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Учебники. Справочники

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Antoine Picon
ID: 7390
Издательство: Birkhauser

Today's explosive developments in digital technology have also affected architecture and the urban landscape.

The new possibilities opened up by digital simulation have led to an increasingly strategic approach to planning, an approach based on generating scenarios, which thus represents a radical departure from traditional planning. From the preliminary sketch all the way to the production of individual building components, digital tools offer new possibilities that were still inconceivable just a few years ago.

This volume provides a profound introduction to the important role of digital technologies in design and execution. In four chapters, the author systematically examines the influence of digital culture on architecture but also on the urban landscape as well as product design. The relationship of digital architecture to the city is also an important focus.

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Hector Barros
ID: 8261
Издательство: BooQs

Any professional artist knows that creating depth of field and the relative position of objects is practically impossible without the basic notions of perspective in drawing. This book explains and demonstrates in a series of sketches the practical foundations of perspective in drawing and sketching.

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Karl J. Habermann, Roberto Gonzalo
ID: 9777
Издательство: Birkhauser

How is an energy efficient building created? Which are the most important criteria pertaining to urban development or the conception of the floor plan? What are the optimal dimensions appropriate for the building’s usage but also ensuring energy efficiency? Which building elements and systems are most suitable?

This book systematically explains all relevant criteria and parameters as regards urban development, design and the subsequent construction of a sustainable building. The immense potential for cutting costs by modernising the energy systems in old buildings is also demonstrated.Completed projects are presented according to their usage and are analysed and evaluated in the light of the above criteria. For this purpose extensive plans and technical information are used to illustrate the "energy profile" of each building. This shows the particular importance of planning details carefully. An annotated subject index concludes the volume.

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Manfred Hegger
ID: 7391
Издательство: Birkhauser

While the efficiency and sustainability offensive is in full swing in most sectors of the economy, in the construction sector it is still in its very beginnings economically as well as ecologically. However, politicians and policymakers at the global, European, and national levels have begun to address this deficit and are seeking to correct it with legal requirements and laws like EnEV, building certifications, and competitions. Following the proven model of earlier manuals in the series, the Energy Manual presents a comprehensive look at the constructional parameters of energy efficiency and sustainability. It offers an advance look at the legal regulations being planned by the EU, and as a tool ready for immediate use by architects, engineers, and designers in their daily work it points the way toward the efficient and sustainable construction and operation of buildings. With its focus on the entire lifecycle of a building, it provides an integrated perspective a necessary prerequisite for sustainable economic management.

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Thomas Herzog, Roland Krippner, Werner Lang
ID: 7392
Издательство: Birkhauser

Facades - they are the first feature of a building to be noticed, they determine its distinctive appearance and are often the subject of controversial debate. This new first edition of the Facade Construction Manual provides a systematic survey of contemporary expertise in the application of new materials and energy- efficient technologies in facade design, and represents an invaluable addition to our series of Construction Manuals. It surveys the facade design requirements made by various types of buildings, as well as the most important materials, from natural stone through to synthetics, and documents a diversity of construction forms for a wide range of building types. Over 100 international case-studies in large-scale, detailed drawings are presented in the comprehensive project section.

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Patrick Loughran
ID: 9779
Издательство: Birkhauser

Concrete and stone seem made to last forever. But the fact is they develop problems. It is not always as dramatic as the collapse of a section of the roof of the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in 2004. Gradual changes also occur that may compromise the appearance and structural soundness of buildings constructed with these materials. These changes can be created by efflorescence, thermal stress, weathering, leakage and corrosion.

This book explains how to avoid typical kinds of failure. With this in mind, it systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture. It also offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage. Examples include such high-visibility structures as Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Parco della Musica in Rome and Vontz Center for Molecular Studies in Cincinnatti. In eight chapters, typical kinds of damage are explained and illustrated with examples.

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Dirk U. Hindrichs
ID: 7393
Издательство: Birkhauser

The third edition of this highly successful book has been graphically redesigned as well as completely revised and expanded, with 220 new articles. It brings together facade solutions and ideas that are remarkable from various perspectives city planning, architecture, technology, functionality. These qualities are attested by countless international structures and innovative plans by celebrated architects, which organized on the basis of building typology yield an overview of the technical possibilities of modern building envelopes: selected buildings by Albert Speer & Partner, WS Atkins & Partners, Toyo Ito, Murphy/Jahn, Riepel + Riepel, Richard Meier & Partners, Daniel Libeskind, Ingenhoven Overdiek, Gehry Partners, Yaser Darwish, BRT Architekten, Foster and Partners, Pysall_Ruge, Zaha Hadid, Ricardo Bofill, KSP Engel und Zimmermann, and FX Fowle.

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Denis Panorias, Philippe Huyghe
ID: 7115
Издательство: Vial

Les auteurs présentent dans ce livre un très large éventail de possibilités de finition du mobilier. Les finitions traditionnelles mais aussi la grande variété des finitions contemporaines mettant en oeuvre les techniques et les matériaux modernes sont détaillés. Des photos d’ensemble et de détail accompagnent le texte décrivant la technique appliquée.

Sommaire :

Incidence du support sur la finition, la préparation du support, la mise en teinte des bois, les familles de produits de finition, les finitions transparentes ou vernies, les finitions laquées, le matériel de mise en oeuvre.

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Klaus Sedlbauer
ID: 7394
Издательство: Birkhauser

Often described as the « fifth façade », the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneathit from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulationareas, and even productive solar roofs.In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task : in addition to providing the planner with basicrules of construction and design, the Flat Roof Manual also supplies an overview of the use and construction types as well as the standardassemblies for flat roofs. Together with the most important standards and bodies of regulations, construction drawings of the principalconnection points round out the volume.

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Felipe Correa (Editor)
ID: 5453
Издательство: Actar

GSD Platform 2 provides a sampling of the most salient research and design explorations undertaken at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) during the 2008-2009 academic year. Organized thematically, the publication identifies underlying congruencies among studio work, theses, research, lectures, conferences, and writings to unfold some of the many critical ideas and interests currently being explored in the School. Ranging in scope from detailed material fabrication to large-scale territorial and infrastructural strategies, the work spans a broad and diverse set of geographies and scenarios. In documenting this work, the publication archives and disseminates the rich intellectual momentum of the GSD.

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John Pile
ID: 4037
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Now in its third edition and fully updated with the most recent examples, A History of Interior Design tells the story of 6,000 years of domestic and public space. John Pile acknowledges that interior design is a field with unclear boundaries, in which construction, architecture, furniture, decoration, technology and product design all overlap. These topics are woven together in a fascinating narrative that runs from cave dwellings and temple architecture, through Gothic cathedrals and Renaissance palaces, to the grand civic spaces of the nineteenth century and the sleek interiors of modern skyscrapers. Embedded in a social and political context, detailed discussions of famous buildings, from the Parthenon to the Pompidou Centre, are interspersed with investigations of the domestic vernacular – the cottages, farmhouses, apartments and city terraces inhabited by ordinary people. In this new edition, the evolution of interior design has been made even more accessible through the inclusion of a CD-ROM with an interactive timeline. Incorporating over 100 illustrations, this sets the great interior spaces of the world in the context of the social, political and technological developments of the time.


Посмотреть 4-е издание книги History of Interior Design

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Ellen S. Fisher, Jen Renzi
ID: 18355
Издательство: Clarkson Potter

From the nation’s top college for interior design comes a definitive design school in a book and a fabulous reference for decorating the home. In the past decade,

New York School of Interior Design, which was founded in 1916, has drawn a large crossover audience of passionate decorating enthusiasts and hobbyists–many of them private homeowners who know that thinking like a professional is the surest way to achieve a magnificent home.

This lavishly illustrated and highly detailed interior design bible provides a comprehensive education on home design and decor, from color theory principles to space-specific considerations (choosing furniture for a living room) and collaborating with architects and other professionals for the best results. Built on the Home Study Course that is the foundation of the school’s curriculum, this book offers an unparalleled mastery of the key elements of enduring design, rendering it the only book you’ll ever need.

About the Authors:

Ellen S. Fisher is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the New York School of Interior Design. She began her career with NYSID in 1999 as a member of the faculty. Fisher is a New York State Certified Interior Designer who maintains an active residential and commercial design practice in the New York metropolitan area. She earned a PhD in Architectural Studies/Human Environmental Sciences from the University of Missouri in 2011.

Jen Renzi was a senior editor at House & Garden and Interior Design magazines. She has contributed to the Miami Herald, The New York Times Magazine, New York, Surface, Fulcrum, and Men’s Health. She frequently lectures on design and has made guest appearances on HGTV and NBC 10 Philadelphia. She is the author of Ten Years of Design Excellence: Ceramic Tiles of Italy Across America and the coauthor of Samantha Nestor’s The Luxury Bathroom.


Пролистать книгу Home: The Foundations of Enduring Spaces: New York School of Interior Design на сайте издательства.


Пролистать книгу Home: The Foundations of Enduring Spaces: New York School of Interior Design на Google Books.

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Manfred Ronstedt , Tobias Frey
ID: 12616
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In this handbook on successful hotel planning, the authors present an in-depth planning aid for the design and construction of hotel property. In doing so, the requirements of both hotel operators and planners are considered. The book is addressed to architects, interior designers, property developers and hotel operators. Having implemented their own hotel projects, the authors are experts on this building typology. Accompanied by detailed drawings and explanations, this book is a true asset.

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Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik
ID: 10768
Издательство: Random House

"Основы эргономики" - первый  справочник по проектным нормам для всех, кто занимается проектированием помещений: для дизайнеров интерьера, архитекторов, дизайнеров мебели, строителей, специалистов по промышленному дизайну и учащихся, изучающих дизайн.

Сравнительное изучение параметров человеческого тела называется антропометрией. С помощью антропометрии обеспечивается качественное физическое взаимодействие человеческого тела и различных элементов интерьера. Книга Дж. Панеро и М. Зелника "Основы эргономики. Человек, пространство, интерьер" - первый справочник по проектным нормам для всех, кто занимается проектированием помещений: для дизайнеров интерьера, архитекторов, дизайнеров мебели, строителей, специалистов по промышленному дизайну и учащихся, изучающих дизайн. Антропометрические данные не заменят продуманный проект предметной среды или веское профессиональное суждение, однако их можно рассматривать как один из множества инструментов, необходимых для проектирования.

Этот всеобъемлющий справочник по проектным нормам состоит из трех частей.

В первой излагается теория и применение антропометрии, в отдельной главе речь идет об инвалидах и пожилых людях. Здесь рассматриваются основы антропометрии, и дизайнер получает общее представление о том, как устанавливаются нормы и стандарты.

Во вторую часть входят иллюстрированные антропометрические таблицы с самыми современными данными о размерах человеческого тела, классифицированными по возрасту и процентным группам. Кроме того, приводятся сведения об амплитуде движения суставов и размерах тела у детей.

Третья часть содержит сотни масштабных схем, планов и разрезов, построенных с учетом антропометрических соотношений между человеком и окружающим пространством. Рассматриваются все виды помещений - от жилых до коммерческих, предназначенных как для отдыха, так и для учебы, все размеры указаны в метрических единицах.

В эпилоге авторы приводят все данные, которые требуются профессиональным дизайнерам, строителям и производителям мебели, а также обсуждают самые насущные проблемы современного дизайна. Они объясняют, насколько опасно принимать за основу размеры так называемого среднестатистического человека, которого не существует в природе. Используя данные правительственных организаций, в том числе исследований доктора Ховарда Стодта, доктора Альберта Деймона, доктора Росса Макфарланда, а также Джин Робертс из Службы общественного здравоохранения США, Дж.Панеро и М.Зелник разработали справочную систему стандартов и норм для дизайнеров интерьера, изложив ее в виде таблиц и ситуационных схем. Благодаря книге "Основы эргономики. Человек, пространство, интерьер" эти стандарты теперь доступны всем дизайнерам интерьера.


The study of human body measurements on a comparative basis is known as anthropometrics. Its applicability to the design process is seen in the physical fit, or interface, between the human body and the various components of interior space.

Human Dimension and Interior Space is the first major anthropometrically based reference book of design standards for use by all those involved with the physical planning and detailing of interiors, including interior designers, architects, furniture designers, builders, industrial designers, and students of design. The use of anthropometric data, although no substitute for good design or sound professional judgment should be viewed as one of the many tools required in the design process. This comprehensive overview of anthropometrics consists of three parts.

The first part deals with the theory and application of anthropometrics and includes a special section dealing with physically disabled and elderly people. It provides the designer with the fundamentals of anthropometrics and a basic understanding of how interior design standards are established. The second part contains easy-to-read, illustrated anthropometric tables, which provide the most current data available on human body size, organized by age and percentile groupings. Also included is data relative to the range of joint motion and body sizes of children. The third part contains hundreds of dimensioned drawings, illustrating in plan and section the proper anthropometrically based relationship between user and space. The types of spaces range from residential and commercial to recreational and institutional, and all dimensions include metric conversions.

In the Epilogue, the authors challenge the interior design profession, the building industry, and the furniture manufacturer to seriously explore the problem of adjustability in design. They expose the fallacy of designing to accommodate the so-called average man, who, in fact, does not exist. Using government data, including studies prepared by Dr. Howard Stoudt, Dr. Albert Damon, and Dr. Ross McFarland, formerly of the Harvard School of Public Health, and Jean Roberts of the U.S. Public Health Service, Panero and Zelnik have devised a system of interior design reference standards, easily understood through a series of charts and situation drawings. With Human Dimension and Interior Space, these standards are now accessible to all designers of interior environments.


Пролистать книгу Human Dimension & Interior Space: A Source Book of Design Reference Standards

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Christian Schittich
ID: 9791
Издательство: Birkhauser

Architecture is defined by its materials and surfaces. Not infrequently, it is their look and feel that determine whether a project succeeds or fails. For this reason, it is crucially important that planners choose the right materials and use them correctly, a task that is especially challenging today, when they are confronted with an almost dizzying variety of design possibilities and almost unlimited industrial production techniques.

In Detail: Materials for Interiors provides detailed and specific information on the use of appropriate materials in interior design. The book leads off with an overview of the range of available products for interior design, including large-format photographs of each material and interiors that use them. This is followed by detailed discussions of relevant aspects and production methods of the individual material groups, including selected examples. The processing of the materials is illustrated by production photographs from the construction site and numerous detail drawings. In the accompanying texts, expert planners who specialize in the various materials share their practical knowledge of how to use them. The technical articles and example projects focus on the surface of the material and how it is produced or comes to be and contain corresponding decision support for planners. Additional technical information on the materials used and a list of manufacturer and vendor addresses round out the volume.

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