Ландшафтный дизайн, сады

Книги по ландшафтному дизайну

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Tyler Baras
ID: 18545
Издательство: Cool Springs Press

With practical information aimed at home DIYers, author Tyler Baras (Farmer Tyler to his fans) shows exactly how to build, plant, and maintain over a dozen unique hydroponic systems, some costing just a few dollars to make.

No soil? No sunlight? No problem. A hydroponic growing system gives you the power to grow plants anywhere. Even if you live in an area where water is scarce, a hydroponic system is the answer you’ve been looking for. Hydroponic systems are sealed and do not allow evaporation, making water loss virtually nonexistent. Simply suspend your essential nutrients in a water-based solution and circulate them to the plant roots in a contained network of vessels and tubes. This accessible guide provides the solid information you need for hydroponic gardening success.

Farmer Tyler shows you, with detailed step-by-step photos, precisely how to create these systems, and how to plant and maintain them. All the information you need to get started with your home hydroponic system is included:

- Recipes for nutrient solutions
- Light and ventilation sources
- Comprehensive equipment guide
- Growing and maintenance instructions
- 12+ hydroponic system builds
- Complete crop selection charts

DIY Hydroponic Gardens is the best resource available for getting started in hydroponics.

About the Author:

Tyler Baras has a range of urban agricultural experience, from homesteading to commercial hydroponics. While completing his BS in Horticultural Sciences at the University of Florida, he traveled overseas to study Organic Agriculture in Spain and Protected Agriculture (greenhouse production) in China. After graduation, he worked as a grower for 3 Boys Farm Inc., the first certified organic recirculating hydroponic farm in the United States. In 2013, Tyler moved to Denver, Colorado, where he worked as the hydroponic farm manager at The GrowHaus. He managed a profitable urban farm while creating a successful hydroponic internship program with a 90% job placement rate for graduates. The hydroponic farm at The GrowHaus is currently managed by alumni of the farm internship program and continues to provide lettuce for Wholefoods, Safeway, and several local markets. While at The GrowHaus, Tyler started creating educational videos and blog posts about farm tech which he continues to post on his website FarmerTyler.com. He has had multiple appearances on P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home, which airs on national PBS. Currently, Tyler manages the Dallas Grown hydroponic greenhouse in Dallas, Texas, and works as Special Projects Manager for Hort Americas. Farmer Tyler continues to produce video content, which can be seen at Urban Ag News YouTube and Farmer Tyler YouTube!

Цена: 1300 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 13987
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Landscape architects rely on images to explore ideas and to communicate them to others. Their designs range from large-scale master plans and strategic visions, through to specific vegetation and precise construction details. Concepts and creative solutions are developed, refined, and explained on paper.

This handbook focuses on areas which, even in the age of ­digital media, remain foundations of the profession: drawing, graphics, and projections. Both instructional and inspirational, it covers the basics of landscape ­architectural representation in an easy-to-understand way, encouraging readers to sketch and develop their own graphic language and style.

Also showcased in this book are many examples from landscape architecture offices worldwide, offering practical help and ideas.

Key thematic areas include:
_Introduction to drawing tools, applications, and effects
_Symbols in different scales, styles, and abstraction levels
_Basic principles for presentation, layout, and lettering
_Fundamentals of orthographic and parallel projections
_Drawing in contemporary landscape architecture practice

Цена: 3500 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 15573
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In recent years, perspective views have swept into the foreground in the field of landscape architecture. They have become the showpiece of any new design project, frequently overshadowing the plan as the principal graphic mediator of ideas. Perspectives communicate planned spaces, unlike any other orthographic architectural projections, easily connecting with ­human modes of vision and perception. Yet we have become so accustomed to seeing them that we no longer examine their underlying messages.

This manual examines the history of these multifaceted images and their power to shape our expectations and thinking. Moving chronologically from the Renaissance to the present day, the book charts their evolution and dissects the ­motives ­behind their construction. It also provides clear practical guidance on how to compose persuasive images for diverse audiences.

Presented in this book are numerous historical and contemporary examples, underscoring the perspective’s continuing importance in professional practice.

Key thematic areas include:
_ Introduction to terminology: Basics and principles
_Constructing and composing perspectives
_Transmitting messages: The landscape as a medium for ideas
_ Enduring themes of beauty, the sublime, and awe
_The future of perspective views


Для ландшафтного дизайнера графика является незаменимым инструментом, и в последние годы именно перспективный вид играет важнейшую роль в презентации проектов, зачастую затмевая план как основной способ графической передачи идей. Перспектива дает полное представление о проектируемых пространствах и, в отличие от ортогональных проекций, легко считывается любым человеком. И все же мы настолько привыкли к подобным визуализациям, что иногда недооцениваем их глубину и потенциал.

В практическом пособии «Чертежи для ландшафтных архитекторов 2» рассматривается история развития перспективы, начиная с эпохи Возрождения до наших дней, а также анализируются ее роль и возможности в современной ландшафтной архитектуре. Читатели узнают, как подготовить убедительную визуализацию для самых разных проектов, в простой и наглядной форме получат необходимые практические рекомендации, пошаговые инструкции по использованию масштабной сетки, грамотному построению пространств и созданию гармоничной композиции.

Также книга представляет коллекцию вдохновляющих примеров реализованных проектов, разработанных международными бюро и известными ландшафтными архитекторами. Она является бесценным пособием для специалистов и студентов, поскольку в ней уделено внимание и истории, и теории, и практическим аспектам.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Piet Oudolf, Henk Gerritsen
ID: 16530
Издательство: Frances Lincoln

Join two of the world’s most influential garden designers, Piet Oudolf and Henk Gerritsen, as they describe their ideal perennials, bulbs, grasses, ferns and small shrubs for your natural garden. This comprehensive compendium classifies these 1200 plants according to their behaviour, strengths and uses.

An ideal plant is one that is both beautiful and robust, performing reliably with very little input from the gardener – and without artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Rather than striving for big, bold masses of colourful blooms that are vigorously pruned back as soon as they have finished flowering, their innovative approach to gardening involves choosing plants chiefly for their form – leaves, flower heads and stems included – which means they retain their natural beauty through all the seasons. Find within:

- 1200 beautiful and reliable plants used by top garden designers
- Full descriptions and growing instructions
- Unique easy-to-follow classification according to growing behaviour and use in the garden
- Natural gardening, without artificial fertilizers or pesticides
- More than 250 full-colour photographs

With these plants and expert advice, create a garden that will thrive with the life of the insects and birds it welcomes.

About the Authors:

Piet Oudolf, founder of the New Wave planting movement, is an internationally acclaimed landscape designer who has radically redefined what a garden can be by combining ecology, emotion, and design. As a plantsman, his aim is to emphasize the form, texture, and natural harmony of plants, and as a skilled plant breeder, he creates new varieties for these and other design purposes. His innovative planting aesthetics can be seen across the globe in the many iconic urban spaces he has designed, including New York’s High Line, Chicago’s Lurie Garden, and London’s Serpentine Gallery. His own garden and nursery near Arnhem, Holland, has become world-famous. Piet is the subject of the 2019 feature documentary Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf and has been profiled by The New York Times, PBS News Hour, and The Daily Telegraph. He is the co-author of numerous books, including Planting: A New Perspective, Landscapes in Landscapes, and Gardens of the High Line

Distinguished garden designer Henk Gerritsen (1948–2008) was born in Utrecht in the Netherlands. He trained as an artist and made his living as a painter before turning to garden design. He was the author of several books, and his best-known garden design project in the UK was the reconstruction of the Waltham Place gardens in Berkshire. He also started the Priona Gardens in Schuinesloot in the Netherlands with his friend Anton Schlepers.

Цена: 1250 грн
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ID: 11338
Издательство: Gestalten

From rooftop gardens to flora-laden balconies, flowers and plants bestow a warm grace to unconventional and indoor spaces.

Private paradises nestled in the backyards of homes. Rooftops that act as community gardens. Edible patches of beauty hidden within city blocks. Evergreen shows the verdant aesthetic statement that allows city dwellers to bring nature back into the everyday and quenches urban gardening desires. Living with plants is mutually beneficial; beyond the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, leaves, flowers, and stems bring a warm and individual charisma to any space. Throughout this engaging collection of projects, urban gardening is complimented by a softer side: balconies that add an extra relaxing touch to a morning cup of coffee, flowers that provide calming fragrances throughout the home, or romantic blooms that feed the soul rather than fill a plate.

Evergreen also inspires those who already live in the midst of lush horticultural and sustainable oases. Straightforward plans and examples illustrate how to transform unused spaces, both indoors and out, into flourishing and functional patches. Sketched floorplans visually detail a myriad of projects including which plants thrive in dark living room corners or which foliage enjoys the damp environment of a bathroom. The profiles of both professional and hobbyist plant lovers provide an engaging guide to productively getting one’s hands dirty; herb gardens on fire escapes, greenhouses that double as living spaces, and community gardens atop roofs all awaken growing curiosities. From cactus farmers and florists to shop owners and activists, let Evergreen’s cast of characters guide you in making and maintaining a green utopia and in quenching gardening longings.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Kevin Espiritu
ID: 14302
Издательство: Cool Springs Press

In Field Guide to Urban Gardening, author Kevin Espiritu of Epic Gardening shares the basics of growing plants, offers tips on how to choose the right urban gardening method, and troubleshoots the most common problems you’ll encounter.

If you think it’s impossible to grow your own food because you don’t have a large yard or you live in the city…think again. There is a plethora of urban gardening options to create beautiful, productive edible gardens no matter where you live. The key to succeeding as an urban gardener is to choose the method(s) that make sense for your unique living situation and then give your plants what they need to thrive. Kevin helps you do just that.

But he doesn’t stop there. He also provides in-depth garden plans, from upcycled DIY projects and intensive hydroponic systems to beautiful and functional raised beds. Urban gardening is a real, growing, and important movement in today’s world. This fact-packed book is your roadmap to get growing today.

Urban gardening techniques featured include:

- Container Gardening
- Raised Beds
- Indoor Edibles
- Balconies and Rooftops
- Hydroponics

About the Author:

Kevin Espiritu is an urban gardener, plant lover, and the founder of Epic Gardening, a website dedicated to the goal of teaching 10,000,000 people around the world how to grow their own plants. Kevin focuses on practical growing methods and demystifying all of the complex terminology and processes into simple, easy-to-follow guides. He is the author of Field Guide to Urban Gardening.


Пролистать книгу Field Guide to Urban Gardening: How to Grow Plants, No Matter Where You Live: Raised Beds • Vertical Gardening • Indoor Edibles • Balconies and Rooftops • Hydroponics на Google Books.

Цена: 1250 грн
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Tina Skinner, Melissa Cardona
ID: 3160
Издательство: Schiffer

From warm-weather climates to properties built on permafrost, homeowners everywhere are discovering anew the allure of fire outdoors. With zoning laws, resources, and proximity often limiting the open bonfire enjoyed by our ancestors, fire is being tamed in a variety of attractive ways by creative landscape architects, designers, builders, and manufacturers. Today's outdoor fires radiate warmth for chilly evenings, add an attractive glow to gathered faces, form focal centers for outdoor gatherings, and provide a means of food preparation al fresco.

This book presents a wide variety of ideas for outdoor fireplaces, fire pits, and cook centers. Manufactured outdoor hearth products and custom handmade masterpieces address a huge array of styles to satisfy a broad range of tastes and budgets. A selection of outdoor cook centers is also included, complete with wood-burning pizza ovens. Over 200 images of designs by professional landscape architects, contractors, custom home builders, kitchen designers, and hearth product manufacturers were compiled to provide inspiration and present the most complete book on the subject ever published.

Цена: 1200 грн
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Erin Benzakein
ID: 14103
Издательство: Chronicle Books

From Erin Benzakein, a leader in the locaflor farm-to-centerpiece movement and owner of internationally renowned Floret Flower Farm, Cut Flower Garden is equal parts instruction and inspiration — a book overflowing with lush photography of magnificent flowers and breathtaking arrangements organized by season. This beautiful guide to growing, harvesting, and arranging gorgeous blooms year-round gives readers vital tools to nurture a stunning flower garden and use their blossoms to create showstopping arrangements.

With irresistible photos of Erin's flower farm that showcase exquisite blooms, tips for growing in a variety of spaces and climates as well as step-by-step instructions for lavish garlands, airy centerpieces, and romantic floral décor for every season, Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden informs and entices gardeners of all skill levels.

This beautiful gardening book and guide to growing, harvesting, and arranging gorgeous blooms year-round provides readers with vital tools to nurture a stunning flower garden and use their blossoms and cut flowers to create show-stopping arrangements. It makes a beautiful gift for any occasion, for friends, loved ones and gardening lovers alike!

About the Author:

Erin Benzakein is a farmer-florist and the founder of Floret Farm. Her first book Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden won the American Horticultural Society Book Award. She lives in Mount Vernon, Washington.


Пролистать книгу Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest, and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms на Google Books.

Цена: 1500 грн
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Erin Benzakein
ID: 14104
Издательство: Chronicle Books

A stunning guide to growing, harvesting, and arranging gorgeous dahlia blooms from celebrated farmer-florist and New York Times bestselling author Erin Benzakein, founder of Floret Flower Farm.

World-renowned flower farmer and floral designer Erin Benzakein reveals all the secrets to growing, cultivating, and arranging gorgeous dahlias. These coveted floral treasures come in a dazzling range of colors, sizes, and forms, with enough variety for virtually every garden space and personal preference, making them one of the most beloved flowers for arrangements. 

In these pages, readers will discover:

_Expert advice for planting, harvesting, and arranging garden-fresh dahlias
_A simple-to-follow overview of the dahlia classification system
_An A–Z guide with photos and descriptions of more than 350 varieties
_Step-by-step how-to’s for designing show-stopping dahlia bouquets that elevate any occasion

Filled with Wisdom: Overflowing with hundreds of lush photographs and invaluable advice, Discovering Dahlias is an essential resource for gardeners and a must-have for anyone who loves flowers, including flower lovers, avid and novice gardeners, floral designers, florists, small farmers, stylists, and designers.

Beautiful Present: This book is a beautiful present for Mother’s Day and a thoughtful gift for nature lovers, flower enthusiasts, and gardeners. The colorful, flower-forward package pairs perfectly with a bouquet of flowers, seeds, or a vase.

About the Author:

Erin Benzakein’s gorgeous flowers are celebrated throughout the world. Her book Floret Farm’s A Year in Flowers was a New York Times bestseller and her first book, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden, won the American Horticultural Society Book Award.

Цена: 1250 грн
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Carl Dellatore
ID: 13250
Издательство: Rizzoli

The author of Interior Design Master Class brings together essays by 100 landscape architects and garden designers reflecting on universal gardening questions, illustrated with photos of each designer's work.

A classic in the making, Garden Design Master Class brings together 100 essays by some of the top garden designers working today, from acknowledged experts such as Nancy Goslee Power on sunlight and Arabella Lennox-Boyd on borders, to acclaimed tastemakers such as Carolyne Roehm on the pleasures of a vegetable garden. Spanning styles and genres, principles and tenets, collectively these essays and their accompanying images represent a comprehensive education for the reader, giving him or her the benefit of expert design advice and philosophy, from practical considerations such as seedlings and pathways to stylistic concerns such as asymmetry and rhythm. Each essay is paired with photographs of the designer's work that illustrate the principles being discussed, adding a powerful visual component to the book.

Unique in the quality of its contributors, this book will be a landmark publication in the field, helpful and inspirational for the amateur gardener, as well as students of garden design and garden design professionals.

About the Author

Carl Dellatore began his career as a textile designer and has worked extensively in magazines as well as textile design. He currently works as a content marketing consultant and social media strategist within New York's design community. He is the author of The Fabric Style BookInterior Design Master Class, and On Style.


Пролистать книгу Garden Design Master Class: 100 Lessons from The World's Finest Designers on the Art of the Garden

Цена: 3500 грн
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Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus
ID: 11010
Издательство: Mitchell Beazley

'This book will inspire readers to envision what is possible even in the smallest, most improbable spaces'.
 -- Publishers Weekly

'Just looking at Marianne's stunning photographs made me want to go outside and start re-thinking my plot....I defy any reader not to find a style they can feel comfortable with in this book, there are plenty of ideas which can be adopted, even for the most difficult location'.
-- Reckless Gardener

There is no one way to design a garden. The variations and breadth of possibilities are astonishing but it is the choices of the individual that make the world of gardens so exciting. Creating a garden is part common sense and part instinct but we all need inspiration to help us realize the garden we want. Garden Design: A Book of Ideas is the must-have visual reference for garden owners, architects and designers.

With over 600 images by award-winning photographer Marianne Majerus and incisive advice from garden designer and best-selling writer Heidi Howcroft, this book takes the reader from getting the concept right to choosing the perfect finishing touches for your outdoor space. The gardens featured are large and small, urban and rural in a wide range of styles from contemporary to classical to naturalistic.

Every aspect of designing a garden is explored, from assessing your plot and soil to choosing a style as your inspiration, selecting the right components (be they hard landscaping, boundaries or plants) and tackling more challenging spaces.


Пролистать книгу Garden Design: A Book of Ideas на Google Books.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus
ID: 16434
Издательство: Mitchell Beazley

With over 600 images, this comprehensive visual sourcebook showcases inspiring design ideas and solutions for every type of garden style.

Richly illustrated with hundreds of full-color images by award-winning garden photographer, Marianne Majerus, along with illuminating text by designer Heidi Howcroft, this volume is a comprehensive trove of ideas and solutions for every type of garden that explore the possibilities for every situation, from challenging small spaces to expansive plots. Design tools are explained, planting styles explored, and inspiration is drawn from a wide variety of locations and climates to appeal to gardeners and designers everywhere.

This is also a valuable style catalogue and sourcebook, encouraging and inspiring readers to discover their own garden style -- contemporary or traditional, from cottage whimsy to classic formality or modern minimalism. A wealth of stylish design ideas for every kind of outdoor setting are included, whether inspired by the past or aspiring towards the future. Every conceivable topic is covered: paths and walkways, beds and borders, patios and entertainment spaces, water elements, vertical gardens, edibles, and much more.


Gardens have never been as important as they are today. The breadth of styles and types is hugely varied. Everything goes, whether inspired by the past or looking towards the future, from traditional vegetable plots to vertical gardens and from nature-filled designs to sleek, modernist creations. Choosing what suits your space can be a daunting prospect and everyone, even the professionals, needs help to realize opportunities and create outdoor spaces in tune with their personal needs and dreams. A garden is what we make it: there is no right or wrong way and each is unique.

The book is not only a companion to Garden Design: A Book of Ideas but is also a valuable style catalogue and sourcebook in its own right, encouraging and inspiring readers to discover their own garden style - be it contemporary or traditional, cottage-style or urban minimalist.

About the Authors:

Heidi Howcroft is a landscape architect based in Somerset, England and the author of over 30 books. Marianne Majerus has won many awards, including International Garden Photographer of the Year and European Garden Photographer of the Year. She has been named Photographer of the Year by the Garden Media Guild on several occasions and is a founding member of the Professional Garden Photographers' Association.


Пролистать книгу Garden Style: A Book of Ideas на Google Books.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Michelle Slatalla
ID: 13273
Издательство: Artisan

Named a Best Gift Book for Gardeners by The New York Times Book ReviewLos Angeles TimesSan Francisco ChronicleSeattle TimesDomino magazine, and Goop.

The team behind the inspirational design sites Gardenista.com and Remodelista.com presents an all-in-one manual for making your outdoor space as welcoming as your living room. Tour personality-filled gardens around the world and re-create the looks with no-fail planting palettes. Find hundreds of design tips and easy DIYs, editors’ picks of 100 classic (and stylish) objects, a landscaping primer with tips from pros, over 200 resources, and so much more.

About the Author:

Gardenista’s editor-in-chief, Michelle Slatalla, created and launched the sister site of Remodelista in 2012. Previously, Slatalla was a columnist for the New York Times, Time, and Real Simple. She is the author of six books (including five co-written with her husband, Josh Quittner). She lives in Mill Valley, California.


Пролистать книгу Gardenista: The Definitive Guide to Stylish Outdoor Spaces на Google Books.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Christopher Woods
ID: 17108
Издательство: Timber Press

A steep hillside oasis in Singapore, a garden distinguished by shape and light in Marrakech, a haunting tree museum in Switzerland — these are just a few of the extraordinary outdoor havens visited in Gardenlust. In this sumptuous global tour of modern gardens, intrepid plant expert Christopher Woods spotlights 50 gardens that push boundaries and define natural beauty in significant ways. Featuring both private and public gardens, this journey makes its way from the Americas and Europe to Australia and New Zealand, with stops in Asia, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Along the way, you'll learn about the people, plants, and stories that make these iconic gardens so lust-worthy. As inspiring as it is insightful, Gardenlust will delight your passion for garden inspiration — and the many places it grows.

About the Author:

Christopher Woods began his gardening life at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. He was director and chief designer of Chanticleer, transforming it into one of America’s most exuberant, romantic, and flamboyant gardens and made it renowned for creative and innovative techniques. He has served as vice president for horticulture at the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden; director of the Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, Canada; executive director of the Mendocino Coast Botanical Garden; and director of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Meadowbrook Farm.


Пролистать книгу Gardenlust: A Botanical Tour of the World’s Best New Gardens на Google Books.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Piet Oudolf, Rick Darke
ID: 13607
Издательство: Timber Press

Before it was restored, the High Line was an untouched, abandoned landscape overgrown with wildflowers. Today it’s a central plaza, a cultural center, a walkway, and a green retreat in a bustling city that is free for all to enjoy. This beautiful, dynamic garden was designed by Piet Oudolf, one of the world’s most extraordinary garden designers. 

Gardens of the High Line, by Piet Oudolf and Rick Darke, offers an in-depth view into the planting designs, plant palette, and maintenance of this landmark achievement. It reveals a four-season garden that is filled with native and exotic plants, drought-tol­erant perennials, and grasses that thrive and spread. It also offers inspiration and advice on recreating its iconic, naturalistic style. 

Featuring stunning photographs by Rick Darke and an introduction by Robert Hammond, the founder of the Friends of the High Line, this large-trim, photo-driven book is a must-have gem of nature of design.

About the Authors:

Piet Oudolf is among the world’s most innovative garden designers and a leading exponent of naturalistic planting, a style that takes inspiration from nature but employs artistic skill in creating planting schemes. Oudolf's extensive work over 30 years of practice includes public and private gardens all over the world. He is best known for his work on the High Line and Battery Park in New York, the Lurie Garden in Chicago's Millennium Park, and Potters Fields in London.

Rick Darke is a landscape design consultant, author, lecturer, and photographer based in Pennsylvania who blends art, ecology, and cultural geography in the creation and conservation of livable landscapes. His projects include scenic byways, public gardens, corporate and collegiate campuses, mixed-use conservation developments, and residential gardens. Darke served on the staff of Longwood Gardens for twenty years and received the Scientific Award of the American Horticultural Society. His work has been featured in the New York Times and on National Public Radio. Darke is recognized as one of the world's experts on grasses and their use in public and private landscapes. For further information visit www.rickdarke.com.


Пролистать книгу A Field Guide To Whisky: An Expert Compendium To Take Your Passion And Knowledge To The Next Level на Google Books.

Цена: 1980 грн
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