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Christa van Santen
ID: 7407
Издательство: Birkhauser

The face of the nocturnal metropolis is marked decisively by light, and the number and variety of the light sources is increasing to the point of "light terror." A well-lit urban space can be very inviting, giving residents and visitors a sense of well-being and security. A successful lighting design can also give the city at night an identity of its own and accentuate architectural qualities. In this book, the author embodies her many years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of lighting design. In preparation, she visited ten European cities - including Paris, Brussels, Berlin, London, Budapest, Vienna, and Amsterdam - with different urban situations. This has enabled her to present different planning and design tasks systematically and to illustrate specific solutions. In addition to articulating basic planning rules for the outdoor lighting of buildings, traffic routes, and squares, she presents and elucidates new artificial lighting systems and outdoor lamps with the help of examples.

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Paul Overy
ID: 3233
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This groundbreaking book takes a fresh look at the new architecture which appeared across Europe and North America in the first half of the 20th century.

Employed for almost all types of building, it was stripped, plain (often pure white), with wide windows, flat roofs and prominent balconies, terraces and roof gardens.

Iconic buildings such as the Bauhaus at Dessau, the Villa Savoye on the outskirts of Paris, the Penguin Pool at London Zoo, and the Zonnestraal Sanatorium in The Netherlands remain modern not only as monuments to past utopias but also as a focus for today’s debates on the role of contemporary architecture in the pursuit of ‘healthy living’.

Individual buildings, including both little-known and more familiar examples in Europe and the United States by architects such as Adolf Loos, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Lubetkin and Neutra, are examined here within the context of class and social control, luxury and austerity, race and colonialism.

Many of these buildings are now considered classics, legally protected from demolition or alteration. This has provoked renewed interest in their origins and how their architects and contemporary commentators perceived them.

Illustrated with many unusual photographs, some that capture the buildings in their early states, Light, Air and Openness is an original and refreshing reinterpretation of the modern movement in architecture and design.

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ID: 975
Издательство: Rikuyosha

This book showcases a wide variety of ingenius lighting solutions - both functional and purely creative - by Lighting Planners Associates Inc. featuring a huge range of projects, including office buildings, pedestrian zones, memorials, etc.

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Malcom Innes
ID: 8848
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Without light, interior architecture cannot be fully designed and experienced. It is one of the key tools for an interior designer but can be a dauntingly technical subject for students.

Part One, Theory, looks at the physics and technology behind lighting. Part Two, Process and Practice, looks more specifically at the use of lighting in interior design and outlines the key design issues and principles. The book goes on to show the ways of representing lighting schemes using CAD and 3D models and how to implement and test these designs. Finally, the book explains how to deal with contractors, clients and other professionals.

This book takes a detailed, practical look at lighting in interior design, giving students all the key information and skills they need to be able to tackle lighting successfully in their designs.

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Michele Osborne
ID: 457
Издательство: Mitchell Beazley

Lighting brings the finishing touch to any garden or landscape. It introduces magic and illusion by enhancing some spaces while leaving others shrouded in mystery.

This innovative book reveals the very best and most up-to-date lighting effects as they have been used in contemporary gardens throughout the world. Divided into thematic chapters looking at the different uses and effects of light, the book covers a whole range of lighting styles from simple lanterns and fairy lights to fibreoptics and LEDs, used for garden rooms, patios, pool areas, decking, pathways, roof gardens, and architectural features and plants.

Practical advice is also given on choosing lighting, hardware, planning, and safety.

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Alexander Koch
ID: 8412
Издательство: Arnoldsche

New edition of this seminal 1953 study of lighting for the modern era
Showcasing mid-century modern design that is as relevant now as ever
More than 250 original images show the design trends of important manufacturers from America, Scandinavia, Germany and Italy
Apart from numerous lesser known designs, one can also see lighting by prominent artists, designers and architects
Essential for collectors and afficiandos of 20th-century lighting and design

In 1953 Alexander Koch published his book Neuzeitliche Leuchten. Nowadays Koch's then selection of lighting by international designers and manufacturers seems truly visionary. He presents a spectrum of diverse designs, whose origins lay not only in the addition of basic geometrical shapes as with the pre-war avant-gardists, but also in the respective temperaments of the different countries of origin. It is very apparent that after the war America, Scandinavia and Italy exerted a strong influence on designs hitherto rather dominated by Bauhaus purism in Germany.

As in architecture, one can also speak of an 'international style' with regard to lighting design. Despite the new orientation towards linear, dynamically flowing forms that cross national borders, diversity within the sculptural appearance of lighting itself remains important as the primary design goal, along with the effect the lighting exudes. The space-defining quality of modern era lighting has been dedicated its own chapter, in which interiors by Richard Neutra and Walter Gropius, among others, testify to the scenographic potential of the new lighting culture.

More than 250 original images show the design trends of important manufacturers from America, Scandinavia, Germany and Italy. Apart from numerous lesser known designs, one can also see lighting by prominent artists, designers and architects. This new edition of the almost obsolete original book is an indispensable standard work for collectors and modern lighting enthusiasts.

Designers featured include Isamu Noguchi (US), Jean Royère (FR), Pier Giacomo Castiglioni (IT), Gino Sarfatti (IT), Wolfgang Tümpel (DE), Alexey Brodovich (US), Paavo Tynell (FI), Franco Buzzi (IT), Arvid Böhlmarks (SE), Herta Witzemann (DE), Walter Gropius (US) and Richard Neutra (US).

Über 250 Original-Abbildungen zeigen gestalterische Positionen wichtiger Hersteller aus Amerika, Skandinavien, Deutschland und Italien. Neben zahlreichen noch zu entdeckenden Entwürfen sind Leuchten bedeutender Künstler, Designer und Architekten zu sehen. Diese Re-Edition des im Original fast unauffindbaren Buches ist ein unentbehrliches Standardwerk für Sammler und Liebhaber moderner Leuchten.1953 veröffentlicht der Publizist und Verleger Alexander Koch sein Buch Neuzeitliche Leuchten. Heute erweist sich Kochs damalige Auswahl von Leuchten internationaler Gestalter und Hersteller als geradezu visionär. Er breitet ein Spektrum gestalterischer Vielfalt aus, dessen Ursprünge nicht nur in der Addition geometrischer
Grundformen im Sinne der Vorkriegs-Avantgarden lag, sondern auch in den jeweiligen Temperamenten der unterschiedlichen Herkunftsländer. Dass Amerika, Skandinavien und Italien nach dem Krieg starken Einfluss auf eine bis dahin eher von bauhäuslerischem Purismus geprägte Gestaltungshaltung in Deutschland ausübten, wird hier deutlich sichtbar. Ein sich vom Ideal der Maschine emanzipierender, von Künstlern wie Alexander Calder, Henry Moore und Naum Gabo inspirierter organischer Entwurfsansatz, neue Materialien und Fertigungsverfahren führten zu Entwürfen von enormer innovativer Kraft.
Wie in der Architektur, so kann auch im Leuchten-Design von einem Internationalen Stil gesprochen werden, dessen Protagonisten heute zur Designer-Elite des 20. Jahrhunderts gehören. Trotz der Ländergrenzen überschreitenden Neuorientierung zur linearen, dynamisch schwingenden Form, bleibt die Vielseitigkeit der skulpturalen Erscheinung der Leuchte selbst, als auch ihre Lichtwirkung, als primärem Gestaltungsziel beeindruckend. Der raumbildenden Qualität neuzeitlicher Leuchten ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem u.a. Interieurs von Richard Neutra und Walter Gropius die szenografischen Potentiale der neuen Beleuchtungskultur belegen

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Roger Yee
ID: 2643
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers
The selected examples illustrate how high quality, thoughtful deisgn can be the visual cornerstone of a successful project. In over 500 beautifully-reproduced photographs you will see how light can establish moods, reinforce feelings, and heighten excitement. A full range of high quality, inventive and brilliant lighting design projects are shown including hotels, restaurants, retail, corporate, public, residential, exteriors, houses of worship, performing arts and entertainment facilities, museums, landscapes, and much more. "Lighting Spaces" is a must-have for anyone seeking innovative and imaginative solutions to their architectural lighting problems.
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Wim Pauwels
ID: 6008
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Lionel Jadot, (b. 1960) is a scion of the highly reputed family of furniture-makers, Vanhamme, who have excelled in craftsmanship skills since 1895. The Vanhamme workshops were the young Lionel Jadot’s favourite play area, and very early, after his classical art education, he achieved his first two complete projects: two lofts and a chalet in Verbier. In the course of the years Jadot created a whole universe of his own; often described as exuberant baroque, sometimes surprisingly minimalist, but always extremely inspired and sophisticated.

As well as being an interior designer, Louis Jadot also produces films, and this cinematographic background adds an extra, almost theatrical dimension to his interior work.

The book presents a selection of some dozen recent representative achievements by this talented designer.

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Neil Thomas, Aran Chadwick
ID: 5459
Издательство: Atelier One
After 20 years of practice, structural engineering firm Atelier One has gained an international reputation for specialising in challenging projects.This first volume documents the inspiring diversity of Atelier One's work and charts the fascinating creative pursuits undertaken with artists,architects and designers, including Marc Quinn, Anish Kapoor, Will Alsop, Mark Fisher and Softroom. The book includes appreciations of the work from an external perspective, including a previously unpublished photo essay by Magnum photographer Peter Marlow. More detailed project descriptions are provided by Atelier One directors Neil Thomas and Aran Chadwick, giving unparalleled insights into how the projects evolved and how various challenges were addressed. The practice's unique approach of taking complex propositions and translating them through a language of first principles results in some extraordinary conclusions and is the essence of what distinguishes Atelier One's output.
Contributors include Will Alsop, Patrick Bellew, Alan Brookes and Peter Cook.
‘This is not a book for engineers alone; instead, it should be read by all architects who are assenbling their next design team. Engineers must not simply be use to work things out. As Peter Cook puts it in his introduction, they should always be brought in 'at the thinking end of this complex professional sequence.' (The Architectural Review)
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Annie Kelly
ID: 6826
Издательство: Rizzoli

A presentation of quintessential country classic–style architecture and tasteful interiors - the epitome of picturesque New England.

The county of Litchfield, Connecticut, is comprised of a pristine landscape of rolling hills, endless woodlands, green fields and streams, and early American houses. Annie Kelly presents the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century homes and their gardens - from quaint farmhouses and saltboxes to Colonial, Greek Revival, and Federal styles - of well-known decorators and tastemakers, including Bunny Williams, Carolyne Roehm, Matthew Smyth, and Robert Couturier, in this verdant setting. Rooms respectful of a panoply of historically rich New England architecture provide inspirational ideas for rural weekend retreats as well as family houses.

These intimate and inviting spaces, along with their charming gardens, show much creativity and personal style. Litchfield Style also includes beautiful photographs capturing the small towns of this sophisticated corner of rural New England. A resource guide provides places of interest from eateries, village greens with legendary white steeple churches, and historic monuments to outdoor markets and antiques shops.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 1699
Издательство: Beta-Plus

    The Mediterranean climate, with its mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers, has always spoken to the imagination of true hedonists and experienced holidaymakers.
    The Mediterranean coast offers a dream setting for architectural tours de force and inspired interior designs: the open spaces, the azure blue skies, the sun-drenched beaches, the rugged natural splendour and, of course, the sea itself, which, with its many shades of colour, has a different appearance every moment.
    All the projects presented in this book have the Mediterranean Sea as a central element, as a main player that determines the interior and the architecture of these buildings.
    With this breathtaking natural landscape as a backdrop, the architect or interior designer cannot help but draw the surroundings into the design. Accordingly, most of the creations in this book have an abundance of glass, of simple, natural materials, minimalist shapes and monochrome colour palettes that bring the ever-present natural surroundings perfectly into the foreground.
    Nature and architecture, outdoors and indoors blend to create a permanent holiday feeling.

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Eckhard Feddersen
ID: 9794
Издательство: Birkhauser

Quality living in old age is one of the important topics of our time. Architects and builders can contribute innovative types of housing, intelligent concepts for barrier-free buildings, and advanced systems of care for people who are fragile or suffering from dementia. Intelligent design solutions can push back the limits on housing and care, on residential architecture and care facilities, on individual, collective, and assisted forms of housing, and even on the various phases of life in favor of a comprehensive trend toward integrated forms of housing.

This volume in the series Design Manuals optimizes the concept, content, and presentation of the series to improve its use by the customer. A third of the volume provides detailed expert information from around fifteen contributors, including general questions of energy management and sustainability, open space, and product design. A section of examples provides a building typology, presenting approximately forty international buildings in analyses of up to eight pages that offer exemplary solutions for multigenerational buildings, assisted living, housing for people with dementia and other special target groups, old persons’ homes, nursing homes, and integrated projects.

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Maria Antonietta Crippa, Joan Bassegoda, Juan Morell Nunez, Francesc Naves Ninas
ID: 1768
Издательство: Rizzoli

Antoni Gaudi is celebrated as one of the most important architects of the early 20th century.

His unbelievable Art Nouveau buildings were marked by their whimsical design and fantastic details. While much has been written on this extraordinary figure, Living Gaudi is one of the few books to consider his gardens, parks and residential projects as a body of work, and one of the few to particularly focus on his designs for interior furnishings, which were part and parcel of his overall vision for a building. This little-known aspect of his work is surveyed in this book with stunning photography and exquisite detail.

The volume also includes a selection of the architect's own writings, which give the reader a revealing look at his incomparable genius. Complete with archival photographs and more than 150 full-colour contemporary photographs, Gaudi's amazing talent is revealed in this landmark work.

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Janet Lee
ID: 8069
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

A fireplace on wheels?
A chandelier light by Xerox?
A shrink-wrapped designer closet?

These are just a few of the more than one hundred innovative projects in Living in a Nutshell, a DIY guide of decorating ideas that fool the eye into seeing and believing a little lair is larger and more glamorous than its four walls. Here are fresh ideas for enhancing every living area of a tiny space. All are simple, affordable, portable, and big on style. An illustrated survival tool kit as well as extensive listings of untapped, off-the-beaten-track design resources and a select buying guide round out this invaluable book.

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Janet Lee
ID: 9944
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

With more than one hundred stylish, innovative projects, this DIY guide serves up decorating ideas that fool the eye into believing a little lair is larger and more glamorous than its four walls.

A fireplace on wheels? A chandelier light by Xerox? A shrink-wrapped designer closet?

These are just a few of the clever projects in Living in a Nutshell, a DIY guide that helps small-space dwellers bring a greater sense of space, luxury, and personality into their homes. Here are fresh ideas for enhancing every living area of a tiny space — all are easy to do, emphatically affordable, readily portable, and big on style. Gorgeous photographs and a witty, encouraging, conversational text, supplemented by insider tricks of the trade and quick tips on every page, make it fun and simple to create a personal, welcoming home no matter how small or transitional it may be. An illustrated survival tool kit as well as extensive listings of untapped, off-the-beaten-track design resources and a select buying guide for the many products and materials used throughout complete this invaluable book.

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