For any house-proud owner of a Victorian property, this book represents a unique and invaluable resource. Packed with information about Victorian architectural ideas, building methods and materials, it includes a wealth of practical advice about the maintenance and conservation of Victorian homes. Part 1 provides a concise overview of the development of the Victorian house, the wide range of architectural styles that came in an out of fashion over the period, and the lifestyles of the original owners the houses were designed to accommodate. Throughout, the emphasis is on family houses of various sizes rather than the great houses of the aristocracy, which are discussed only in relation to their influence on contemporary builders and architects. Part 2 discusses structures and materials, covering brickwork, stone, renders and stuccos, roofs, woodwork, windows and doors, ironwork and conservatories. In each case there is comprehensive advice on symptoms of trouble, techniques for preservation and restoration, and the correct choice of materials. Part 3 covers services - fireplaces and chimneys, lighting, kitchens and bathrooms - all subjects requiring particular sensitivity to achieve a satisfactory compromise between preserving the spirit of the original building and meeting modern standards of comfort and convenience. Part 4 examines all aspects of interior decoration, including plasterwork, decorative tiles, paint colours and finishes, wallcoverings, curtains and blinds, and floorcoverings. The book is completed by lists of further reading, places to visit and useful addresses, including those of specialist suppliers and contractors.
- Rizzoli (482)
- Thames & Hudson (156)
- Prestel (138)
- Braun (102)
- Gestalten (101)
- teNeues (73)
- Vendome Press (60)
- DOM Publishers (46)
- Phaidon (44)
- Flammarion (43)