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Michael Evamy
ID: 11054
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The next time you are tempted to design a logo, take a look at this book. Chances are, it has already been done. By raising the bar, this wonderful resource will make better designers of all of us. – Michael Bierut

This vast collection of over 1,300 symbols and logotypes – clearly arranged across 75 different categories according to their basic visual form – includes the work of past masters, such as Paul Rand and Saul Bass, alongside some of the most exciting work from contemporary designers. This is a complete, taxonomical guide to the history, development and style of identity design.

About the Author:

Michael Evamy is a design journalist, author and copywriter and works with major design companies on branding and identity projects. His previous books include World Without Words and, with Lucienne Roberts, Insight.

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Wang Shaoqiang
ID: 11851
Издательство: Promopress

By varying its logo, an organization can create a brand which is vivid, fresh and expressive. Infinite possibilities are unleashed through the vitality of the dynamic logos featured in this book.

Each project highlights the secrets to successfully making changes in logo colors, form and typography, and also demonstrates the visual impact such changes have on audiences and on the potential offered by adaptation in quickly changing and competitive environments.

This book presents the dynamism of logo design and the ways in which it constantly evolves and adapts to new realities.  

About the Author:

Wang Shaoqiang is a professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (China), where he is dean of the design, visualization and animation department. He is a prolific editor, whose titles focus on international design, architecture, branding, communication, trends and culture, and the editor of Design 360° magazine and Asia-Pacific Design. He has been invited to lecture at numerous universities, design academies and organizations, and he has also been a jury member for China’s most prestigious design and illustration awards.

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ID: 2291
Издательство: Index Book
LogoLogy is a comprehensive and inspiring collection of logo design that reveals its very latest trend. You will find two key parts include case studies and gallery. While Case Study examined in exhaustive detail of how logos are developed and used in the market from concept to application, it also gives valuable insights of different working style and impacts on the design of logos from big design firms to individual designers.
An incredible wealth of contemporary and breathtaking design solutions from design studios all around the globe is showcased in the Gallery.
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Билл Гарднер, Кетрин Фише
ID: 1083
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Собрание из 2000 лучших логотипов со всех уголков земли – это один из самых востребованных бестселлеров, в котором собрано 2000 свежих идей, необходимых всякому, кто ищет собственный стиль в дизайне логотипов. Logolounge-2 представляет работы таких суперзвезд, как Duffy&Company, Segura, Inc. and A Company. Первая часть книги посвящена десятке ведущих дизайнеров мира (работа над крупными и небольшими проектами). Вторая часть – новейшая коллекция логотипов, структурированная по визуальным категориям.

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Bill Gardner, Catharine Fishel
ID: 1302
Издательство: Rockport
he third volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 totally new logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with LogoLounge.com, a website that was launched by Bill Gardner in 2002. The site is dedicated to logos. Top designers and design firms supply multiple logos to the site. Each LogoLounge book presents thousands of new logos that have been added to the site, providing designers with a timely and invaluable source for design inspiration and a resource for design solutions. The first portion of the book profiles 10 top designers recent work in the area of logo design; the second part of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organized by logo design (typography, people, mythology, nature, sports, etc.)
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Билл Гарднер, Кетрин Фише
ID: 1069
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Логотипы выражают, индивидуализируют и распространяют главное информационное сообщение компании. Неудивительно, что успех марки создает продуманная идея и креативное исполнение. Представьте себе стол, заваленный 2000 логотипов, каждый – на отдельном листочке бумаги. Конечно, если у вас свободен месяц-другой, можно попробовать разобрать эту кучу по категориям. Однако время не ждет! Третий том серии LogoLounge в очередной раз демонстрирует блестящую работу известных и «набирающих силу» дизайнеров со всего мира, виртуозно экономит время и облегчает муки творчества. Эта пестрая коллекция представляет лучшее из того, что размещено на сайте Билла Гарднера www.logolounge.com, ведь отбор логотипов осуществляли восемь мастеров бренд-дизайна мирового класса! Здесь вы найдете работы таких суперзвезд, как Turner Duckworth, Desgrippes Gobé, FutureBrand и Wolff Olins. В книге есть еще одно важное достоинство: истории создания самых успешных современных проектов. Мэтры дизайна помогают обходить «острые углы» на примере таких компаний, как Sprint, the Beijing Olympics, Australia, AOL, Unilever, Bank of New York, and Target’s private label Archer Farms.

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Билл Гарднер, Кетрин Фише
ID: 7877
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

LogoLounge-4. Здесь собранны лучшие работы в области дизайна логотипов, принадлежащие как метрам, так и молодым талантам. Эта пестрая коллекция представляет лучшее из того, что собранно на LogoLounge.com, ведь отбор логотипов осуществляли восемь мастеров бренд-дизайна! В первой части книги опубликованы 10 крупнейших рекламных кампаний лучших мировых дизайнеров и несколько локальных проектов, плюс ряд никем еще не использованных знаков. Вторая часть содержит порядка 2 000 логотипов, разбитых на категории. Это настоящий клад, собранный со всех уголков мира, который вдохновит не только профессиональных дизайнеров, но и заинтересованных клиентов – всех кто хочет «попасть в точку» мастерским росчерком.

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Bill Gardner, Catharine Fishel
ID: 3157
Издательство: Rockport
2000 photos/illustrations
The fourth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 totally new logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with LogoLounge.com, a website that was launched by Bill Gardner in 2002. The site is dedicated to logos. Top designers and design firms are hand picked and invited to be “foundation members.” Foundation and web site members each supply multiple logos to the site. Each LogoLounge book presents thousands of new logos that have been added to the site, providing designers with an invaluable source for design inspiration and a resource for design solutions. The first portion of the book profiles 10 top designers recent work in the area of logo design; the second part of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organized by logo design (typography, people, mythology, nature, sports, etc.)
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Catherine Fishel, Bill Gardner
ID: 6839
Издательство: Rockport

The mini edition of the fourth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with LogoLounge.com, a website that was launched by Bill Gardner in 2002. The site is dedicated to logos. Top designers and design firms are hand picked and invited to be “foundation members.” Foundation and website members each supply multiple logos to the site. Each LogoLounge book presents thousands of logos that have been added to the site, providing designers with an invaluable source for design inspiration and a resource for design solutions. The first portion of the book profiles 10 top designers recent work in the area of logo design; the second part of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organized by logo design (typography, people, mythology, nature, sports, etc.).

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Кэтрин Фишел, Билл Гарднер
ID: 7876
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Искусство не имеет границ. Логотипы для этой книги были выбраны из 33000 работ созданных дизайнерами 100 стран. Международная комиссия тщательно и придирчиво проанализировала работы всех претендентов и представила вам самые лучшие, яркие и новаторские. Каждый логотип помещен в определенную категорию, чтобы создать логичное и целостное повествование о логодизайне.
Это настоящий клад, драгоценные камни для которого были найдены в разных уголках мира.

Книга вдохновит не только профессиональных дизайнеров, но и вдумчивых клиентов - всех кто хочет ярко и точно визуализировать свой бренд.

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Catharine Fishel, Bill Gardner
ID: 8479
Издательство: Rockport

Logos define, distinguish, and disseminate a company’s core message. It is no wonder that creating successful marks takes a well conceived strategy and a skilled hand. This book, the sixth in the series, once again celebrates the brilliant work top designers around the world have created for clients both large and small. This diverse collection offers a wealth of inspiration and insights for graphic designers and their clients. Created by Bill Gardner, president of leading design firm Gardner Design, the LogoLounge website (www.logolounge.com) showcases the work of the world’s top designers as well as up-and-coming new talent. The book presents the site’s best designs of the past year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers. The first portion of the book profiles ten top designers and spotlights their biggest, newest campaigns. A handful of their smaller projects are also featured in this section along with unused logos that have never before been seen. The second half of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organized by visual categories.

LogoLounge 6 features the work of superstar artists and firms such as Stefan Sagmeister, Landor, Saffron, Jessica Hische, and MetaDesign. With 2,000 logos from every corner of the earth, this visually compelling volume is the go-to resource for inspiration from the best in the field.

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Bill Gardner, Anne Hellman
ID: 8959
Издательство: Rockport

This celebratory book, the seventh in the series, once again pays tribute to the brilliant work top designers around the world have created for a diverse clientele.

This inspiring collection provides a wealth of insight for graphic designers and their clients.

The LogoLounge website (www.logolounge.com) showcases the work of the world’s top designers as well as up-and-coming new talent, and this book presents the site’s best designs of the past year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers.

The first portion LogoLounge 7 profiles ten top designers and spotlights their biggest, newest campaigns. A handful of their smaller projects are also featured in this section along with unused logos that have never before been seen. The second half of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organized by visual categories.

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Bill Gardner, Catharine Fishel
ID: 5559
Издательство: Rockport

LogoLounge: Master Library, Volume 1, is the beginning of a new series of books by the authors of LogoLounge, featuring the ultimate collection of initials and crests by category. As with Rockport’s other books on logos, this series has the same inspirational draw, featuring over 3,000 logos. Constantly looking for fresh inspiration, designers can use this new series to take a more focused look at core logo applications.

Bill Gardner is president of Gardner Design and his work has been featured in many magazines and exhibits world wide.

Catharine Fishel runs Catharine & Sons, a full-service editorial company that specializes in working with designers and related industries. She is the author of a number of Rockport books and writes for many international design magazines.

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Catharine Fishel, Bill Gardner
ID: 5941
Издательство: Rockport

The second in the seven-volume LogoLounge Master Library series, LogoLounge Master Library, Volume 2: 3000 Animal & Mythology Logos is a highly organized collection of 3,000 animal and mythology logo designs, culled carefully from LogoLounge.com, the largest online searchable collection of logos in the world. In addition, top-tier logo designers share their insights on the values, traditions, and future of designing with animals and mythological characters.
-  Animals have been depicted symbolically ever since man first began to draw. Their shapes, colors, behaviors, and history provide a wealth of inspiration for logo designers.
-  Mythological figures are rich in analogy and metaphor, perfect for logo design. Every culture has its own fables and fascinating visual stories that help designers convey challenging concepts.
The LogoLounge Master Library series will form the deepest, densest, most highly focused collection of logos organized by category ever. The total collection will include Initials & Crests, Animals & Mythology, Typography, People, Shapes & Symbols, Nature & Food, and Arts & Culture.
The Master Library series is organized with the busy, motivated designer in mind. Turn to exactly what you need, time after time - a must-have resource for any serious logo designer.

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Catharine Fishel, Bill Gardner
ID: 5942
Издательство: Rockport

A collection of 3,000 original logos, collected and selected by the renowned LogoLounge.com website, this collection provides an endless resource of ideas and inspiration for graphic designers. Organized thematically with the broader focus of Shapes and Symbols, the collection features logos that cover all categories of logo design, including typographic, illustrative, pattern-driven, and photographic.

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A B C D E F G H I G K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9