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Многоквартирные дома

Многоквартирные дома

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Jutta Albus, Philipp Meuser
ID: 13990
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban landscapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefab buildings with large panels – methods that date back to the 19th century – are experiencing a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now also serves a wider range of purposes. In Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area with 16 million people, it is primarily used as a means to provide affordable homes. But in certain developed countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. The manual particularly focuses on efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and explores strategies for organising processes while presenting best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. Furthermore, the manual investigates the potential of prefabricated housing on historical and architectural grounds as well as from a structural engineering standpoint. It puts forward ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples to make a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.

Vol. 1: Technologies and Methods
Vol. 2: Buildings and Typologies


Индустриальное домостроение уже давно перестало быть синонимом обезображивания городского ландшафта однообразными серыми «коробками». В частности, в Центральной Европе и России панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных методов строительства и 100-летнему опыту проектирования типового жилья и использования крупных панелей. В Москве - крупнейшей европейской столице с семнадцатью миллионами жителей – индустриальное домостроение является незаменимым инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, методы заводского изготовления в Германии и Швейцарии,например, применяются для возведения престижной недвижимости.

Этот справочник рассматривает потенциал индустриального домостроения с конструктивной, исторической и архитектурной точек зрения. Помимо детально рассмотренных методов производства и монтажа, в книге представлены двадцать наглядных примеров с широкоформатными фотографиями, детальными планами и наглядными диаграммами. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную сегодня дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Том 1: Технологии и методы
Том 2: Здания и типологии

Цена: 4200 грн
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Philipp Meuser
ID: 13991
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban land­scapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and ­structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefabricated buildings – methods that can be traced back to the 19th century – are going through a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now serves a wider range of purposes than ever before. In ­Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area, it is primarily used ­­­­as a means to provide ­affordable homes. But in some countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of ­different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. It particularly focuses on ­efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and presents strategies for ­organising processes along with best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. The manual also ex­plores the historical development of prefabricated housing in order to discover its full architectural potential. Finally, it outlines ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples, making a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.


Индустриальное домостроение часто ассоциируется с унылыми городскими пейзажами и серыми «коробками», но сегодня оно демонстрирует богатство эстетических и конструктивных возможностей. Панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных технологий и значительному опыту, накоп-ленному за более чем 100 лет. Это происходит по всему миру от Ванкувера и Нью-Йорка до Лондона и Берлина, до Нур-Султана и Сингапура. В Москве индустриальное домостроение является инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, но в Германии и Швейцарии, например, методы заводского изготовления применяются для возведения объектов элитной недвижимости.

Это практическое пособие содержит анализ ряда технологий производства и сборки, используемых в настоящее время для строительства быстровозводимого жилья. При этом наряду с передовыми примерами из мировой практики особое внимание в книге уделяется эффективности, устойчивости и рыночной привлекательности, а также стратегиям организации всех процессов. Индустриальное домостроение рассматривается с исторической и архитектурной точек зрения, кроме того автор приводит 10 ключевых проектных параметров и 15 заслуживающих внимания проектов. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Tom Kundig
ID: 13813
Издательство: Princeton Architectural Press

Striking, innovative, and dramatically sited, the twenty-nine projects in Tom Kundig: Working Title reveal the hand of a master of contextually astute, richly detailed architecture. As Kundig's work has increased in scale and variety, in diverse locations from his native Seattle to Hawaii and Rio de Janeiro, it continues to exhibit his signature sensitivity to material and locale and to feature his fascinating kinetic "gizmos." Projects range from inviting homes that integrate nature to large-scale commercial and public buildings: wineries, high-performance mixed-use skyscrapers, a Visitor Center for Tillamook Creamery, the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, and the Wagner Education Center of the Center for Wooden Boats, among others. Tom Kundig: Working Title includes lush photography, sketches, and a dialogue between Tom Kundig and Michael Chaiken, curator of the Kundig-designed Bob Dylan Archive at the Helmerich Center for American Research.

About the Author: 

Tom Kundig, FAIA, RIBA, is a principal and owner of Seattle-based Olson Kundig. In 2016, he was elected to the National Academy of Design as an Academician in Architecture, and he received the AIA Seattle Gold Medal in 2018. Kundig's work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Architect, Architectural Record, and Architectural Digest.

Цена: 3200 грн
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Philip Jodidio
ID: 16179
Издательство: Rizzoli

A study of the striking Vortex building in Lausanne, Switzerland, a powerful reflection of circles in architecture.

Edited and authored by the renowned architecture expert Philip Jodidio, this book is dedicated to a new, eye-catching building by Swiss architect Jean-Pierre Dürig located in Lausanne, also known as the “Olympic Capital.” As the structure’s name suggests, Vortex is an 88-foot-high tower in the shape of a cylinder, rising around a single, continuous 1.7-mile-long ramp. Its spiraling movement creates an emblematic shape reminiscent of Olympic rings — a fitting tribute for a building that housed the 1,700 talented young athletes who competed in the Winter Youth Olympic Games in January 2020.

Over 130 photographs, sketches, plans, and models illuminate this enormous undertaking, while Jodidio’s informative text offers detailed insight into the phases of design and construction. Imagery of circular references from art, architecture, and nature highlight the inspiration behind the building’s extraordinary shape. Printed in Italy using the finest European papers, this volume is a beautiful ode to Vortex and Lausanne’s forward-looking spirit.

About the Author:

Philip Jodidio is a specialist in contemporary architecture. As well as having been editor-in-chief of the French art monthly Connaissance des Arts for more than twenty years, he is the author of over 100 books on architecture and art.


Пролистать книгу Vortex: Architecture of the Circle

Цена: 2800 грн
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ID: 7173
Издательство: Tang Art

This book elaborately selects more than 100 latest property projects in domestic market. It starts with four perspectives which are transplantation, innovation, reformation and recurrence (namely, Sinicized transplantation of the exotic styles, functionalized and artistic innovation of modern architecture, traditional recurrence and modernized reformation of Chinese residences) and combines ten kinds of international mainstream architectural styles to discuss how do the architects make use of modern design language and architectural practice to achieve the organic combination of internationalization and local culture. Rather than purely talking about the architectural styles, we further display latest design concepts and techniques in this book.


Chinese Style

Suzhou Tao Fairyland Phase Ⅲ 010
Wuxi Shangzhi Jiangnan Villa 016
Shaoxing Shanshui Mansion 020
Suzhou Zhonghai Xujiang Mansion Phase Ⅱ 026
Shaoxing Shanshui Residence 032
Zhuhai Yunshan Poetic Garden 038
Shenyang Green Living Paradise Phase Ⅲ, Ⅳ & Ⅴ 042
Taihu Lake King 048
Peking Courtyard 052
Jiangyin Goldtech • Oriental Mansion 058
Changchun Yangchun Lane 066
Jiangyin Raycom Chaozhong Architectures 074
Huizhou Shanshui Jiangnan 080

Neoclassical Style

Shenzhen Jiawang Town • Yueshan Mansion 086
Suzhou China Overseas Property International Community 090
Changchun Greenland Xinli • City Central Kungkuan 098
Shenzhen Xi Dragon Bay Phase Ⅱ 102
Chengdu Vanke • Golden Area Blue Bay Phase Ⅱ 110
Wuxi First International Phase Ⅲ 114
Dongguan Royal Spring Mountain 120
Tianjin Mind-land International 126
Shenzhen Nanao Triumph Bay 132
Shenzhen The Waldorf Palace 138
Chengdu South of International Town Yijia 142

Art Deco Style

Wuhan Fudi East Lake International 148
Glorious • Shang Bay Phase Ⅰand Phase Ⅱ 152
Hefei Huabang • Bright Aristocratic 158
Guangzhou KWG•The Summit 162
Qingdao Zhonghai•The Silver Carse 168
Shanghai • New Jiangqiao Town 174

European Style

Shanghai Landsea • Green Island 182
Suzhou Wujiadun Phase Ⅲ 190
Shenyang Glorious Property • Sunny Town Phase Ⅱ and Ⅲ 194
Shenyang Junyuanmei Village 198

American Style

Langfang Gemdale Xianghe Central Consulate Phase Ⅱ 206
Dongguan CITIC • Forest Lake Phase Ⅳ 214
Nanjing Osbourne Phase Ⅲ 220
Nanjing Xianlin • Emerald Bay 224
Shanghai Sixty-fourth Step 228

British Style

Shanghai Southern Suburbs Chinese Garden Phase Ⅵ 236
Xi’an Gemdale • Notting Hill Villa 242
Shanghai Britain County Reading Town Phase Ⅱ 250
Suzhou Zhuocheng • Edinburgh Phase Ⅱ 254
Shanghai Poly Phoenix Trees 258
Shanghai Poly Leaves Whisper 262
Wuxi King UK International Community 270
Changchun Gemdale Ying Lake Impression 274

German Style

Hangzhou Binjiang • Golden & Blue Court 280
Tsingtao Villa 286
Tianjin Jingrui • Sunshine City 292

Mediterranean Style

SRE•Cedar Villa Original 306
OCT East Shenzhen•Tianlu Phase Ⅷ 314
Chongqing Ten-mile Blue Mountain 320
Changzhou Grand Art Castle Phase I & II 328
Shanghai Greenland Dongjiao Garden 334
Sanya Shanyu Lake 340
Dongguan Green Windsor Castle 346
Qingdao Haier•Shanghai Bay Phase I 350

Southeast Asian Style

Wuxi Yuanyi Resort 358
Huizhou Global Migratory Bird Habitat Villa Phase Ⅷ 364

Modern Style

Xi’an Gemdale Lakeside Royal City Masterpiece Great Land 372
Shenzhen Vanke Jinyu Mansion 382
Beijing The House International Garden 390
Shenzhen Gemdale • Shangtang Avenue 394
Hainan Shengmu • Tianyifang 398
Chongqing MCC Boulevard 404
Wuhan Gemdale Green Town 410
Chengdu Huarun Jade City Phase Ⅳ 416
Wuhan Poly Huadu 422
Chengdu Diecui Summit 426
Shenzhen Jiazhaoye • Jincui Garden 432
Shenzhen Jiazhaoye • Shangpin Elegance Garden 438
Tianjin Sunac Olympic City 442
Sanya Changda • Shanshui Tianyu Community 448
Shenzhen Meilin New World 454
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Portofino Waterside Phase Ⅶ 460
Shenzhen Xiangmi Lake • Weizhen Mansion 466
Shenzhen Fifteen Summit 470
Shanghai New Pujiang Town 474
Guangzhou Qiaojian Yuxi Valley 480
Shenzhen Zhonghai Longgang Olympic Athletic New City 488
Shanghai Zhongying Black Forest 494
Huizhou Pengji • Wanlin Lake Phase Ⅱ 500
Zhangjiagang Zhongxin Real Estate • Top Jiangnan 506
Wuxi Singapore Shangjin Town 512
Wuhan Gemdale • International Garden 518
Jinjiang Xunxing • Olympic Spring 522
Dalian Hongxing Sea World Outlook 526
Fuzhou Water Bank Jun Mountain 530
Wuxi Lang Landsea • Future Home 534
Dongguan Fortis Ideal 0769 Phase Ⅳ 538
Guangzhou Yuehai Lijiang Garden 544
Tianjin Dream Valley Star-Making Workshop Phase Ⅲ 550
Chengdu Wharf • Time Mansion Phase Ⅳ 556
Shanghai Coastal • Li Villa 562
Shanghai Mingyuan • Forest Metropolis Phase Ⅱ Lancui Garden 568
Sanya Qingshui Bay•Diamond Beach 572
Gemdale•Great Mansion 578
Yantai Sunshine 100 City Square Phase Ⅰ 584
Copenhagen 8 House 590
Prisma 592
The Oceanfront at Sentosa Cove 602

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Philip Jodidio
ID: 10821
Издательство: Taschen

Liquid stone. The charm of concrete architecture today

Concrete? That characterless stuff of parking lots or Communist tower blocks, right? Well, yes. And no. Concrete is actually a name applied to a remarkably wide range of building substances, and, when properly handled, is one of the noble materials of contemporary architecture. A kind of liquid stone at the outset, it is malleable, durable, and capable of prodigious feats of engineering.

This two-volume book highlights the best work done in concrete of recent years. It includes such stars as Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, and Steven Holl, but also surprising new architects like the Russians SPEECH, and rising stars of the international scene like Rudy Ricciotti from France, as well as artists such as James Turrell, who turned the famous concrete spiral of Frank Lloyd Wright s Guggenheim in New York into the setting of one of his most remarkable pieces.

The author:

Philip Jodidio (born 1954) studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN’s Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture.

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Zhang & Chen Ye
ID: 8780
Издательство: Tang Art

This book series Endless Dwelling II has made full use of the abundant photographs to introduce a large variety of representative residential projects. By analysing the way to construct different vales in residential products in five aspects including planning, house type, architectural style, landscape design and interior design, it aims to form the project's own features and highlights. Among them, planning design can enhance land value, house type can improve the product value, and facade style and landscape design can increase image value. It is the accurate and professional analysis of each case that makes the book so easy to understand and the refined project features of theme entries and classified catalogue in each case make the book even self-evident. As a book with a strong practical reference value, it is professional and worth reading for persons involved in the real estate industry and related design companies. Bosheng Chou. Vice President of Yeland Group.

Endless Dwelling II is an integration of famous real estate projects in China. In this book, buildings and landscapes are combined beautifully and its layouts are novel and unique. It is a book with vivid pictures and high gold content. It's customized guiding system in some projects is of great significance for the trend of real estate development.

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ID: 8543
Издательство: Tang Art

196 E2A
198 UDA


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Beth Browne
ID: 9079
Издательство: Images

Whether prompted by an uncertain global economy, a decrease in the average family size or a growing desire to tread more lightly on the land and share limited resources, more people are choosing apartment living than ever before. This trend, combined with a greater-than-ever range of construction and finishing materials, has led to a plethora of exciting new apartment builds and remodels worldwide. Today, both owners and architects are benefiting from the myriad interior design and material options at their fingertips, making the dream apartment more attainable than ever before.

This stunningly photographed digest of contemporary apartment designs is packed with ideas for making the most of any apartment layout, from small, compact spaces to multi-level homes. Each apartment has been chosen for its creative use of space, artfully chosen furnishings and impressive interior design. From sleek modern lines to ornate classical detailing or futuristic ‘pods’, the diversity of styles featured means that there is a design to suit every aesthetic. Descriptive text outlining the client’s brief and architect’s responses is accompanied by valuable project data, detailed plans and drawings, providing further insight into what makes these designs great.

For architects, interior designers or anyone seeking to buy, build or remodel an apartment in the 21st century, this is an invaluable and inspirational sourcebook bursting with practical ideas.

Пролистать книгу 21st Century Architecture: Apartment Living на Google books

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ID: 3356
Издательство: Ca Press

Our understanding of living spaces is quickly changing. Today, living spaces are recognized as spaces for leisure and recharge and are transforming into hign-tech spaces with efficiency and visual beauty.
Apartment complexes, which take the largest proportion of mordern living spaces in korea, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of wellbeing to develop into the spaces for nature and men and the city amongst nature. Internally, spaces take various styles from classical to antique, to Zen, to modern.
“99 Apartments” divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its 99 apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.

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ID: 3357
Издательство: Ca Press

Our understanding of living spaces is quickly changing. Today, living spaces are recognized as spaces for leisure and recharge and are transforming into hign-tech spaces with efficiency and visual beauty.
Apartment complexes, which take the largest proportion of mordern living spaces in korea, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of wellbeing to develop into the spaces for nature and men and the city amongst nature. Internally, spaces take various styles from classical to antique, to Zen, to modern.
“99 Apartments” divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its 99 apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.

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Arian Mostaedi
ID: 450
Издательство: Links

Apartment architecture has come a long way since the days when functionality took precedence over aesthetic conditions. Today, the two concepts go hand in hand. Each project selected for this volume has gone that extra step beyond successfully meeting basic requirements, to providing qualities which add texture and beauty to daily life. Not only do these buildings enjoy more light and color, better spatial distribution and improved community spaces, but they also have distinctive characteristics which set them apart from the rest: from the massive superimposed boxes jutting out in gravity-defying profusion to a building with entire facades of double layers of glass encasing living plants within. Photos, texts, ground plans and construction details all help provide thorough understanding of each project.

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Carles Broto
ID: 8739
Издательство: Links

This collection displays the best in today’s residential architecture. A selection of the world’s most prestigious architects present their recent creations for apartment buildings, from supremely innovative and avant-garde proposals, to those that attempt to create spaces whose personalities adapt to their contents. Top names in architecture such as Alvaro Siza, Neutelings & Riedijk, Bevk Perović, Delugan Meissl and Eduardo Souto de Moura provide invaluable insight into
their work through explanatory texts, accompanied by full color photographs and floor plans. This volume is sure to delight and inspire all those with an interest in this field of architecture, whether professional or otherwise.

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ID: 3451
Издательство: Ca Press
Aprtment Housing, which take the largest proporyion of modern living spaces, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of welldeing to develop into the space for nature and men and the city amongst nature. APARTMENT HOUSING divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.
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Carles Broto
ID: 1930
Издательство: Links

Step inside an exciting world of stunning apartments

* Small, dark apartment? These light, airy designs miraculously overcome obstacles
* Color photos, floor plans, and commentary from architects and designers for each project

 In styles ranging from urban chic to classic, from Asian-inspired minimalism to funky profusion, the rooms featured in Apartment Interiors are as unique as a fingerprint. This beautiful volume presents top-of-the-line case studies in the creation of magical, bright, spacious interiors--even in spaces where light and space are limited. These amazing apartments, shown with radiant color photos accompanied by floor plans and commentary from the creators, offer inspiration and ideas for any architecture or design professional.

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