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Конструкции и проектирование

Книги по проектированию и конструкциям зданий

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ID: 7093
Издательство: Vial

Concernant l’art du trait de charpente, les auteurs de ce livre constatent que « tout ce qui a été publié jusqu’à ce jour n’est pas démontré d’une façon assez simple ». Ils ont tenu à montrer « l’art du trait d’une façon aussi simple que possible, pour que tout ouvrier, serait-il un apprenti, puisse le comprendre et, au besoin, se faire école lui-même, ce qui est facile avec les explications de chacune des planches ». L’art complexe du tracé de charpente et du dessin de toiture est ainsi abordé de manière à la fois précise, simple et progressive.

Ce livre explique dans un premier temps la manière de se mettre en chantier, de piquer le bois, de contre-jauger, de relever les mesures, de choisir et de marquer le bois. Il présente ensuite 100 planches commentées de trait de charpente dont la difficulté progresse de façon logique. Les bases de la géométrie descriptive sont exposées avec clarté, puis les auteurs traitent de problèmes simples de tracé de charpente (assemblages, étaiements, échafaudages, cintres, pilotis, ponts, planchers, pans de bois, fermes, lucarnes) avant d’aborder des exemples plus complexes dans des plans de toitures (beffrois, pavillons divers, raccords de charpente, pénétrations, tourelles, tours, flèches, nolets, lucarnes capucines et guitardes).

Ce livre est la réédition de l’ouvrage publié vers 1900 et constitué à l’origine d’un volume de 195 pages de textes et d’un portefeuille de planches. Il était depuis longtemps devenu introuvable. Dans la présente édition, le texte a été réécrit dans une typographie moderne sans autre altération et mis en regard du fac-similé de chaque planche pour une consultation plus facile.
Les lecteurs intéressés par le trait de charpente pourront consulter le monumental Traité de charpente de L. Mazerolle, plus complexe, avec des planches exceptionnelles, ou des ouvrages plus modernes comme La charpente en bois d’Emery ou Charpente, les tracés, plus particulièrement destinés à l’apprentissage.

Sommaire :
Assemblages, Bâtiments (3 études), Beffrois (2 études), Capucines (3 études), Cinq épis (2 études), Cintres (4 études), Charpente à douze pans sur une tour ronde, Etaiements et étrésillons, Echafaudage moisé, Fermes (7 études), Flèches (3 études), Géométrie, Guitarde, Lucarnes, Lunettes biaises, Nolets (6 études), Pavillons (26 études), Pénétrations, Pilotis et grillages, Planchers (3 études), Ponts (3 études), Quatre épis, Raccords (4 études), Sapine, Tourelles (7 études), Tréteaux (2 études).

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Bertrand Lemoine
ID: 974
Издательство: Taschen

The iron colossus: the construction of the Eiffel Tower in XXL-sized drawings and photographs When it was completed in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was the highest structure in the world, measuring 300 meters (984 feet). Built for the World’s Fair, it was initially granted a 20-year permit; this permit was thankfully extended and now the Eiffel Tower is one of the world’s most famous structures, having become practically synonymous with Paris itself and receiving more than six million visitors annually. This XL reprint explores the design and construction of this remarkable building; published in 1900 as a large folio by Gustave Eiffel himself in a limited edition of 500 copies, the original was never sold on the market — it was exclusively given and donated by Eiffel. Featuring 53 double-page plates of 4.300 technical drawings explaining the design as well as 33 photographs of the construction, the book reveals the complex and fascinating process of bringing the Eiffel Tower to life. Though the technical drawing will especially appeal to designers wishing to discover the engineering genius behind Eiffel’s masterpiece, everyone can appreciate this very rare and special book about Paris’s glorious mascot.

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Neil Thomas, Aran Chadwick
ID: 5459
Издательство: Atelier One
After 20 years of practice, structural engineering firm Atelier One has gained an international reputation for specialising in challenging projects.This first volume documents the inspiring diversity of Atelier One's work and charts the fascinating creative pursuits undertaken with artists,architects and designers, including Marc Quinn, Anish Kapoor, Will Alsop, Mark Fisher and Softroom. The book includes appreciations of the work from an external perspective, including a previously unpublished photo essay by Magnum photographer Peter Marlow. More detailed project descriptions are provided by Atelier One directors Neil Thomas and Aran Chadwick, giving unparalleled insights into how the projects evolved and how various challenges were addressed. The practice's unique approach of taking complex propositions and translating them through a language of first principles results in some extraordinary conclusions and is the essence of what distinguishes Atelier One's output.
Contributors include Will Alsop, Patrick Bellew, Alan Brookes and Peter Cook.
‘This is not a book for engineers alone; instead, it should be read by all architects who are assenbling their next design team. Engineers must not simply be use to work things out. As Peter Cook puts it in his introduction, they should always be brought in 'at the thinking end of this complex professional sequence.' (The Architectural Review)
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Yves Brondel
ID: 7080
Издательство: Vial

L'auteur, charpentier et Compagnon du Devoir, s’intéresse ici à leur aspect esthétique : il présente un panorama de 111 dessins de lucarnes représentatives des toitures des provinces françaises. Chaque dessin est accompagné d’un commentaire technique décrivant la conception de la lucarne et présentant ses particularités historiques, esthétiques et régionales. 
Depuis longtemps, les lucarnes ornent le toit de nos maisons. Ces ouvertures, qui permettent à l'air, à la lumière et même aux denrées de pénétrer à l'intérieur des bâtiments, sont toujours à l’honneur sur les bâtiments neufs, et les travaux d'aménagement de combles s'accompagnent souvent de la réalisation ou de la restauration de lucarnes sur la toiture d’un édifice ancien. Le choix de leur forme n’est pas facile : les contraintes techniques s’ajoutent aux interrogations esthétiques, et le livre d’Yves Brondel espère y répondre en nous permettant de mieux comprendre notre patrimoine architectural.
L'auteur tient le crayon ou la plume avec la même adresse qu'il manie l'herminette. Simples, drus, directs, style et dessins sont ceux d'un homme de métier qui apprécie le bel ouvrage.

Sommaire :
Préface par J.-G. Mortamet, Architecte en chef des Monuments Historiques
1 - Lucarnes à chevalets 

2 – Lucarnes à croupe, lucarnes à la capucine

3 - Lucarnes à fronton triangulaire (lucarnes flamandes) 

4 - Lucarnes à chapeau ou à fronton arrondi
5 - Lucarnes rampantes à jouées droites 

6 - Lucarnes rampantes à jouées galbées et chapeaux de gendarme 

7 - Lucarnes à formes particulières : tour carrée ou ronde, à pan coupé, à l’impériale, lucarnes à guitardes
8 - Les outeaux 

9 - Les œils-de-bœuf
Postface de Roger Blais, ancien directeur de l’École Supérieure du Bois.

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Dirk Meyhofer
ID: 3271
Издательство: Braun

394 illustrations

Magic Metal in Architecture – no other material develops so many different facets in the application. Whether in the form of “skin and bones” or as a high-tech façade, brilliant constructions always bring the quality of metal into focus. On the basis of about 70 projects, the publication presents how steel and aluminum have been developed for constructional purpose and how archaic materials such as copper create future potentials.

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Joachim Achtziger, Guenter Pfeifer, Rolf Ramcke
ID: 762
Издательство: Birkhauser

The Masonry Construction Manual examines the wide range of possibilities stone and brickwork offer in building. It documents in great detail the technical principles and methods of building with these materials, examines their properties, the sizes and forms of bricks and stones, the bonds, and the behaviour of stone and brickwork under stress. In addition, full information is provided on the requirements with respect to heat, damp, sound-proofing and fire protection, and the most recent standards and norms are listed. Finally, a large number of built examples are presented, complete with plans and details, all of which illustrate the many applications of stone and brickwork in contemporary construction. All plans have been drawn at equal scale especially for this book to ensure best legibility and easy comparison. The construction manuals from Edition Detail have set new standards in the field of specialist literature, becoming an indispensable part of any architect's library.

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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 4767
Издательство: Braun

From the contents:
* Millau Viaduct in France (Foster + Partners)
* Rügen Bridge in Stralsund, Germany (André Keipke and Karl Kleinhanss)
* Jerusalem Light Rail Bridge, Israel (Santiago Calatrava)
* Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C. USA (Rosales + Partners)
* Brick Pit Ring in Sydney, Australia (Durbach Bloch Architects)

Bridges are among humanity's oldest, most important und most prominent constructions. For a long time, bridge construction was dominated mainly by functional criteria, but today the visual appearance is gaining in importance once again. Cutting-edge building technology allows the implementation of exciting, previously unattainable constructions.

Masterpieces: Bridge Architecture + Design showcases the great variety of construction solutions in 69 contemporary bridge building. It presents monumental bridges and the highest level of design efforts of declared specialists as well as famous architects, whose work usually focuses on other sectors.

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George M. Beylerian, Andrew Dent
ID: 763
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This is a book that connects material to designer. For all interior, product, graphic and fashion designers, for anyone connected with packaging, design, architecture or the environment, and for artists and sculptors Material ConneXion will be essential – and inspiring – reading. The high-tech industries of today are unleashing hitherto undreamt-of creative possibilities. This brilliantly illustrated volume identifies the key trends in the field, looking to the future and highlighting materials with the most potential for development. The authors define substances according to their base compositions rather than their current uses, which leads the reader to a clearer understanding of each material’s potential and applications. metals - glass - ceramics - polymers - natural and naturally derived materials - carbon-based materials - cement-based materials -

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Andrew Watts
ID: 15086
Издательство: Birkhauser

New edition of the popular handbook

The Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic of advanced construction literature, not least due to its regular revisions and clear structure with chapters titled “Materials,” “Walls,” “Roofs,” “Structure,” “Environment,” and “Applications.”

Tried and tested component details, examples focusing on sustainability and energy consumption, and an update on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) introduced in the last edition set new standards for this handbook which serves as a foundational textbook in many architecture courses.

As a primer Handbook to building design, it is a starting point for the more advanced books Modern Construction Envelopes, Modern Construction Case Studies, Modern Environmental Design and Modern Structural Design by Andrew Watts.

_Relevant details and examples for studies
_The most important aspects of building design covered in six chapters
_Project-neutral drawings

About the Author:

Andrew Watts is an architect and engineer and the author of the Modern Construction series of textbooks. He specialises in the architectural and engineering design of large-scale buildings of complex form. Andrew is a founding director of Newtecnic. He is a Fellow of three UK engineering institutions in recognition of his engineering-based designs; the Institution of Civil Engineers; the Institution of Engineering Designers; the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Andrew holds charterships in the UK for architecture and engineering from the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Institution of Engineering Designers. In the US, he holds an ASCE membership.


Пролистать книгу Modern Construction Handbook, 6th Edition на Google Books.

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Andrew Watts
ID: 15087
Издательство: Birkhauser

New edition of the popular handbook

The Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic of advanced construction literature, not least due to its regular revisions and clear structure with chapters titled “Materials,” “Walls,” “Roofs,” “Structure,” “Environment,” and “Applications.”

Tried and tested component details, examples focusing on sustainability and energy consumption, and an update on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) introduced in the last edition set new standards for this handbook which serves as a foundational textbook in many architecture courses.

As a primer Handbook to building design, it is a starting point for the more advanced books Modern Construction Envelopes, Modern Construction Case Studies, Modern Environmental Design and Modern Structural Design by Andrew Watts.

_Relevant details and examples for studies
_The most important aspects of building design covered in six chapters
_Project-neutral drawings

About the Author:

Andrew Watts is an architect and engineer and the author of the Modern Construction series of textbooks. He specialises in the architectural and engineering design of large-scale buildings of complex form. Andrew is a founding director of Newtecnic. He is a Fellow of three UK engineering institutions in recognition of his engineering-based designs; the Institution of Civil Engineers; the Institution of Engineering Designers; the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Andrew holds charterships in the UK for architecture and engineering from the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Institution of Engineering Designers. In the US, he holds an ASCE membership.


Пролистать книгу Modern Construction Handbook, 6th Edition на Google Books.

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P. Chueca
ID: 274
Издательство: Links
Functionality and aesthetics come together beautifully in this volume, featuring a wide-ranging selection of outstanding renovations and additions carried out by internationally-renowned architects. The designing architects themselves share their expertise by directly contributing their own commentary on each project, making this the most highly-informed guide to innovations in renovating available.
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Philip Drew
ID: 3172
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Tents have been prized for centuries for their lightness, mobility, small footprint and structural elegance. New tents offer innovative and significant solutions to age-old problems. With the demand on architects to touch the earth lightly, together with a cross-disciplinary interest in technotextiles, membrane structures are assuming new prominence and pleasing forms.

This wide-ranging international survey looks at the exciting possibilities of contemporary tensile building and the most interesting membrane structures created in recent years.

• Architectural and cultural history of the tent
• Thirty recent projects grouped by theme, such as atrium covers and fabric walls, ring roofs and convertibles, small peaks, large waves
• Accessible text descriptions, photographs and line drawings.

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Lori Ryker
ID: 426
Издательство: Gibbs Smith Publishers
Off the Grid confronts the ecological and cultural problems associated with the way we get and use energy, and explains how it is possible to live in a beautifully designed home using much less--no matter where your home is located. Our homes are connected by a nearly invisible grid of infrastructure that binds us together. It is a system of electrical poles, wire, substations, hydroelectric dams, telecommunication towers, and water extraction and sewage systems. From within this system we work, play, and raise families. We have also created one of the greatest environmental challenges known to modern civilization. The signs of our impact upon the world can be recognized in the reports of environmental changes occurring across the earth, and they can also be seen in the growing failures of the energy grids across the world as the current system is stressed beyond its capacity. Technologies that can be used to live off the grid (geothermal energy use, wind turbines, photovoltaic arrays, micro hydropower, rainwater collection and reclamation, and more) are explained as author Lori Ryker shows how to choose and incorporate these sources according to geography and climate. Off the Grid beautifully illustrates that this is not just a concept for rural living; examples of homes that are "off the grid" to varying degrees are found in New York City; Ontario, Canada; Stuttgart, Germany; Belmont, California; Pipe Creek, Texas; Clyde Park, Montana; Twin Lakes, Minnesota; Laytonville, California; Venice, California; and New South Wales, Australia. Off the Grid shows how we can take responsibility for our future choices and conveniences now, and proves that off-the-grid living is a concept that can be easily understood and adopted by everyone, regardless of where you live or how much money you make.
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 7773
Издательство: Braun

The trend towards environmental awareness is decisively influencing the way we live our lives. As Passive Houses have been conceptualized and became part of our collective consciousness, architecture stands at the forefront of an emerging modern eco-friendly lifestyle. Aside from national requirements and optional certificates, a general consensus of “passive architecture“ has emerged and has become widely spread.

Taken back to basics, passive house architecture satisfies the desire to reduce the use of external primary energy. Depending on the climatic conditions, the utilization of different technologies, methods, and interventions is required, presenting a variety of challenges to the architects. This monograph portrays about 60 single-family homes from across the world that showcase the great variety of exciting and at the same time sustainable architectural solutions.

From the contents:

- Maison Passive in Bessancourt, France (Karawitz Architecture)
- Minergie Family Home in Zollikon, Switzerland (Schwarz & Schwarz Architekten)
- The Skinny in Philadelphia, USA (Interface Studio Architects)
- Orange Grove House in Melbourne, Australia (Fiona Winzar Architects)
- JustK in Tübingen, Germany (Amunt Architekten)

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Eberhard Schunck, Hans Jochen Oster, Rainer Barthel, Kurt Ki
ID: 758
Издательство: Birkhauser

The Roof Construction Manual is a comprehensive reference work on the construction of pitched roofs, containing over 1800 plans and 220 photographs. Thirteen fundamental roof types and the relevant materials including thatch, wood, slate, tile, concrete, fibrous cement, bitumen, glass, metal, membranes, and synthetic materials are documented in detail. Essential topics such as ventilation, vapour and wind seals, insulation and drainage, renovation and energy conservation are examined. As with all the Construction Manuals, some 38 built examples illustrate the theoretical details, paying particular attention to important features such as the ridge, hip, eaves, roof valley, verge, and penetration. A compact presentation of the load-bearing physics and structures as well as current norms and standards make this volume an indispensable standard work for all architects and engineers.

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