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Jean-Louis Roger
ID: 7123
Издательство: Vial

Les livres techniques consacrés à la menuiserie historique sont rares. Grâce aux nombreuses croisées d’époque que l’auteur a pu examiner, copier ou restaurer, il nous présente ici le fruit de sa longue étude des châssis de fenêtre datant du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Jean-Louis ROGER est en effet un des rares artisans dont les recherches historiques et techniques ont été couronnées par une thèse de doctorat passée en Sorbonne au titre des métiers d’art. 
À partir d’exemples de châssis anciens, l’auteur présente leur conception et leurs techniques de construction telles qu’elles étaient pratiquées depuis la Renaissance. C’est en effet à partir de cette époque que l'on commença à demander aux menuisiers de construire des fenêtres plus confortables : meilleure étanchéité à l’air et à l’eau, meilleur passage de la lumière, esthétique plus recherchée. L’assemblage, la mouluration et le montage des cadres, les ferrures, les volets, les systèmes de fermeture, tout y est présenté sous forme de plans cotés et commentés par l'auteur, classés par époques.
L'ensemble constitue un document unique sur la menuiserie et son évolution. Il permet ainsi de restaurer des châssis anciens en connaissance de cause ou de les refaire dans l’esprit de l’époque. Si vous ne voulez pas entendre parler de joints en silicone, de fermeture hermétique ou de double vitrage, vous trouverez dans ce livre tout pour réaliser vos fermetures à l'ancienne

Sommaire :
Préfaces (d’Henri Enguehard, Architecte des Monuments historiques, et de P. Levêque, président d’honneur de l’U.N.A.) Avant-propos. Le nom de menuisier ébéniste. Le menuisier.
Aperçu historique depuis les origines. Principes des fenêtres au Moyen-âge.

Début du XVe siècle : Châssis d’une baie quadrangulaire, description du châssis bas (cadre, volet, ferrures), reconstitution du châssis haut. Remarques historiques.
Milieu du XVe siècle : Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis.
Fin du XVe siècle : Description des châssis haut et bas d’une baie quadrangulaire.
Extrême fin du XVe siècle : Étude du châssis de fenêtre du château de Martigné-Briand.
Conclusions sur les châssis du XVe siècle.

Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis du Manoir de la Roche-Thibault. Détail de construction. Conclusion sur la fabrication.
Autres châssis du XVIe siècle. Leur reconstitution.
Deux solutions pour la fabrication suivant la largeur de la baie.
Conclusions sur les châssis du XVIe siècle.

Texte de lois établissant la contribution sur les portes et fenêtres.
Le manoir de la Chappe : Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis du XVIIe siècle reconstitution d’après des éléments d’époque : bâti dormant, châssis ouvrant, volet intérieur ouvrant et pliant, ferrages et fermetures.
Châssis à petit bois avec meneaux en bois. Étude de sa fabrication, détails de construction, charnières.

L’étanchéité des châssis anciens et de leurs copies : Conclusions et mise en garde.
Lexique des principaux termes et mots techniques employés dans la menuiserie jusqu’à nos jours.
Les outils traditionnels

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Samuel Roger
ID: 7089
Издательство: Vial

Par une approche stylistique, cet important ouvrage s’attache à présenter les cheminées françaises depuis l’époque gothique jusqu’à la première moitié du XXe siècle. Essentiellement en pierre et en marbre, mais aussi en bois, elles témoignent des constantes recherches des architectes, ornemanistes, tailleurs de pierre et sculpteurs pour sublimer le décor de la cheminée.

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Ronald G. Knapp, A. Chester Ong
ID: 4868
Издательство: Periplus Publishing Group

Illustrations: over 400 full-color & archival photos and drawings

Bridges, the least known and understood of China's many wonders, are one of its most striking and resilient feats of architectural prowess. Chinese Bridges brings together a thorough look at these marvels from one of the world's leading experts on Chinese culture and historical geography, Ronald G. Knapp.
While many consider bridges to be merely utilitarian, the bridges of China move beyond that stereotype, as many are undeniably dramatic, even majestic and daring. Chinese Bridges illustrates in detail 20 well-preserved ancient bridges, along with descriptions and essays on the distinctive architectural elements shared by the various designs. For the first time in an English-language book, Chinese Bridges records scores of newly discovered bridges across China's vast landscape, illustrated with over 400 color photographs, as well as woodblock prints, historic images, paintings and line drawings

Ronald G. Knapp has been carrying out research on cultural and historical geography in China's countryside since 1965. Currently SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York, New Paltz, he is the author or contributing editor of more than a dozen books, including the award-winning Chinese Houses: The Architectural Heritage of a Nation.

A. Chester Ong, born in the Philippines and currently based in Hong Kong, has photographed widely throughout Asia. His photography appears in magazines, exhibitions, as well as books, including China Modern, Chinese Houses and China Living.

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Rosemary Crill
ID: 8126
Издательство: V&A Victoria Albert Museum

In the past hundred years or so, ‘chintz’ has come to mean any floral printed furnishing fabric. Its origins as a hand-drawn and dyed fabric from India are often forgotten, but it is with these rare earlier chintzes that this book is concerned. It explores in detail the background and development of this beautiful technique and looks at the use of chintzes in Europe from the early 17th century to the mid-19th century, first as bed-curtains and wall-hangings and later for popular men’s and women’s dress. The V&A’s collection, published for the first time in glorious colour and including close-up details, will interest interior designers, textiles students and those involved in fashion.

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Kazumi Yoshida
ID: 7539
Издательство: Rizzoli

This lavish book presents the distinguished fabrics of Clarence House, one of the world’s most renowned textile houses, with inspiring applications for interiors.  For the past fifty years Clarence House, founded by Robin Roberts in 1961, has been infusing the textile industry with luxurious and inventive fabrics. From Mark Hampton to Robert Couturier to Charlotte Moss, interior designers have long relied on the firm’s superb fabrics to add just the right note to their decorating schemes. This book presents some of the most imaginative textiles available today and provides an array of inspirational fabric applications and ingenious choices for upholstering furniture, creating dreamy window treatments, and adding finishing touches such as tassels and other trims.  The heart of the book, however, illuminates Kazumi Yoshida's creative process and his ideas for use of fabrics in the home. Whether he is interpreting historical documents or drawing in the studio he is always concocting modernist abstractions, contemporary prints, or new interpretations of eighteenth-century patterns.     

About the Authors:  

Kazumi Yoshida has been the design director for Clarence House since 1981. Francois Halard is an acclaimed photographer who has contributed to numerous lifestyle publications and books. Jacopo Etro oversees Etro’s fabrics division and supervises the company’s Home Collection. Pierre-Alexis Dumas is the artistic director of Hermes. Bob Appelbaum is the president of Clarence House. Sabine Rothman is the style director of House Beautiful.

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Henrietta Spencer-Churchill
ID: 1758
Издательство: Rizzoli
This magnificent book is devoted to the art of the finishing touch, those all-important details that transform an ordinary interior into a very special, stylish place.

Written by an inspired designer who is also an authority on fine arts and antiques, this elegant and accessible book is a visual lexicon, brimming with design ideas and underpinned by a well informed, practical text.

Bringing together the very best of Classic European and American style, The Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill shows what to look for, how and where to find good pictures, fabrics and objets d'art at reasonable cost, and how best to use and display them. There is sound advice, too, on the care and repair of everythnig from chandeliers and antique mirrors to a collection of old teddy bears.

With the help of this book, you can become an instant expert on collecting silver, glass, and ceramics, find out how to use rugs and throws for maximum effect, how to hang pictures, display leather-bound books and make dramatic impact with flowers and fruit. There are also ideas for accessoriing outdoor areas with a confident touch.

Illustrated with over 250 exquisite photographs, here is a wealth of inspirational ideas and down-to-earth advice, adding up to an indispensable sourcebok of timeless, classic taste.
Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill is the elder daughter of the 11th Duke of Marlborough, whose family home is Blenheim Palace. Her interest in interior design began when at the age of 16 she traveled to study fine art and languages in Florence and Paris. Later she returned to England to finish her formal studies at the world-famous Inchbald School of Design.
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Ines Heugel
ID: 1638
Издательство: Rizzoli

Classic Garden Style is all about the decorative, ornamental details that make a garden an extension of the home-an additional room with a variety of purposes.

The book begins with a wide variety of containers and supports, including urns, terra cotta pots, zinc containers, trellises, pergolas, and other visual devices you can use to add height and depth to any garden space. Every garden needs a place to sit, and garden furniture-from table and chair sets to hammocks, settees, folding chairs, and other elements that invite seating, reclining, or entertaining-are covered in detail. Accessories of a practical nature come next.

The items highlighted here, from birdbaths, baskets, cloches, and greenhouses to watering cans, lamps, and more, have some practical use in the garden in addition to adding visual interest. Strictly ornamental elements inject a sense of whimsy or art into the garden and range from garden gnomes to obelisks, statues, and fountains.

This book catalogues many different types of ornament and decoration you can use to transform an ordinary garden into an exciting and comfortable "outdoor room" that extends the living space of your home.

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Tunstall Small, Christopher Woodbridge
ID: 9735
Издательство: Dover
Forty plates of meticulously rendered designs replicate authentic ironwork projects that span some 600 years of metalcrafting.
Patterns selected from English churches, chapels, tombs, castles, and other architectural sites depict 12th-century hinges, 15th-century grilles and railings, and 17th-century knockers, handles, latches, and other ornamental elements.
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Cacilia Fluck
ID: 7704
Издательство: Lannoo

This richly illustrated book presents textiles and architecture of the Nile valley from the beginning of the Roman era until the early Islamic times. It contains over 13 essays from international experts about the architectonical context in which textiles were used, its technical specifications, decoration and the social status of those who wore textiles.
About the Author
Cacilia Fluck specialises in late antique art from Egypt. She works for the 'Skulpturensammlung und Museum fur Byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen' in Berlin.

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Antonio Corcuera
ID: 1263
Издательство: Tectum

The book focuses on how the usage of different colours can affect people's perception of a space. Colour not only affects the way space appears itself, but also affects the relationships between a room and the objects within it. Reaching beyond simple colour changes through paint choices, this volume explains how the colour of furnishings, accessories and other details can redefine a space. Including all the colours and also special sections on blacks, greys and mixing colours, this volume features hundreds of photographs that will inspire you to re-imagine the house.

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Roberto Bottura
ID: 5546
Издательство: Links

This book is a collection of the fi nest examples of the synergy generated by graphics and the use of color in architecture. The selection of projects demonstrates how graphics and color can reinforce the strength of volumes and spaces. The spatial application of color is clearly explained by the creators of the projects themselves through texts and photographs. This is an essential book for delving deeper into the specifi c uses of color in architecture and its application to different typologies. Work from some of today’s fi nest contemporary architects make this an excellent source of inspiration for lovers of color-focused architecture.

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Terry Marks, MINE, Origin, Tina Sutton
ID: 7432
Издательство: Rockport

A Complete Color Reference for Designers of All Types, 25th Anniversary Edition

A selection of content from the entire Color Harmony library offers readers the most comprehensive reference book on the usage of color available today. Included are swatches and material for designers and all types of artists looking for inspiration and guidance to ensure the right color choices for every project.
Terry Marks (Seattle, WA) is the author of Mr. Crumbly Dreams a Tiger and Rules for Success.
Christopher Simmons of MINE is an instructor in identity design at California College of the Arts and at Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
Jim Mousner, of Origin Design, has had work featured in publications such as Print, HOW, and Émigré, and been published in many books.
Tina Sutton speaks on “The Psychology of Color” at many school, businesses, and museums. She writes a weekly column for the Boston Globe Magazine.

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Jim Krause
ID: 7483
Издательство: David and Charles
Every designer needs a little inspiration now and then - particularly when it comes to colour. Color Index is fuel for creativity. It provides more than one thousand colour combinations and formulas to help creative professionals thing through design dilemmas and create effective graphics for both print and the web. From progressive colours to natural tones. Color Index makes choosing hues for any job easier. Anyone can start working with colour in exciting ways to create original, eye-catching designs that pop off the page.
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ID: 2366
Издательство: Daab
700 pages of color inspiration! This book illustrates the endless possibilities of color and presents a wide spectrum of color combinations for use in interior, exterior and product design. Recent projects by international architects and designers underline the creative potential of color design put into practice.
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ID: 6194
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

The use of color, in any artistic disciplnine, is one of the most cmplex paskss, as it not only serves a decorativepurpose; it is also used to convey an intention and certai aesthetic effects. In addition, there are psychological factor, considering that a color, and even shades of a color, can trigger certain feelings and this can have a decisive impact on how a person perceives a space or object.

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