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ID: 2027
Издательство: Page One
This book presents in extensive photographs and plans, 12 recent office projects by leading architects and interior designers. Featured studios: Cy Peys, 'Aksent, Ebony, In Store, Olivier Dwek, Claire Bataille & Paul ibens and Glenn Sestig.
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Duran Sergi Costa
ID: 7553
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

A technical guide to energy-efficient buildings, including information on energy certification for buildings in Europe, Asia and North America, types of energy-efficient skins, walls, and new technologies.

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ID: 7550
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon
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ID: 5844
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Collection of constructions, both civil and sacred buildings, ranges from pre-Christian basilicas to buildings dating from the early 19th century, and includes such gems as the cathedrals of St. Peter and Chartres, the Paris Opera House, and the Taj Mahal. Fully illustrated.

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Tony Chapman
ID: 6479
Издательство: Merrell Publishers

Showcasing new projects of all types worldwide by both established and emerging practices, Architecture 10 is essential reading for anyone interested in recent developments in contemporary architecture. This authoritative book is the official guide to the work of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and all RIBA Awards presented in 2010.The featured awards include the prestigious Stirling Prize, given to the architects of the building that has made the greatest contribution in the past year to the evolution of architecture and the built environment, and the Royal Gold Medal, conferred on a distinguished architect in recognition of a lifetime’s work. Also included are reflections on
‘A Year in Architecture’ by the RIBA President, the RIBA International and Honorary Fellowships, the RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards, and the Housing Design Awards.

Celebrates the best new buildings worldwide by a wide range of practices
Features all RIBA Award-winning projects, profusely illustrated with over 800 colour photographs and plans
Includes an interview with I.M. Pei, the recipient of this year’s Royal Gold Medal

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 1685
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Flanders is no more than a minuscule dot on the map of the world: a region that can easily be crossed in just a few hours, from the North Sea to the eastern border where Limburg meets the Netherlands and Germany.

Even so, Flanders has a rich architectural tradition and, for centuries, the most beautiful houses have been built here: the aristocratic mansions of Bruges and Ghent, the “maisons de maître” in Brussels, the high points of the Art Nouveau movement, the glorious castles and country houses, the beguinages and presbyteries, the smallholdings and residences of gentlemen-farmers...

Many examples of this architectural inheritance have now been knocked down to make way for more modern buildings. However, there is a growing respect for classic architecture and traditional craftsmanship. Recent years have seen the emergence of a new generation of architects and interior designers who are paying tribute to the rich architectural history and the fascinating mix of cultural influences to which the region of Flanders has always been exposed. Their creations reveal a synthesis of “classic” styles and, at the same time, add a new, contemporary spin: they have a great deal of admiration for the design of English, French and Italian country houses, but also draw inspiration from their Flemish inheritance.

So, the concept of Architecture and Interiors in Flanders represents an eclectic vision of design. In this book, the most striking creations of the leading “ambassadors” for classic architecture and interior design in Flanders are gathered together under one banner.

It is a diverse collection, yet there are many common threads running through it: the love of craftsmanship; the insistence on durable materials; the urge towards understated, elegant design, towards peace and serenity; the aim of realizing harmony with the surroundings, of achieving authenticity and purity of style.

This concept sees architecture, garden design and interior styling as inextricably linked; the disciplines influence each other and are incorporated into a balanced whole.

Refusing to follow the latest trend, these inspired architects and interior designers have created living environments for their clients that will have no trouble withstanding the test of time.

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Alberto Clementi
ID: 5506
Издательство: Actar

A comparison between the Italian and Japanese experience in terms of architecture and landscape. This book presents numerous critical insights, examples of projects and buildings, and illustrated essays by Italian and Japanese architects, such as Toyo Ito, Antonio Citterio, Atelier Bow Wow, Fumihiko Maki, Kengo Kuma, Moses Ricci, Franco Purini, Paolo Desideri among others. This publication focuses both on the landscape policies and the comparison among different landscapes. Including a photographic atlas, the book concludes with an overview of projects under the subject of "Design of sensitive landscape " brought by three Italian schools of architecture and three Italian-Japanese comparisons.

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ID: 1328
Издательство: Images
The result of detailed research, this first volume in the series marks the start of a photographic journey of contemporary architecture around the globe. Complementary project descriptions and drawings contribute to this visual and informational odyssey. All featured projects are catalogued into comprehensive sections: office buildings, commercial facilities, educational/public facilities, residential and other projects of particular note. Published works in this volume are by some of the great names in architecture today, such as Barton Myers Associates, Inc., Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates, Foster and Partners, and Robert A.M. Stern Architects.
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ID: 1329
Издательство: Images

The result of detailed research, this second volume in the series continues a photographic journey of contemporary architecture around the globe. Complementary project descriptions and drawings contribute to this visual and informational odyssey. All featured projects are catalogued into comprehensive sections: office buildings, commercial facilities, educational/public facilities, residential and other projects of particular note. Published works in this volume are by some of the great names in architecture today, such as Gehry Partners, Murphy/Jahn, T.R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd., and RTKL Associates, Inc.

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ID: 1330
Издательство: Images
This three-volume series documents significant work by architects from around the world. Office buildings, commercial facilities, educational/public facilities, residential and other projects of particular note are all represented within each title. Detailed project descriptions, striking photography and drawings combine to create a compelling record of important contemporary architecture. Volume 3 contains works from internationally renowned architects including Antoine Predock, Kohn Pederson Fox Associates, Grinshaw, Gehry Partners and Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates.
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Barbara Linz
ID: 4854
Издательство: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. As with people, our first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. The Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand, achieve surprising results when used in combination with each other.

Materialien, Konzepte, Techniken - in der Reihe ARCHITECTURE COMPACT widmen sich die einzelnen Bände aktuellen Themen der Architektur des 21. Jahrhunderts. Jedes Buch fokussiert einen pragmatischen Aspekt des Bauens u. setzt ihn in Beziehung zum Design. Durch eine facettenreiche Betrachtungsweise wird für den Leser die Vielschichtigkeit moderner Baukunst lebendig. Das spezifische Thema erschließt sich iihm in seiner ganzen Tiefe.

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Joachim Fischer
ID: 4855
Издательство: Ullmann

This work presents an insight into important developments in 21st-century concrete architecture. International examples clearly illustrate the possibilities this building material provides for creative use, as well as its versatility.

In diesem Band zeigt sich eindrucksvoll, wie wichtig die Anordnung oder das Gefüge eines Materials wie Beton ist. Dies wird besonders deutlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass ein und dasselbe Material durch eine veränderte Struktur eine völlig andere Anmutung erhält. Neben der visuellen Wahrnehmung ist dabei die Haptik eine unmittelbar spürbare Komponente.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

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Barbara Linz
ID: 4856
Издательство: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. As with people, our first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. The Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in combination with each other.

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Barbara Linz
ID: 4857
Издательство: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in association or combination with each other.

In der Reihe Architecture Compact werden Materialien vorgestellt, die einserseits durch ihre Beschaffenheit eine ganz eigene Anmutung mit sich bringen, anderseits in der Verarbeitung und Kombination mit- bzw. untereinander überraschende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

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Joachim Fischer
ID: 4858
Издательство: Ullmann

Light is the central design element concerning our perception and has the power to change the mental state we are in. Light is equally elementary for life as are water and air. The industrial developments of the past few years have made possible amazing light and lamp designs. This volume illustrates the many new possibilities as well as gives some practical examples of how to apply light.

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