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Philip Jodidio
ID: 10324
Издательство: Taschen

The living encyclopedia of architecture, part 9. The latest buildings around the globe—Brazil to Burkina Faso

Architecture Now! 9 includes works in Amsterdam and Inner Mongolia by architects as famous as Zaha Hadid and Jean Nouvel, and those as little known to the general public as Carla Juaçaba from Brazil. Small ephemeral buildings like the BMW Guggenheim Lab by Atelier Bow-Wow are included, as well as houses, movie theatres, fashion boutiques, and even an Opera Village in Burkina Faso. Wine and dine with Pritkzer Prize winner Thom Mayne of Morphosis; climb to the top of the Orbit, symbol of the 2012 London Olympics by artist Anish Kapoor and engineer Cecil Balmond; travel “Beyond Infinity” in a virtual environment created in Shanghai by French designer and artist Serge Salat. This is architecture. Now.

About the series: For anyone interested in the zeitgeist and building design in the 21st century, the Architecture Now! series is an essential work of reference. Easy-to-navigate illustrated A–Z entries include current and recent projects, biographies, contact information, and websites.

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ID: 10669
Издательство: Tang Art

This book selects representative apartment buildings in recent years worldwide and classifies them according to the locations. These buildings have peculiar and dynamic appearance and some are even landmark buildings for cities. Some buildings are inspired by artistic works and some integrate perfectly traditional and modern elements.

Project Introduction:

008  Apartments
014  Hatert Housing Tower
020  242 Social Housing Units in Salburuá
028  49 Apartments and Nursery in London
034  Social Housing Tower of 75 Units in Europa Square – E.I.O.5 – Incasól – I’H – Barcelona
042  39 Housing for Youth in Molins de Rei
047  Riverfront Side in Santa Coloma de Gramenet Phase II
052  JOH3 – Residential Building in Berlin-Mitte
060  Sv Vid Housing
064  Hill Quays
070  Vie Searchlight
074  Apartment Building CR3
078  Apartment Building CR1 Complex
082  Residential and Commercial Building in Smetanina Street
088  Simplon “B” Apartment House
092  ac2
096  al3
100  Zilveren Zwaan
316  Skytower Apartment

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Richard Ross (Photographer)
ID: 3319
Издательство: Aperture
For the past several years - and with seemingly limitless access - photographer Richard Ross has been making unsettling and thought-provoking pictures of architectural spaces that exert power over the individuals within them. From a Montessori preschool to churches, mosques and diverse civic spaces including a Swedish courtroom, the Iraqi National Assembly hall and the United Nations, the images in Architecture of Authority build to ever harsher manifestations of power: an interrogation room at Guantanamo, segregation cells at Abu Ghraib, and finally, a capital punishment death chamber.Though visually cool, this work deals with hot-button issues - from the surveillance that increasingly intrudes on post-9/11 life to the abuse of power and the erosion of individual liberty. The connections among the various architectures are striking, as Ross points out: "The Santa Barbara Mission confessional and the LAPD robbery homicide interrogation rooms are the same intimate proportions. Both are made to solicit a confession in exchange for some form of redemption.
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Carles Broto
ID: 1324
Издательство: Page One

Creating an overall look while guaranteeing autonomy for each shop, integrating communal areas and handling parking and public facilities are just some of the challenges of designing shopping malls. Outstanding examples of how these challenges were mat are included on these pages. Floor plans, textual information, sketches and full-color photographs make this an exhaustive reference for design professionals, architects and urban planners.

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Josep Maria Minguet (Editor)
ID: 2135
Издательство: Monsa
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ID: 286
Издательство: Images
Established in Paris in 1973, Architecture Studio today integrates the work of associate architects, architects, city planners, engineers and interior designers from many countries. The practice has adopted an original approach to its design work, which assumes a collective philosophy for a collective architecture. Projects featured in this publication include the Palais de Justice, Caens, France; the City of Paris School of Fine Arts, Paris, France; the Canal + headquarters, Paris, France, and the Citadel University, Dunkirk, France.
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ID: 9894
Издательство: Tang Art

Project Introduction:

Zaha Hadid Architects

Studio 8 Architects

Philippe Rahm Architects

Design Crew for Architecture


Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter



NL Architects

UN Studio

Martin Lejarraga Arquitecto

Ball-Nogues Studio

I+e Studio LLC

XTEN Architecture

Andre Kikoski Architect

Axis Mundi Design LLC

Fougeron Architecture

Belzberg Architechs

Bercy Chen Studio LP

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ID: 624
Издательство: Page One
This book is proof positive that informative graphics do not have to be boring, clinical, and devoid of all aesthetic value. Information and architecture go hand in hand in this stunning book, showing spectacular examples of striking directional signs, and informative graphics that both visually enhance and integrate perfectly with the built environment around them. With large, saturated photographs and detailed write ups explaining each project, Architecture Information Graphics - the Design of Communication introduces readers to this new breed of communication design.
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Geoffrey Makstutis
ID: 8845
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This book offers a thorough introduction to the entire field of architecture, outlining the steps that are normally taken in becoming a qualified architect, from initial education right through to professional practice, as well as how to apply this architectural training in other fields.
Complete with feature spreads on individual projects, Architecture: An Introduction's broad, up-to-date approach unites history, theory and practice. Subjects covered include how to develop a brief with a client; taking an idea from brief to project; types of visual presentation including drawings, models and computer renderings; project planning and management; the diverse roles within a company; and the future of architectural practice.
This book is a must for anyone considering taking an architecture course or just beginning one.

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Isabel Kuhl
ID: 9099
Издательство: Prestel

From the pyramids to the Guggenheim Museum, discover how these groundbreaking structures changed the course of architecture through the ages.

Architecture evolves in response to man’s technological advances and environmental demands. Driven by these developments, architects can be seen as the most innovative of artists. In twenty-five beautifully illustrated chapters, this volume for general readers and architecture lovers alike identifies the most important advancements in the field of architecture, and demonstrates how these innovations influenced the development of architecture. Chapters focus on topics such as monuments to the dead and places of worship; domes; pillars and arches; towers from Pisa to Eiffel; stadia and theaters; palaces and skyscrapers. Readers will learn about the introduction of glass, steel, iron, and concrete; how buildings express ideas; and the rediscovery of antiquity. Arranged chronologically, these chapters can be studied individually to deepen our understanding of particular aspects of architecture or as a whole—to appreciate the ever changing patterns of architectural advancement.

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ID: 5738
Издательство: Oro Editions

Introduction by Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper

Essays by Tom Heneghan, Lawrence Nield, Lindsay Johnston, Bill McKay

Photography by John Gollings, Richard Stringer, Reiner Blunck, Adrian Boddy, Peter Hyatt, George Seper, Terry Straight, Trevor Mein, Simon Devitt, Patrick Reynolds

This monograph on the Australian and New Zealand architects, Architectus, presents 25 buildings with photographs, plans, sections and some details. Architectus was formed in 2001 based on a collaborative design partnership between Patrick Clifford in Auckland, New Zealand and Lindsay and Kerry Clare in Sydney, Australia.

The work of Architectus spans more than 20 years of practice. It demonstrates a deep concern for making low-impact environmentally sound buildings, and applying this environmental approach to give both experiential and architectural expression to sense of place. The architects eschew digital formalism and seek out an aesthetic based on their readings of climate, the necessity of structure, and the pleasures they take in detailing ordinary materials to celebrate the slight imperfections and irregularities that distinguish the hand-crafted from the machine-finished.

In undertaking to write on Architectus, Beck and Cooper take the view that readers will have already formed a favourable impression of the work. They therefore set out to answer a question both readers and they themselves ask: ‘Why do we like the work?’ They note: ‘What we like about the work of Architectus also reveals something about ourselves. As critics, it is our task to identify the intentions in the work, and to tease out and illuminate the many strands that shape them. It is up to the reader to speculate.’

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8646
Издательство: Татлин

Водонапорная башня УЗТМ – один из самых известных в мире образцов промышленной архитектуры советского конструктивизма. Архитектурный образ башни создан уральским архитектором Моисеем Рейшером. Башня запланирована ключевой градостроительной доминантой в проекте рабочего поселка Уральского машиностроительного завода (УМЗ) архитектором Петром Оранским в 1928 году. Высота башни 35 метров. Книга повествует об истории создания башни, ее конструктивно-технологическом решении, истории ее строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. Издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения.

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8645
Издательство: Татлин

Дом физкультуры является одним из лучших образцов спортивного сооружения начала 1930-х годов, возведенного в формах конструктивизма, оригинальная объемно-пространственная композиция которого характеризуется единством функционального и образного решения. Книга повествует об истории создания комплекса, конструктивно-технологическом решении, истории его строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8647
Издательство: Татлин

Городок чекистов – неофициальное название «Жилкомплекса НКВД», бытовавшее среди горожан, которое, однако, точно отразило тенденцию, существовавшую в европейском зодчестве с конца XIX века и распространившуюся на территории Страны Советов в виде многообразия советских способов расселения, таких как соцгород, город-сад, индустриальный город. В объемно-пространственной композиции Городка чекистов прочитываются принципы европейского градостроительного функционализма.

Книга повествует об истории создания комплекса, его месте в истории проектирования соцгородов, о каждом объекте комплекса, истории его строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. Издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения.

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8833
Издательство: Татлин

Книга посвящена ансамблю институтов Физиотерапии и Профзаболеваний, также известному, как «Медгородок».

Этот комплекс является памятником архитектуры эпохи конструктивизма. Сложная система междуэтажных связей и сквозных коридоров, оригинальные решения внутреннего пространства, атрибуты строительных приемов и оформления интерьеров в стилистике конструктивизма обусловили включение ансамбля в «Мировой каталог архитектуры современного движения». Книга повествует об истории создания ансамбля, его уникальности, и градостроительной значимости.

Издание призвано привлечь внимание к жизни памятника сегодняшнего дня и найти возможные пути сохранения объекта мирового культурного значения. 

Издание продолжает книжную серию ARCHIVE в рамках которой, редакция планирует публикацию выдающихся произведений архитектуры советского авангарда. Стратегические партнеры проекта «Уральский центр архитектуры современного движения» и Do.Co.Mo.Mo.Ural.

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