Дизайн жилых интерьеров

Книги по дизайну интерьеров

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Рябцев Д.
ID: 5009
Издательство: Питер

В этой книге рассказывается о разработке проектов интерьера в редакторе трехмерной графики 3ds Max 2009, начиная с моделирования предметов интерьера и мебели и заканчивая визуализацией качественных эскизов и созданием небольшого презентационного ролика будущего помещения. Книга будет полезна начинающим энтузиастам трехмерной графики, желающим освоить проектирование и визуализацию интерьеров. Также она станет прекрасным подспорьем для практикующих дизайнеров, которые хотели бы перейти на новый уровень представления своих работ.
Цветные иллюстрации, размещенные в издании, помогут читателю проконтролировать правильность выполнения уроков и заданий. На прилагаемом к книге DVD записаны файлы упражнений, анимационные последовательности, а также библиотеки материалов к описываемому в книге проекту.

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Diane Maddex
ID: 3197
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Houses were Frank Lloyd Wright’s favourite building type from the beginning to the end of his seventy-year career as an architect. To him, the house was the centre of family life, symbolized by a warming hearth and, above all, a place of repose. As 50 Favourite Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright shows, his ideal home took on an amazing variety of forms.

Here, from the architect’s first period, is his own home and studio in Oak Park, Illinois, an architectural laboratory for him over two decades. His 1920s California works, built of textured concrete blocks, were revolutionary, his 1930s houses, Fallingwater and Taliesin West, internationally renowned. From then until his death in 1959, Wright took on the designed simplified residences, such as the honeycomb-shaped Hanna House, that helped change the look of the modern home.

Each of the examples shown exemplifies Wright’s never-changing principles that a house should be built with nature, achieve harmony through unity and be a work of art — not just a house.

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Diane Maddex
ID: 2678
Издательство: Thames & Hudson
Frank Lloyd Wright is a one-man phenomenon - between 1887 and 1959 he completed more than 400 commissions in the USA as well as writing numerous books and giving frequent lectures. Thousands of visitors annually flock to the fifty Wright buildings in America that are open to the public and he is an inspiration to countless architects and designers everywhere.

50 Favourite Rooms by Frank Lloyd Wright showcases his very best work in interior design. Here are the most glorious living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens, public spaces and more from the buildings that Wright designed over his prolific seven-decade career. Exemplifying the architect’s unfailing principles of unity, simplicity and respect for nature, these rooms also present a chronological picture of his stylistic development. Stunning photographs highlight furniture, fireplaces and lighting, carpets and fabrics, stained glass and china.

A visual delight, this is the perfect gift for lovers of this most famous and popular of architects.

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Aisha Hasanovic
ID: 984
Издательство: Images
The bathroom is a haven for relaxation, grooming, and total privacy. Today's bathroom still features the basic bathtub, shower, wash basin, and mirror, along with traditional materials, and while it serves its original purpose, its look and feel can be interpreted in a number of ways. 50 Great Bathrooms by Architects is a collection of recent interior projects by the worlds leading established and emerging design talent. Stunning full-colour photographs with personal quotes from the architect and client result in a very personal and private glimpse into this delightful room.
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Aisha Hasanovic
ID: 985
Издательство: Images

In the lifetime of a single house or apartment, the kitchen can undergo countless renovations. Many a homeowner has dismissed a purchase owing to an outdated kitchen, yet despite this need to move with the times the kitchen remains a warm and nurturing place, where food is served, and family and friends gather after a day at work or school to discuss the day just passed. 50 Great Kitchens by Architects examines the role of the architect and the influence of the client in creating a visually pleasing and functional kitchen. Colorful photography and personal quotes portray the kitchens within the context of their surrounding rooms, as well as their most important design features.

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ID: 254
Издательство: Images

Is apartment living the way of the future? According to some, it's the only way to live. For most apartment- dwellers, beautiful views, functional floor plans, low maintenance and convenient, inner-city locations far outweigh the attributes of the traditional quarter-acre suburban block. This book presents, through text, superb photographs and floor plans, 50 of the best apartments from around the world.

Focusing on fabulous interiors, this book is a digest of the myriad ways to fit out spaces that often begin as concrete shells, but are transformed, through the talents of the best interior architects and designers, into luxurious penthouses, funky lofts, hip apartments, sleek bachelor pads and sumptuous family homes. An inspiring sourcebook for all lovers of beautiful interiors.

 Пролистать книгу 50 of the World's Best Apartments на Google books

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ID: 1292
Издательство: Images
This book celebrates the holiday home, traditionally a place of rest, relaxation, and escape from the pressures of the 'real' world. Its many incarnations include beach shacks, mountain-top chalets, country estates, ranches and hobby farms, lakeside villas, and isolated cabins. The unique styles reflect their owners' very personal approaches to what it means to be 'on vacation'. The architecture of holiday homes reveals the shift in lifestyle that defines a vacation; architects are required to work closely with their clients to achieve just the right spirit. The results of this collaboration can be breathtaking.
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Simone Schleifer (Editor)
ID: 2949
Издательство: Taschen
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Simone Schleifer
ID: 3317
Издательство: Taschen

Showcases the variety of innovative ways that small spaces can be transformed into spacious living areas. The open concept of living 'small' can be customized to suit most any taste, and this book guides us through a lot of small spaces.

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Ana G. Canizares
ID: 2248
Издательство: Universe

The technological advances of the last two decades-from virtual communication to ubiquitous laptop computers-have given way to an unprecedented freedom from the traditional office. Whether you have an office but need to work at home on weekends, are a working parent wanting more time with your children, or have a country-house you'd like to spend more time in, are the owner of a small business seeking to contain your overhead, or one of a growing number of freelance professionals-there are countless reasons why you might want to transform a part of your home into a convenient workspace.

500 Solutions for Working at Home provides just that: a wealth of practical ideas on how to create space, silence, order, and efficiency within the existing structure of your home. Whether you have an entire room or a mere closet to dedicate to your workspace, this book illustrates a wide range of solutions by some of the best contemporary architects and interior designers from around the world.

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Кимберли Селдон
ID: 10782
Издательство: БММ

500 Ideas for Small Spases

Как, имея на семью всего две-три комнаты, разместить в них и красивую гостиную, куда можно пригласить родных и друзей, и уютную спальню, где отдыхаешь и душой и телом, и кабинет, где есть все условия для плодотворной работы? Как оборудовать современную кухню, если в помещении меньше десятка квадратных метров?

Автор книги, опытный дизайнер и декоратор интерьеров, дает 500 полезных советов, которые позволяют

- сделать маленькие помещения визуально просторными;
- создать в квартире многофункциональное пространство;
- расширить границы комнат с помощью цветовых решений;
- добавить света и воздуха любой комнате;
- подобрать и расставить мебель так, чтобы не было тесноты;
- выгодно использовать преимущества зеркальных и стеклянных поверхностей;
- акцентировать достоинства обстановки и сделать незаметными недостатки.

Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями автора, примените их на практике - и ваша квартира преобразится.

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Даниела Сантос Куартино
ID: 3509
Издательство: Taschen

500 идей, собранные в этой книге, показывают возможные решения, которые для удобства распределены по темам. Первые главы рассматривают отделочные материалы и то, как их использовать, чтобы квартира визуально казалась больше. Речь пойдет о натуральных и синтетических материалах, о том, как применять их для полов, стен и потолков, а также об их свойствах поглощать или отражать свет. Затем будет продемонстрировано, как освещение и цвета влияют на облик интерьера и как эти факторы способны воздействовать на визуальное впечатление, ощущение простора и комфорта. Однако речь пойдет не только о визуальных эффектах. Существуют приемы, как оптимизировать помещение, не увеличивая площади дома. Этому посвящена глава, где представлены разные методы деления пространства помещения или его объединения. Обстановка квартиры также заметно способствует лучшему использованию имеющейся площади. Поэтому в последней главе детально описываются все помещения и представляется множество идей, как использовать мебель и технологии, чтобы превратить квартиру в любимый дом, место покоя и комфорта.

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ID: 3356
Издательство: Ca Press

Our understanding of living spaces is quickly changing. Today, living spaces are recognized as spaces for leisure and recharge and are transforming into hign-tech spaces with efficiency and visual beauty.
Apartment complexes, which take the largest proportion of mordern living spaces in korea, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of wellbeing to develop into the spaces for nature and men and the city amongst nature. Internally, spaces take various styles from classical to antique, to Zen, to modern.
“99 Apartments” divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its 99 apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.

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ID: 3357
Издательство: Ca Press

Our understanding of living spaces is quickly changing. Today, living spaces are recognized as spaces for leisure and recharge and are transforming into hign-tech spaces with efficiency and visual beauty.
Apartment complexes, which take the largest proportion of mordern living spaces in korea, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of wellbeing to develop into the spaces for nature and men and the city amongst nature. Internally, spaces take various styles from classical to antique, to Zen, to modern.
“99 Apartments” divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its 99 apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.

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Tricia Guild
ID: 6102
Издательство: Quadrille Publishing

For almost 40 years, Tricia Guild has been setting the pace with her up-to-the-minute collections of fabrics, wallpapers and furnishings for interiors. Her extraordinary gift for colour, her innate understanding of space and proportion, her brilliance at mixing pattern and her elegant, feminine view of the world make her collections and the rooms in which they are applied uniquely stylish and beautiful.

Over the years her collections have varied from vibrant hot colours to cool shades of white, from floral prints in every shape and size to elegant stripes and plaids, yet in every case they are instantly recognisable as designs by Tricia Guild. To celebrate these four decades at the forefront of interior design, Tricia now presents a collection of international locations decorated with her latest and arguably most beautiful designs.

This is no retrospective - Tricia never looks back - but a confident statement encapsulating everything that is memorable about her, certain, style. Each of the fourteen locations featured in the book is viewed throughout, to show how Tricia enhances different types of room and connects spaces effortlessly and elegantly.

Whether a stunning modern Manhattan loft brightly specked with fruitdrop colour on a background of gleaming white or a Regency English manor house rustling with silks in subtle hues, a steel and glass Mediterranean beachfront retreat or a timeless Parisian apartment, every detail is perfectly considered.

As always, Elspeth Thompson's descriptive text interprets how each effect is achieved and James Merrell's state-of-the-art photography makes every room glow with light and colour.

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