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Giovanni Fanelli
ID: 12275
Издательство: Taschen

Città Eterna. A photographic portrait of Rome

Rome is the city where past and present, spectacle and the everyday collide around every corner; where Baroque drama flourishes alongside ancient classical wonders; where necks crane to admire Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel; and where Fellini immortalized la dolce vita. This photographic portrait of Rome brings you all the history and all the wonders of an incomparable cultural capital.

This bumper photographic portrait of Rome brings together hundreds of photographs from the 1840s through to today to explore the extraordinary history, beauty, and art of this incomparable cultural capital.

From sepia and black and white to colour, these outstanding images dating from the 1840s to the present day allow us — through the eyes of such photographers as Giacomo Caneva, Pompeo Molins, Giuseppe Primoli, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Carlo Bavagnoli, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Pasquale De Antonis, Peter Lindbergh, Slim Aarons, and William Klein — to discover Rome in its many compelling guises: as the center of the Roman Empire, as one of the cradles of the Renaissance, as a favourite destination for travellers and a rich patchwork of varied neighbourhoods, as the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, a stage for politics, and as the perfect backdrop for film and fashion shoots.

Reaching back into illustrious archives, some of the book’s early images offer us a privileged Grand Tour glimpse of some of Rome’s most treasured landmarks, revealing the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Spanish Steps almost void of crowds. Later pictures survey the city’s contrasts — from the luxurious homes and leisure activities of the privileged to street stalls and laundry lines in the working-class districts of Trastevere and Testaccio. Some documentary-style shots show us the dark power of Mussolini, the city bedecked with his own iconography and imagery of strength, athleticism, and the fatherland.

As colour photography comes in, the city transitions from a neo-realismo aesthetic to postwar recovery and hedonism: all the glamorous gowns, exotic celebrities, and Via Veneto café culture immortalized by Fellini. Many famous faces are here, including Louis Armstrong, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Marcello Mastroianni, Sophia Loren, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Anna Magnani, and Valentino.

The author:

Giovanni Fanelli, professor of Architecture History at the University of Florence, is the author of several works of architectural history, urban history, graphic arts and photography, translated into several languages; he has been the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Ragghianti (Lucca) and is series editor for a number of titles of Laterza publishers (Rome).

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Giancarlo Botti
ID: 5579
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Unser Band, der aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstags von Romy Schneider (1938–1982) neu aufgelegt wird, ist eine Hommage in Bildern, die all die glanzvollen, intimen, auch tragische Momente der beruflichen und privaten Metamorphose Romy Schneiders vom »süßen Mädel« zur schönen, selbstbewussten Frau, zur gefeierten Schauspielerin und Diva versammelt. Es sind Photographien, die der italienisch-französische Photograph Giancarlo Botti von Romy zwischen 1961 und ihrem Tod 1982 aufgenommen hat. Die frühesten Bilder zeigen sie im Modesalon von Coco Chanel bei der Kostümprobe für ein Filmprojekt mit Luchino Visconti. In den folgenden zwei Jahrzehnten photographierte er sie u. a. bei den Dreharbeiten von Was gibt’s Neues, Pussy?, Halb elf in einer Sommernacht, Spion zwischen zwei Fronten, Die Geliebte des anderen, Das Mädchen und der Kommissar, Nachtblende, Gruppenbild mit Dame und Eine einfache Geschichte. Der vertraute Umgang zwischen dem Photographen und seinem Star führte auch dazu, dass Romy ihn häufig zu privaten Phototerminen bat. So nahm er Romy mit Sohn David in ihrer Pariser Wohnung auf und photographierte ihre Hochzeit mit Daniel Biasini. Die Beziehung fand ihren Höhepunkt in einer großen erotischen Aktserie, die Romy Schneider selbst angeregt hatte und die hier erstmals zusammenhängend veröffentlicht ist. Giancarlo Botti, 1930 in Italien geboren und seit Ende der 50er Jahre in Frankreich ansässig, machte sich mit Photoreportagen und Prominenten-Portraits einen Namen. Unser Band ist das Zeugnis einer langjährigen, von Sympathie und zunehmender Vertrautheit geprägten Zusammenarbeit mit Romy Schneider, die 1960 mit einem Reportage-Auftrag der französischen Frauenzeitschrift Marie Claire begann.

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Deborah Anderson (Author, Photographer), Diana Jenkins (Editor)
ID: 6452
Издательство: Daab

An intimate glance at Hollywood behind closed doors is revealed in this collection of glamorous, erotic and fascinating photographs shot in the Penthouse suite at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Throughout the year of 2008 an exquisite selection of celebrities including George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, Minnie Driver, Eva Herzigova, Dennis Hopper, Rachel Hunter, Sir Elton John, Heidi Klum, Kid Rock, Ray Liotta, Lindsay Lohan, Tatjana Patitz, Christian Slater, Sharon Stone and Donald and Rossif Sutherland were all invited to “live” in Room 23.

Deborah Andersonʼs photographic gaze is able to lasciviously lure Sharon Stone into bed with Cheryl Tiegs, makes men crawl submissively at Lindsay Lohan feet and brings a coquette smile to Heidi Klum pretty face while standing next to a bellboy with his exposed derrière.

Shooting people in beds and bathtubs, Deborah Andersonʼs sensual point-of-view lets her get physically close to her subjects, but also allows her to capture the essence of their personality, their sex appeal, sense of humor, irony and at times lets seep through their innermost fantasies. Despite all, her subjects remain the untouchable icons we know and adore - behind locked hotel room doors they are removed from reality, distantly desirable and mysterious. A simple peek through the voyeurʼs keyhole gives us a taste of luscious perfection we long for.

The celebrities portrayed in this book were invited by Diana Jenkins, to many more than a mere acquaintance. Growing up in Sarajevo, this charismatic businesswoman now lives divided between London and Los Angeles. After escaping the horrors of the Bosnian War, in which she lost a brother, Diana Jenkins established an international foundation dedicated to rebuilding the infrastructure of a war-tattered nation.

The idea for this book sprung from an encounter with Deborah Anderson, whose style in photography has been located by the Los Angeles Times as somewhere between classic French erotica and Helmut Newton. Like her father Jon Anderson, legendary lead vocalist of YES, Deborah has worked with many music talents over the years as singer songwriter.

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Joachim Sartorius, Michael Naumann
ID: 1908
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

With a characteristic mix of humor, vitality, and eroticism, German photographer Roswitha Hecke has created a body of sensitive portraits and reports spanning forty years, four continents and all aspects of human life: German theater, French cinema, Zurich prostitutes, Paris transvestites, a Bronx private eye or the homeless on the Bowery. This volume accompanies a major retrospective in Berlin.

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Gabriele Rigon
ID: 888
Издательство: Daab

For the Italian photographer Gabriele Rigon the female nude is nature’s finest gift. He is so moved by this aesthetic that he translates his feelings into still images, or “intimate moments in time”, how he prefers to describe his pictures. Gabriele Rigon never works with many models, as he gives the special working relationship with the models the top priority. For him it is the most important thing to create an atmosphere of trust, understanding, merriness and friendship, where the camera becomes just a tool for capturing the moments he shares with the models. So it is no surprise that his pictures exude a kind of romantic and poetry.

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ID: 1850
Издательство: Taschen

Taschen 25th Anniversary Series

"Animal sexuality differs from eroticism in that human sexuality is limited by taboos and the domain of eroticism is that of the transgression of these taboos" is how Georges Bataille explains eroticism. Casting a new light on that most human of acts, Roy Stuart presents us here with a book of erotic power rarely seen. The brilliant technique and skillful presentation of his videos and stills present sexuality directly and without prudery.

 Stuart's photos and glimpse videos have aquired cult status even amongst experienced hardcore fans, and with good reason, for they represent an exquisite representation of the forbidden. In turns voyeuristic, in turns narrative, his pictures with their disarming explicitness subvert traditional moral codes and force the viewer to reevaluate his or her preconceived notions of sexuality. The photographs assembled in this book, which in another context might have been condemned, instead give a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of Roy Stuart's magical theatre of transgression and taboo.

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ID: 3342
Издательство: Taschen

In his second book for TASCHEN, a groundbreaking exploration of "authentic human passion," Roy Stuart produced photos that were both finely crafted compositions and highly charged representations of desire, without slipping into the tired stereotypes of pornography and the degrading portrayals that genre normally offers up. In his pictorial world, women are potently sexual figures who know what they want and are going to get it. Exploratory, experimental, they hold all the cards in the consensual power plays and fantasy enactments presented.

This collection of narratives and pictorials does not fail to deliver either, with its refreshingly honest and strikingly explicit take on the more creative areas of the sexual psyche. Playing off dream scenarios against shots caught on the run in the street, and portrait style nudes against group love-ins, it will satisfy both the connoisseur of the erotic as well as the curious newcomer. With his trademark interest in the daily rituals of womankind still apparent, and his richly textured appreciation of the garments of seduction, Stuart's work might take a little acclimatisation. But once you let go and enter in, you will find that, along with the loosening of clothing, a little relaxation of one's inhibitions can go a long way.

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Roy Stuart
ID: 3023
Издательство: Taschen

Roy Stuart has been at it again, traipsing around Paris from luxury apartments to the streets, capturing men and women defiantly acting out their sexual fantasies. From peek-a-boo panties to same-sex petting to more "indiscreet" activities, Stuart`s titillating mises-en-scene challenge us to break loose from traditional moral codes. Featuring not only young, perky-bodied women but also females of a certain age, these images are more hardcore and more daring than anything Stuart has ever produced. Also included are a rare interview with Stuart and images from his first feature film, giving a taste of what Stuart`s future offerings will bring us, as he plans to add filmmaking to his list of artistic erotic accomplishments.

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Francois Louvard, Lazlo Hamlin, Roy Stuart (Photographer)
ID: 3583
Издательство: Taschen
In the 20th century, when pornography made its debut in the film world with its aura of improvisation and amateurishness, it had a caustic challenging quality, a freshness and a natural authenticity. By becoming industrialized and codified, it then let itself be confined in the twofold ghetto of distribution and its related rituals, churning out a pantomime of crude, unexciting, formatted images. Eroticism has always had "better press," especially since it has often been "involved" with literature and great authors have laid sacrifices on its altar. However, limited by censorship, above all self-censorship, to a restrictive representation of sex, it sentenced itself to insipidness and self-mutilation, believing it could find a way out in vain, repetitive sophistication, paradoxically proving, much to the satisfaction of moralists, that since monotony is always born out of uniformity, prefabricated pornography and eroticism have become, and remain boring.

This realization inspires a photographer like Roy Stuart. Taking advantage of Western society's relative freedom, he has investigated the use that can be made of this dilemma. A photographer and filmmaker, switching from printed to moving image, he seeks to liberate the image from its final taboos, to escape the conventional representation of sex. But, more than anything else, he has an artistic project: beyond voyeurism, he strives to explore the female body, attitudes, instincts, and dreams.

In his new book, the fifth to date, he hones this exploration into something more forthright, close to film. The photos "tell" short stories, like short films, and the models become actors, their movements caught in freeze frame studies, between portrait and narrative. Sex is more explicit, while retaining some of the mystery characteristic of erotic images. A DVD, which comes with the book, contains several scenes from which the photos are taken, with excerpts from the Glimpse DVD series and excerpts from Stuart's film The Lost Door. The overall impression produced by this work is that Stuart has introduced eroticism into pornography, or vice versa. He clouds issues, confuses codes, disorientates and takes risks, all the while behaving as an artist who is exploring a new middle road - fusional, original and hard to follow, but promising. Somewhere between simplistic X-rated films and pure eroticism, between trivial reality and abortive dreams, he seeks and finds a third way.
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Author Paolo Gobbi and Andrea Mattioli
ID: 15813
Издательство: Rizzoli

This book is dedicated to the history of the Royal Oak from 1972 to 2020 from the perspective of collectors and enthusiasts around the globe.

The Royal Oak by Audemars Piguet is one of the watch models most coveted and sought-after by collectors all over the world. Characterized by a steel case, an octagonal bezel, the “Tapisserie” dial, and a steel face, it subverted aesthetic codes when it appeared in 1972. Even though its success wasn’t immediate, it became an icon over the course of several seasons. The Royal Oak came about when the popularity of quartz watches seemed to be heralding the end of the mechanical watch. Audemars Piguet decided to gamble on something completely new, a sporty, elegant watch that would mark a turning point in the market and reconfirm Swiss supremacy in watchmaking.

This monumental tribute features Paolo Gobbi, among others, the most important Italian watch expert and one of the most knowledgeable in the world, and Andrea Mattioli, an antiques dealer and great connoisseur of this model. Royal Oak 39 The Book explores the timeless timepiece, illustrating every facet of over a hundred rare and legendary specimens belonging to prestigious collections, photographed in detail exclusively for this exquisite monograph. It is a must-have for watch enthusiasts and, in particular, lovers of this model, characterized by its 39-millimeter dial.

About the Author:

Paolo Gobbi is an experienced journalist of watchmaking who writes for many prestigious magazines. He is editor in chief of Watch Digest and contributes to Il Messaggero and Il MattinoAndrea Mattioli has sold precious and high-end watches for many years, becoming over time a refined connoisseur.

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Julia Melchior, Friederike Haedecke
ID: 3670
Издательство: teNeues

125 color and 57 b/w photographs

Royal Weddings undeniably count among the superlative events of our time. Thousands of people line the way from the palace to the cathedral, and as many as one billion viewers follow the ceremony on their TVs, fascinated by the glamour, tradition and romance between two lovers, who eventually say "yes" to each other just like everybody else. Nothing surpasses the pageantry of a royal wedding. Pomp and ritual combine in a spectacle few can resist. That mingling of personal charisma, age-old institutions, and contemporary mores is enough to intrigue the most hardened of hearts! Royal Weddings tells the stories behind the most beautiful weddings of monarchs and heirs to the throne from all over the world. Take a richly illustrated book behind the scenes on the big days of Queen Victoria of England, Grace Kelly and Rainier, Diana and Charles, Letizia and Felipe and many others. These royal unions embody the hopes, dreams and characteristics of nations as distinct as Sweden, Japan and Spain. Comprehensive text and stunning pictures chronicle the fascinating details that make these state celebrations of personal commitment so unique and memorable.

* This magnificent volume will fascinate all interested by lavish indulgence fit for a king
* This richly illustrated volume offers a unique impression of the most spectacular royal weddings

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Rob Hume
ID: 14741
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

Lavishly illustrated throughout with crystal-clear photography, this guide is the essential reference for the novice and experienced birdwatcher.

This large-format book starts with an extensively illustrated introduction, describing bird characteristics and behaviour. It also surveys the varied habitats in which birds may be spotted, including urban parks and gardens.

The 330 most commonly seen species are given a full-page entry in the species catalogue. See birds in their natural habitat and learn about characteristic behaviour with stunning photos showing adults in typical plumage, with male, female, juvenile, and summer or winter variations to help you identify birds quickly and easily. Colour-coded maps highlight resident and migratory distributions so you know which species of birds to expect when you are out and about. Within this bird book for adults there are key details and descriptions of rare species and accidental visitors to Britain and Europe.

The new edition of RSPB Complete Birds of Britain and Europe includes access to a free-download audio app, which features recordings of birdsong and calls for the most commonly occurring species - so that species can be identified by sound and by sight.

Whether you are looking for a guide to help you take part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch or a bird-watching gift for friends and family, this bird-watching book is essential for quick and easy bird identification of European and British birds.

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Russell James, Forewords by Heidi Klum, Donna Karan & Sharen Turney, CEO, Victoria's Secret
ID: 11219
Издательство: teNeues

One of the world's top photographers, Russell James hails from Western Australia. Strongly idiosyncratic, his work is heavily influenced by his homeland's open landscapes and extraordinary light. Dream-like images combine the natural elements of air, sun, earth and water. Applauded for his sexy nudes, exuberant fashion spreads, as well as distinctive portraiture, his trademark style is instantly recognizable. Whether capturing the daily lives of Australia's aboriginal peoples, or crafting a luxury advertising campaign, this consummate professional leaves nothing to chance…

Russell James's work has appeared in many influential magazines such as Vogue, Marie Claire and GQ.  In particular, his images in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition have drawn great acclaim. He has also created advertising campaigns for world-class clients such as Victoria's Secret.

 - With an introductory essay by Russell James and forewords by Heidi Klum, Donna Karan, and Sharen Turney, CEO of Victoria's Secret
 - A comprehensive overview of this accomplished and talented photographer

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Russell Westbrook
ID: 16479
Издательство: Rizzoli

For NBA superstar turned style icon Russell Westbrook, fashion is not just a spectator sport—it pushes boundaries, blurs lines, and drives culture. This book is a celebration of Westbrook’s style on and off the court, and the creative people he admires and works with.

This deluxe edition of the book will come in luxury packaging that will include the book and a pair of Russell Westbrook designed sunglasses from his current collection that will be housed together in a clamshell box with an MVP bellyband.  The box itself will be black faux leather with a basketball grain and black glossy stamped basketball lines.

Russell Westbrook, a reigning two-time NBA All-Star MVP, is not your average basketball superstar. Apart from his meteoric rise within the ranks of the NBA, Westbrook is a creative force prominently known and admired by the fashion industry and his fan base for his daring sartorial experimentation and love of all things fashion. Whether he is seen at the front row of a runway show during Milan Fashion Week, within the pages of Vogue, GQ, and the New York Times style section, or collaborating with Barneys New York or the Jordan brand, Westbrook has garnered the reputation of being the NBA’s real fashion insider.

This book is a collection of stylish and inspiring images and text that provide a rare glimpse into Westbrook’s world, revealing how he uses style as a psychological weapon on and off the court and how he has redefined the role of a contemporary athlete turned cultural figure. From photographs documenting his bold and cutting-edge outfits worn during the playoffs to images of his collaborations with global style brands and original quotes and interviews with fellow athletes, designers, and creative figures that inspire Westbrook, this book explores how to be fearless and confident in fashion and in life, what it means to be stylish, and the importance of authenticity in everything from style and music to art and business. This all-access volume is an essential for his fans and readers interested in sports, style, design, and popular culture.

About the Author:

Russell Westbrook is an American professional basketball player for the NBA’s Oklahoma City Thunder.


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Russell Westbrook
ID: 16180
Издательство: Rizzoli

For NBA superstar turned style icon Russell Westbrook, fashion is not just a spectator sport — it pushes boundaries, blurs lines, and drives culture. This book is a celebration of Westbrook’s style on and off the court, and the creative people he admires and works with.

This book was created with three different covers designed by Raymond Pettibon and will be shipped to customers at random.

Russell Westbrook, a reigning two-time NBA All-Star MVP, is not your average basketball superstar. Apart from his meteoric rise within the ranks of the NBA, Westbrook is a creative force prominently known and admired by the fashion industry and his fan base for his daring sartorial experimentation and love of all things fashion. Whether he is seen at the front row of a runway show during Milan Fashion Week, within the pages of Vogue, GQ, and the New York Times style section, or collaborating with Barneys New York or the Jordan brand, Westbrook has garnered the reputation of being the NBA’s real fashion insider.

This book is a collection of stylish and inspiring images and text that provide a rare glimpse into Westbrook’s world, revealing how he uses style as a psychological weapon on and off the court and how he has redefined the role of a contemporary athlete turned cultural figure. From photographs documenting his bold and cutting-edge outfits worn during the playoffs to images of his collaborations with global style brands and original quotes and interviews with fellow athletes, designers, and creative figures that inspire Westbrook, this book explores how to be fearless and confident in fashion and in life, what it means to be stylish, and the importance of authenticity in everything from style and music to art and business. This all-access volume is an essential for his fans and readers interested in sports, style, design, and popular culture.

About the Author:

Russell Westbrook is an American professional basketball player for the NBA’s Oklahoma City Thunder.


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