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Страны мира

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ID: 4455
Издательство: Rebo

India: the name evokes a country as vast as a continent, rich with the manmade and natural wonders of a civilization dating back 4,500 years. With exquisite photography of this land"s diverse styles of architecture and art-both religious and secular-and of its stunning natural landscapes, this book catalogues India"s marvels. Great attention is paid to locating India"s treasures in a cultural and historical context, and each marvel is accompanied by descriptions that will transport you to a world simultaneously containing the ancient and the modern.

Savor this journey through the country"s grandest palaces, public places, mosques, museums, and mansions, and experience the awe of its tremendously varied geography of deserts, wetlands, mountains, forests, and inlets. From Delhi"s sweeping Lodhi Gardens to the fantastic Lake Palace at Udaipur, from the beaches of Goa to the iconic Taj Mahal, 100 Wonders of India reveals the treasures of this fascinating country with detailed descriptions and breathtaking photography.

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Joachim Fischer (Editor), Chris van Uffelen (Editor)
ID: 1148
Издательство: Braun

From the contents:

  • Jewish Museum in Berlin, Germany (Daniel Libeskind)
  • Tiscali Campus in Cagliari, Italy (Arassociati – Studio di Architettura)
  • Kupla – The Bubble, Korkeasaari Zoo Lookout Tower in Helsinki, Finland (Ville Hara)
  • Sports Stadium in Santander, Spain (J. Franco Arquitectos)
  • Swiss RE Headquarters in London, UK (Foster and Partners)

 All the important themes of our present time are put into the European perspective – it‘s time to do this with architecture as well! Projects from all parts of the continent have been selected to create a representative overview of the latest European architecture.

The great variety of European architecture is guaranteed because there is only one project presented per architect – with high-quality pictures and plans. Particular emphasis has been placed on making sure that many small creative and surprising buildings are presented alongside much-quoted “musts”.

Другие книги серии:

1000 x European Architecture - 2nd edition

1000 x European Hotels

1000 x Architecture of the Americas

1000 x Landscape Architecture

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ID: 7319
Издательство: Braun

New Edition - 100% New Projects!

The selected works in this volume provide a cross-section of contemporary European architectural culture in the current context of the building boom, financial crisis and economic recovery. These diverging developments combined with significantly increased ecological awareness have sustainably and creatively influenced the world of architecture between the North Cape and the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains during the past five years.

It is, therefore, time for a new edition of 1000 x European Architecture. The 1000 buildings featured, of all types and sizes, are a comprehensive overview of how differently architects and building owners have reacted to the challenges. This compendium brings together on 1000 pages the latest works of the world’s leading architects as well as great projects by up-and-coming future stars. Across all countries, there are fascinating examples of a wide variety of buildings types and sizes that substantially enrich the exciting diversity of European architecture.

From the content:
- Turning Torso in Malmö, Sweden (Santiago Calatrava)
- Zénith Music Venue in Saint-Etienne, France (Foster + Partners)
- Nordpark Cable Railway in Innsbruck, Austria (Zaha Hadid)
- Madinat al Zahra Museum in Cordoba, Spain (Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos)
- Swedbank Headquarter in Vilnius, Lithuania (Audrius Ambrasas Architects)

Другие книги серии:

1000 x European Architecture

1000 x European Hotels

1000 x Architecture of the Americas

1000 x Landscape Architecture

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Микоян И.А.
ID: 4686
Издательство: АСТ

В античности было семь чудес света, теперь их известно гораздо больше. В этой книге представлено более тысячи выдающихся зданий, шедевров зодчества и уникальных природных ландшафтов, расположенных на всех континентах планеты. Наряду с объектами, внесенными ЮНЕСКО в список памятников мирового культурного наследия, мы включили в книгу много других достопримечательностей, которые по праву могут быть причислены к чудесам света. Среди них не только Старый город Любека удивительной красоты, впечатляющий дворец-замок в Альгамбре близ Гранады, монументальный Тадж-Махал, "Skyline" на Манхэттене или бескрайний природный парк Африки Серенгети. Здесь и портовый "город-склад" в Гамбурге, находящийся под охраной государства, и завораживающий остров Санторин на архипелаге Киклады, и насчитывающий много веков императорский канал, проложенный от Гуанджоу до Пекина, и величайшее сакральное здание мира - построенная в 1990 г. Большая мечеть в Касабланке, а также мост Сан-Франциско - Окленд-Бей. То есть все, что поражает наше воображение.

Все чудеса света сопровождены описаниями и цветными иллюстрациями. Для удобства читателей мы приводим карты континентов и карты стран. Кроме того, в конце книги вы найдете подробный указатель географических названий и достопримечательностей.

Эта книга приглашает нас в путешествие по всему земному шару к чудесам света.

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Mark Cleary
ID: 6475
Издательство: Images

This latest addition to IMAGES’ 21st Century series presents a diverse sample of contemporary Australian and New Zealand architecture, a snapshot of how trans-Tasman architects are forging their own architectural identity and responding to their unique environments in innovative and inventive ways.

From rural retreats to chic inner-city dwellings, from scenic lakeside residences to suburban family homes, this collection showcases the finest examples of residential design currently being produced Downunder.
Accompanied by floor plans, text and lush full-colour photography, 21st Century Houses Downunder provides an intimate glimpse of the latest trends in interior and exterior design.

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ID: 4204
Издательство: Арт-Родник

Пятьдесят или шестьдесят лет назад для большинства населения мира путешествия за границу были нереальной мечтой. Позволить себе отправиться в чужую страну на отдых могли лишь немногие счастливцы, располагающие временем, но и для них возможность отправиться в Южную Америку, в Африку или Азию казалась чаще всего неприемлемой.
Сегодня неутомимый путешественник может без труда добраться до самых отдаленных уголков планеты. Будь это йеменский остров Сокотра в Индийском океане, или озеро Байкал в Сибири, или Айтутаки в южной части Тихого океана - ни одно из мест, описанных в этой книге, не удалено от крупного аэропорта больше чем на два дня пути, и если у вас хватит решимости, энергии и денег, чтобы отправиться туда, - вперед! Действительно, сегодня мир стал меньше.

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Virginia Savage McAlester
ID: 11033
Издательство: Knopf

Here at last: the fully expanded, updated, and freshly designed second edition of the most comprehensive and widely acclaimed guide to domestic architecture — in print since its publication in 1984, and acknowledged everywhere as the unmatched, essential reference to American houses.

Focusing on dwellings in urban and suburban neighborhoods and rural locations all across the continental United States — houses built over the past three hundred years reflecting every social and economic background — this guide provides in-depth information on the essentials of domestic architecture with facts and frames of reference that will enable you to look in a fresh way at the houses around you.

With more than 1,600 detailed photographs and line illustrations, and a lucid, vastly informative text, it will teach you not only to recognize distinct architectural styles but also to understand their historical significance. What does that cornice signify? Or that porch? The shape of that door? The window treatment? When was this house built? What does the style say about its builders and their eras? You'll find the answers to these and myriad other questions in this encyclopedic and eminently practical book.

Here are more than fifty styles and their variants, spanning seven distinct historical periods. Each style is illustrated with a large schematic drawing that highlights its most important identifying features. Additional drawings and photographs provide, at a glance, common alternative shapes, principal subtypes, and close-up views of typical small details — windows, doors, cornices, etc. — that can be difficult to see in full-house illustrations. The accompanying text explains the identifying features of each style, describing where and in what quantity they can be found, discussing all of its notable variants, and tracing their origin and history.

The book's introductory chapters provide invaluable general discussions of construction materials and techniques, house shapes, and the various traditions of architectural fashion that have influenced American house design through the past three centuries. A pictorial key and glossary simplifies identification, connecting easily recognized architectural features — the presence of a tile roof, for example — to the styles in which that feature is likely to be found.
Among the new material included in this edition are chapters on styles that have emerged in the thirty years since the previous edition; a groundbreaking chapter on the development and evolution of American neighborhoods; an appendix on approaches to construction in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; an expanded bibliography; and 600 new photographs and line drawings throughout.

Here is an indispensable resource — both easy and pleasurable to use — for the house lover and the curious tourist, for the house buyer and the weekend stroller, for neighborhood preservation groups, architecture buffs, and everyone who wants to know more about their own homes and communities. It is an invaluable book of American architecture, culture, and history.


Пролистать книгу A Field Guide to American Houses: The Definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding America's Domestic Architecture на Google Books

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Virginia Savage McAlester
ID: 11034
Издательство: Knopf

Here at last: the fully expanded, updated, and freshly designed second edition of the most comprehensive and widely acclaimed guide to domestic architecture — in print since its publication in 1984, and acknowledged everywhere as the unmatched, essential reference to American houses.

Focusing on dwellings in urban and suburban neighborhoods and rural locations all across the continental United States — houses built over the past three hundred years reflecting every social and economic background — this guide provides in-depth information on the essentials of domestic architecture with facts and frames of reference that will enable you to look in a fresh way at the houses around you.

With more than 1,600 detailed photographs and line illustrations, and a lucid, vastly informative text, it will teach you not only to recognize distinct architectural styles but also to understand their historical significance. What does that cornice signify? Or that porch? The shape of that door? The window treatment? When was this house built? What does the style say about its builders and their eras? You'll find the answers to these and myriad other questions in this encyclopedic and eminently practical book.

Here are more than fifty styles and their variants, spanning seven distinct historical periods. Each style is illustrated with a large schematic drawing that highlights its most important identifying features. Additional drawings and photographs provide, at a glance, common alternative shapes, principal subtypes, and close-up views of typical small details — windows, doors, cornices, etc. — that can be difficult to see in full-house illustrations. The accompanying text explains the identifying features of each style, describing where and in what quantity they can be found, discussing all of its notable variants, and tracing their origin and history.

The book's introductory chapters provide invaluable general discussions of construction materials and techniques, house shapes, and the various traditions of architectural fashion that have influenced American house design through the past three centuries. A pictorial key and glossary simplifies identification, connecting easily recognized architectural features — the presence of a tile roof, for example — to the styles in which that feature is likely to be found.
Among the new material included in this edition are chapters on styles that have emerged in the thirty years since the previous edition; a groundbreaking chapter on the development and evolution of American neighborhoods; an appendix on approaches to construction in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; an expanded bibliography; and 600 new photographs and line drawings throughout.

Here is an indispensable resource — both easy and pleasurable to use — for the house lover and the curious tourist, for the house buyer and the weekend stroller, for neighborhood preservation groups, architecture buffs, and everyone who wants to know more about their own homes and communities. It is an invaluable book of American architecture, culture, and history.


Пролистать книгу A Field Guide to American Houses: The Definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding America's Domestic Architecture на Google Books

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Gestalten & Design Indaba
ID: 11399
Издательство: Gestalten

Vibrant, bold, and enigmatic. Africa Rising showcases the work of Africa’s young creatives alongside more established artists from the voluptuous continent’s vibrant metropolises.

The African artistic spirit extends far beyond the canvas and studio; a new wave of African creatives is on the rise and making a name for itself in design, fashion, photography, and architecture across Africa and abroad. While the colors, patterns, and crafts are profoundly rooted in African tradition, young designers infuse their creations with a delightfully discordant edge making them contemporary, unique, and truly pieces of African design. 

Africa Rising calls stereotypes and archaic clichés into question. A comprehensive portrait of Africa manifests from marrying Peter Mabeo’s furniture made from indigenous wood or Nobukho Nqaba’s body of photographic work that handles the themes of migration and foreignness through the clever use of everyday objects or the publicly-minded architecture of David Adjaye with the up-and-coming threads of Selly Raby Kane’s energetic fashion line or the soundscapes of Spoek Mathambo’s Fantasma that fix Bantu lyrics to computerized beats.

Insightful essays from experts and artisans contextualize each portrait and provide insight into talented pioneers, outstanding projects, and the way craft can be a catalyst for social and economic developments. The volume is co-edited by Design Indaba: a multifaceted design platform that garners worldwide critical acclaim for their annual design conference held in Cape Town. Africa Rising celebrates the way art strengthens and unifies cultures and, most importantly, invokes the multi-faceted richness of Africa.

Explore Africa’s worldwide ripple effect of inspiration, creativity, and artistic community.

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Alejandro Bahamуn
ID: 2436
Издательство: teNeues
400 color photographs
From Kenya to Tanzania, Zimbabwe to Namibia, and on to Botswana, this copiously illustrated book presents an overview of the stunning diversity in African residential design. Forty-five houses in a range of styles by architects such as Van der Merwe Miszewski, Anton Du Plessis, and Betsy Gast are featured in over 400 color photographs. Whether rural houses built with indigenous materials or luxurious modern structures with stunning views of the Savannah, African Interior Design should be an indispensable guide to a subject too little discussed.
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Angelika Taschen
ID: 3793
Издательство: Taschen
We've searched far and wide, through Africa's deserts and jungles, cities and wildlife reserves, islands and mountains, to uncover the continent's most inspirational dwellings; our goal was to find the kind of interiors that defy description, and we think the results will definitely leave you speechless. Nestled within these pages you'll find lush modern homes mingling with mud huts, funky artists' studios, elegant lodges, minimalist houses, ornate traditional homes, townships and much more - all lovingly built and decorated with sensitivity, creativity, craftsmanship, individuality, and sensuality. African Interiors captures the beauty and diversity of African living.

Countries featured:
Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia.
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Angelika Taschen (Editor)
ID: 3067
Издательство: Taschen
This rich, elegant picture book plunges into the heart of Africa via its stunning interiors, bringing together a wide selection of inspirational dwellings. You’ll find the best examples of African interior decoration from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo.
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Caroline Klein
ID: 6758
Издательство: Daab

The buildings of the foremost Chinese architect of our time

Chinese concept artist Ai Weiwei broke through to fame with a wider audience in Germany with his spectacular presence at documenta in 2007. More recently his hundred million porcelain sunflower seeds at Tate Modern caught the imagination of the public. But Ai Weiwei's architectural projects have attracted less attention to date. He sees architecture as arguably the most political of the art forms. Daab's new richly-illustrated book Ai Weiwei. Architecture is the perfect publication to fill the need...

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Roberto Valeriani, Photographs by Mario Ciampi
ID: 6314
Издательство: VerbaVolant

Antiques in Italian Interiors showcases a marvellous range of antiques - from small works of art to rare decorative objects to period furniture - housed in some of the most beautiful private residences in Italy.

The homes of princes, scholars, antiquarians, professors, and collectors are presented in over two hundred extraordinary photographs that depict intriguing objects and decor, and capture the atmosphere and character of each interior.

The residences range in scale from palatial villas to spacious apartments and are located in the grand cities of Italy.

Of particular interest is the Museo Mario Praz in Rome, home to an extraordinary collection of furniture, marble, bronze, silver, and crystal works of art. Also featured is renown art historian Frederico Zeri’s home in Mentana, which contains a priceless collection of Roman epigraphs and a vast art and photography library. Informative essays by art historian Roberto Valeriani explore the relationship between the antiques and the spaces that house them. His insights illuminate how each residence documents Italian taste in different eras.

The rich style and ambience of the collection of interiors in this volume attest to the beguiling layers of history that can be found in Italian interiors and to the special allure of antiques.

• A sumptuous, large-format photographic tour of the extraordinary antique collections housed in fifteen private residences in Italy
• The residences range in scale from gorgeous palatial villas to relatively modest homes


Книга Antiques in Italian Interiors, Volume 2


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Roberto Valeriani, Photograhs by Mario Ciampi
ID: 6321
Издательство: VerbaVolant

Antiques in Italian Interiors, Volume II presents a collection of extravagant Italian interiors that house marvelous collections of artwork and antiques.

Following the success of the previous volume in the series (published by Verba Volant in 2005), this new book will open the doors to more private residences belonging to merchant princes, collectors, and royalty. The fifteen interiors selected by art historian Roberto Valeriani and architectural photographer Mario Ciampi are located throughout the Italian peninsula.

In the capital city the Galleria Colonna, with its opulent halls and parlors, contains a celebrated art collection that belongs to a prestigious Roman family. Embellished with frescos dating to the seventeenth century, the princely baroque spaces boast masterpieces from the fifteenth to eighteenth century. The book passes from one noted locale to another, from the affluence of the papal Rome to the opulence of Catania where Palazzo Biscari, the oldest baroque palace in Sicily, was the one of the settings for Goethe’s Italian Journey.

The rich style and ambience of the collection of interiors in this volume demonstrates the full power of the elegance that can only be achieved by arranging precious artwork and antiques in stunning spaces with classic Italian style.

• This book includes certain cornerstones of the history of Italian interior design
• The book includes illustrative essays by the art historian Roberto Valeriani
• Will appeal to lovers of Italian art


Книга  Antiques in Italian Interiors, Volume 1

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