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ID: 363
Издательство: Images
This publication examines pictorially the way architects have designed buildings to facilitate the movement of people and cargo around the globe. Included is an impressive array of spaces related to air, rail, road and shipping transport spaces. Designed by some of the world's leading archiects, including Foster and Partners, Murphy/Jahn, NBBJ and Fentress Bradburn, these large-scale and complex projects are awesome examples of architects' skill and expertise.
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Arne Dehli
ID: 10146
Издательство: Dover

The art of the Eastern Roman Empire and of its capital, Byzantium (Constantinople), found expression throughout the ancient world, particularly in Italian architecture. This superb archive of Byzantine ornament contains a wealth of decorative architectural elements derived from sixth- and seventh-century Italian buildings in Ravenna and in the Venetian church of St. Mark's.

Depicted in more than 250 delicate line drawings are splendid perforated marble panels, intricately fashioned stone grilles and cornices, lavish candle brackets, elaborate stone mosaics for floors and ceilings, bronze window guards, as well as an abundance of decorative wreaths, rosettes, mouldings, and medallions.

A multipurpose reference for students, artists, and designers, this archive of sumptuous, royalty-free designs will also serve as a rich source of inspiration for anyone working in the fine or applied arts.

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Carol Belanger Grafton
ID: 2622
Издательство: Dover
Superb examples of the ironworker's art — elaborately wrought designs for gates, fences, finials, banisters, window grilles, signs, marquees, cathedral screens, and a host of other architectural and decorative appointments, from Gothic style to Art Nouveau — meticulously rendered in fine black-and-white drawings reprinted from rare European and American books and periodicals.
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Adalbert Roeper
ID: 9734
Издательство: Dover
The enormous diversity and enduring beauty of ornamental ironwork is celebrated in this singular sourcebook.
Sixty antique plates showcase metal doors, balconies, window arches, gates, corner pieces, decorative embellishments, and more, many wrought with gargoyles, human figures, and florals. 
An accurate and invaluable reference for art historians, architects, and designers.
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ID: 10537
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

Extraordinary examples of the world’s most cutting-edge and modern tree houses.

Many children dream of living in a tree. The magic of tree houses has been shaped by a long tradition shared by many cultures. If you still like the idea of living in direct contact with trees, if you fancy giving it a try for a few days, if you would like to build a little hut on your land, or if you are considering the possibility of building a house between the branches of a leafy tree, then this is the book for you.

At its core, Tree Houses illustrates a varied selection of structures built on or hung from trees. Inspiring photographs and drawings show how they can be used as luxury retreats, play forts, and functional lookouts. Sometimes remote and isolated, they enjoy the nostalgic associations with childhood memories.

Inside, you’ll find more than fifty examples of houses that serve very different purposes. They range from functional to capricious, affordable to expensive, and sustainable to bizarre. You’ll see how location provides the inspiration in the design of many of the tree houses inside and how the final product turns these buildings into some of the most enviable real estate in the world.

Tree Houses illustrates a varied selection of structures built on or in trees. Inspiring photographs and drawings show examples of tree houses used as luxury retreats, play forts and functional lookouts. Sometimes remote and isolated, they enjoy the nostalgic associations with childhood memories. They range from functional to capricious, affordable to expensive and sustainable to bizarre. In any case, location is one of the main drives in the design of tree houses and, consequently, these constructions occupy some of the most enviable real estate in the world.

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Philip Jodidio
ID: 9445
Издательство: Taschen

Branching out. Childhood fantasy meets grown-up savoir faire

The idea of climbing a tree for shelter, or just to see the earth from another perspective, is surely as old as humanity. Tree houses are chronicled in ancient civilizations and their lore crosses through the history of every part of the world where trees grow. This stunningly-illustrated study offers a tour of the best tree houses in the world, some designed by architects, others the work of unknown craftsmen. A teahouse, a restaurant, a hotel, a playhouse for children, or a perch from which to contemplate life - the tree house can take as many forms as the imagination can offer. In times of concern for sustainability and ecological responsibility, the tree house may also be the ultimate symbol of life in symbiosis with nature. Whether rustic or contemporary in style, tree houses make the most of space. Climb into this trove of tree houses and enjoy a new perspective on the world.

  • 50 tree houses from around the world
  • Covers all different styles, from romantic to modern
  • Every house is depicted in several photos as well as one illustration by artist Patrick Hruby from Los Angeles (who also created the book’s cover artwork)
  • Helpful short biographies of all architects
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Edited by Mauro Pierconti, Photographs by Masuda Akihisa
ID: 14039
Издательство: Electa

A contemporary, eccentric architect who draws on Japanese tradition, Terunobu Fujimori's designs manage to be simultaneously whimsical, beautifully designed, and environmentally sensitive. The projects in this volume will appeal to both architectural professionals and fans of innovative design.

This book is an in-depth analysis from a formal, design, and cultural point of view of Terunobu Fujimori's entire architectural production to date. It is not a mere collection of his works, but an exhaustive review delving into many sources, which finally offers a complete critical interpretation of his work.

Fujimori has made a name for himself in Japan by crafting beguiling little buildings that refuse to follow any of the usual rules. His hand-made structures look like the nests or cocoons of curious creatures, woven, whittled and thatched with organic, earthy materials that could have been scavenged from the forest floor.

This comprehensive monograph provides a complete review of his boldly imaginative projects. The works are presented through lavish and striking photographs, and the volume includes extensive use of sketches and drawings by Fujimori, a section dedicated to his architectural models, and an original essay written by Fujimori for this publication.

About the Authors:

Mauro Pierconti is an architectural historian. His most recent research focuses on traditional Japanese architecture and the work of important international architects, including Zaha Hadid, Toyo Ito, Terunobu Fujimori, Shirai Seiichi, Carlo Scarpa, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Otto Wagner. 

Masuda Akihisa is an architecture photographer. Awarded in 2006 by the Architecture Institute of Japan, his work ranges from the architecture of the Meiji period up to the present day. He has collaborated with Terunobu Fujimori on multiple projects.


Пролистать книгу Treehouses, Towers, and Tea Rooms: The Architecture of Terunobu Fujimori

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ID: 536
Издательство: Pace
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Chen Ci Liang
ID: 475
Издательство: Page One

Китай всегда был источником всевозможных кулинарных изысков, в его городах сливаются в единое целое культуры Запада и Востока. Сегодня наблюдается повышенный интерес к Китайским ресторанам, чтобы отразить всю сложность этой исключительной кухни, показать все архитектурные и визуальные особенности этой культуры. Стальные ширмы, усыпанные множеством отверстий образуют вход, который ведет в помещение с потрясающим интерьером, идеально сочетающимся с восточной буддистской концепцией «дзэн» в простом индустриальном стиле. Результатом является идеальное современное место для приема пищи. В книге Trendy Restaurants in China Вы найдете описание 21 ресторана, каждый из которых великолепно сочетает традиции и современность. Многие примеры представляют собой уникальное соединение текстуры и цвета, элегантности и простоты, восторга и абсолютного спокойствия.

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Peter F. Stone
ID: 4093
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This guide to the identification of motifs, designs and patterns of the rich weaving traditions of the Near East and Central Asia is an indispensable resource on Oriental rugs and carpets.

The book is divided into six major regional and tribal groupings, covering Anatolian, Baluchi, Caucasian, Kurdish, Persian and Turkmen motifs. These are further subdivided into sections which give more precise attributions and motif types, and examine the derivations and uses of medallions, field repeats and borders, as well as the relationships between them.

Pattern recognition has long been used to determine the origin and age of rugs, and this detailed analysis of designs and their component elements provides a vital key to accurate attribution.

Lavishly illustrated throughout, this book has become an invaluable aid to identifying the enormous variety of tribal and village rug motifs. It is also a treasure house of creative inspiration for designers of all kinds.

Peter F. Stone is an expert on Oriental carpets and the author of several books, including The Oriental Rug Lexicon.

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Tricia Guild, Elspeth Thompson
ID: 1182
Издательство: Rizzoli

Tricia Guild is known for her bold fabric, wallpaper designs, and an extraordinary sense of colour and pattern. Following the success of her books on colour, she now shares her skills with patterns. The book draws on historical and global patterns. Woven or printed or embroidered, patterns inspire Tricia Guild as she uncovers their origins and explores the exotic. Any pattern can be appropriate for the right room — European checks and stripes, Asian silks and damasks, the Caribbean's vibrant ethnic prints, as well as contemporary abstract and geometric patterns.

The book is divided into style sections: floral, painterly, geometric, classics, silks, and tropical. The author draws on examples from her own designs to demonstrate the impact pattern has on the energy and mood of a room and how to use pattern with confidence. Included at the end are colorboards with hints and tips for designing.

With stunning, original photography and a text rich in insights from the designer's own experience, this is a must-have compendium for anyone interested in contemporary interior design.

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Tricia Guild
ID: 10053
Издательство: Rizzoli

Published on the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Designers Guild, this lavishly illustrated portfolio showcases the latest interior designs by one of the world’s most acclaimed designers.

This is Tricia Guild’s most ambitious and sumptuous book to date: a stunning survey of interiors that feature her signature sense of "contemporary traditional" style with layers of pattern, bold colors, and varying textures. Always at the forefront of interior design, Tricia Guild has achieved critical acclaim with her up-to-the-minute collections of fabrics, wallpapers, and furnishings that showcase her unparalleled gift for color, innate understanding of space and proportion, and sheer brilliance at mixing patterns and textures.

She blends femininity and understated elegance in her uniquely innovative yet classic approach whether designing a sleek Manhattan loft, a casual English country bedroom, a rustic Mediterranean-style hacienda, or an eclectic Parisian apartment. Truly a feast for the eye, the book features layers of pattern and color, a stunning binding with several different materials and textures, and three different types of paper.

Original six-color photographs and a text rich in insights from the designer’s own design briefs and sketches make this a useful sourcebook for professionals and will inspire anyone aspiring to decorate their own home.

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Mary Ellen Polson
ID: 2802
Издательство: Taunton Press
Nothing defines a room quite like trim. No matter how young or old your home, no matter what your personal style, trim can make your rooms look better and, more important, feel better. Trim Idea Book showcases hundreds of ideas for using trim of all types and materials to transform ordinary spaces into special rooms.
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ID: 1099
Издательство: Daab

Tropical Design is not an established architectural style, but a collective description of architecture and interior design in tropical countries, designed by architects from around the equator. Rooted in the traditional style of architecture that is typical in these countries and influenced by the European modern style, a unique architectural language has developed that reflects contemporary tendencies and corresponds to the climatic requirements. As multifaceted as nature in the tropical regions, the architecture in the projects presented here is just as diversified.

From " Las Terrazas" by Legoretta+Legoretta glowing under the Mexican sun to the romantic "Anantara" on the Maledives Island to the spacious and modern "LPVM House" by Biselli e Katchborian in Brasil - the book offers a small insight into the contemporary style from tropical countries. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.

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Elizabeth Reyes, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
ID: 5793
Издательство: Tuttle

The Tropical House celebrates a growing trend toward stylish globalization in interior design. More than 25 stunning houses and condos comprise a synthesis of East-West trends and contemporary furnishings - as Filipino designers merge sleek modernist furniture with local designers' “soulful creations” in natural hardwoods and other tropical materials.

Over 250 full-color photographs of outstanding Filipino residences will inspire readers with their diverse and contemporary looks. From vintage glamour to classic modern with bold artful accents, to the clean, glam look known as “contemporary chic,” this book showcases the myriad tastes of the Philippines.

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