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Дизайн офисов

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 1815
Издательство: Beta-Plus

This fourth part of the new A&D Series (A&D #4) features twelve office projects by leading architects and interior designers.

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ID: 2023
Издательство: Page One

This first volume is dedicated to architect Pascal van der Kelen. All of his designs (which include a lot of private homes, but also a number of offices, hairdresser's, boutiques, a notary's practice and other projects) are distinguished by an exquisite sense of serenity, and by forms and lines that are pure and clean, yet still luxurious.

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ID: 8832
Издательство: Татлин

Объемные постройки ABD architects хоть раз видел каждый москвич: они изменили облик многих центральных улиц и площадей города, от площади Тверской заставы до Нахимовского шоссе и Крылатских холмов. Но в данном издании речь идет о другой, менее заметной для широких масс стороне деятельности бюро – интерьерах общественных и офисных пространств. За 22 года деятельности ABD architects создали 54 коммерческих интерьера, из них в книгу вошли 46. Среди интерьеров, представленных в книге, - офисы крупнейших российских и зарубежных компаний, интерьеры представительств банков, учебных центров, а также частной клиники и самого большого атриума в Москве. Масштабы проектов колеблются от небольших офисов в 80 квадратных метров до шестиэтажных представительств, внутренний облик которых был полностью создан в бюро. Книгу открывает интервью с Борисом Левянтом, генеральным директором ABD architects, и Денисом Кувшинниковым, руководителем Департамента интерьеров компании. Издание может представлять интерес для практикующих дизайнеров и архитекторов, занимающихся разработкой офисных зданий, студентов соответсвующих специальностей и людей, желающих познакомиться с лучшими примерами современного российского офисного проектирования.

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Alberto Pinto
ID: 2655
Издательство: Rizzoli
Alberto Pinto's signature designs are synonymous with opulence and style. Internationally renowned for his designs for palaces, luxurious residences, and prestigious apartments, he has also turned his talents to the service of the corporate world, collaborating regularly with Howard P. Ronson and his group HRO to create some of the most spectacular office spaces in Europe and the United States. Foyers, boardrooms, and the problems of traffic flow receive the designer's full attention in his quest to improve daily life for the buildings' occupants and visitors and to reflect the image of the corporations that reside within them. From Whitehall and HRO's own headquarters in the heart of Manhattan to Junghof Plaza in Frankfurt and the Défense Plaza in Paris, color photographs and sketches illustrate the designer's diverse visions of the contemporary working space. 

Другие книги Alberto Pinto:

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ID: 2027
Издательство: Page One
This book presents in extensive photographs and plans, 12 recent office projects by leading architects and interior designers. Featured studios: Cy Peys, 'Aksent, Ebony, In Store, Olivier Dwek, Claire Bataille & Paul ibens and Glenn Sestig.
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Alex Sanchez Vidiella
ID: 3630
Издательство: Rockport
More than 600 office design solutions.

Whether a home studio or a corporate office tower, every office space, with its particular function, needs its own specific design solution. Concepts for reception areas, meeting rooms, and work area fill this collection showing new and effective possibilities that accommodate a range of working styles and a variety of workplace cultures. With 1000 color photographs this book can inspire designers, architects and corporate execs to create efficient, motivational, and pleasing work spaces that will make a statement, increase productivity and improve efficiency.

In this book, Alex Sanchez, has collected and juxtaposed over 600 different office space design ideas making this one of the most comprehensive collections of office space design images every published. Presented in the “Atlas” format, it is a reference book which all commercial interior designer and space planners will want to own

Àlex Sánchez Vidiella (Barcelona, Spain) obtained an undergraduate degree in art history, specializing in contemporary art, baroque art and entertainment art (Cinema) from the University of Barcelona. He has worked as editor and graphic editor for more than five years for a number of art, architecture, atlas, didactic, and scientific encyclopedia publishers. He currently works for Loft Publications where he writes and edits architecture and design books, including The Atlas of Contemporary Architecture.
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ID: 8544
Издательство: Tang Art



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ID: 6456
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Some 130 commercial interiors by designers from all over the world are assembled here to demonstrate the latest design ideas in this field. Various types of commercial spaces and functions are included: offices, restaurants, hotels, cultural events, fitness centres, exhibitions and retail stores. All are newly completed and show an imaginative manipulation and interpretation of design. Exceptionally fine photographs and brief introductions further contribute to a comprehensive reference for commercial interior designers.

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ID: 2373
Издательство: Daab
This new series focuses on brand new trends in architecture and interior design. One of those new trends is corporate architecture. Fast growing especially young but also established companies are more and more looking for a domicile representing the company's CI. Several Architects focus on this new form of building. Diverse examples of corporate architecture are presented on the basis of several projects in alphabetical order of the respective architects. Floor plans are included as far as available. An index with contact information is enclosed.
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ID: 1191
Издательство: Page One

When designing new workspaces, architects and interior designers are faced with the challenge not only of creating versatile and dynamic environments, but also of turning the company's image and corporate identity into three-dimensional reality. Today's workspace design is also increasingly characterized by a greater ecological awareness, as seen in the optimization of materials and alternative energy systems of the work included herein. This volume is a select sampling of twenty ground-breaking design programs, each of which is a masterful reworking of the concepts of space, material and color. Presenting work by accomplished architects as well as up-and-coming names, this is an invaluable reference on the current state of office design.

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Jacobo Krauel
ID: 2817
Издательство: Links

Turn a company’s identity into three-dimensional reality

  • Twenty-five dynamic projects, the best in global corporate design
  •  Photos, drawings, technical details, commentary from the designing architects

Architecture turns a company’s image and its corporate identity into three-dimensional reality. New interpretations, fresh viewpoints, and design innovations are the hallmark of the 25 projects featured in Corporate Buildings, a showcase of the best in corporate design. With vivid photographs, drawings, technical details, and commentary from the architects themselves, this book provides an endless source of inspiration and information.

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Eva Hagberg
ID: 4843
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

As the late twentieth-century fascination with rounded shapes, organic influences, and plastics fades, interior designers are increasingly drawn to deep colours, polished woods, velvets, furs, leather, dark metals, and brick – materials used liberally in the past – that have a nostalgic quality.

Efforts to shape a less austere present by creating an idealized version of the past have begun to appear in commercial and residential design throughout the country and abroad.

Dark Nostalgia presents over twenty-five projects that exemplify the smooth incorporation of evocative historic detail into current interiors.

Public spaces, including New York’s famous Royalton Hotel lobby renovation, Shoreditch House in London, and Alain Ducasse’s newest restaurant, Adour, as well as private residences and smaller, intimate restaurants and clubs by cutting-edge designers, including AvroKO, David Rockwell, Roman & Williams, Julian Schnabel, Philippe Starck and Adam Tihany, demonstrate the many successful ways this trend towards a dark nostalgia has been incorporated in recent designs.

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Stephen Crafti
ID: 1344
Издательство: Images

Like working hours, which have changed significantly over the years, so too have the places in which we work. Offices, once enclosed to ensure privacy are now, in many cases, open and transparent, with few dividing screens. Finishes and materials once used exclusively in homes now appear in offices, creating warm environments conducive to productivity and creativity. New attitudes to collaborative work have encouraged the development of 'breakout' spaces, informal meeting areas, and fully equipped kitchens and entertainment areas. New technology used in offices has led to changes in design, as have the expectations of employees for more pleasant working environments that incorporate natural light, ventilation and flexibility in the use of space. The book explores, through full-colour photographs and descriptive text, more than 50 different offices, from home offices, experimental spaces, and traditional offices, to those more akin to 5-star hotels. The author's aim is to encourage us all to re-think our workspaces.

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ID: 5525
Издательство: Archiworld



006 Beijing Donald House
020 Sinsamho Apartment
034 As if the rabbit lived in the moon...


088 VaxDoroci
106 Jeju Haevichi Hotel
116 Sah chun ae


134 B2y office
152 Alpha Ville 44
166 Hana Bank in Incheon International Airport
174 Hana Bank Instore Branch Manual
182 Ticket Link Office


198 VS Plastic Surgery
208 Samsung Line Plastic Surgery
224 Chungdamhyun Skin Clinic
240 MS Plant Asia dental clinic & MS lounge
254 Ppuri Oriental Clinic
270 Kim Ki-joon Oriental

Detail Plus1

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ID: 7038
Издательство: Archiworld
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