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Francis Roux, Jean Dorst
ID: 4588
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

"Audubon est à considérer comme un écologiste avant la lettre.

Son oeuvre est immense. ses Oiseaux d'Amérique restent une oeuvre majeure dans les domaines de la science et de l'art. Elle est devenue maintenant un monument que se disputent à coups de dollars ceux qui sont en mesure d'acheter l'ouvrage d'ornithologie le plus cher au monde."
Jean Dorst

Sélection, établie et commentée par Francis ROUX, de 52 planches, reproduites en couleurs, extraites des Oiseaux d’Amérique, ouvrage publié par fascicules à Londres et tiré à 200 exemplaires seulement...

Jean-Jacques Audubon, né en à Saint-Domingue en 1875, mourut citoyen américain en 1851.

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Auguste Racinet
ID: 572
Издательство: Taschen

The evolution of style from antiquity to 1888 Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet’s Le Costume historique was the most wide-ranging and intelligent study of clothing ever published.

Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through the end of the 19th century, the great work — “consolidated” in 1888 into 6 volumes containing nearly 500 plates — remains, to this day, completely unique in its scope and detail. Racinet’s organization by culture and subject has been preserved in TASCHEN’s magnificent and complete reprint, as have excerpts from his delightful descriptions and often witty comments. Perusing these beautifully detailed and exquisitely coloured illustrations, you’ll discover everything from the garb of ancient Etruscans to traditional Eskimo attire to 19th-century French women’s couture. Though Racinet’s study spans the globe from ancient times through his own, his focus is on European clothing from the Middle Ages to the 1880s and this subject is treated with exceeding passion and attention to detail.

The Complete Costume History is an absolutely invaluable reference for students, designers, artists, illustrators, and historians; it is also an immensely fascinating and inspirational book for anyone with an interest in clothing and style.

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Francoise Tetart-Vittu
ID: 4301
Издательство: Taschen

Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet's Le Costume historique was the most wide-ranging and intelligent study of clothing ever published. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through the end of the 19th century, the great work - "consolidated" in 1888 into 6 volumes containing nearly 500 plates - remains, to this day, completely unique in its scope and detail.

Racinet's organization by culture and subject has been preserved in TASCHEN's magnificent reprint, as have excerpts from his delightful descriptions and often witty comments. Perusing these beautifully detailed and exquisitely colored illustrations, you'll discover everything from the garb of ancient Etruscans to traditional Eskimo attire to 19th century French women's couture.

Though Racinet's study spans the globe from ancient times through his own, his focus is on European clothing from the Middle Ages to the 1880s and this subject is treated with exceeding passion and attention to detail. The Costume History is an absolutely invaluable reference for students, designers, artists, illustrators, and historians; it is also an immensely fascinating and inspirational book for anyone with an interest in clothing and style.

Part I – The Ancient World (Egypt, Assyria, Israel, Persia and Phrygia, Greece, Etruscan, Greco-Roman, Rome, Barbarian Europe, Celts and Gauls)
Part II – The 19th Century - Beyond the Borders of Europe (Oceania, Africa, Eskimos, North American Indians, Mexican Indians, South American Indians, China, Japan, India, Ceylon, Middle East, Orient, Turkey)
Part III – Europe 400-1800 (Byzantium, France-Byzantine, Poland, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, England, Holland)
Part IV – Traditional Costume Till the Late 19th Century (Scandinavia, Holland, Scotland, England, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France)

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Francoise Tetart-Vittu
ID: 11072
Издательство: Taschen

Togas, turbans, tailcoats, and top hats. The evolution of style from antiquity to 1888

Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet’s Le Costume historique was the most wide-ranging and incisive study of clothing ever attempted. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through to the end of the 19th century, the six-volume work remains completely unique in its scope and detail.

TASCHEN’s reprint of the colour plates presents Racinet’s exquisitely precise and coloured illustrations, as well as his delightful descriptions and often witty comments. Spanning everything from ancient Etruscan attire to French women’s couture, material is arranged according to Racinet’s original organization by culture and subject. As expansive in its reach as it is passionate in its research and attention to detail, Racinet's Costume History is an invaluable reference for students, designers, artists, illustrators, and historians; and a rich source of inspiration for anyone with an interest in clothing and style.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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Francoise Tetart-Vittu
ID: 9359
Издательство: Taschen

Togas, turbans, tailcoats, and top hats. The evolution of style from antiquity to 1888

Originally published in France between 1876 and 1888, Auguste Racinet's Le Costume Historique was the most wide-ranging and incisive study of clothing ever attempted. Covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through the end of the 19th century, the great work - published in six volumes containing nearly 500 plates - remains, to this day, unique in its scope and detail.

Racinet's organization by culture and subject has been preserved in TASCHEN's magnificent and complete reprint, as have excerpts from his delightful descriptions and often witty comments. Volume 1 contains all the plates from Racinet's work, reproduced in brilliant quality and showing the original's love for detail and colour. Volume 2 collects the texts accompanying the images, giving descriptions and explanations, as well as the introduction by Françoise Tétart-Vittu.

Perusing these beautifully detailed and exquisitely coloured illustrations, you'll discover everything from the garb of ancient Etruscans to traditional Eskimo attire to 19th-century French women's couture. Though Racinet's study spans the globe from ancient times through his own, his focus is on European clothing from the Middle Ages to the 1880s and this subject is treated with exceeding passion and attention to detail.

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ID: 7831
Издательство: Dover

Sensuous Art Nouveau ornaments add classic elegance to any project.
Selected from a rare archive of publications from the turn of the twentieth century, this design treasury features more than 400 black-and-white illustrations. Its vibrant array of graphic devices includes realistic and abstract flowers; fanciful renditions of birds, fish, elephants, and other creatures; sylph-like women and chubby cherubs; plus scrolls, wreaths, borders, frames, and spot decorations, all of genuine Art Nouveau design.

Пролистать книгу Authentic Art Nouveau Designs CD-ROM and Book на сайте издательства.

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Kristina Harris
ID: 8175
Издательство: Dover

Rich selection of scaled dressmaker's patterns from the popular late 19th-century magazine The Voice of Fashion details 50 garments for women, from handsome daytime and evening dresses to casual tennis outfits, a riding habit, and undergarments. Of practical use for costume designers and students of fashion; will also delight browsers.

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Соколова Татьяна Юрьевна
ID: 5168
Издательство: Питер

Эта книга — практическое справочное руководство для самостоятельного изучения и освоения новой англоязычной версии самой популярной и мощной универсальной среды проектирования AutoCAD 2010, разработанной компанией Autodesk.
В издании приведены общие сведения об AutoCAD, подробно описан интерфейс системы, рассказано о настройке рабочей среды, формировании и редактировании объектов, командах оформления чертежей, свойствах объектов и работе со слоями, уделено внимание вычислительным функциям системы. Подробно описаны принципы трехмерного моделирования, включая получение реалистичных изображений, а также твердых копий чертежей.
Изложение сопровождается многочисленными рисунками, примерами, диалоговыми окнами, что облегчает не только изучение, но и дальнейшую работу в среде AutoCAD. Таким образом, книга может быть использована как учебное пособие и как справочник.
Прилагаемый компакт-диск с уникальной авторской электронной тренинг-системой предназначен для самостоятельного изучения среды AutoCAD. По сути, книга, дополняемая электронным продуктом, является готовым учебным курсом и адресована пользователям с различным уровнем подготовки, в том числе студентам и преподавателям вузов, инженерам, конструкторам, проектировщикам, дизайнерам, профессиональным чертежникам и разработчикам САПР.

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Jim Heimann, Steven Heller, Jim Donnelly
ID: 11362
Издательство: Taschen

Dream a Little Dream. The art of selling more than just a car

In the heyday of the automobile, marketing cars was an exacting process. Selling the public one of their major life purchases involved not only traditional advertising but also a crucial item that extolled the virtue of the cars: the brochure. Often oversize and sumptuously produced, including acetate overlays with fabric and paint swatches, brochures were only available at dealer showrooms or auto fairs — hence specimens of antique and vintage car brochures are rare collector’s items today.

Frequently overlooked in design and automotive histories, this ephemera offers a lucid mirror image of tastes, consumerism, and buying habits since the dawn of the automobile. Automobile Design Graphics presents for the first time a comprehensive overview of this mostly forgotten breed of collateral advertising. From the most obscure (Tucker, Ajax, Columbia) to the most iconic (General Motors, Ford, Chrysler), the visual history brings together over 500 reproductions from these rare and collectible customer brochures. Across eight decades, they present not only some of the finest cars, but also some of the best illustration and graphic design of the 20th century.

Ancillary examples of automotive literature, including the elaborate dealer manuals are also featured, alongside essays by automobile and cultural historian Jim Donnelly and preeminent design historian Steven Heller. Testament to a bygone era when cars were, quite simply, the stuff dreams were made of, this book is a visual and informative pleasure for car enthusiasts, designers, and pop culture aficionados alike.

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Hiroshi Unno
ID: 12153
Издательство: PIE Books

An incredible new volume from PIE books featuring stunning works of graphic art from the early twentieth-century Russian Avant-garde! 

Examples of collage, photography, typography, illustration are shown throughout, accompanied by short descriptions of Russian technological developments in design and printing techniques. 

Avante-Garde Graphics in Russia showcases about 300 works including examples of movie posters, propaganda posters, book designs, fashion and textile designs, ceramic art designs etc. 

About the Author:

Hiroshi Unno was born in 1939 in Tokyo. Unno writes on art, cinema, music, urbanism, novels, flower arranging and more. Unno recent titles released by PIE International - The Art of Fantasy, Sci-fi and Steampunk, Harry Clarke, William Morris: Master of Modern Design, The World of Mucha, A Thousand and One Nights - have gained recognition worldwide.


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Gabi Scarbi
ID: 6553
Издательство: Damiani

Through clothing, we celebrate or suppress identity, indicate allegiances and communicate our positions, aspirations and desires. Little wonder, then, that so many contemporary artists are invested in exploring the role of clothing in the construction of self and society. Aware: Art Fashion Identity reflects on these artists and their work, and what it says about our physical covering and our constructed personal environments. Essayists Gabi Scardi, Lucy Orta and Joanne Entwistle consider issues of belonging, nationality, displacement and political and social confrontation in the artwork of Yinka Shonibare, Sharif Waked, Alicia Framis, Meschac Gaba, Dai Rees and Vito Acconci. Personal accounts of the role of clothing are drawn out through the work of Helen Storey, Marie-Ange Guilleminot and Claudia Losi, while the art and designs of Hussein Chalayan, Gillian Wearing and Andreas Gursky offer a platform for a discussion of the connection between fashion, clothing and performance.

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Serge Gleizes
ID: 12687
Издательство: Abrams

Fashion designer Loris Azzaro embodied an era. His fashion house, founded in Paris in 1967, was known for visionary silhouettes, slinky silk jerseys, daring cut-outs, and ornate beading and embroidery. Starting with his wife and muse Michelle, Azzaro (b. Tunisia, 1933; d. Paris, 2003) created clothes for beautiful women — among them Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Marisa Berenson, Isabelle Adjani, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, and Nicole Kidman. His style was seductive and modern, imbued with audacity and Parisian elegance. He created both mens’ and womens’ collections, and became well known for his perfumes.

Filled with interviews with people who knew and worked with Azzaro, this sumptuous new book focuses on themes important to the designer: style, inspiration, contemporaneity, perfumes, and family. The stunning illustrations include photographs from the Azzaro archives by Helmut Newton, Guy Bourdin, and other well-known fashion photographers, as well as magazine covers from Vogue, Elle, and more.

About the Author:

Serge Gleizes is a journalist and the author of many books, including Pierre Frey: Inspiring Interiors, Paris by Ladurée, and The French Bistro Chair.

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Babeth Djian
ID: 3320
Издательство: Steidl Verlag

Although her first magazine "Jill" remains an iconic reference even today, Babeth Djian has also initiated numerous other cult moments in the world of fashion, be it with "Vogue France", "Vogue Italie", "Glamour", "Mixte", and now "Numero". Some of the most renowned photographers, designers, make-up artists, hairstylists and models working in the fashion world today began their careers working with Babeth. She is always bubbling with enthusiasm: Jadore. Do it! She is a rare woman, daring, untamed, sophisticated, androgynous, a vamp so French! This book will include illustrations by major names such as: Mert Alas and Marcus Pigott; Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin; Nathaniel Goldberg; Karl Lagerfeld; Peter Lindbergh; Jean-Baptiste Mondino; Guido Mocafico; Sofia Sanchez and Mauro Mongiello; Liz Collins; Solve Sundbo; Camilla Akrans; Greg Kadel; Dusan Rejlin; Ellen von Unwerth; Paolo Roversi; and, more.

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Cecile Maslakian
ID: 2984
Издательство: Pepin Press

It is one of the ironies of life that some of the most beautiful forms in nature are invisible to the human eye. Bacteria and Other Micro Organisms contains a collection of some 400 line drawings, presenting striking imagery from a world that is too small to see, but awe-inspiring none the less.

Agile Rabbit Editions contain stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge.

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Author Mark Badgley and James Mischka, Foreword by André Leon Talley, Contributions by Hal Rubenstein, Introduction by Dennita Sewell
ID: 16251
Издательство: Rizzoli

This lavish volume is the first to celebrate the designs of the duo Mark Badgley and James Mischka, the authorities on the evening dress. After meeting at Parsons School of Design in New York and embarking on separate apprenticeships at major fashion houses, Mark Badgley and James Mischka joined forces to form Badgley Mischka in 1988. By the time Winona Ryder walked the red carpet at the 1996 Academy Awards in their gown encrusted in crystal and pearl beads, the design duo had become synonymous with elegant and luxurious evening dresses. Informed by a streamlined 1940s Hollywood silhouette while employing exquisite beads crafted in India, Badgley Mischka have become the arbiters of old Hollywood glamour. Their commitment to classic American beauty continues to reign on the red carpet today. As Mark and James say, “glamour always works.”  

Badgley Mischka follow in the great haute-couture tradition of legendary fashion houses such as Christian Dior and Adrian, who continue to inspire them season after season. These pages showcase the long-celebrated silhouettes — skinny beaded dresses, fishtail and ball gowns, and cocktail dresses — inspired by the masters of a bygone era. Embellished modern evening gowns imbued with the allure of Hollywood’s golden age have been Badgley Mischka’s signature voice for more than twenty-five years, and this book is a celebration of the evening dress in all its shimmering glory.

About the Author:

Mark Badgley and James Mischka have made their mark over the past two decades with glamorous eveningwear, sportswear, accessories, and bridal collections. Badgley Mischka styles can be found at prestigious stores around the world. André Leon Talley is a contributing editor at Vogue. Hal Rubenstein is a writer, a designer, and one of the founding editors of InStyle magazine. He is a frequent red-carpet commentator for The Today Show, Extra, and Access Hollywood. Dennita Sewell is curator of fashion design at the Phoenix Art Museum.


Пролистать книгу Badgley Mischka: American Glamour

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