Дизайн жилых интерьеров

Книги по дизайну интерьеров

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 5538
Издательство: Beta-Plus

In two volumes (Vol. II will appear in September 2010) a few of the most beautiful, recently finished private homes are presented, from across the five continents and selected with a single common factor: the close relationship between architecture and nature.

These are architectural tours de force, situated in the most remove and breathtaking places in the world: in the middle of the desert in Phoenix (Arizona), in the mountains of Sun Valley (Idaho), on Yzerfontein beach (West coast of South Africa), on a magnificent golf course near Port Elizabeth.

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Aleksander Zusik
ID: 13449
Издательство: Татлин

Architecton Architectural Bureau, formed by Zusik Alexander Ivanovich and Ekaterina Seregina, has been the recipient of many major international awards.

With a close experience of the construction industry gained from Arksim a former Soviet-Chinese architecture and construction enterprise, the core operations of the practice have been wide and varied: hotels and vacation resorts complexes, commercial and public buildings, restaurants and private houses. Many of these completed projects are presented in this book and provide in the process of an up-to-date account of activities and achievements.


Каталог представляет 40 работ амбициозного московского архитектурного бюро Architecton, выполненных им в период с 2001 по 2009 годы.

Среди проектов бюро известные, даже не посвященным в архитектуру людям, резиденции "Бочаров ручей" и Eurasia, множество загородных домов и даже дворцов, интерьеры известных московских ресторанов и бутиков. Дизайн издания выполнен сотрудниками бюро и лишний раз подчеркивает их стиль и подход.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 3642
Издательство: Beta-Plus

In our modern, high-tech society, traditional craftsmanship has increasingly had to give way to mass production. Synthetic materials have taken over from natural ones, and the world of construction in 2008 appears to revolve around efficiency, standardisation and cost optimisation.

However, a growing number of individuals are reacting against these tendencies by working to create authentic and personal living environments.

This new home-design philosophy has had an impact in many areas: a lot of distinctive old residences, farms, country houses and other homes are undergoing careful restoration; industrially manufactured furniture is being replaced by unique, handmade pieces; and preference is given to natural materials and finishes, rather than mass production.

Within this context, it is easy to see why valuable construction materials and pieces from the past are being reclaimed, restored and reintegrated into properties: these “architectural antiques” ensure that every home can have a unique cachet.

Whether it’s an 18th-century wooden floor, reclaimed Burgundy slabs, authentic handmade roof tiles and slates, antique fireplaces, or other historic features, these construction materials always offer the opportunity for every home project to have an authentic character, as is clearly illustrated by the many inspiring projects featured in this book.

Dealers in antique construction materials also occupy a very important place in these developments, convincingly demonstrating how their unique discoveries, often to be found in a variety of warehouses and showrooms, can be integrated into magnificent homes. The growing professionalism within this sector has in recent years ensured that an increasing number of architects, interior specialists and private individuals have been able to find materials that suit them perfectly within the ever-expanding assortment of architectural antiques.

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Wim Pauwels (Editor)
ID: 4754
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Bernard De Clerck (1959) is one of the main Belgian architects of his generation. His designs testify to great respect for our rich architectural heritage: both in his new construction projects and his numerous renovations this ambassador for “Flemish Living” argues for a return to the traditional values in a contemporary context in which the comfort of living is central. Traditional craftsmanship, a historical approach, an exciting mix of old and new, a passion for weathered materials and details ... are characteristic for each architectural “story” by Bernard De Clerck.

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 1685
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Flanders is no more than a minuscule dot on the map of the world: a region that can easily be crossed in just a few hours, from the North Sea to the eastern border where Limburg meets the Netherlands and Germany.

Even so, Flanders has a rich architectural tradition and, for centuries, the most beautiful houses have been built here: the aristocratic mansions of Bruges and Ghent, the “maisons de maître” in Brussels, the high points of the Art Nouveau movement, the glorious castles and country houses, the beguinages and presbyteries, the smallholdings and residences of gentlemen-farmers...

Many examples of this architectural inheritance have now been knocked down to make way for more modern buildings. However, there is a growing respect for classic architecture and traditional craftsmanship. Recent years have seen the emergence of a new generation of architects and interior designers who are paying tribute to the rich architectural history and the fascinating mix of cultural influences to which the region of Flanders has always been exposed. Their creations reveal a synthesis of “classic” styles and, at the same time, add a new, contemporary spin: they have a great deal of admiration for the design of English, French and Italian country houses, but also draw inspiration from their Flemish inheritance.

So, the concept of Architecture and Interiors in Flanders represents an eclectic vision of design. In this book, the most striking creations of the leading “ambassadors” for classic architecture and interior design in Flanders are gathered together under one banner.

It is a diverse collection, yet there are many common threads running through it: the love of craftsmanship; the insistence on durable materials; the urge towards understated, elegant design, towards peace and serenity; the aim of realizing harmony with the surroundings, of achieving authenticity and purity of style.

This concept sees architecture, garden design and interior styling as inextricably linked; the disciplines influence each other and are incorporated into a balanced whole.

Refusing to follow the latest trend, these inspired architects and interior designers have created living environments for their clients that will have no trouble withstanding the test of time.

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Joachim Fischer
ID: 4859
Издательство: Ullmann

After an amazing abundance of colours and form in the 1960s, high-quality wall covers were increasingly substituted by the ubiquitous woodchip paper. In the meantime, though, wallpaper has evolved into one of the trend topics in materials. Traditional manufacturers are now employing renowned designers to create new patterns which are clearly inspired by current trends or even evolve into trend setters of their own right. This book explores wallpaper designs by individual designers and studios around the world. Patterns and textures are brought to life through a vast array of full-colour illustrations throughout.

Nach der unglaublichen Vielfalt an Farben und Formen in den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten die hochwertige Wandbekleidung von der allgegenwärtigen Raufaser-Tapete zurückgedrängt. Inzwischen ist Tapete zu einem der Trendthemen bei Materialien geworden. Traditionelle Hersteller engagieren namhafte Designer zur Gestaltung neuer Muster, die sich deutlich an aktuellen Trends orientieren oder gar selbst zu Trendsettern werden.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

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Ephrem Longépé
ID: 1318
Издательство: Vial

C’est à une étude pratique des escaliers en bois que nous convie Ephrem Longépé, entrepreneur en charpente, compagnon du devoir et Meilleur Ouvrier de France. Il nous livre l’expérience de toute une vie à travers une centaine de cas concrets avec description, plan, commentaires et photos. Pour chaque escalier, l’auteur décrit en détail le mode de construction et résout les problèmes techniques propres à chaque type d’ouvrage, du plus simple au plus complexe.

Ce livre concerne surtout les cas pratiques auxquels se frotte l’artisan dans son travail quotidien : même si l’auteur est capable de tracer les courbes les plus compliquées avec virtuosité, il décrit ici les modèles les plus fréquemment fabriqués de nos jours, généralement plus simples, mariant fréquemment le bois avec d’autres matériaux. 

Après une courte étude de l’escalier et de ses différentes parties, les conditions de réalisation à l’atelier sont décrites en détail. Puis viennent les études de cas concrets, depuis la simple échelle de meunier jusqu’à l’escalier monumental, en passant par les escaliers à l’anglaise, à limon central ou menant à une mezzanine.
Ce livre veut être le compagnon indispensable de l’artisan qui réalise des escaliers, que ce soit de manière exceptionnelle ou régulière. Paru en 1984 et constamment demandé, il a dû être réédité ce qui a permis de rajouter quelques cas concrets supplémentaires parmi les plus récentes réalisations de l’auteur.

Sommaire :

Evolution des escaliers depuis le moyen-age
Choix du type d'escalier
Étude de l’escalier dans ses différentes parties : Le départ, les rampes et garde-corps (main courante, barreaudage, remplissage, suspentes, poteaux et pilastres, balustres), les limons (traditionnel, central simple ou double), les marches, les paliers de repos, les ferrures d’ancrage, les matériaux.
La réalisation : établissement de l’avant-projet et du plan d’exécution, tracés et épures, exécution en atelier et mise en œuvre, finition des ouvrages.
Escailers droits d'une seule volée
Escaliers droits a un ou plusieurs quartiers tournants
Escaliers à échiffre central
Escaliers à noyau évidé
Escaliers à courbes en bois massif avec fil vertical
Escaliers en bois massif a courbes avec fil rampant
Escaliers en bois lamellé-collé
Sur plan semi-circulaire
Escaliers a marches rayonnantes sur base carrée
Escaliers a marches rayonnantes sur base circulaire
Escaliers à l'anglaise
Escaliers à limon central, simple ou double,
Escaliers à deux limons
Escaliers aux formes speciales
Habillage en bois des escaliers en maçonnerie.
Quelques escaliers monumentaux réalisés depuis la dernière édition :
Escalier à limon central et marches en fuseau,
Escalier à double limon en forme d’escargot,
Escalier circulaire sur deux niveaux,
Formulaire des escaliers droits a marches isolées et a marches prenant appui les unes sur les autres,

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Author John Zukowsky, Illustrated by Robbie Polley
ID: 16506
Издательство: Rizzoli

Fifty of the world’s most important buildings seen through specially commissioned isometric illustrations and detailed photographs and plans, providing the perfect introduction to architecture for students and anyone interested in buildings.

Taking readers behind architecture’s facades and finishes, this charmingly illustrated book explores how some of the most important buildings in the world were constructed. Specially commissioned isometric drawings present the essential structural elements of the world’s masterpiece buildings that are not visible to the naked eye. These illustrations are displayed alongside plans, details, and photographs, all of which are clear and accessible, yet accurate and elegant enough to satisfy the most discerning eye.

This fascinating book explores the thinking and expertise behind architects’ designs and offers a means by which to better understand buildings already visited as well as those on the must-see list. Selections range from domestic structures such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater and skyscrapers such as the Chrysler Building, to iconic classics such as the Louvre and Barcelona’s famed Sagrada Familia Cathedral. The buildings have been chosen for their importance and interest, their role in the development of architectural thinking, and the structural secrets that intricate 3-D drawings can reveal.

About the Author:

John Zukowsky is an architectural and design historian with more than four decades of experience. While curator of architecture for the Art Institute of Chicago from 1978 to 2004, he organized a number of award-winning exhibitions accompanied by major books. He has recently authored Building Chicago: The Architectural Masterworks. Robbie Polley is an architectural illustrator with more than twenty-five years of experience. His drawings have been featured in thirty books.

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ID: 133
Издательство: Daab

Contemporary residential architecture is a clear reflection of social and economic change. Leaving aside the familiar terraced homes found on so many housing estates, this architectural field is producing novel, innovative designs showing technical advances in construction technology applied to single family homes. This book offers a comprehensive selection of family residences from all over the world, original, personalised constructions which reflect ther owners' requisities and preferences. In today's home, anthing is possible. The residences reviewed in this volume show how a very wide range of materials can be used to adapt costructions to their surroundings, and not vice-versa. It portraits original solutions and novel techniques for blending architecture with its entrourage or conversely creating a powerful visual and aesthetic contrast. Each of the homes in "Architecture Inspirations" are comprehensive projects where exterior and interior design carry equal weight. This book aims to present the latest trends in residential architecture and interior design, propose a variety of styles, and serve as a source of inspiration to readers. On about 720 pages 75 houses will be presented in chapters where projects are grouped by geographical location as city and suburban, village, country, mountain or waterfront to allow a maximum clarity and so that readers may identify instantly with the works illustrated.

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Simone Schleifer (Editor)
ID: 3582
Издательство: Taschen
Wood is organic, it is regarded as warm, as making human surroundings cosy. In addition, it can compete with any hi-tech material: wood has an extraordinarily good weight-to-strength ratio, has outstanding acoustic and insulation properties, and when properly deployed and looked after, it is also durable. Timber buildings have always achieved low-energy standards, they are climate-neutral to erect, and environmentally friendly to demolish. Those who recognize and exploit the natural qualities of wood have a wonderfully versatile material which can be brought to life in the hands of a creative designer and builder. With the help of more than 300 illustrations and architectural drawings, this book presents 25 proprojects from all over the world which exemplify a whole variety of forms and applications of wood both for interiors and exteriors.
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Philip Jodidio
ID: 6915
Издательство: Taschen

Make yourself at home. Cutting edge private dwellings

Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded in it; some have stark minimal lines, others have tropical gardens; some are palatial, others monastic - all of them displaying remarkable structural and aesthetic mastery. From postmodern castles to hi-tech cabins, the Architecture Now! Houses series is a connoisseur's choice of the world's most remarkable new houses.

 Architecture Now! Houses 2 features architects and practices including: Amarterrance, Arkpabi, Eduardo Arroyo – No.MAD Arquitectos, Atelier Bow-Wow, Bellemo & Cat, Bernardes + Jacobsen Arquitetura, Alberto Campo Baeza, Casey Brown, Padraic Cassidy, Célula Arquitectura, José Cruz Ovalle, dRMM, dRN Architects, Thomas Fabrinsky, Fearon Hay, Carlos Ferrater, Float, FOVEA, Sou Fujimoto Architects, Alexander Gorlin, Jorge Gracia Garcia, Graft, Hangar Design Group, HHF, Jun Igarashi, Yosuke Inoue, Toyo Ito, Michael Jantzen, Johnston Marklee, Rick Joy, Stephen Kanner, Taiji Kawano, KWK PROMES, Jürgen Mayer H., McBride Charles Ryan, Richard Meier, Joeb Moore, Olson Kundig, Palerm & Tabares de Nava, Sara Pellegrini, Pezo Von Ellrichshausen Arquitectos, Powerhouse Company, PRODUCTORA, RCR Arquitectes, Rocha Tombal, Todd Saunders, Hartwig N. Schneider, Schwartz/Silver, SeARCH & CMA, Robert Stone, Studio Pei Zhu, Makiko Tsukada, Ulloa + Ding, WM + Associates, Kyu Sung Woo

The author:

Philip Jodidio (born 1954) studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN’s Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture.

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Кидрук М.
ID: 5007
Издательство: Питер

В книге рассказывается об известной немецкой разработке — приложении ArCon, предназначенном для быстрого моделирования жилых зданий и оформления их интерьера и экстерьера. Программа достаточно проста в использовании, не требует практически никаких навыков трехмерного моделирования, однако позволяет создавать дизайнерские проекты, которые почти ничем не уступают разработанным в 3ds Max или Maya. Книга содержит подробное описание функционала последней версии программы ArCon, множество примеров, полное описание библиотеки стандартных элементов, которые используются при проектировании в ArCon. Но главное преимущество издания — прилагаемый компакт-диск, на котором вы найдете видеокурс, демонстрирующий различные этапы работы с программой.
Книга предназначена для архитекторов и дизайнеров, а также для обычных пользователей, которые хотят быстро выполнять проекты различной сложности в сравнительно простом и недорогом графическом редакторе.



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Author Paola Jacobbi, Photographs by Guido Taroni, Edited by Stefano Tonchi and Micaela Sessa
ID: 15655
Издательство: Rizzoli

Aria d’Italia is a Tod’s brand project that represents the Italy of the present and future through the faces and voices of young talents.

Aria d’Italia celebrates the contemporary Italian lifestyle and its values, highlighting talent and passion for quality in every aspect of life, from the culinary world to art, from social life to the loving care of traditions. The book demonstrates a harmony of action and thought that transcends nationality and can be embraced by all. As artist Costanza Chia, one of the people involved in this research, says, “There is poetry in doing things calmly and carefully: this is the warm Italian touch.”

Exploring eight keywords including Joy, Boldness, Passion, and Heritage, Aria d’Italia tells the personal and professional stories of young artists, entrepreneurs, and artisans who represent the heart of the Italian identity, motivated by an ongoing quest for beauty. These protagonists have been photographed by Guido Taroni in their homes and in the places that best represent their origins.

The title Aria d’Italia is inspired by the eponymous magazine published between 1939 and 1941 by collector Daria Guarnati, which brought together impressive collaborators such as Giò Ponti. With avant-garde taste, Guarnati enhanced Italy’s artistic heritage in all its expressions, from graphics to literature, art to design — and launched the concept of Italian style.

About the Author:

Paola Jacobbi is a journalist and writer who has worked as senior editor for Vanity Fair Italia. Guido Taroni is a photographer who has worked with major brands and important Italian and international publishing houses. Stefano Tonchi is a fashion journalist, author, and curator. He held the role of editor-in-chief of W, editor-in-chief of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, and fashion creative director for Esquire. He is currently Editorial Director of the Palm Beach based magazine Palmer. Micaela Sessa is a fashion stylist and consultant for fashion magazines and brands.

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By Valentine Lawford, Ivan Shaw, and Hamish Bowles, Photographer Horst P. Horst
ID: 12683
Издательство: Abrams

Vogue’s Book of Houses, Gardens, People (1968) was a landmark publication for decorating books, and it chronicles an important chapter in the history of Vogue.

Vogue's Horst P. Horst, a leading fashion photographer of his time, developed an intense interest in seeing the world’s great homes and meeting their owners; beginning in the early 1960s, he journeyed into an elite world that would soon be lost. With accompanying lyrical essays about homes and their occupants by the famed writer Valentine Lawford (Horst’s partner in work and life), the book is a virtual who’s who of society, politics, and the arts in the mid-20th century. Around That Time showcases much of the material featured in the original book, plus never-before-seen photographs from those homes as well as images from additional homes Horst shot well into the 1980s.

This book introduces this work to a new generation of design, decorating, and visual art professionals, academics and enthusiasts.

About the Authors

Horst P. Horst was a photographer known for his photographs of women, fashion, and interior architecture and for his environmental portraits. Valentine Lawford was a writer as well as the life partner of Horst P. Horst. Hamish Bowles is the international editor-at-large for Vogue.

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Patricia Bayer
ID: 608
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

By the time of the Paris exhibition of 1925 from which Art Deco took its name, the idea that an interior and its furnishings should form a complete design - a "total look" - dominated the thinking of both designers and their clients. Studios began to emerge to serve the needs of a design and style-conscious middle-class. This text displays the flourishing design ingenuity through contemporary photographs and illustrations of selected interiors complemented with modern photographs of individual pieces. It traces the sylistic evolution and dominant motifs of Deco, the triumph of the 1925 exhibition and the pure "high style" of the Paris ensembliers; the growth of Streamline Moderne offshoots in the US; the international revival of Deco as a decorative style for a new generation of post-modern designers; and the restoration of many Art Deco interiors to their original state.

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