Pixel Surgeons presents the very best of today's styling and illusion in fashion and lifestyle photography.
Fifty years ago fashion photography was perceived as the elitist preserve of glossy magazines across the world. Today it is part of the 21st-century lifestyle. Commuting to and from work, we are subjected to billboards and hoardings advertising well-known labels. It is now de rigueur for every tabloid to contain a fashion features page. Style magazines - for both men and women - dominate the heaving newsagent's shelves.
Media awareness and discriminating aesthetics have provoked a multi-layered language of fashion photography, and digital technology has introduced a level of image manipulation that has further enriched the genre. Today's photographic communicators offer personal visions that grab the viewer by the throat in their attempt to satisfy the market's craving for more and more imaginative imagery.
Martin Dawber presents the work of over 30 of the most exceptional new international practitioners of photography, styling, and digital manipulation, exploring their methods and influences.