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Учебники. Справочники

Учебники. Справочники

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Helmut Schulitz, Werner Sobek
ID: 759
Издательство: Birkhauser

Steel is one of the most versatile materials available in the construction industry and its many applications have enabled architects and engineers to go far beyond what was once considered possible. The second volume in this new series documents all aspects of steel as a construction material. Just like the Glass Construction Manual, this volume first looks at the historical development of building with steel. This is followed by several chapters which examine to a high degree of technical detail the physical properties of the material, the principles of construction using steel and the wide spectrum of the use of steel elements. The final chapter presents 54 examples which illustrate the many applications of steel in construction-from simple halls to complex multistorey buildings. These examples were selected because of their innovative use of steel, demonstrating its great potential for minimising the necessary materials and montage. For ease of comparison all the plans have been drawn to the same scale. The volume concludes with an extensive bibliography and a listing of the relevant norms and regulations, making this work an indispensable reference for all architects and engineers.

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James Tait
ID: 11808
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

An inspirational and insightful resource for architecture students, offering a fresh perspective and new approaches to the challenges of the 21st century

In architecture, no amount of fashion-following or flashy presentation can disguise a bad or absent idea. Strong concepts provide the foundation for long-lasting buildings that will be loved and appreciated by their users. This thoughtfully irreverent primer establishes the importance of developing and fine-tuning your concept at every stage.

• Equips young architects with the essential tools for developing creative and original concepts.
• Presents thirty-two topics across the four steps of the design process.
• Covers the entire range of design stages, from assessing the site, addressing the social, environmental and political contexts of the building, understanding the programme inside out, assembling building components and creative approaches to economizing, reuse and craftsmanship.
• Features more than 200 sketches, plans and illustrations specially produced by the author, along with photographic references and an inspirational guide to further reading.

Contents List:

ASSESS: Wonder • Environment • Disorder • Memory • Function • Form • Irony • Politics ANALYSE: Walk • Influence • Reclaim • Respect • Obscure • Heroize • Improve • Improvise ASSEMBLE: Floor • Wall • Structure • Roof • Door • Façade • Stair • Services AUGMENT: Review • Diagram • Optimize • Economize • Colour • Contrast • Scale • Craft

About the Author:

Winner of the 2008 RIBA and RIAS Silver Medals, James Tait has since been a regular guest critic at the University of Strathclyde and led various design workshops within practice and academia. James has also exhibited his work extensively in Scotland, London and the Far East.

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Jean-Charles Trebbi, Chloe Genevaux
ID: 11850
Издательство: Promopress

Volume I of the Art of Folding presented a great panorama of creators who are inspired by origami and whose work with various materials draws on this traditional technique.

The vast and fertile word of folding plays host to so many exciting innovations in various fields that their multiple variations naturally demanded a follow-up.

Drawing on examples from nature, this second volume focuses on folders’ know-how. Through the many reference points that it touches on and a comparative approach, it sheds light on original techniques and their applications in design, decoration and architecture.

This new study of the art of folding is a source of inspiration for inquisitive minds and those who explore or create in all artistic genres. It gives readers the opportunity to discover and put into practice an art form that is both traditional and forward looking.

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Jean-Charles Trebbi
ID: 9648
Издательство: Promopress

Restricted for a long time to the paper-based creations of origami, the art of folding now spans a wide range of creative fields, from design and architecture to industry, furnishing, fashion and jewellery. As the art form has expanded into new areas, an increasingly diverse range of materials such as cardboard, textiles, metals and plastic have been given new dimensions through the art of folding.

This beautifully illustrated book, based around artist profiles and interviews with designers that set out their thoughts on folding and their use of folds in their works, offers a panorama of the creative potential of this art form.

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Jean-Charles Trebbi
ID: 11848
Издательство: Promopress

A gorgeous book that showcases the multiple possibilities folding techniques offer nowadays.

It illustrates how folded materials such as paper, plastic and textiles can be applied to very different areas of creation such as fashion, jewellery or interior design. This insightful and beautifully illustrated volume reveals how folding presents many intriguing challenges for designers, not to mention end results that will wow those who love innovative design.

About the Author:

Born in Paris, Jean-Charles Trebbi is an urban architect, designer, artist and writer. A genuine renaissance man who specializes in the infinite possibilities of folding, cutting and assembling using paper, cardboard, textiles and even wood and metal, he creates his own art books, which are often inspired often by urban spaces and architecture, and produces completely original structures with pop-up and cutting techniques.

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Simon Dodsworth
ID: 8840
Издательство: AVA Publishing

The Fundamentals of Interior Design provides a thorough introduction to the key elements of interior design and the ideas that underpin them.

The book describes the entirety of the creative process, from researching initial ideas to realizing them in three-dimensional form.

Throughout the text, guidelines are given to provide structure and the reader is encouraged to adapt and initiate methodologies to suit individual project needs. This approach is intended to give designers a belief in their own abilities, and the confidence to tackle different projects with the unique challenges that each one brings.

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Phyllis Harbinger
ID: 10718
Издательство: Wiley

Design is only part of an interior designer’s job—you’re also responsible for scheduling client meetings, conducting design surveys, creating drawings and specs, and overseeing installation. Multiply by the number of projects on your plate, and you have a recipe for overwhelming disorganization. The Interior Design Productivity Toolbox helps you juggle multiple projects with ease, with a comprehensive self-management system tailored to the needs of interior designers and decorators.

Features include:

  • Detailed checklists that highlight weak spots and warn against common pitfalls
  • Covers residential design, contract design, specifications, and renovations
  • Best practices for meetings, design surveys, drawings, specifications, and renovations
  • Customizable online checklists for tracking every phase of your project
  • Exclusive online budgeting tool for tracking product costs and associated expenses to share with your team and your clients
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Alvin R. Tilley, Henry Dreyfuss Associates
ID: 10830
Издательство: Wiley

Human factors research impacts everything from the height of kitchen counters to the placement of automobile pedals to a book′s type size. And in this updated and expanded version of the original landmark work, you′ll find the research information necessary to create designs that better accommodate human need.

Featuring more than 200 anthropometric drawings, this handbook is filled with all of the essential measurements of the human body and its relationship to the designed environment. You′ll also discover guidelines for designing for children and the elderly, for the digital workplace, and for ADA compliance.

Measurements are in both English and metric units.

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Nathaniel Cortland Curtis, J. S. Weiner
ID: 8184
Издательство: Dover

Well-arranged, logical, and aptly illustrated, this classic survey covers every aspect of the design process. It addresses architectural principles as well as their practical application, examining general questions of scale, balance, proportion, and symmetry and presenting detailed treatments of doors, windows, walls, stairways, columns, and other features.

Long acknowledged as a valuable resource for students and teachers alike, this volume is unsurpassed in terms of the richness of its material and the consistency of its insights. It was written by Nathaniel Cortlandt Curtis, an influential designer and artist who served as the head of the Tulane School of Architecture. Curtis illustrated his work with nearly 250 line drawings that depict architectural elements from a splendid variety of periods and settings, from ancient Rome's temples and palaces to modern-day hotels and museums of Paris and New York.

Reprint of Architectural Composition, J. H. Jansen, Cleveland, Ohio, 1923.

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Thomas Herzog
ID: 9828
Издательство: Birkhauser

With some 600 photos and 4000 drawings and plans, the Wood Construction Manual is a comprehensive and indispensable reference work in the specialist literature on wood.

It looks at all types of wood and wood materials, also presenting detailed information on the current norms and standards.

Chapters cover the basic principles of working with wood, providing detailed information on subjects such as heat, noise insulation, fire protection treatment.

The significance of wood with particular reference to ecology is also investigated.

Wood as a load-bearing material is considered, and topics such as new methods of joining, transport and montage are documented.

The second part of the volume presents a large number of built examples which feature some "classic" structures but focus chiefly on more recent buildings.

The spectrum presented ranges from heavy-load bridges to multi-storey residential buildings.

The second part of the examples looks specifically at topics such as facades, building skins etc.

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Joseph DeChiara, Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik
ID: 10829
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education

Interior designers, architects, and other design professionals can now locate, in a comprehensive single-source reference, a wealth of information related to the design and planning of residential and commercial interiors. From standard furniture dimensions to architectural woodwork details, this important volume in McGraw-Hill's acclilamed Time-Saver Standards series provides a vast array of time-saving data and details for designers and draftspersons. Featuring contributions from well-known architectural and interior design firms, this authoritative reference includes details derived Interior architectural details, planning standards, and reference data, for use by architects, interior designers, space planners, facility managers, builders, and design students.

Long recognized as one of the most comprehensive architectural and interior design reference resources and known as "the silver bible" this new edition of Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning is an excellent source of easily accessible design criteria, planning standards, and technical guidelines. The vast array of design information, all contained in a single volume, facilitates and expedites the completion of programming, preliminary planning, design development, and working drawing services.

This updated and revised edition of Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning serves as a primary source of information for all design professionals. Organized in an easily accessible format, the book contains key criteria useful to every design professional and builder involved in the planning of a large variety of interior projects.

It includes, among other changes, entirely new sections dealing with healthcare spaces, hospitality spaces, banking spaces, conference centers, and accessible design, featuring the latest ADA design requirements.

Moreover, many of the existing sections of the book have been significantly expanded to include such new material as design and planning criteria for video-conference spaces, as well as a host of additional lighting design details, workstation configurations, and reference standards.

- Accessible Design
- Architectural Woodwork
- Audio-Visual Systems
- Auditoriums
- Banking Spaces
- Bars & Restaurants
- Bedrooms
- Ceiling Types & Details
- Classrooms
- Closets
- Coat Rooms
- Conference Centers & Rooms
- Construction Details/Interiors
- Department Stores
- Dining Rooms
- Elevators
- Fabrics & Furniture
- Floor & Wall Coverings
- Furniture Hardware
- Healthcare Facilities
- Home Offices
- Hotel Rooms & Suites
- Human Factors
- Indoor Recreation
- Institutional Interiors
- Interior Architecture
- Kitchens
- Libraries
- Lighting
- Marble Finishes
- Mathematical Tables & Formulas
- Motels
- Nurseries
- Offices & Office Planning
- Partition Types
- Planning Standards
- Primary Care Centers
- Programming Standards
- Ramps
- Reference Standards
- Residential Design
- Restaurants
- Retail Spaces
- Revolving Doors
- Shops
- Signage & Graphics
- Space Planning
- Stairs & Ramps
- Stores
- Theaters
- Universal Design
- Wheelchair Lifts
- Window Treatments
- Wood Veneer Finishes

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Pierre Ricaud
ID: 7119
Издательство: Vial

Ce premier volume permet d’acquérir progressivement toutes les bases nécessaires au traçage, dont la maîtrise est indispensable à la réalisation d’ouvrages en bois. Chaque étude est traitée de manière très progressive afin de faciliter la compréhension des différentes étapes.

Sommaire :
La géométrie. Le point. La droite. Les parallèles. Les perpendiculaires. Les angles. Les triangles. Le losange. Le rectangle. Le trapèze. Le parallélogramme. La géométrie et la perspective.

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Pierre Ricaud
ID: 7126
Издательство: Vial

Ce second volume constitue la suite logique des méthodes étudiées dans le précédent volume. Il continue d’explorer des tracés de plus en plus complexes.

Sommaire :
Le pentagone. L’hexagone. L’heptagone. L’octogone. L’ennéagone. Le décagone. Le dodécagone. Les polygones divers. Le cercle et arcs de cercles. Les arcs de cercles et les courbes. Les raccordements. Le tracé des moulures.

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Pierre Ricaud
ID: 7092
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre termine l’étude des principaux assemblages utilisées en menuiserie et en ébénisterie. Il présente différentes réalisations nécessitant un traçage précis.

Sommaire :
Les assemblages : épaississement, élargissement, aboutage, entailles à vif, entailles à mi-bois, moises, enfourchements, rencontre à chant, contrecollage (lamelle), tenons et mortaises, tenons et mortaises avec profil. Les réalisations : l’établi, le guillaume, la table ronde, le coffre, le chevalet, les persiennes, la vitrine.

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Guy Jouberton
ID: 7150
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre complète et approfondit le précédent volume. La démarche pédagogique proposée consiste à étudier des cas concrets de tracés et coupes de pierre. Chaque exemple est coté et fait l’objet d’un exercice de traçage à compléter. La démarche est détaillée et aboutit à une représentation en couleur de la pièce achevée.

Sommaire :
Pénétration et vue déformée de moulure (boudin, tore et corbeau). Exemples de construction : appuis, chapiteaux et bases de style gothique. Cônes, cylindres et pyramides. Méthodes et exercices.

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