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Christa van Santen
ID: 7407
Издательство: Birkhauser

The face of the nocturnal metropolis is marked decisively by light, and the number and variety of the light sources is increasing to the point of "light terror." A well-lit urban space can be very inviting, giving residents and visitors a sense of well-being and security. A successful lighting design can also give the city at night an identity of its own and accentuate architectural qualities. In this book, the author embodies her many years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of lighting design. In preparation, she visited ten European cities - including Paris, Brussels, Berlin, London, Budapest, Vienna, and Amsterdam - with different urban situations. This has enabled her to present different planning and design tasks systematically and to illustrate specific solutions. In addition to articulating basic planning rules for the outdoor lighting of buildings, traffic routes, and squares, she presents and elucidates new artificial lighting systems and outdoor lamps with the help of examples.

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ID: 975
Издательство: Rikuyosha

This book showcases a wide variety of ingenius lighting solutions - both functional and purely creative - by Lighting Planners Associates Inc. featuring a huge range of projects, including office buildings, pedestrian zones, memorials, etc.

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Malcom Innes
ID: 8848
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Without light, interior architecture cannot be fully designed and experienced. It is one of the key tools for an interior designer but can be a dauntingly technical subject for students.

Part One, Theory, looks at the physics and technology behind lighting. Part Two, Process and Practice, looks more specifically at the use of lighting in interior design and outlines the key design issues and principles. The book goes on to show the ways of representing lighting schemes using CAD and 3D models and how to implement and test these designs. Finally, the book explains how to deal with contractors, clients and other professionals.

This book takes a detailed, practical look at lighting in interior design, giving students all the key information and skills they need to be able to tackle lighting successfully in their designs.

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Alexander Koch
ID: 8412
Издательство: Arnoldsche

New edition of this seminal 1953 study of lighting for the modern era
Showcasing mid-century modern design that is as relevant now as ever
More than 250 original images show the design trends of important manufacturers from America, Scandinavia, Germany and Italy
Apart from numerous lesser known designs, one can also see lighting by prominent artists, designers and architects
Essential for collectors and afficiandos of 20th-century lighting and design

In 1953 Alexander Koch published his book Neuzeitliche Leuchten. Nowadays Koch's then selection of lighting by international designers and manufacturers seems truly visionary. He presents a spectrum of diverse designs, whose origins lay not only in the addition of basic geometrical shapes as with the pre-war avant-gardists, but also in the respective temperaments of the different countries of origin. It is very apparent that after the war America, Scandinavia and Italy exerted a strong influence on designs hitherto rather dominated by Bauhaus purism in Germany.

As in architecture, one can also speak of an 'international style' with regard to lighting design. Despite the new orientation towards linear, dynamically flowing forms that cross national borders, diversity within the sculptural appearance of lighting itself remains important as the primary design goal, along with the effect the lighting exudes. The space-defining quality of modern era lighting has been dedicated its own chapter, in which interiors by Richard Neutra and Walter Gropius, among others, testify to the scenographic potential of the new lighting culture.

More than 250 original images show the design trends of important manufacturers from America, Scandinavia, Germany and Italy. Apart from numerous lesser known designs, one can also see lighting by prominent artists, designers and architects. This new edition of the almost obsolete original book is an indispensable standard work for collectors and modern lighting enthusiasts.

Designers featured include Isamu Noguchi (US), Jean Royère (FR), Pier Giacomo Castiglioni (IT), Gino Sarfatti (IT), Wolfgang Tümpel (DE), Alexey Brodovich (US), Paavo Tynell (FI), Franco Buzzi (IT), Arvid Böhlmarks (SE), Herta Witzemann (DE), Walter Gropius (US) and Richard Neutra (US).

Über 250 Original-Abbildungen zeigen gestalterische Positionen wichtiger Hersteller aus Amerika, Skandinavien, Deutschland und Italien. Neben zahlreichen noch zu entdeckenden Entwürfen sind Leuchten bedeutender Künstler, Designer und Architekten zu sehen. Diese Re-Edition des im Original fast unauffindbaren Buches ist ein unentbehrliches Standardwerk für Sammler und Liebhaber moderner Leuchten.1953 veröffentlicht der Publizist und Verleger Alexander Koch sein Buch Neuzeitliche Leuchten. Heute erweist sich Kochs damalige Auswahl von Leuchten internationaler Gestalter und Hersteller als geradezu visionär. Er breitet ein Spektrum gestalterischer Vielfalt aus, dessen Ursprünge nicht nur in der Addition geometrischer
Grundformen im Sinne der Vorkriegs-Avantgarden lag, sondern auch in den jeweiligen Temperamenten der unterschiedlichen Herkunftsländer. Dass Amerika, Skandinavien und Italien nach dem Krieg starken Einfluss auf eine bis dahin eher von bauhäuslerischem Purismus geprägte Gestaltungshaltung in Deutschland ausübten, wird hier deutlich sichtbar. Ein sich vom Ideal der Maschine emanzipierender, von Künstlern wie Alexander Calder, Henry Moore und Naum Gabo inspirierter organischer Entwurfsansatz, neue Materialien und Fertigungsverfahren führten zu Entwürfen von enormer innovativer Kraft.
Wie in der Architektur, so kann auch im Leuchten-Design von einem Internationalen Stil gesprochen werden, dessen Protagonisten heute zur Designer-Elite des 20. Jahrhunderts gehören. Trotz der Ländergrenzen überschreitenden Neuorientierung zur linearen, dynamisch schwingenden Form, bleibt die Vielseitigkeit der skulpturalen Erscheinung der Leuchte selbst, als auch ihre Lichtwirkung, als primärem Gestaltungsziel beeindruckend. Der raumbildenden Qualität neuzeitlicher Leuchten ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem u.a. Interieurs von Richard Neutra und Walter Gropius die szenografischen Potentiale der neuen Beleuchtungskultur belegen

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Roger Yee
ID: 2643
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers
The selected examples illustrate how high quality, thoughtful deisgn can be the visual cornerstone of a successful project. In over 500 beautifully-reproduced photographs you will see how light can establish moods, reinforce feelings, and heighten excitement. A full range of high quality, inventive and brilliant lighting design projects are shown including hotels, restaurants, retail, corporate, public, residential, exteriors, houses of worship, performing arts and entertainment facilities, museums, landscapes, and much more. "Lighting Spaces" is a must-have for anyone seeking innovative and imaginative solutions to their architectural lighting problems.
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Wim Pauwels
ID: 1700
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Choosing the most suitable colour palette is always one of the greatest challenges for any interior architect or designer.

Paints, fabrics and wallpaper are an essential part of any interior and are inextricably bound up with it: the overall atmosphere is largely determined by the shades and nuances of colour that are used.

This book presents projects by well-known architects and interior specialists, with colour as a uniting theme: from monochrome white and sandy shades to the more exuberant and daring colour combinations, from the monastic simplicity of neutral tones to lively and extroverted colour schemes.

In spite of the significant differences between the projects, between styles and local trends, colours are clearly part of a universal language and have inspired designers through the ages.

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Gail Abbott
ID: 4832
Издательство: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

Living with White celebrates living in a hot climate where the use of colour is as intense as the heat. White is the backdrop while walls, floors, doors and furniture painted in vibrant blues and greens, hot reds, magenta pinks, terracottas and oranges create the drama and interest. Read reviews for Living with White Houses in hot climates from the Mediterranean to Caribbean have been adapted to withstand the heat and chic, modern, uncluttered interiors create oases of cool and calm. This stunning book by Gail Abbott provides glimpses into real homes designed for life in a hot climate, from beachside villas on the South African coastline to the laid-back style of California.

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Yves Brondel
ID: 7080
Издательство: Vial

L'auteur, charpentier et Compagnon du Devoir, s’intéresse ici à leur aspect esthétique : il présente un panorama de 111 dessins de lucarnes représentatives des toitures des provinces françaises. Chaque dessin est accompagné d’un commentaire technique décrivant la conception de la lucarne et présentant ses particularités historiques, esthétiques et régionales. 
Depuis longtemps, les lucarnes ornent le toit de nos maisons. Ces ouvertures, qui permettent à l'air, à la lumière et même aux denrées de pénétrer à l'intérieur des bâtiments, sont toujours à l’honneur sur les bâtiments neufs, et les travaux d'aménagement de combles s'accompagnent souvent de la réalisation ou de la restauration de lucarnes sur la toiture d’un édifice ancien. Le choix de leur forme n’est pas facile : les contraintes techniques s’ajoutent aux interrogations esthétiques, et le livre d’Yves Brondel espère y répondre en nous permettant de mieux comprendre notre patrimoine architectural.
L'auteur tient le crayon ou la plume avec la même adresse qu'il manie l'herminette. Simples, drus, directs, style et dessins sont ceux d'un homme de métier qui apprécie le bel ouvrage.

Sommaire :
Préface par J.-G. Mortamet, Architecte en chef des Monuments Historiques
1 - Lucarnes à chevalets 

2 – Lucarnes à croupe, lucarnes à la capucine

3 - Lucarnes à fronton triangulaire (lucarnes flamandes) 

4 - Lucarnes à chapeau ou à fronton arrondi
5 - Lucarnes rampantes à jouées droites 

6 - Lucarnes rampantes à jouées galbées et chapeaux de gendarme 

7 - Lucarnes à formes particulières : tour carrée ou ronde, à pan coupé, à l’impériale, lucarnes à guitardes
8 - Les outeaux 

9 - Les œils-de-bœuf
Postface de Roger Blais, ancien directeur de l’École Supérieure du Bois.

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R. Klanten, K. Bolhöfer, S. Ehmann
ID: 8451
Издательство: Gestalten

No more boring lamps and lights!

The effect of light cannot be overestimated. The most splendid interior will not shine without adequate lighting.

In the last few years, a new school of lamp designers and light manufacturers have taken the lead in creating and developing a new frontier of domestic lighting. These innovative solutions reflect the cutting-edge of contemporary furniture design, interior design, and architecture as much as a recent quantum leap in illumination technology. Lux offers an inspiring range of these current approaches to lamps and lighting that represent a fundamental change in the aesthetic and technical possibilities available.

Many countries around the world have already banned or are in the process of phasing out traditional incandescent light bulbs in favor of more energy-efficient lighting. Because these familiar sources of illumination are becoming extinct, the areas of lighting and light design are currently experiencing significant changes. New technologies such as LEDs and OLEDs are inspiring both designers and manufacturers to develop new forms, functionalities, structures, and constructions.

Lux describes and documents this current evolution in lighting and light design. The book presents an eclectic collection of up-to-the-minute light-related projects, focusing on their impact on areas such as product design, technology, and art. Because existing lamp forms and silhouettes often serve as the basis for cutting-edge work or are being integrated into new technologies and aesthetics in a playful way, Lux features innovative and surprising ideas for chandeliers and classic table, wall, and hanging lamps.

The book shows how recently developed light sources that radiate less heat can be combined with a far broader spectrum of materials than we have ever seen before. It also presents examples of experimental installations with light as well as ways in which illumination is being used to enhance an atmosphere, create objects, or structure space.

In short, Lux features an inspiring range of current approaches to the use of light that represent a fundamental change in the technical and aesthetic possibilities available.

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Jean-Pol Gomerieux
ID: 5802
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre d’initiation s’adresse aussi bien aux jeunes en formation de sculpture qu’au grand public désirant travailler le bois en amateur. Il commence par décrire la technologie nécessaire au sculpteur-ornemaniste, au modeleur et mouleur à travers de nombreux dessins réalisés par l’auteur. Ensuite, la réalisation de sculptures permet de mettre en pratique la technologie avec des exemples facilement réalisables car présentés à l’échelle 1.

Sommaire :
Technologie : l’outillage du sculpteur ornemaniste, l’outillage du modeleur, les moyens de serrage, les défonceuses, les machines à sculpter, l’établi du sculpteur, l’atelier, le bois, la taille du bois, le traçage d’un ornement sur le bois, le modelage et le moulage.

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Jean-Pol Gomerieux
ID: 7140
Издательство: Vial

Cet ouvrage est exclusivement consacré à la sculpture d'ornement. Il s'adresse à ceux qui souhaitent apprendre ou se perfectionner dans ce domaine. Le lecteur est guidé pas à pas dans l'apprentissage de la sculpture sur bois. Les exercices, présentés à l'échelle 1, sont resitués dans leur contexte stylistique et sont illustrés par des photographies. Les ornements les plus couramment utilisés sont expliqués, commentés et illustrés par des dessins et de nombreuses photographies.

Sommaire :
Modèles à réaliser : Un panneau et un coffret Art Déco. Une feuille d’acanthe de style Louis XVI. Une guirlande de fleurettes Régence.
Un porte-assiettes Régence comportant une coquille. Deux pieds d’angle à volutes et un repose-pied contemporain.

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Bridget Bodoano
ID: 3425
Издательство: Quadrille Publishing

Colour has the power to evoke memories and create moods, to change the sense of space and bring warmth or coolness, light or dark, to an interior. When used with a clear understanding of the way it works, colour is the key to successful interior decoration. Created in conjunction with leading interiors magazine Marie Claire Maison, this book gives practical advice on how to use colour to enhance any interior scheme. Stunning examples of contemporary homes from modern urban spaces to period town houses and gracious country residences are showcased demonstrating how the look comes together to create vibrant and original interiors. Alongside these examples, a wealth of tips and ideas give sound practical advice on how to get the look.

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Joachim Achtziger, Guenter Pfeifer, Rolf Ramcke
ID: 762
Издательство: Birkhauser

The Masonry Construction Manual examines the wide range of possibilities stone and brickwork offer in building. It documents in great detail the technical principles and methods of building with these materials, examines their properties, the sizes and forms of bricks and stones, the bonds, and the behaviour of stone and brickwork under stress. In addition, full information is provided on the requirements with respect to heat, damp, sound-proofing and fire protection, and the most recent standards and norms are listed. Finally, a large number of built examples are presented, complete with plans and details, all of which illustrate the many applications of stone and brickwork in contemporary construction. All plans have been drawn at equal scale especially for this book to ensure best legibility and easy comparison. The construction manuals from Edition Detail have set new standards in the field of specialist literature, becoming an indispensable part of any architect's library.

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Tina Skinner
ID: 2870
Издательство: Schiffer

Illustrations:  327 color photos

If you're contemplating a new pool project, and if you want it to outshine all others, this is the book for you. Here is a virtual, vicarious tour of nearly 300 spectacular swim-able waterscapes by the world's top pool builders, members of the elite Master Pool Guild. Samples of their work range from sweet little oases and brief lap pools to luxurious environments complete with waterfalls, fountains, spas, and tiki bars. Explore an endless range of shapes to complement your landscape and architecture. Experience different textures and color schemes in stone and concrete skirting, as well as plant and rock border ideas for completing your backyard environment. This is an inspiring portfolio of ideas for anyone who builds or designs pools, and an essential guide for those planning a new pool project that goes beyond the ordinary.


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ID: 9738
Издательство: Dover

This magnificent display of all 166 plates from an extremely rare set of portfolios depicts scores of examples of the ironworker's art, among them beautiful gates, balustrades, balcony railings, window grilles, church screens, and lantern holders.

A superb collection of royalty-free images for use by designers, architecture enthusiasts, and lovers of antiques.

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