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Архитектурные конкурсы

Архитектурные конкурсы книги и журналы

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ID: 7026
Издательство: Archiworld

Culture & Exhibition Facility
KINTEX Exhibition Hall #2 - 8
Automobile Museum in Nanjing - 14
A Public Relations Officer of Arisoo Water - 20
Flowing Gardens, International Horticultural Expo 2011 - 26
The Competition Jeju World National Heritage Center - 32
Sangdong Library - 38
Changnyeong Culture & Art Center - 44
Yeongjong Sky City Public Library - 50
Mystetskyj Arsenal Cultural - Art and Museum Complex - 56
Exploratory Science Museum of Unicamp - 62
Eco-Community Hill - 68
Taipei Performing Arts Center - 74
Tamayo Museum Ex-Tension Atizapan - 80
The Changjo, Kim Memorial & Shrine - 86
Urban Mediaspace - 92
Museum Style Park - 98
Munch area, The Munch Museum and the Stenersen Museum Collections - 104
The Living Bridge - 112
Music Hall JORD갢EK - 116
Culture House + Library - 122

Government Facility
Urban Trachea - 130
Headquarters of Arabsat - 136
National Wildflower Center - 142
Ulsan District Court - 148
Tallinn Town Hall - 154
The Embassy Quarter of Finland in Tokyo - 160

Residence Facility
 Unjeong 3 District A4 BL Apartment Competition - 168
Hanam Misa A24, 25, 26, 28, 29 BL Apartment Competition - 174
Landed City - 180
Gwangju Jiwon District 3 Apartment Competition - 188
Yangju Hoicheon District Ga Apartment - 194
Magok Apartment - 200
Al Ghadeer, Abu Dhabi, UAE - 206

Welfare Facility
Goma Complex Arts Center - 212
Dogok-1 Cultural Center - 218
Gwangcheon Art Center & Town Office - 224
National Institute of Marine Biological Resources - 230
Baetmeori Village Culture-Contects Center - 236
Boryeong Complex Culture Center - 242
Gyeongsan Workers Welfare Center - 248
Gyoha Complex Community - 254
Woman & Family Complex Well-being Center - 260
Multi-purpose Arena Sport Complex in Cheongju University - 266
Paju Munsan Multi Center for The Welfare - 272
Pyeongchon Community Service Center - 278
Digital Origami - 284
Suwon Geumho-dong Office - 290

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ID: 7027
Издательство: Archiworld

Office & Commercial Facility
Entangled Bank - 8
Soochow Securities Headquarters - 14
Rotterdam City Tower - 20
LM Harbor Gateway - 26
IT Complex - 32
Korea National Oil Corporation Competition - 38
Crystal Clear - 44
Grand Hyatt Hotel - 50
Shi Dai Tower - 54
Designing in Teheran B - 60
Forwarding Dallas - 66
Business Center Miramare - 72
Designing in Teheran Competition - 78
Xero Project - 84
KORAIL Venture Tower Competition - 90
StatoilHydro - 96
Aker Brygge, Oslo - 102
Silos Amsterdam - 108
Songdo Sc-1(3;) Complex Development - 114

Education Facility
Astana National Library - 122
A. ST. E. P(Architecture Studio Education Program) - 128
Basque Culinary Center - 134
Competition for Kyonggi University? 60th Anniversary Memorial Hall of Seoul College - 140
Deichman Axis, The New Deichmanske Main Library - 146
School Complex & Gymnasium - 154
Library & Learning Center - University of Economics & Business - 160
Student Apartment Studios in Paris - 164

Physical Facility
World Village of Women Sports - 172
Design Competition for New Stadiums for 2014 Asian Games - 178
Swimming Pool & Hockey Stadium - 184
Pohang Baseball Stadium - 190

Urban Masterplan
E.C.O FLOW - 198
ECO-SPiNE - 204
N.a.M.U (Nature and Market Unison) - 208
Gwanggyo Power Center - 212
Cairo Expo City, Egypt - 218
Tolerant City - 224
The Taekwondo Park - 230
Kalvebod Wave - 236
Masdar Plaza, Oasis of the Future - 242
Sofia City Center - 248
Korkeasaari Zoo - 254
Urbanism and Landscape design for Nya 걊staf둳tet in Stockhol - 260
New Abuja City Gate - 266
New Urban Area Gia Lam Hanoi - 272
Ex Fonderie Riunite - 278
Bicentennial of the Independence Plaza - 284
Diomede Archipelago - 290

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ID: 588
Издательство: Archiworld

Gathering inside first and second prize of best works for architecture from Jan. through Dec. 2003 *Goverment & Institution Facilities *Education Facilities *Medication Facilities

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ID: 589
Издательство: Archiworld

*Public Facilities *Cultural Facilities *Sports Facilities *Residential Districts Facilities

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ID: 2714
Издательство: Archiworld
2008 Architecture Competition Annual features 93 projects from total 59 architecture design competitions. It consists of two volumes: volume VII is classified into Exhibition & Culture Facility, Education Facility, Commercial Facility and Residence & Physical Facility, and volume VIII into Governmant Facility, Welfare & Medical Facility and Ulban Master Plan.
*Exhibition & Culture Facility
*Education Facility
*Commercial Facility
*Residence & Physical Facility
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ID: 593
Издательство: Archiworld

Education Facility
Public Official Facility
Residential Facility
Physical Facility & The Others

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ID: 1807
Издательство: Archiworld

Architecture Competition Annual features 137 projects from total 90 architecture design competitions. It consists of two volumes: volume VII is classified into exhibition & culture facility, education facility, medical & welfare facility and government facility, and volume VIII into residential facility, commercial facility, public official facility and physical facility & others.
*Exhibition & Culture Facility
*Education Facility
*Medical & Welfare Facility
*Government Facility

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ID: 1808
Издательство: Archiworld

 Architecture Competition Annual

*Residential Facility
*Commercial Facility
*Public Official Facility
*Physical Facility & The Others

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ID: 2715
Издательство: Archiworld
*Governmant Facility
*Welfare & Medical Facility
*Ulban Master Plan
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под редакцией Николая Малинина
ID: 8642
Издательство: Татлин

Архиwood – премия, учрежденная компанией HONKA и pr-агентством «Правила общения» в 2009 году ставит своей целью пропаганду деревянной архитектуры, пропаганду дерева как идеального материала для cтроительства, настолько же выразительного, насколько экологичного, настолько же модного, насколько экономичного, настолько же традиционного, насколько актуального. В каталоге Премии, выпущенном TATLIN, собраны наиболее выдающиеся деревянные постройки за последний год: частные дома всех возможных стилей и направлений – от традиционных скатных избушек до модернистских объектов и даже парафразов классической дачной архитектуры начала 20 века, малые объекты, объекты городской среды, арт-объекты. Набор номинаций претерпел некоторые изменения: из-за небольшого количества заявок отпали «Интерьеры» и «Дерево в отделке». Также в каталог вошли 26 проектов экспозиции Архиwood, на проект которой был проведен закрытый конкурс

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Monsa (Editor)
ID: 8507
Издательство: Monsa

The book does not aim to establish any bases for creative criteria, standards for presentations or be a concatenation of specific concepts; its pretension is much simpler yet one we believe to be effective: it aims to serve as a recipient or container of the latest trends presented and represented in architecture competitions.

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ID: 5951
Издательство: Ca Press

The Concept Annual and International Competition(C&C) introduces the most recent competitions and planning project, offering an excellent opportunity to look at  outstanding works that won in various competitions and planning project at home and abroad. The works introduced are expressed effectively as a high-quality presentation. In addition, it will help to have a good grape of the current trend of contemporary architecture in the world and provide new ideas.
The C&C, which is based on the Concept (the national best monthly magazine specialized in design competitions), is comprised of two volumes. You will have a good look at the most recent trend of various competitions at home and abroad through the C&C. 

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