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Claudio Santini, Dafna Zilafro
ID: 4602
Издательство: Images

Architectural photographer Claudio Santini takes readers on an exclusive tour of some of the world’s most beautiful green homes. The pictorial journey winds its way through chapters on photovoltaics, passive shading, choosing recycled materials and other sustainable concepts, all the while celebrating the unique way in which these features contribute to a home’s architectural aesthetic.

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HRH The Prince of Wales
ID: 5772
Издательство: Rizzoli

"Green" architecture is not only beautiful but imperative, making this volume indispensable for anyone interested in sustainable design.

This book is the most thorough overview to be published on environmentally sound building and planning practices and includes project descriptions, photographs, and detailed drawings that demonstrate that sustainability is not just good for the planet, but also offers new opportunities for creativity and innovation.

Beginning with a survey of evolving strategies to step more lightly on the earth, like "graywater" recovery, green roofs, contextual design, and human-scale architecture, the book features essays by such noted experts as Andres Duany, Victor Deupi, Bruce King, Stephen A. Mouzon, and Norman Crowe.

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Alex Sanchez Vidiella
ID: 8223
Издательство: BooQs

Green homes are often thought of as offering little by way of an attractive appearance; this book shows how this is not necessarily the case. It explains the application of measures to save energy, water and resources in a family home for a more environmentally-aware public without compromising on style. Illustrated throughout with full colour photographs and floor plans of dream homes which conform to 21st ecological requirements.

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Images Publishing Group
ID: 4603
Издательство: Images

Sustainability is at the core of LPA’s work and company culture. Sustainable design practised at LPA is an integrated ‘holistic’ process that is treated no different than any other program element.

This book documents a process of planning, design, construction and operations of K–12 schools where appropriate sustainable solutions can be a part of every school regardless of budget or program. Through an extensive step-by-step planning and design process and a series of built case studies, all stakeholders in the school planning process will see how an integrated holistic process can achieve sustainable goals that are in balance with budget and other constraints.

Case studies cover renovations and new construction that are at the forefront of a considerable change in the culture of school planning – a change from added cost to added value. Sharing the success of these schools will ensure that there are thousands of sustainable schools in our future for the next generation of students.

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Sandra Piesik
ID: 12950
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A landmark publication that celebrates humanity’s age-old ability to create buildings that are ingeniously adapted to their cultural and environmental conditions, providing enduring lessons for living today

Climate change is the biggest challenge facing our planet. There has never been a more important time to understand how to make the best use of local natural resources and to produce buildings that do not rely on stripping the environment or transporting materials across the globe.

The culmination of years of specialist research, this once-in-a-generation publication gathers together an international team of over one hundred leading experts across a diverse range of disciplines to examine what the traditions of vernacular architecture and its regional craftspeople around the world can teach us about creating a more sustainable future. Organized by the five major climate zones, covering polar, temperate, tropical, desert and continental, and more than 80 countries worldwide, it reveals how people and cultures have adapted to their environment to make the best use of indigenous materials and construction techniques, and stresses the importance of preserving disappearing craftsmanship and local knowledge before it is too late.

Including contextual essays on issues ranging from climatology, to anthropology and economics; detailed reference section; specially commissioned maps and infographics; and a wealth of illustrations, this landmark publication is a celebration of humankind's resilience and ingenuity in a rapidly changing world, and an invaluable resource document for the future generation who will shape our built environment.

Contents List::

Foreword by Tomas Chruszczow • Introduction by Sandra Piesik • General Essays: Climatology, Catherine Souch; Geology, Graham Lott; Botany, William Miliken; Anthropologist, André Singer; Economics, Jim Coleman and Henry Fletcher • Tropical Day • Temperate • Continental • Polar • Appendix 1: Contemporary Vernacular • Appendix 2: Natural Disasters • Appendix 3: Material Science

About the Author:

Dr Sandra Piesik is an architect and a researcher specializing in technology development and transfer. She has worked extensively in the Middle East on projects that reconnect traditional knowledge systems with modern applications, and has led successful research, development and deployment studies on the adaptation of date palm leaf architecture for modern use, which resulted in an award-winning project endorsed by the UNCCD and the book Arish: Palm-Leaf Architecture, also published by Thames & Hudson. As the founder of several multidisciplinary research groups and consortia, she is actively engaged in addressing global climate change. She was co-creator of the Urban and Rural Resilience Programme for desert regions and participated in the COP22 UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech.

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Richard Olsen
ID: 8084
Издательство: Rizzoli

Showcasing one hundred years of innovation and environmental sensitivity, Handmade Houses celebrates some of the world’s most idiosyncratic homes from Big Sur to Sardinia. Author Richard Olsen unveils the components used for their construction, including driftwood, boulders, and even old wine vats.

The first study of the handmade-homes phenomenon since its inception in the late 1960s, Handmade Houses revisits the subject’s roots and history, exploring how these homes and their owners paved the way for the architectural-salvage business and the reclaimed, industrial look ever-popular today. As fascinating as the structures are themselves, their owners — professionals and amateurs who personally designed and built each residence — offer their inspirations and stories behind the convention-defying homes. Design lessons are gleaned from each home — some examples of environmentally aware construction with applicable tips for use in more mainstream scenarios. 

Handmade Houses is an important and relevant volume to be appreciated by anyone interested in environmentally friendly design, craft, and the expression of personal style in the home.

About the Author:

Richard Olsen is formerly the architecture editor at Architectural Digest, the author of Log Houses of the World, and coauthor of Malibu: A Century of Living by the Sea. Kodiak Greenwood’s photographs have appeared in National Geographic Adventure, Condé Nast Traveler, Patagonia, the New York Times, and Travel & Leisure. Lucy Goodhart’s pictures have appeared in numerous publications, including London's The Sunday Telegraph and The Times, and in Bay Area publications Monocle and Edible San Francisco.


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ID: 9044
Издательство: Monsa

The basic goals of the sustainability are based on reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources, minimizing the waste and creating healthy and productive environments. This volume illustrates vividly the current collaboration between modern architecture, contemporaneous inner design, committed landscaping and environmental responsibility. It is an innovating book which presents ecological and sustainable dwellings; residences which add the sustainable design at the service of the quality design, as a premise on equal terms to sustainability. Each project is presented through a vast full-color photography collection, maps, details, schemes and diagrams of the solutions provided; ideas created by architects who are environmental conscious who have achieved practical, surprising and innovating solutions, adapting the program and the tastes and needs of their clients to the environment.

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ID: 7653
Издательство: Frame Publishers

Nature has always been a source of inspiration and resources to mankind – from the reproduction of floral motifs to the use of wood – but it has more to offer. Throughout the ages, nature has developed and optimised countless solutions to issues that also man faces daily. There is an amazing playground of smart, simple and sustainable behaviours, just waiting to be explored and learned from.

Industry of Nature describes 75 strategies that nature has developed in response to needs such as protection, strength, aerodynamics, camouflage and more. Included are existing and potential applications of these strategies in the design industry which have been illustrated with many photographs.

Furthermore, interviews with architecture studio AtelierZéroCarbone, biologist Janine M. Benyus, Professor of philosophy Catherine Larrère, designer Mathieu Lehanneur and ethical marketing consultant Hervé Naillon, highlight the ecology issues from different angles. Other features are a chapter on the history of biomimicry, a graphical timeline showing Earth’s developments, a bibliography and an extensive glossary.

The ecology issue has become unavoidable and should be considered a great opportunity to profoundly change our way of thinking and acting. Industry of Nature intends to provide creative professionals with information, inspiration and a tool for augmenting their work, expanding their imaginations and improving the world in which we live.

Although information on ecology and sustainability is published and posted daily, it's obvious that most people feel powerless when faced with the state of our environment today. Materials and technologies claim a dominant position with regard to ecological problems, but we sometimes forget that these may not always be the key to good, comprehensive solutions. The use of materials is only one approach to the larger ecological issue, which clearly has philosophical, metaphysical, economical, and social implications.

The world of nature, on the other hand, is an amazing arena filled with smart models of simple and sustainable behaviors. Nature undeniably questions the pretentiously authoritative status that humans have allocated themselves, and nature is the best example of a wholly sustainable and autonomous industry.

Industry of Nature explains seventy-five of nature's strategies to fulfill needs such as protection, temperature regulation, bonding, air conditioning, self-cleaning, anti-collision, transmission of information, camouflage, and many more. By describing these strategies and adding practical application examples, the book provides creative professionals with inspiration and tools for augmenting their work, expanding their imaginations, and improving the world in which we live. Interviews with various specialists, a chapter covering the history of biomimicry, and a bibliography deepen the subject and provide the reader with handles to further delve into the subject. A profusion of photographs and illustrations brings the ideas and relevant information to life.

 - 75 beautiful illustrations were drawn especially for this book by Dépli Design Studio.
 -  Five specialists shed more light on the subject: AtelierZéroCarbone, Janine Benyus, Catherine Larrère, Mathieu Lehanneur and Hervé Naillon.
 - Over 80 photographs and descriptions of designs show successful applications of techniques derived from nature.
 - References on every page link to relevant illustrations, photographs and articles on other pages in the book.
 - The extensive glossary and bibliography facilitate further research.

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ID: 10763
Издательство: University of Texas Press

Lake|Flato Architects of San Antonio, Texas, is nationally and internationally acclaimed for buildings that respond organically to the natural environment. The firm uses local materials and workmanship, as well as a deep knowledge of vernacular traditions, to design buildings that are tactile and modern, environmentally responsible and authentic, artful and crafted.

Lake|Flato won the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2013, and it has also received the American Institute of Architects’ highest honor, the National Firm Award. In all, Lake|Flato has won more than 150 national and state design awards.

Residential architecture has always been a priority for the firm, and Lake|Flato Houses showcases an extensive selection of landmark homes built since 1999.

Color photographs and architectural commentary create a memorable portrait of houses from Texas to Montana. Reflecting the firm’s emphasis on designing in harmony with the land, the houses are grouped by the habitats in which they’re rooted—brushland, desert, hillside, mountains, city, and water. These groupings reveal how Lake|Flato works with the natural environment to create houses that merge into the landscape, blurring boundaries between inside and outside and accommodating the climate through both traditional and cutting-edge technologies.

The sections are opened by noted architect and educator Frederick Steiner, who discusses Lake|Flato’s unique responses to the forms and materials of the various landscapes. An introduction by journalist Guy Martin summarizes the history of Lake|Flato and its philosophy, and explores the impact of its work on sustainable architecture.

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Irmela Fromme, Uta Herz
ID: 10161
Издательство: Green Books

Für Innen- und Außenwände: Mörtel herstellen, Wände verputzen, Oberflächen gestalten.
Lehm und Kalk sind ökologisch und bau­bio­logisch wertvolle Materialien, die zudem regional verfügbar sind. Seit Jahren finden sie deshalb wieder zunehmend Verwendung. Die beiden Autorinnen, langjährig mit der Praxis vertraut, zeigen detailliert, welcher Putzaufbau je nach Anwendungsfall jeweils sinnvoll ist und wie die Lehm- und Kalkputzmörtel hergestellt und verarbeitet werden. Ebenso wird die Behandlung und Pflege der Oberflächen sowie das Gestalten der Putzflächen durch Strukturieren, Glätten, Farbgebung und Schmuckelemente anschaulich dargestellt.
Viele Fotos und Zeichnungen dokumentieren die jeweiligen Putztechniken, zeigen ausgeführte Projekte und geben Anregungen für die Gestaltung der eigenen vier Wände.
Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die Putze mit den Naturbaustoffen Lehm und Kalk ausführen möchten, an Fachkräfte wie auch an handwerklich geschickte Laien.

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Liat Margolis
ID: 7408
Издательство: Birkhauser

Living Systems surveys a wide array of innovative approaches to material technologies within the field of landscape architecture. The selected projects and materials exhibit a contemporary demand for technological landscapes and the collaboration between designers, engineers, scientists and ecologists. The book proposes a synthesis between technology and theory, focusing on growth, flow, metabolism, climate, and atmospheric phenomena.

Projects and materials are cross-referenced according to performance criteria, processes, and properties. Each of the 36 international projects and 23 material technologies is presented with drawing details and construction photographs. Descriptions of key processes and adaptive qualities provide an analysis of the various complex systems featured, such as vertical growth structures, flood prevention, stormwater infiltration and erosion control.

Projects featured include works by West8, GROSS.MAX, Weiss-Manfredi Architects, Field Operations, Kathryn Gustafson, and Vogt Landschaftarchitekten.

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ID: 10812
Издательство: Konemann

In times when environmental awareness is increasing, wood is an attractive alternative to other mineral-based or manufactured materials.

The production of wood products uses less energy (usually sourced from finite fossil fuels) compared with other materials and new technologies continuously push the boundaries of traditional woodworking methods.

When it comes to construction, wood houses can be prefabricated and built more quickly than their counterparts in brick and concrete.

Furthermore, there is no doubt about the comfortable atmosphere that wood lends to a home!

Wood is a modern material and in the design world, it is a force to be reckoned with.


Вдохновляющая книга об использовании древесины в современном дизайне экстерьера и интерьера. В качестве примеров приведены архитектурные проекты со всего мира, в которых активно применен этот экологичный, простой в использовании и прочный материал.

Сейчас, когда проблемы экологии становятся все более серьезными, древесина возвращает свой статус привлекательного строительного материала.

Она обладает уникальными качествами, среди которых ее форма, цвет и структура.

Однако архитекторы часто недооценивают или игнорируют древесину как строительный материал. При ее производстве затрачивается меньше энергии, чем при создании минеральных или искусственных материалов.

Новые технологии расширяют границы традиционных методов деревообработки. Деревянные дома проще строить, а также можно создавать качественные сборные дома. Не вызывает сомнения и тот факт, что в деревянных домах чувствуется особая атмосфера комфорта, которую невозможно ощутить в кирпичном или панельном доме.

Древесина – это энергоэффективный, прочный, долговечный материал. Ее применение в строительной индустрии имеет длинную историю. Еще недавно деревянное строительство находилось в упадке, а сейчас наблюдается настоящий ренессанс использования древесины в архитектуре. Произошла переоценка ее эстетических и функциональных свойств. Ведущие дизайнеры обратили свое внимание на лесоматериалы, чтобы удовлетворить потребности общества и окружающей среды в экологичной архитектуре.

Книга знакомит читателя с примерами использования древесины в дизайне экстерьера и интерьера. Большое количество иллюстраций позволяет наглядно познакомиться с современным применением лесоматериалов в дизайне. Многочисленные архитектурные проекты, в которых активно используется древесина, собраны по всему миру.

Книга показывает, что деревянные дома могут быть современными, стильными и привлекательными. Они бывают даже яркими и разноцветными, ведь гамма оттенков древесины достаточно широка: от пастельно-бежевого до земельно-коричневого. Экспериментируя с традиционным материалом и используя новейшие технологии, архитекторы расширили сферу использования древесины.


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Chris Magwood, Peter Mack, Tina Therrien
ID: 10159
Издательство: New Society Publishers

Straw bale houses are easy to build, affordable, super energy efficient, environmentally friendly, attractive, and can be designed to match the builder's personal space needs, esthetics, and budget. Despite mushrooming interest in the technique, however, most straw bale books focus on "selling" the dream of straw-bale building, but don't adequately address the most critical issues faced by bale house builders. Moreover, since many developments in this field are recent, few books are completely up to date with the latest techniques.

More Straw Bale Building is designed to fill this gap. A completely rewritten edition of the 20,000-copy best-selling original, it leads the potential builder through the entire process of building a bale structure, tackling all the practical issues: finding and choosing bales; developing sound building plans; roofing; electrical, plumbing, and heating systems; building code compliance; and special concerns for builders in northern climates.

New material includes:

  • more extensive sections on electric wiring and plumbing
  • updated sections on bale finishes and finishing
  • a section on prefabricated straw bale walls
  • a wider selection of case studies, photographs and illustrations
  • a section on common mistakes
  • budgeting for low-, medium- and high-cost projects, and
  • new testing data that is in no other straw bale book.

Down-to earth and complete, More Straw Bale Building makes the remarkable benefits of straw bale building available in the most comprehensive and practical book on the subject to date.

Пролистать книгу More Straw Bale Building: How to Plan, Design and Build with Straw на Google books.

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R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, K. Bolhofer
ID: 9637
Издательство: Gestalten

This book presents inspiring work from around the world that is bringing nature back into our cities: from urban farming initiatives, guerilla gardening, and architectural visions, to furniture, products, and other everyday objects that use plants in a functional or aesthetic way.

Some of the included projects are changing the landscapes of our cities as a whole, while others can make our own streets and homes greener — most importantly, all are trying to get people to think differently.

For everyone who has an interest in a more responsible and environmentally friendly lifestyle, this entertaining and socially relevant book makes it clear that we can design our urban future in a way that's green, innovative, vibrant, and constructive.

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Monsa Editoriale Team (Editor)
ID: 2829
Издательство: Monsa
NATURE, INSPIRATION FOR ART & DESIGN reveals a diverse range of projects from different creative art and design camps which have taken their inspiration from any of nature¹s elements.

Many of the projects included in this book clearly play an aesthetic role
whilst others, on the contrary, have been purposely created to transmit a message. Artists and designers the world over have found Nature to be the greatest source of inspiration for their designs and works of art.The selected projects have all taken their inspiration from animal and plant kingdoms, natural phenomenon and even elements from what are understood to be '³Still lifes'.

As it says in the popular famous quote, '³Nature is wise' and it¹s for this reason that artists and designers find her a major source of inspiration since only 'Mother Nature' offers such an infinite range of colours, shapes, textures and effects.
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