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Denis Panorias, Philippe Huyghe
ID: 7115
Издательство: Vial

Les auteurs présentent dans ce livre un très large éventail de possibilités de finition du mobilier. Les finitions traditionnelles mais aussi la grande variété des finitions contemporaines mettant en oeuvre les techniques et les matériaux modernes sont détaillés. Des photos d’ensemble et de détail accompagnent le texte décrivant la technique appliquée.

Sommaire :

Incidence du support sur la finition, la préparation du support, la mise en teinte des bois, les familles de produits de finition, les finitions transparentes ou vernies, les finitions laquées, le matériel de mise en oeuvre.

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The Imperial War Museums
ID: 8979
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

‘Every Fit Man Wanted’
‘Beer – A Necessity to the Strength of Britain’
‘Victory is in the Kitchen’
‘Women Versus the Submarine’
‘Men of Hull, Get a Move On’

... such stirring messages – proclamations from the First and the Second World Wars – exhorted citizens to do their bit for the war effort. Today they seem charmingly innocent, quintessentially British, and often very funny. The posters that bear them are a treasury of vintage graphics.

Like the much-loved ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ poster, these proclamations – specially selected from over 30,000 in the Imperial War Museum’s collections – are just what we need to keep a stiff upper lip and a sense of humour in our own troubled times.

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Muriel Le Couls and Gil Boyard
ID: 7660
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

Floral structures are the in-thing. They make a base for decoration and can be used over and over again. Gil Boyard and Muriel le Couls, both Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman of France), designed structures for tables, buffets and halls. Firstly they elaborately present the structure in situ. Afterwards they decorate them in three completely different ways, in order to demonstrate the countless possibilities for re-use. This book is brimming with creative ideas


Книга знакомит с мастерством трех талантливых французских флористов, которые, используя живой и сухоцветный материал, а также ягоды, плоды и подкрашенную воду, создали очень интересные композиции и объекты. В каждой из работ не только подчеркиваются структуры и фактуры материала, но и создаются совершенно новые структуры и фактуры. Книга будет полезна флористам всех уровней.


Посмотреть книгу Floral Art Structures 2

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Olivier Dupon
ID: 10638
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Thirty-eight of the finest florists working worldwide today, accompanied by hundreds of full-colour photographs of their inspirational arrangements and decorations

Through the work of these exceptional designers, we see ideas for flowers for every occasion, whether public – decorations for weddings, arrangements for banquets, installations for shops and hotels, accessories for fashion shows, exhibits for art shows – or private, in the form of special displays for the home.

Each florist is introduced with a short biography, then in their own words they explain the stories behind their arrangements. Illustrations include shots of works in progress and full-colour images of glorious finished displays.

This stunning book will be an inspiration for stylists, florists and design professionals, and an indulgent treat for anyone who loves flowers or decorating their own space.

Flowers are associated with all the important events in our lives, whether celebratory or commemorative, but they can also cheer our everyday existence and enliven the spaces around us. This book shows just how. Through the work of 38 floral designers, we see ideas for flowers for every occasion, whether public - decorations for weddings, arrangements for banquets, installations for shops and hotels, accessories for fashion shows, exhibits for art shows - or private, in the form of simple but special displays for the home. Organized in alphabetical order, each florist is introduced with a short biography, then in their own words they explain the stories behind their floral arrangements. Illustrations include portraits of the florists, shots of works in progress and full-colour images of glorious finished displays. As a visual refreshment for stylists, florists and design professionals, and an indulgent treat for anyone who loves flowers or decorating their own space, this book is an inspirational confection.

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Pim van den Akker
ID: 7670
Издательство: Stichting Kunstboak

Making every day's life extraordinary' is not just a slogan for Dutch designer and floral artist Pim van den Akker. His floral creations connect the worlds of design and floral art at the same time prove how natural forms, structures and colors are determinative for the atmosphere. Pim van den Akker is a master in displaying the beauty of both flowers and plants in a surprisingly playful and movingly honest way. Beauty, naturalness, structure and individuality are the key words in his creations. This monograph not only shows the virtuosic skills of this floral expert, it is also a splendid testimony to the philosophy of this exceptional floral designer.

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ID: 9093
Издательство: Pepin Press

PEPIN gift wrap paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (19,5 inch x 27,5 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

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Carol Belanger Grafton
ID: 10132
Издательство: Dover

Over 350 handsome designs — selected from such rare Victorian-era magazines as The Art Journal, and The British Printer — depict lovely floral and foliated motifs as decorative embellishments on a saucer and teacup, on picture frames and wall sconces, as flowing patterns that lend themselves well for use as frames and borders.

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Clara Schmidt
ID: 3712
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Художники всегда обращались к образам растительного мира за вдохновением, а флористика была неизменным элементом во всех декоративных искусствах. Изображения цветов характерны для самых ярких периодов развития истории искусства.

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ID: 1050
Издательство: Pepin Press

Text in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Throughout the history of decoration, floral compositions have been one of the designers' main sources of inspiration. Almost every historical style includes designs based on flowering plants. Today, too, floral patterns are ubiquitous in fashion, advertising and many other forms of decoration. Floral Patterns, a resource book with over 120 color designs - all saved on the enclosed free CD - is reworked, improved and expanded version of one of the most successful volumes in this series.

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de Carnee, Karsten, Meiner, Potthoff
ID: 6237
Издательство: FloralDesign Edition

Floral Room Decoration (Raume floral in Szene setzen) - новый учебник от издательства FloralDesign Edition, рассказывающий читателю, как профессионально подойти к флористическому оформлению интерьера. Здесь подробно рассматривается вопрос - как правильно и грамотно аффилировать помещение или пространство под тему оформления и событие, творческие потребности и технические требования.
Данная книга - это теоретическая и практическая база для дизайнера интерьеров и флориста, которая поможет создать концепцию оформления с учетом немаловажных условий - времени и материальных затрат.
Авторы книги собрали и предлагают читателю необходимые знания о стилях и традициях, о выразительности цвета и фактуры, о пропорциях, о материалах, знания о творческих критериях и навыках пользования флористическими техниками на многочисленных доступных практических примерах как внутреннего, так и внешнего оформления.
Данное издание будет полезно не только флористам, оформляющим интерьеры, но и может стать практическим руководством для дизайнеров, архитекторов, а также студентов профильных учебных заведений.

Das Buch möchte dem Leser einen komplexen Überblick darüber verschaffen, wie man einen Raumschmuck mit floristischen Mitteln gestaltet. Dazu gehört, dass man zunächst einmal die Aufgabe und die damit verbundenen Räume hinsichtlich der Thematik bzw. des Anlasses, hinsichtlich der gestalterischen Vorgaben und der technischen Bedingungen möglichst umfassend analysiert. Auf dieser Basis dann kann der Gestalter unter Einbeziehung der Rahmenbedingungen wie Zeit und Kosten einen Entwurf präsentieren und anschließend entsprechend realisieren.
Das notwendige Wissen um Stilrichtungen und Brauchtum, um Wirkungen von Farben und Oberflächenstrukturen, um Größen- und Mengenverhältnisse, um Werkstoffe und Materialien, die Kenntnisse gestalterischer Kriterien und die Beherrschung handwerklicher floristischer Fertigkeiten vermitteln die Autoren anhand von vielen praktischen und nachvollziehbaren Beispielen. Ein Lernbuch für alle, die mit Blumen und Pflanzen einen Raum – sei es drinnen oder draußen – gestalten wollen: Auszubildende und Meisterschüler, aber auch gestandene Profis und interessierte Quereinsteiger. Selbst Architekten, Innenarchitekten und Raumgestalter finden hier Anregungen für ihre Arbeit. Der Leser profitiert dabei von der profunden Erfahrung der Autoren, die in diesen praxisorientierten Leitfaden eine Menge hilfreicher Tipps und Anregungen aus ihrer täglichen Arbeit einfließen lassen.

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Alan Weller
ID: 9614
Издательство: Dover

Bouquets of chrysanthemums, roses, and cherry blossoms, plus fantasy flowers found only in the garden of the imagination — this spectacular array of floral illustrations will be a perennial favorite for designers. Includes a gallery of inspiring ideas, tutorials, and 200 Vector-based images that can be increased in size without losing quality.

Image File Information:
Includes 200 highly scalable, vector-based graphics saved in EPS and SVG formats; also saved as high-res JPEG files; 17 texture images; tutorials on scaling, twisting, repetition, patterns, colors, fills, layers, compound paths, and other invaluable techniques; gallery section offering inspiring design ideas; JPEGs included for all Gallery graphics

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Mack Sutter
ID: 10133
Издательство: Dover

21 full-size patterns for beautiful floral woodcarving projects include extensive notes, line drawings, photographs of finished projects. Bluebells, Orchid, Rose, Tulip, Iris, Pine Cones, Aztec Lily, more. Expert tips on wood selection, finishing techniques, and tools

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Nancy D'Oench
ID: 4727
Издательство: Abrams

252 full-color illustrations

Showcasing more than 250 designs by more than 130 gifted amateur arrangers under the auspices of the World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA USA), Flower Arranging the American Way is a contemporary celebration of an art form dating back to the third millennium bce. Superbly photographed by Mick Hales and other talented photographers, with each arrangement explained in clear and inviting detail by author Nancy D'Oench, the selection of designs shown here is distinctly American.
In addition to flowers and foliage, each design incorporates natural materials from the seashore, the roadside, and even the compost heap to make dramatic mixedmedia creations. Arrangers at all skill levels will find inspiration and advice aplenty.

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Judith Blacklock
ID: 11105
Издательство: Flower Press

This book is written for anyone with a love of flowers and a desire to create floral displays.

From a simple arrangement to the latest cutting edge contemporary designs, this guide contains all the information you need to get you there.

Illustrated with the best quality photography and explanatory line drawings and with sections devoted to:
- Choosing plant material & making it last.
- Mechanics, sundries and accessories.
- Elements and principles, this book has everything for the novice to provide a solid foundation upon which to build.

Further sections on:
- Flowers in a vase & handtieds.
- Classic and contemporary design.
- Wedding flowers expand on the fundamentals to enable the reader to go on and produce stunning floral displays to match those in the beautiful illustrations.

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Brigitte von Boch
ID: 2062
Издательство: teNeues

In this book, Brigitte von Boch uses flowers as a crucial and creative element in interior design.

Her arrangements set off and complement the surrounding decor, and bring the outdoors inside. She delights in adding just a touch of the unexpected to the best of traditional flower design. This volume profiles over 200 of her inspiring creations, and demonstrates how color, form and texture can combine to maximum effect.

The author showcases an array of stunning arrangements for all seasons. A delight for the senses, this collection is a true work of art.

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