the fringes, but it has gone mainstream and this new volume shows how, why, and where. This is not a technical handbook, but rather a guided tour from one end of the globe to another where sustainability has become both chic and indispensible. Solar panels and double glazing are taking a dent out of the high cost of energy.

As always in the Architecture Now books, you can discover the latest realizations of established stars like Peter Zumthor and Bernard Tschumi, but also catch up on the rising new generation of architects, from Korea to Vietnam, from Los Angeles to Berlin. Green Architecture Now! 2 is the only place where a tunnel of flower pots by Olafur Eliasson and a Waste to Energy plant with a ski slope on top by BIG come together with a bang.

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ID: 9043
Издательство: Monsa

The sustainable city of the XXI century must be a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimizing energy requirements, food and water and waste disposal, heat and pollution. Knowing these conditions, the landscape architects can provide clues to enable to discover alternative development options that will become the best overall result for the environment. It is the urban ecosystem, which focuses on the knowledge of how cities function as ecological environments, in order to develop sustainable approaches to problems and reduce the impact on both the streets and squares and in the suburbs of large cities.

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Dorian Lucas
ID: 8842
Издательство: Braun

Sustainability has become one of the most important words and objectives in the last years. Eco-friendly and eco-friendly produced products are being hyped, especially if they are well designed. Green Design encompasses products from vastly different areas of life representing different aspects of environmentally friendly and sustainable design.

This book presents around 100 products that are not only "Green", but also "Design": beautiful and functional everyday objects that qualify through certain principles of environmental sustainability. These include environmentally friendly resources, production and disposal, energy efficient or energy self-sufficient use as well as fair production.

From the contents:

Energy (USBcell by Moixa Design Products, Great Britain)
Fashion (Woven Food Wrappers by Mitz, Mexico)
Home (Wooden Radio by Singgih Susilo Kartono, Indonesia)
Light (SunCubes by Geotectura, Israel)
Public (Photosynthesis Car by Michal Vlcek & Piano, Czech Republic)
Work (soft wall + soft block Modular System by molo, Canada)

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ID: 10509
Издательство: Monsa

Children should have their own space in the house because it is where they spend most of their leisure, rest, study time, and where they develop their creativity...

This book showcases some of the most exciting and innovative environmentally-friendly products for creating wonderful living spaces for children. Children spend such a large amount of their time at home - study, rest, and play - that having a space of their own, where they can develop their creativity and sense of self, is extremely important. It is in this space we can begin to inform children of the value of the environment and sustainability.

Green Design for Kids is a magnificently illustrated volume that showcases how recycled, eco-friendly, and bio-degradable materials can be used to create innovative, practical, and stimulating products for children and their spaces the live in.

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ID: 8795
Издательство: Tang Art

Project Introduction:


P016 Korea Pavilion
P020 International Organizations Pavilion
2-1 BIE EXPO × EXPOS Pavilion
2-2 Korea Shipping & Ports Pavilion
2-3 DSME Marine Robot Pavilion


P038 Expo Digital Gallery (EDG)
P040 Aquarium
4-1 Aquarium
4-2 Marine Life Pavilion

P050 Climate & Environment Pavilion
P054 Marine Civilization & City Pavilion
6-1 Marine Civilization Pavilion
6-2 Marine City Pavilion

P064 Marine Industry & Technology Pavilion
P068 Hyundai Motor Group Pavilion
P072 SAMSUNG Pavilion
P078 SK Telecom Pavilion
P086 LG Pavilion
P092 GS Caltex Pavilion
P096 LOTTE Pavilion
P102 POSCO Pavilion


P114 The Big-O
P116 Local Governments Pavilion
16-1 Daejeon Pavilion
16-2 Gwangju Pavilion
16-3 Ulsan Pavilion
16-4 Busan Pavilion
16-5 Gyeonggi Province Pavilion
16-6 Gangwon Province Pavilion
16-7 South Chungcheong Province Pavilion
16-8 North Chungcheong Province Pavilion
16-9 South Jeolla Province Pavilion
16-10 North Jeolla Province Pavilion
16-11 South Gyeongsang Province Pavilion
16-12 North Gyeongsang Province Pavilion
16-13 Jeju Special Self-governing Province Pavilion
16-14 Yeosu Pavilion
16-15 Suncheon Pavilion
16-16 Gwangyang Pavilion
16-17 Boseong County Pavilion
16-18 Goheung County Pavilion
16-19 Namhae County Pavilion
16-20 Hadong County Pavilion

P138 Kids' Fun Lab
P140 Expo Plaza
P142 Expo Hall
P144 MVL Hotel
P150 Thematic Pavilion
P164 Sky Tower
P168 International Pavilion
23-1 Atlantic Ocean Cluster
23-1-1 Atlantic Ocean Joint Pavilion
23-1-2 Uruguay Pavilion
23-1-3 Tunisia Pavilion
23-1-4 Switzerland Pavilion
23-1-5 Monaco Pavilion
23-1-6 Norway Pavilion
23-1-7 Romania Pavilion
23-1-8 Sweden Pavilion
23-1-9 Lithuania Pavilion
23-1-10 Italy Pavilion
23-1-11 Turkey Pavilion
23-1-12 Israel Pavilion
23-1-13 Turkmenistan Pavilion
23-1-14 Denmark Pavilion
23-1-15 Spain Pavilion
23-1-16 Germany Pavilion
23-1-17 Angola Pavilion
23-1-18 Belgium Pavilion
23-1-19 Kazakhstan Pavilion
23-1-20 Argentina Pavilion
23-1-21 France Pavilion
23-1-22 Netherlands Pavilion
23-1-23 Democratic Republic of the Congo Pavilion

23-2 Pacific Ocean Cluster 250
23-2-1 Pacific Ocean Joint Pavilion
23-2-2 Peru Pavilion
23-2-3 Thailand Pavilion
23-2-4 Singapore Pavilion
23-2-5 Japan Pavilion
23-2-6 China Pavilion
23-2-7 Russia Pavilion
23-2-8 Vietnam Pavilion
23-2-9 Brunei Pavilion
23-2-10 Indonesia Pavilion
23-2-11 USA Pavilion
23-2-12 Malaysia Pavilion
23-2-13 Australia Pavilion
23-2-14 Cambodia Pavilion
23-2-15 Philippines Pavilion

23-3 Indian Ocean Cluster 298
23-3-1 Oman Pavilion
23-3-2 Qatar Pavilion
23-3-3 India Pavilion
23-3-4 Sri Lanka Pavilion
23-3-5 UAE Pavilion
23-3-6 Pakistan Pavilion
23-3-7 Egypt Pavilion

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Владимир Белоголовский
ID: 4709
Издательство: Татлин

Понятие «зеленая» архитектура в последние годы все шире ассоциируется с энергосберегающими, экономичными и экологически дружелюбными проектами, внимание к которым усиливается в эпоху продолжающегося глобального экономического кризиса.

Выставка Владимира Белоголовского, прошедшая в рамках XVII Международного фестиваля «Зодчество», представляет детальное описание 12-ти наиболее ярких и интересных примеров «зеленой» архитектуры в Великобритании, Испании, Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах, США и Японии таких ведущих мастеров, как Ренцо Пьяно, Норман Фостер, Том Мейн, Питер Айзенман, Уильям Олсоп и Кенго Кума.

Проекты всевозможных масштабов и назначений исследуют различные аспекты «зеленой» архитектуры.

Каталог одноименной выставки, подготовленный в издательстве TATLIN, содержит весь представленный на выставке материал, начиная от публикации проектов и интервью с ведущими мировыми архитекторами и заканчивая их краткими биографиями с интернет-адресами.

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Claudio Santini, Dafna Zilafro
ID: 4602
Издательство: Images

Architectural photographer Claudio Santini takes readers on an exclusive tour of some of the world’s most beautiful green homes. The pictorial journey winds its way through chapters on photovoltaics, passive shading, choosing recycled materials and other sustainable concepts, all the while celebrating the unique way in which these features contribute to a home’s architectural aesthetic.

Пролистать книгу Green is Beautiful: The Eco-Friendly House на Google books


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HRH The Prince of Wales
ID: 5772
Издательство: Rizzoli

"Green" architecture is not only beautiful but imperative, making this volume indispensable for anyone interested in sustainable design.

This book is the most thorough overview to be published on environmentally sound building and planning practices and includes project descriptions, photographs, and detailed drawings that demonstrate that sustainability is not just good for the planet, but also offers new opportunities for creativity and innovation.

Beginning with a survey of evolving strategies to step more lightly on the earth, like "graywater" recovery, green roofs, contextual design, and human-scale architecture, the book features essays by such noted experts as Andres Duany, Victor Deupi, Bruce King, Stephen A. Mouzon, and Norman Crowe.

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Alex Sanchez Vidiella
ID: 8223
Издательство: BooQs

Green homes are often thought of as offering little by way of an attractive appearance; this book shows how this is not necessarily the case. It explains the application of measures to save energy, water and resources in a family home for a more environmentally-aware public without compromising on style. Illustrated throughout with full colour photographs and floor plans of dream homes which conform to 21st ecological requirements.

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Images Publishing Group
ID: 4603
Издательство: Images

Sustainability is at the core of LPA’s work and company culture. Sustainable design practised at LPA is an integrated ‘holistic’ process that is treated no different than any other program element.

This book documents a process of planning, design, construction and operations of K–12 schools where appropriate sustainable solutions can be a part of every school regardless of budget or program. Through an extensive step-by-step planning and design process and a series of built case studies, all stakeholders in the school planning process will see how an integrated holistic process can achieve sustainable goals that are in balance with budget and other constraints.

Case studies cover renovations and new construction that are at the forefront of a considerable change in the culture of school planning – a change from added cost to added value. Sharing the success of these schools will ensure that there are thousands of sustainable schools in our future for the next generation of students.

Пролистать книгу Green School Primer: Lessons in Sustainability на Google books

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Freek Loos, Martine van Vliet
ID: 11321
Издательство: Images

As people witness the effects of climate change causing storms of greater frequency and severity, stormwater management in green streetscape design provides an added safeguard that can help mitigate flash flooding during these events.

Green street design helps manage stormwater runoff to minimize the amount of pollutants that reach the waterways during rainstorms. It also increases the safety and walkability of streets and beautify city. This book provides a toolkit and reference of design projects for city agencies, contractors, landscape designers to help achieve their goals. Offering a detailed green streetscape design guideline with accompanying stormwater management methods, the book is augmented with selected design cases, presented with rich narratives, detailed plans and drawings, and beautiful hi-resolution photography.

This book is an informative guide for practitioners to create an attractive, efficient and sustainable urban streetscape while managing polluted stormwater and achieving a cleaner environment.

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Cindy Rinfret
ID: 9655
Издательство: Rizzoli

A glimpse into the "quintessentially Greenwich" homes that are stately and elegant yet designed for the comforts of family life.

Greenwich is one of the most desirable communities in the United States, with houses that epitomize the suburban tradition. With their handsome facades and elegant interiors, these homes provide inspiration to decorators and homeowners nationwide. More than almost any other community, Greenwich signifies a classic look, a way of living, and a state of mind.

Cindy Rinfret’s successful Classic Greenwich Style was the first book to celebrate the style of this classically American town and bring its renowned look to a nationwide audience. Now, the beloved designer returns with an all-new selection of interiors that will appeal to a new generation of homeowners seeking elegant yet comfortable design.

Specially commissioned photographs showcase the designer’s signature "young traditional" style: a warm blend of color, contemporary materials with traditional shapes, antiques with transitional pieces, English-style furnishings with family heirlooms, and spaces for entertaining and family life. In her own words, Rinfret offers an intimate look into these stunning interiors - including Rinfret’s own classically styled house, Laurel Hill - and shows how people who covet the look and style of Greenwich can create it for themselves.

About the Author:

Cindy Rinfret is an award-winning interior designer and the owner of Rinfret Ltd., a leading design firm in Greenwich, and Rinfret Home & Garden, a retail space on the fashionable Greenwich Avenue. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Traditional Home, and Architectural Digest, as well as on HGTV.


Пролистать книгу Greenwich Style: Inspired Family Homes

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Kelley Cheng
ID: 2083
Издательство: Page One
Between these cover lays a collection of homes that range from the wildly eccentric to the downright gorgeous. In many parts of Asia, where design is still viewed as a luxury, these funky abodes are proof that even in the most oppressive and conservative societies, design will survive. In this book we seek out individual homes in Asia that break out of the norm and pile on the style. From tiny apartments to spacious bungalows, these projects are bursting at the seams with style and personality. In the book, you can see a few very interesting homes, which truly cross the boundaries of design. A few homes in this book belong to architects who practice corporate architecture for a living. So, when it came to designing their own place they spared no effort in experimenting with ideas that they could never get to do at work.
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Gilbert Lupfer
ID: 3126
Издательство: Taschen

Born and educated in Germany, Walter Gropius (1883-1969) belongs to the select group of architects that massively influenced the international development of modern architecture. As the founding director of the Bauhaus, Gropius made inestimable contributions to his field, to the point that knowing his work is crucial to understanding Modernism. His early buildings, such Fagus Boot-Last Factory and the Bauhaus Building in Dessau, with their use of glass and industrial features, are still indispensable points of reference. After his emigration to the United States, he influenced the education of architects there and became, along with Mies van der Rohe, a leading proponent of the International Style.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features:

- approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans
- introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects
- the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions
- an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography, and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings

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Felipe Correa (Editor)
ID: 5453
Издательство: Actar

GSD Platform 2 provides a sampling of the most salient research and design explorations undertaken at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) during the 2008-2009 academic year. Organized thematically, the publication identifies underlying congruencies among studio work, theses, research, lectures, conferences, and writings to unfold some of the many critical ideas and interests currently being explored in the School. Ranging in scope from detailed material fabrication to large-scale territorial and infrastructural strategies, the work spans a broad and diverse set of geographies and scenarios. In documenting this work, the publication archives and disseminates the rich intellectual momentum of the GSD.

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A B C D E F G H I G K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9