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Sebastiao Salgado, Lella Salgado
ID: 9841
Издательство: Taschen

Earth eternal. A photographic homage to our planet in its natural state

On a very fortuitous day in 1970, 26-year-old Sebastião Salgado held a camera for the first time. When he looked through the viewfinder, he experienced a revelation: suddenly life made sense. From that day onward — though it took years of hard work before he had the experience to earn his living as a photographer — the camera became his tool for interacting with the world. Salgado, who “always preferred the chiaroscuro palette of black-and-white images,” shot very little color in his early career before giving it up completely.

Raised on a farm in Brazil, Salgado possessed a deep love and respect for nature; he was also particularly sensitive to the ways in which human beings are affected by their often devastating socio-economic conditions. Of the myriad works Salgado has produced in his acclaimed career, three long-term projects stand out: Workers (1993), documenting the vanishing way of life of manual laborers across the world, Migrations (2000), a tribute to mass migration driven by hunger, natural disasters, environmental degradation and demographic pressure, and this new opus, GENESIS, the result of an epic eight-year expedition to rediscover the mountains, deserts and oceans, the animals and peoples that have so far escaped the imprint of modern society — the land and life of a still-pristine planet. “Some 46% of the planet is still as it was in the time of genesis,” Salgado reminds us. “We must preserve what exists.” The GENESIS project, along with the Salgados’ Instituto Terra, are dedicated to showing the beauty of our planet, reversing the damage done to it, and preserving it for the future.

Over 30 trips — travelled by foot, light aircraft, seagoing vessels, canoes, and even balloons, through extreme heat and cold and in sometimes dangerous conditions — Salgado created a collection of images showing us nature, animals, and indigenous peoples in breathtaking beauty. Mastering the monochrome with an extreme deftness to rival the virtuoso Ansel Adams, Salgado brings black-and-white photography to a new dimension; the tonal variations in his works, the contrasts of light and dark, recall the works of Old Masters such as Rembrandt and Georges de La Tour.

What does one discover in GENESIS? The animal species and volcanoes of the Galápagos; penguins, sea lions, cormorants, and whales of the Antarctic and South Atlantic; Brazilian alligators and jaguars; African lions, leopards, and elephants; the isolated Zo’é tribe deep in the Amazon jungle; the Stone Age Korowai people of West Papua; nomadic Dinka cattle farmers in Sudan; Nenet nomads and their reindeer herds in the Arctic Circle; Mentawai jungle communities on islands west of Sumatra; the icebergs of the Antarctic; the volcanoes of Central Africa and the Kamchatka Peninsula; Saharan deserts; the Negro and Juruá rivers in the Amazon; the ravines of the Grand Canyon; the glaciers of Alaska... and beyond. Having dedicated so much time, energy, and passion to the making of this work, Salgado likens GENESIS to “my love letter to the planet.”

Whereas the limited Collector’s Edition is conceived like a large-format portfolio that meanders across the planet, this unlimited book presents a selection of photographs arranged in five chapters geographically: Planet South, Sanctuaries, Africa, Northern Spaces, Amazonia and Pantanal. Each in its own way, this book and the Collector’s edition — both edited and designed by Lélia Wanick Salgado — pay homage to Salgado’s triumphant and unparalleled GENESIS project.

The photographer:

Sebastião Salgado began his career as a professional photographer in Paris in 1973 and subsequently worked with the photo agencies Sygma, Gamma and Magnum Photos. In 1994 he and his wife Lélia created Amazonas images, which exclusively handles his work. Salgado’s photographic projects have been featured in many exhibitions as well as books, including Other Americas (1986), Sahel, L'Homme en détresse (1986), Workers (1993), Terra (1997), Migrations (2000), The Children (2000) and Africa (2007).

The editor and author:

Lélia Wanick Salgado studied architecture and urban planning in Paris. Her interest in photography started in 1970. In the 1980s she moved on to conceiving and designing photography books and organizing exhibitions, numerous of them on Sebastião Salgado. Since 1994 Lélia Wanick Salgado has been the director of Amazonas images.

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Photographs by Bart Smith, Author Craig Romano and William L. Sullivan and Daniel Evans
ID: 15697
Издательство: Rizzoli

Hike some of the most famous trails in the world, with the region's top guides right by your side.

This official book celebrates the trails of the Pacific Northwest with stunning photography, maps, rarely-seen archival photos, and information-packed text by top regional hiking authors that brings the history of the trails to life.

The backcountry of the Pacific Northwest covers millions of acres of wild lands protected within vast national parks, provincial parks, and wilderness areas--and thousands of miles of trails, including the Pacific Crest, Pacific Northwest, and Trans Canada Trails.

This is a must-have for anyone who dreams of summiting peaks in North America's most beloved region.

About the Author:

Photographer Bart Smith has walked and photographed the length of the Pacific Northwest. Craig Romano is an award-winning author of more than 20 guidebooks and has hiked more than 25,000 miles in Washington State. William L. Sullivan is the author of 22 books about Oregon hiking, history, and mystery. Three-time governor and a U.S. senator, Daniel Evans authored the Washington State Wilderness Act protecting 1.5 million acres of wild lands. Trail Keepers of Oregon (TKO) and Washington Trails Association (WTA) protects and enhances the hiking experience through trail maintenance, advocacy, stewardship, outreach, and education in Oregon and Washington, respectively.


Пролистать книгу Hiking Trails of the Pacific Northwest: Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Southwestern British Columbia

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Amit Pasricha
ID: 6846
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Landschaftlich und architektonisch ist Indien so reich und vielfältig wie kaum ein anderes Land Asiens. Seine Größe, die unterschiedlichen Klimazonen und Ethnien, seine Geschichte, Kultur und Religionen übersteigen jeden »normaleuropäischen « Maßstab und sind, wenn überhaupt, nur im Breitwandformat zu erfassen. Der indische Photograph Amit Pasricha hat die Herausforderung angenommen – zunächst für die obere Hälfte seines Landes: Mit einer Panorama-Kamera bereiste er den Norden vom Himalaya bis Rajasthan und hielt, was er unterwegs an Sehenswürdigkeiten aufsuchte und an landschaftlicher Schönheit entdeckte, in grandiosen Bildern fest: Berge, Wüsten und Megastädte, buddhistische Klöster, jainistische und hinduistische Tempel, islamische Moscheen, die Prachtbauten der Moguln, natürlich das Taj Mahal in Agra, die steinzeitlichen Felsmalereien in Bhimbetka bis hin zur Architektur der britischen Kolonialzeit und Corbusiers Planstadt Candigarh. Ein in jeder Beziehung beeindruckendes Buch ist daraus geworden, das auch die notwendigen Informationen mitliefert, verfasst von dem indischen Historiker und Denkmalpfleger Aman Nath.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги  Indien Monumental: Panoramaphotographien  в pdf-формате на сайте издательства.

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Jon Nicholson
ID: 9531
Издательство: Prestel

The quintessential British landscape - the seaside - is the subject of these nostalgic Polaroids by the acclaimed English photographer Jon Nicholson.

Anyone who grew up holidaying on England’s beaches is familiar with the distinctive features of these historic resorts - not the exclusive haunts of the rich and famous, but the gritty, often rocky shores of the Atlantic and the Irish and North Seas, filled with amusement arcades, bathing huts, beach umbrellas, and people of all ages and classes.

Jon Nicolson’s Polaroid SX-70 camera is the perfect vehicle to capture the color and character of summers at the sea. At once immediate and ephemeral, these delicately hued, slightly muted images taken with original, outof- date film stock depict the faded glory of Yarmouth’s giant piers, Brighton’s pebbly shores, the Blackpool Pleasure Beach amusement park, and many other resorts across Britain.

Each of the 70 photographs is beautifully reproduced on its own page with descriptive captions. A foreword by Joseph Galliano provides a wry, contemporary perspective on these beloved, centuries-old locations.

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Foreword by Julian Schnabel and Gerry Lopez, Text by Adam Lindemann
ID: 16312
Издательство: Rizzoli

Sensual, meditative, and powerfully evocative photographic studies of the ocean by professional surfer Danny Fuller.

Danny Fuller's work as a photographer and artist is best understood through his thirty years as a professional surfer. Fuller who is known for riding the waves of North Shore Oahu's famous Pipeline and Maui's treacherous Jaws sees and experiences the ocean in ways intimate and infinite.

Fuller's nocturnal seascapes of the worlds most savage and beautiful waves, all captured exclusively by moonlight with slow exposures, share the soulful beauty of the ocean, in meditative, painterly studies of subtle changes of light and color. In the tradition of artists drawn to the sea for inspiration, Fuller expresses a surfer's deep spiritual connection to the ocean and to the meaning of consequence in surfing. The sensual allure of blue mixed with the ominous presence of water, whose scale is epic, reminds us just how minuscule and insignificant we are relative to the powers of the sea.

About the Author:

Daniel Fuller, born in Hanalei, Hawaii, is an American professional surfer, model, photographer, and filmmaker. His work as a photographer and artist is best understood through his thirty years as a surfer and eighteen years as a professional big wave specialist. His work has been exhibited at Venus Over Los Angeles, LA, Dirt Gallery, Wainscott, NY, Murphy and Dine Gallery, New York, Known Gallery, LA, and the RVCA Gallery, San Francisco. Gerry Lopez, aka "Mr. Pipeline," is an American professional surfer and shaper, and the author of the book Surf Is Where You Find It. Adam Lindemann is an American art writer, art collector, and gallerist. His galleries include Venus Over Manhattan and South Etna in Montauk, New York. Julian Schnabel is an acclaimed American painter and award-winning filmmaker.


Пролистать книгу Liquid Horizon: Meditations on the Surf and Sea


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Sandro Parmiggiani
ID: 8862
Издательство: Skira

A beautifully designed monograph surveying the works of the highly acclaimed contemporary photographer.

Kenna’s photographs captivate viewers through their silent drama and magnetism: rather than being accurate descriptions of a place, the photographer seems interested in capturing the invisible lines which enclose space, and in so doing arousing a viewer’s imagination and reverie. Michael Kenna is an artist for whom the subject is above all the opportunity for a tremendous but constant variation in his view of the world.

Kenna’s photographs captivate viewers through their silent drama and magnetism: rather than being accurate descriptions of a place, the photographer seems interested in capturing the invisible lines which enclose space, and in so doing arousing a viewer’s imagination and reverie. Michael Kenna is an artist for whom the subject is above all the opportunity for a tremendous but constant variation in his view of the world.

• This catalogue showcases 290 black-and-white photographs: 200 traces the artist’s career, from early 1970s images shot in England, to the photographs of the following three decades, which result from travels and commissions in every continent throughout the world; 35 records Venice’s everlasting appeal; 20 reflect one of Kenna’s most important jobs, that of recording the Nazi concentration and extermination camps.
• Michael Kenna’s photographs have been the subject of over thirty books and catalogues, and are included in such permanent museum collections as The National Gallery, Washington, D.C.; The Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; and The Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

About the Author:

Michael Kenna was born in England in 1953 but has been living in the United States for thirty years. Of the many showings of his works that have been held in public venues and private galleries, mention should be made particularly of those in museums in France, Japan and the United States, the latest being in the French National Library, Paris, in 2009.

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Mika Ninagawa
ID: 7976
Издательство: Rizzoli

This is the first monograph to be published in the West on the work of Mika Ninagawa, one of Japan’s most celebrated photographers.

The appeal of Mika Ninagawa’s photography can best be summed up by a signature approach that is bathed in vivid colours and is dreamlike in its manipulation of depth of field. Whether it is portraiture, landscape, or still life, at the heart of her work are themed looks that rotate between flora, fauna, landscapes, and glamorous young women to create Ninagawa’s lush fashion tableaux. A cultural superstar in Japan, where celebrities seek her portraiture, she is now breaking out in the West. Ninagawa shoots her ornately clad human subjects against baroque stylings that suggest a firm grasp of practical scenography, and the work achieves a calm, pictorial mastery.

Portraits of local and international personalities, from Chiaki Kuriyama to Beyoncé, pepper her portfolio, and her distinct and vibrant aesthetic has been very influential in the fashion world.

Lauded in Japan as an art and fashion photographer, the assertion on Mika Ninagawa’s official website of being "Japan’s most popular photographer" is no idle boast. She is certainly the most prolific. Formally represented by Tomio Koyama’s influential gallery, Ninagawa’s images are widely exhibited in Japan and abroad. She has had key installations at Colette in Paris and Arndt and Partner in Berlin and is a frequent participant at Art Basel Miami. She received the prestigious Kimura Ihei Award in 2001.


Потрясающая коллекция работ известнейшего японского фотографа Микки Нинагавы. Неповторимый стиль, пропитанный загадочной культурой Востока. Оригинальные снимки способны вызвать неподдельное восхищение у любого ценителя искусства.

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Tim Hall
ID: 11275
Издательство: teNeues

Mountains, one of nature’s greatest masterpieces, in their rugged beauty, breathtaking views from the top, clear air, green pastures, mountain lakes and glaciers, have cap-tivated mankind all along. Climbing mountains or just gazing at their majestic splendor causes us to slow down and contemplate, maybe even giving us a little serenity. Photographer Tim Hall beautifully captures the powerful solace of mountains in his images. He often chooses to shoot in dramatic weather, making his work and the photographed mountains look even more stunning and transcendent. The intention to strike an emotional or spiritual chord is evident in much of his landscape work, which is inspired by Rothko and Turner. The influence of painting in his work stems from his studies of Art History at Manchester University. Mountains – Beyond the Clouds presents the extensive Alpine mountain range, including famous landmarks such as the Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, and the Dolomites.

 - A breathtaking photographic ode to the Alps
 - With additional information on the shown regions and mountains

TIM HALL is a British Fine Art Photographer, who specializes in travel, landscape, and portraiture. His drive to see the world through the lens of a camera was inspired by the romance of 19th-century travelers and more recently, National Geographic photographers. The work is a lyrical response to the people and places that he has visited and shows his deep interest in the urban and natural world as well as the people who inhabit them. With over 20 years experience as a project-based photographer, his works are often conceived as a series, exhibited as a collective body, or bought as single pieces. Tim lives in London and is represented by contemporary art galleries across Europe, South East Asia, and the USA.

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Alex MacLean
ID: 4081
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Aus einigen hundert Metern Höhe und mit den Augen des Photographen Alex MacLean gesehen, erweist sich Amerika, »das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten«, einmal mehr als Vorreiter – auf dem Weg in die ökologische Katastrophe. Da werden Golfplätze, Reihenhaussiedlungen und ganze Städte mitten in die Wüste gebaut, neue Ferien-Hochburgen entstehen unmittelbar an ansteigenden und orkangefährdeten Meeresufern, Kohle- und Kernkraftwerke gewaltigen Ausmaßes beziehen ihr Kühlwasser aus natürlichen Gewässern und schicken es auch wieder dorthin zurück… Seit über 30 Jahren verfolgt MacLean von seiner Cessna aus, wie sich die Landschaft unter ihm verändert, wie sie mit Straßen zubetoniert und wuchernden Vorstädten verbaut wird, was die häufiger und heftiger werdenden Wirbelstürme anrichten und welche fatalen Folgen Bodenspekulation, ein bedenkenloses Freizeit- und Konsumverhalten und der ebenso unbedenkliche Umgang mit Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen für die Umwelt haben. In bestechend und täuschend schönen Bildern führt uns MacLean die Ursachen und Wirkungen des globalen Klimawandels am Beispiel der USA vor Augen. Sein Appell, den er auch verbal mit ausführlichen Kommentaren untermauert, richtet sich nicht nur an seine Landsleute. Wenn es darum geht, den Planeten Erde zu retten, ist die gesamte Weltgemeinschaft angesprochen – und jeder einzelne von uns. Alex MacLean, geb. 1947, ist Photograph, Pilot und Co-Autor von sieben Buchpublikationen. Seine Bilder wurden in Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen in der ganzen Welt gezeigt und vielfach ausgezeichnet, u.a. mit dem Rom-Preis für Landschaftsarchitektur der American Academy in Rom. Er lebt in Masschussetts. Bill McKibben, der Verfasser des Vorworts, ist Wissenschaftsjournalist und Autor von zwölf Büchern über Umweltfragen und alternative Energien. Er schreibt regelmäßig u.a. für The New Yorker, Harper’s und National Geographic. Er lebt in Vermont.

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Morton Beebe
ID: 2556
Издательство: teNeues

120 b/w photographs

San Francisco has long been one of America's most attractive cities, "a gleaming jewel of the West Coast surrounded on three sides by water." Its hilly streets provide gorgeous glimpses of San Francisco Bay and The Golden Gate Bridge and its neighborhoods reveals a mosaic of a city whose residents are an anthology of the world. Whether he's photographing the street life of bustling Chinatown, the gentrifying Mission or faux-Bohemian North Beach, this third generation San Franciscan renowned for his photographic essays captures it all In this superb collection of photographs of the city he loves.

Photographer and author Morton Beebe founded the West Coast arm of the Image Bank, the world's largest photography agency. His photography of exotic locales around the world is widely exhibited. He has published several books, including the best-selling San Francisco.

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Ben Simmons
ID: 2557
Издательство: teNeues

120 b/w photographs

Tokyo is a city of contrasts and contradictions in which East coexists with West; modernity thrives amidst age-old traditions, and orderliness prevails in one of the most densely populated cities in the world. This striking collection of black & white photographs illustrates all of these truisms about this complex city and its inhabitants. Whether he’s photographing a rooftop shrine set against the skyscrapers of the Shinjuku High rise district, a swirling mass of commuters in Tokyo Station at rush hour, or the tranquil beauty of the Imperial Palace, Ben Simmons’ photographs both radiate with Tokyo’s vitality and reveal its enduring traditions.

was born in 1952 in Columbus, Georgia. His photographs have appeared in several books and in such magazines as Time, National Geographic, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Geo, Stern, and Figaro. He lives in Tokyo, Japan where he has worked as a professional photographer since 1984.

* Strikingly illustrated introduction to this complex asian city
* The perfect keepsake for any traveler

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Rainer Kiedrowski
ID: 2558
Издательство: teNeues

100 color photographs

In this stunning collection of color images, noted photographer Rainer Kiedrowski presents Tuscany as it's never been seen before. Whether evocative rural landscapes or medieval towns, the verdant hills of Chianti or the great art centers of Florence, Pisa, and Siena, these pictures reveal the wondrous variety of a region unsurpassed in its natural beauty.

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James Parry
ID: 3763
Издательство: Welbeck Publishing

Rainforests are special places. Strung around the globe across five continents, they are natural cathedrals on the grandest scale, their lush, humid precincts not only places of great beauty but also home to more than fifty per cent of the world's known wildlife species. This is biodiversity at its most dramatic: a bewildering variety of plants, birds, mammals and invertebrates depend on the rainforest environment, with the total number of species continuing to grow almost daily as scientists make constant new discoveries. Yet, while we still have so much more to learn about rainforests, they are disappearing - cleared and burned, thanks to human greed for land and demand for timber and other forest resources.

In "Rainforest Safari", James Parry explores these extraordinary landscapes with reference to 25 sites, and reveals the fascinating range of wildlife they support. The book looks at the various types of rainforest, at their different ecosystems and at the diverse features that make them such exciting places to visit." Rainforest Safari" also looks at the human dimension of rainforests: at the indigenous peoples whose way of life is firmly rooted in the forest ecosystem, at the devastating impact of uncontrolled deforestation and other forms of exploitation, and at the conservation work now underway to try and save what is left of these unique habitats. In the final chapter, the book takes a forward view, assessing what the future may hold for rainforests, especially in view of their value in the battle to stem climate change.

Foreword; Intro; A Background to Rainforests; Africa (6 sites); Asia (7 sites); Australasia (3 sites); North America (2 sites); Central, South America (6 sites); The Future for Rainforests; Resources; Index.

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Alex Saberi, John Karter
ID: 9002
Издательство: Antique Collectors' Club
  • A stunning collection of photographs illustrating the rich diversity of Richmond Park throughout the seasons, taken by award-winning photographer Alex Saberi.

Sir David Attenborough has described Richmond Park as 'A very special place' - and with good reason. This vast oasis of green, just eight miles from the centre of London, is an ecological pearl in the midst of sprawling urbanisation.

The park, most famous for its herd of 630 Fallow and Red Deer, is not only Europe's largest park, but is as big as the seven other royal parks combined. Since King Charles I enclosed the park in 1637, it has provided a haven of tranquillity and diversion for all its visitors. Today, some 2.5 million people pass through its gates each year.

In this beautiful book, Alex Saberi captures Richmond Park's unique blend of rare and diverse wildlife, plant life and rolling landscapes. From a crow perching on a bench in the morning haze to a foolhardy Labrador, breaking impatiently away from its owner, the photographs capture its inherent beauty as well as those rare moments of wildlife action and majesty that only yield themselves to the most patient and knowledgeable of observers.

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ID: 11068
Издательство: Taschen

Curate your home. Print Set Salgado

This inspiring print set offers sixteen designs to transform a blank wall into a personalized display. Each set of sixteen images has been specially selected from the TASCHEN collection as the most loved, and most interesting, examples of Sebastião Salgado’s work.

The prints are packaged in a sturdy cardboard box and are suitable either for framing or as a poster.

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