- Rizzoli (39)
- Timber Press (28)
- Thames & Hudson (15)
- Braun (11)
- Phaidon (10)
- Tuttle (9)
- Frances Lincoln (8)
- Princeton Architectural Press (6)
- Filbert Press (6)
- Mitchell Beazley (6)
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A companion volume to Tuscany Artists Homes, Tuscany Artists Gardens presents thirty gardens created by contemporary artists who have settled in Tuscany, and who have applied their artistic sensitivities to their surroundings in unusual and distinctive ways. Each artist’s work reflects, even if unconsciously, a continuity with Tuscan traditions while bringing to bear their own cultural heritage and artistic vision. The gardens take many different forms, from majestic, formally designed acres punctuated with sculpture to tiny, intimate spaces that have colors of every imaginable hue. Daniel Spoerri has used the landscape as a dramatic backdrop for great new works of art scattered along a botanic trail. Niki de Saint Phalle’s extraordinary Tarot Garden houses twenty-two polychromatic sculptures representing the major arcana of the Tarot, while in Fernando Botero’s Garden for the Goddess of Fertility, monumental bronze figures loom out of the trees. Mariella Sgaravatti’s essays offer telling insights into the artists’ motivations, and explore the ways in which their work is intrinsically connected to the magical beauty of the Tuscan landscape. The descriptions and images of the gardens found in this volume are a useful and original source of inspiration for anyone working in the field.
The Emscher Landscape Park is one of the most important landscape revitalising projects that has been realised in an industrial region – eminent not only on a national but also on an international scale.
With its 450 km2, the Emscher Landscape Park encompasses a significant part of the Ruhr Metropolitan Area, the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010.
What makes it unique is the variety of built projects and the expertise of the stakeholders involved including, among others, Peter Latz, Norman Foster, Jörg Schlaich, Frei Otto, Rem Koolhaas, Henri Bava, Françoise-Hélène Jourda, Michel Desvigne, Richard Serra and Maria Nordman.
About 30 major parks and landmarks, pits and tips, bridges and trails as well as artistic installations, all part of this comprehensive landscaping project, are presented here in essays by renowned authors and in individual project portraits.
Der Emscher Landschaftspark ist, auch im internationalen Vergleich, das bedeutendste Projekt einer landschaftlichen Revitalisierung einer ehemaligen Industrieregion. Mit seinen 450 km² umfasst der Emscher Landschaftspark einen wesentlichen Teil des Ruhrgebietes, Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2010. Bemerkenswert ist die Vielfalt der gebauten Projekte und das Niveau der beteiligen Akteure, unter ihnen Peter Latz, Norman Foster, Jörg Schlaich, Frei Otto, Rem Koolhaas, Henri Bava, Michel Desvigne, Richard Serra und viele andere. Die rund 30 wichtigsten Parks und Landmarken, Zechen und Halden, Brücken und Wege sowie künstlerische Installationen sind Teile einer umfassenden Landschaftsgestaltung, die hier in Essays renommierter Autoren sowie Projektporträts vorgestellt wird.
Urban design has recently undergone a considerable transformation with a significant increase in the variety of resources employed by landscape architects and urban planners when it comes to planning public open spaces, especially when concepts such as sustainability and ecology have to be taken increasingly into account. Urban Eco Parks represents a collection of projects selected for their clear intention to show the greatest respect for Nature, places to take a “breather” or just to relax and take a pleasant stroll.
Hundreds of benches, rails, parterres, street lamps, posts, footpaths and bridges, fountains and spatial organizers ? This exhaustive volume contains all of the elements that go into the design of urban space. All elements in this volume were customdesigned for specific urban projects; and all of them are explained from the drawing board up: from the original sketches and lists of materials, to the fi nished product in its setting. This is the most thorough volume of its kind available and contains material that all urban design professionals must be familiar with.
At its best the contribution urban furniture can make to daily life in a city is hugely enriching. Apart from the many functions it performs urban furniture make streets and public spaces more aesthetically interesting and pleasing. This book shows how this can be achieved and the ways in which innovative designs and their contexts form a synergy. Seating, lighting, communication, sanitation, walls, floors, spaces for play, meeting and relaxation are just a few of the topic areas and landscape elements addressed in this informative and exquisitely illustrated volume.
From the subject of contemporary landscape design in China, the book of 'Contemporary Architecture in China - Urban Landscapes' selects 28 outstanding landscape projects, ranging from residences, parks, squares etc. the abundance and gorgeousness constitute the contemporary design world.
Through comprehensive presentation of pictures, detailed analysis of technical drawings and text descriptions, this book fully reveals the panorama of contemporary landscapes in China and highlights the specific features of Chinese landscape, which opens a window for design exchange among landscape designers home and abroad. With a unique perspective and rich contents, the book will bring inspiration for landscape designers.
Table of Contents
Zonal parks
-Madrid RIO
-Buffalo Bayou Promenade
-Drift park
-High Line Section 1
-The Park at Lakeshore East
-Landhauspark and Promenade
Municipal Parks
-Docklands Park
-Saxon Regional Garden Show Reichenbach
-Town Hall Park at Kjenn in Lørenskog
-Chapultepec Park
-Cornmill Gardens
-Architecture of Discovery Green
-Garden of The Republic
-Parque Verde Do Mondego, West Entrance
-The Bocages – Park in Bremen
-Chavasse Park
-Main Street Garden Park
Community parks
-Foley Park
-North West Park
-Latas Parks and Gardens
-Garden of the Promemade
-Pilestredet Park
-Stanisław Lem Memorial Garden of Experience in Krakow
-Quinta Da Alagoa Garden
-Alai Txoko Park
-Public Garden
-Federal State Garden Show
-Bavarian Garden Exhibition
-Stadtpark Uster
-The Pardre Querbes Park
-Euclid Park
Sports parks
-Mount-Royal Park's Playground
-Public Park Meerpark
-Public Park Dunepark
-Dzintari Forest Park
-Garden for Generations in Langenfeld, Germany
-Redevelopment of Public Open Air Pool “Wostra”
-Gaudium Leisure + Sports Park
Historical Heritage Parks
-Paddington Reservoir Gardens
-History Park Moabit Prison Berlin
-Umaid Heritage, Jodhpur
-Solberg Tower & Park
-State Horticultural Show Schwerin 2009 – Marstall – Garden
-Kongens Have, Odense
-Kurpark Baden
-Cockatoo Island Northern Apron
-Jardin des Fonderies
-Museum of Steel
-Peel Entrance, Mount Royal Park
Participating firms:
West 8 urban & MRIO
SWA Group
BCA Landscape
James Corner Field Operations
The Office of James Burnett
El:ch Landschaftsarchitekten
Rush/Wright Associates Pty Ltd
Geskes . HackLandschaftsarchitekten
Bjørbekk & Lindheim
Mario Schjetnan (GDU)
Page Southerl and Page
Kamel Louafi Landscape Architects
Thomas Balsley Associates
ASPECT Studios
Verzone Woods Architectes
Ingarden & Ewy Architekci
LUR Paisajistak, ABR Arquitectos
Giuseppe Baldi Landscape Architect
UKL//UlrichKrüger Landschaftsarchitekten
Rehwaldt LA, Dresden
Schweingruber Zulauf Landschaftsarchitekten
Rios Clementi Hale Studios
Cardinal Hardy
Substance SIA
pslandschaft.de – freiraumplanung
Dupper Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA
Tonkin ZulaikhaJMD Design
Glaßer und Dagenbach Garten- und Landschaftsarchitekten
Kishore D.Pradhan
Saunders Architecture
Hutterreimann + Cejka Landschaftsarchitektur
Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects Pty Ltd
Doazan + Hirschberger & Associates
Surfacedesign Inc
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A stone-garden fountain where children are invited to play...a striking landscape created by the "flying floors" of an airport...in the midst of the most crowded, most intense cities and buildings, open spaces provide visual and emotional relief. Twenty exciting examples of the best in urban design, each thoroughly illustrated and documented, make Urban Spaces: Plazas and Squares an invaluable resource for architects, urban planners, and students seeking out the latest trends in public space design.
* Exciting projects by top design firms from around the world
* Innovative, unusual, unexpected projects
The park of the palace of Versailles spreads out from the foot of the chateau to as far as the eye can see. In designing it, Louis XIV shared the same aim as the Medicis in Florence and Henri IV at the Louvre to manifest the ideal of rational government through the mastery of nature by intellect.
The seasons and the time of day dramatically transform the park in a matter of days, hours, or even minutes. The photographs here capture the moments when light suddenly colours the pools and basins crimson; when the Swiss Pond is transformed into a storm-tossed lake by the wind; or when, in the morning haze, phantoms emerge evocatively from the Basin of Neptune.
The author tells the story of the vision that Louis XIV, great gardener Andre le Notre, artist Hardouin-Mansart, and architect Charles Le Brun had for the gardens. Even those that know the gardens well will have the impression that they are encountering their magic for the first time in this splendid publication.