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Norbert Guthier
ID: 6768
Издательство: Edition Skylight

Highly Artistic Black & White Photography

“These are moments I usually experience with eyes closed in rapture, moments that say “Yes! Take me, touch me, have me!” And because I know what I see in the pictures actually feels like, I experience a range of different emotions while browsing through it: the memory of recent events is re-awakened, my intellect is stimulated and my physical awareness heightened. It is discovery and recognition at the same time.

I am still coming across photos that show rare perspectives and capture unusual moments never seen before, despite the fact that, in the area of erotic photography, there is really nothing new under the sun. Perhaps Norbert Guthier’s secret is to avoid repeating erotic stereotypes to allow something new to emerge. And the fact that I am familiar with this new thing, but virtually never see it in visual form, is what makes this book truly artistic.”

Sophie Andresky

Norbert Guthiers hohe Kunst der Schwarzweiß-Fotografie

„Es sind diese Momente, die ich sonst mit geschlossenen Augen erlebe, diese Ja-ich-will-es-fass-mich-an-Momente. Und weil ich weiß, wie sich das anfühlt, was ich auf den Paar-Bildern sehe, mischen sich beim Blättern durch diesen Bildband Sehen und Fühlen, aktuelles Erleben und Erinnern, Intellekt und Körpergedächtnis, Entdecken und Wiederkennen zugleich.

Immer wieder finden sich Perspektiven und Momentaufnahmen, die ich so noch nicht gesehen habe, dabei sollte man doch meinen, dass auf dem Erotiksektor alles schon in Szene gesetzt wurde, aber vielleicht ist das genau das Geheimnis: Norbert Guthier wiederholt eben keine erotischen Stereotypen, sondern lässt Neues zu. Und dass dieses Neue das Bekannte ist, das, was ich selbst kenne, aber selten bis nie verbildlicht finde, macht die große Kunst dieses Buches aus.“

Sophie Andresky

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Richard Berenholtz
ID: 16603
Издательство: Rizzoli

Acclaimed photographer Richard Berenholtz's brilliant portfolio of New York City skyline photographs.

For thirty-five years, best-selling photographer Richard Berenholtz has captured the iconic skylines of New York and all of its buildings and bridges. Skylines of New York wonderfully showcases the city that never sleeps in grand style with this collection of 75 breathtaking skyline images.

From the tip of Lower Manhattan, Battery Park, the Statue of Liberty, and the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park and the Hudson River--and dozens of locations in between--every well-known NYC site is featured here. To really bring the Big Apple home, some of the city's most memorable skyline panoramas are featured on gatefold pages that open to two-and-a-half feet wide.

Designed in a handsome yet affordable package, Skylines of New York is the perfect gift for all who love New York.

About the Author:

Richard Berenholtz graduated from Columbia University in 1974 with a master's degree in architecture and spent the next four years working for I. M. Pei. By 1984, he had become a professional photographer and, over the past thirty-five years, has had three photography books published in five languages.


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ID: 3750
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Jean-Paul Goude, Jahrgang 1940, Franzose mit amerikanischer Mutter und Kindheit in New York, gilt als der Crack seines Metiers. Und sein Metier ist nichts weniger als die schillernde, sich ständig neu erfindende Welt von Werbung, Mode, Design und Image Making. Ein künstlerisch hochbegabtes Multitalent mit Hang zu Exotik und Provokation, hält er die Medienszene jetzt schon seit über 30 Jahren in Atem. Grace Jones, sein berühmtestes »Geschöpf«, wurde durch ihn zur Ikone der 80er Jahre; seine legendären Werbekampagnen für Chanel, Kodak oder Perrier wirken bis heute nach; er illustriert und photographiert Mode mit soviel Witz und Dynamik wie keiner vor ihm, hat Unmengen innovativer Video-Clips, TV-Spots und Filme gedreht – und die grandiose Parade zum 200. Jahrestag der Französischen Revolution inszeniert. So weit, so Goude ist die von ihm selbst zusammengestellte Monographie zu Leben und Werk eines genialen Alleskönners, der auch noch schreiben kann: launig und amüsant schildert er, unterstützt von dem französischen Schriftsteller Patrick Mauriès, seinen erstaunlichen Werdegang.

352 Tafeln in Farbe und Duotone.

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Leah Bendavid-Val
ID: 7915
Издательство: National Geographic

Through never-before-seen photographs and intriguing personal diaries, this beautiful book provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of Countess Sophia Tolstoy and her husband, Leo Tolstoy - one of the greatest authors of all time - set against the grand and terrifying backdrop of aristocratic Russia on the brink of its demise.

Between 1885 and 1910, Countess Tolstoy made more than a thousand photographs representing her entire world - from artists to aristocrats to peasants to family, from the Crimea to Moscow to the family estate 100 kilometers to the south. She also kept detailed diaries, which sweep us into fashionable balls and local gossip...magical scenes of winter in Russia...and devastating famine in the countryside. Sophia's works deepen our understanding of the era as well as of this amazing woman, who had thirteen children, battled a troubled marriage, and, though blessed with a creative life of her own, was so devoted to her husband's career that she hand-copied his great works Anna Karenina and War and Peace many times over.

Song Without Words showcases the photographs by theme, with Sophia's writings providing emotional context for many of the images. Commentary by author Leah Bendavid-Val weaves through the book, linking diaries with pictures and placing each in its historical and literary setting.

Autobiographical in nature, yet global in its true scope, Song Without Words brings to light the gifts of a major figure whose previously unknown works enrich our knowledge of literature, photography, and history.

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Yann-Brice Dherbier
ID: 4008
Издательство: Anova

One of the first cinematic sex symbols, Sophia Loren's charisma and voluptuous figure attracted many admirers. Despite this, she was a faithful and dedicated family woman. Committed to just one man - film producer Carlo Ponti, she considered her two children her greatest accomplishments.

Loren came from impoverished roots, yet she was possibly the greatest Italian actress of her time. Her many films included Houseboat, Two Women (for which she won the Academy Award), The Fall of the Roman Empire and The Millionairess. She also loved to sing, adding to her sex appeal with a seductive voice.

'Sophia Loren: A Life in Pictures' illustrates the variety and contrasts in Loren's private and public persona, with wonderful pictures and an incisive biography.

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Hajime Sorayama
ID: 5724
Издательство: Edition Skylight

* The Japanese artist Sorayama is a global phenomenon and has the reputation of being an enfant terrible. At last, there is a new and considerably expanded edition of his COMPLETE MASTERWORKS in enhanced print quality and at a very reasonable price.

* This thick tome is a reference catalogue to Sorayama’s rich work, including a lot of new illustrations. Printed in high density and the best possible quality, his MASTERWORKS sparkle with extraordinary talent, wondrous imagination and impeccable skill. Enjoy!

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Tricia Jones (Editor)
ID: 3552
Издательство: Taschen
The best of i-D's special projects including contributions from artists and designers such as David LaChapelle, John Galliano, Sam Taylor-Wood, Juergen Teller, and Terry Richardson
Soul i-D is a 600-page visual anthology of ideas and images featuring personal insights and contributions from some of the most creative names in contemporary fashion, music, art, and design. Looking at issues that affect all of our lives, from family values to global responsibility and personal lessons learned to inspirational survival stories, all of the best special projects are here - and with the mix of quirky irreverence that has been part of the i-D vocabulary since its launch by Terry Jones in 1980.

Contributors include: Ron Arad, Giorgio Armani, Christopher Bailey, David Bailey, Bono, Neville Brody, Hussein Chalayan, Alber Elbaz, Olafur Eliasson, Tracey Emin, Tom Ford, John Galliano, Bob Geldof, Marc Jacobs, Stephen Jones, Nick Knight, David LaChapelle, Helmut Lang, Maison Martin Margiela, Chris Martin, Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen, Kylie Minogue, Yoko Ono, Miuccia Prada, Terry Richardson, Anita Roddick, Renzo Rosso, Paolo Roversi, Peter Saville, Wing Shya, David Sims, Raf Simons, Paul Smith, Mario Sorrenti, Sam Taylor-Wood, Juergen Teller, Wolfgang Tillmans, Dries Van Noten, Patrick Vieira, Ellen Von Unwerth, Alek Wek, Vivienne Westwood, and Yohji Yamamoto.

Chapters include:

Family Future Positive – what are our support systems in this first decade of the 21st century?
Beyond Price – what are the things we have in our lives already that money can’t buy? (wish lists were not allowed!)
Learn and Pass It On – things we have learned in our lives that we would like to pass on to other people.

Safe+Sound – inspirational stories of people who have come through difficult times in a positive way.

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ID: 9250
Издательство: Damiani

Mark Markov-Grinberg (1907–2006) is one of the Soviet era’s greatest photographers, ranking alongside Aleksandr Rodčenko and Gustav Klutsis in his energetic portrayals of an optimistic, rapidly changing country as it segwayed into the Stalin years. Markov-Grinberg learned photo-journalism in the mid-1920s, while working at the newspaper Sovyetski Yug (Soviet South). In the early 1930s he moved to Moscow to become a correspondent for the Soyuzfoto agency. Today he is perhaps best known for his photographs of red stars replacing double-headed eagles on the Kremlin towers, or his portraits of Nikita Izotov (Coal and Roses series), Yuri Gagarin, Maksim Gor'kij, David Oistrakh, Ilya Ehrenburg and Sergej Ėjzenštejn - photographs that helped to define the culture of the USSR in the 1930s, and all of which are included here. Often juxtaposing the march of industrialization with rural scenes, this volume reproduces those iconic images of those heady times alongside numerous previously unseen pictures, recording a pivotal and dramatic half-century of Russian history.

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Arseniy Kotov, Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell
ID: 13768
Издательство: Fuel

The follow up to Soviet Cities by acclaimed Russian photographer and Instagram sensation Arseniy Kotov. A photography book featuring four areas of the post-Soviet republics seen over four different seasons

The follow up to Soviet Cities by acclaimed Russian photographer and Instagram sensation Arseniy Kotov. A photography book featuring four areas of the post-Soviet republics seen over four different seasonsIn Soviet Seasons Kotov’s photographs reveal unfamiliar aspects of the post-Soviet terrain. From snow-blanketed Siberia in winter, to the mountains of the Caucasus in summer, these images show how a once powerful, utopian landscape has been affected by the weight of nature itself.

This uniquely broad perspective could only be achieved by a photographer such as Kotov. Singularly dedicated to exploring every corner of his country, Kotov often hitch-hikes across vast distances. On these journeys he chronicles not only the architectural achievements of the Soviet empire, but also its overlooked or simply undocumented constructions.

Arseniy Kotov: ‘In this book I want to show how beautiful and diverse are the cities and nature of this vast region at different times of the year. I have travelled widely across Russia and neighbouring countries, where I captured the landscape of post-Soviet cities and witnessed the seasonal changes.’

About the Authors:

Born in Samara in 1988, Arseniy Kotov grew up in an urban landscape consisting of standardised Soviet-era housing blocks and industrial towers. He has been taking photographs of city landscapes since he was a teenager. At the age of 25 he decided to hitch-hike across Russia and then on to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. During 2016-20 Arseniy Kotov visited all of the post-soviet republics, where he photographed more than two hundred cities. Damon Murray and Stephen Sorrell have been publishing critically acclaimed books on Soviet culture since 2004 with their Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia. More recent titles include Chernobyl; A Stalkers’ Guide, Spomenik Monument Database and Soviet Bus Stops.

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Jason Guilbeau, Clem Cecil
ID: 13084
Издательство: Fuel

French photographer Jason Guilbeau has used Google Street View to virtually navigate Russia and the former USSR, searching for examples of a forgotten Soviet empire.

From remote rural roadsides to densely populated cities, the photographs reveal traces of history in plain sight: a Brutalist hammer and sickle stands in a remote field; a jet fighter is anchored to the ground by its concrete exhaust plume; a skeletal tractor sits on a cast-iron platform; a village sign resembles a Constructivist sculpture. Passers-by seem oblivious to these objects.

This collection of photographs portrays a surreal reality: it is a document of a vanishing era, captured by an omniscient technology that is continually deleting and replenishing itself – an inadvertent definition of Russia today.

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Hans-Jurgen Burkard
ID: 2523
Издательство: teNeues
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Giorgia Fiorio
ID: 2525
Издательство: teNeues

78 black & white photographs

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Francis Giacobetti
ID: 2526
Издательство: teNeues

32 color and 32 black & white photographs

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Peggy Sirota
ID: 2527
Издательство: teNeues

35 color and 47 black & white photographs 

  The list of celebrities who have sat for New York-based photographer reads like a Who's Who in American show business. Sirota's works is highly distinctive, her approach unconventional, and she has an extremely intense relationship to her subjects. In fact, it is Sirota's autodidactic style, perhaps, which lies at the heart of her success. Many of these photos, originally published under the title Guess Who, are part of a series of enigmatic and misleading portraits of celebrities. By disguising faces that are otherwise immediately recognizable, Sirota raises questions about the genre of celebrity portraiture, and allows us to look beyond the glamorous surface and into the person within. In addition, this volume includes many of Sirota's intriguing investigative and landscape photographs.

All of the works have one thing in common: They cross borders, flirt with visual puns and allow the viewer a revealing glimpse behind the behind the faзade.


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