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Дизайн упаковки

Книги по дизайну упаковки

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Jessica Glaser, Carolyn Knight
ID: 3742
Издательство: RotoVision

400 photos/illustrations

With informative text and specially commissioned full-color photographs, Print and Production Finishes for Bags, Labels, and Point of Purchase shows the different effects that can be created, and the key print and production techniques used to achieve them. Work across all budgets and production/print runs is explored, revealing the skills and techniques that work to grab the target audience’s attention.

Print and Production Finishes for Bags, Labels, and Point of Purchase is an indispensable ideas sourcebook and practical guide to the finishes, surface graphics, detailing, and materials that help make bags and labels stand out from the crowd--including foil blocking, pigment blocking, thermography, varnishing, laminating, embossing, debossing, die-cutting and laser-cutting; specialist inks, including metallics and fluorescents; different paper stocks and other materials; lenticular printing, and so on. By analyzing the best in the business, this book gives readers a thorough understanding of materials, and of the print and production finishes that can be applied to any job.

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Paul Burgess, Loewy
ID: 7496
Издательство: RotoVision

"Print and Production Finishes for CD and DVD Packaging" delves into the physical packaging for CDs and DVDs, exploring formats, bindings, casings, materials, textures and finishes. From movie to music packaging, the book explores the creative inspiration behind the package, including artwork, typography, materials, printing techniques and formats. It also goes into detail about practical considerations and restrictions, such as record company stipulations and the inclusion of essential materials and budgets.

Award-winning work from the last decade is presented, showing how designers have exploited the qualities of CD and DVD packaging to create highly collectible works of art, making it essential reading for anyone with an interest in this exciting area of design.

Paul Burgess is the Creative Director of Loewy, which was established in 1929 as the first ever design agency. It has since been responsible for such iconic designs as the Coca-Cola bottle, identities for Shell, and the interiors of Concorde. Paul Burgess has built his reputation over many years working across design disciplines for clients including Channel 4, Hitachi, Eurostar, BP, Oxford University, and Diageo.

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Rob Wallace, Bronwen Edwards, Marianne Klimchuk, Sharon Werner
ID: 7498
Издательство: Rockport

This book, the second in the series following Really Good Logos Explained, addresses the elements of effective packaging vs. packages that aren’t successful and what makes a particular design more powerful or attention-getting than others. Four well respected design professionals - each of whom will specialize in the area of product packaging - evaluate the 300+ design examples in the book. Each author provides specific and to-the-point observations and critiques.

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Miquel Abellan
ID: 9046
Издательство: Monsa

There are some design projects that will never see the light, staying in the drawer and failed to be released. In this book, we wanted to pick up this collection of works bringing them to life, under no limits or conditions, designs that have never been produced, published or printed in any graphic discipline – corporate image, packaging, advertising, and computer graphics.

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ID: 12050
Издательство: SendPoints

What is Void? It is an oriental aesthetic tradition. Also it is a modern style popular in art and design since the 1960s, namely minimalism. The aesthetics of void helps extract the essentials, maximize functionality, and more importantly, achieve a peaceful harmony. This book will lead readers to explore the distinctive style of “void” in graphic design world, to look closely at its history and development and to discuss its characteristics. The rich coverage of graphic designs of this style by outstanding designers worldwide in this book provide valuable perspectives and inspirations for anyone interested in this unique style.

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ID: 7464
Издательство: Feierabend Unique Books

„Sound And Design“ covers the whole range of music-related graphic design. While the focus lies on the designing of CDs (Music and Audiobooks), „Sound And Design“ also includes all kinds of music-related merchandise. Therefore it provides a fascinating demonstration of how to apply an aesthetic developed for an album or an artist to all kinds of media and objects.

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ID: 245
Издательство: Pepin Press

Text in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Коллекция схем вырубки и биговки для различных коробок и коробочек, картонных подставок под образцы продукции, подвесной упаковки, с ручкам и прозрачными окошками, с отрывной лентой и различными типами крепежа для хрупкой продукции. В общем, все, что обеднено понятием специализированная упаковка. Эта уникальная книга, содержит сотни идей, готовых для использования в промышленном дизайне, рекламе и разумеется в упаковке. Раскрой применим как для дизайнерских бумаг, так и для многослойного гофрокартона. Образцы, содержащиеся на CD, представлены в векторном формате eps. Они легко масштабируются и могут быть изменены так, как вам будет нужно для ваших целей.

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ID: 8606
Издательство: Pepin Press

This new, fully revised and updated version of Special Packaging contains 100% structurally accurate packaging templates for immediate use.

The enclosed CD also contains demo versions of Adobe Illustrator® plug-ins that provide amazing design possibilities, including scaling and adding graphics to your package, as well as simulating the folding sequence and viewing the design in 3D from various angles.

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Josep M. Garoffe
ID: 4459
Издательство: Index Book

This book is a collection of simple, novel and out-of-the-ordinary packs and displays. Some are as simple as a single die-cut, while others have up to nine different structures. All are based on creativity. To improve the layout and make it easier to find the contents, the displays are arranged and classified into three levels of technical difficulty. Like its predecessors Structural Packaging and Structural Greetings, the goal of Structural Displays is to become a reference for design professionals.

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Josep Ma Garrofe
ID: 2293
Издательство: Index Book
Structural Greetings is a selection of best designs for invitations, cards, Christmas greetings, pop-ups, promotional brochures and other similar way of communication. This selection stands out for its originality, for the technical features of the die-cut and for its exceptional aesthetics, concepts and contents. The projects carefully selected for this book show the power of a well-executed die-cut to convey efficiently, with a highly innovative level and surprising design any type of messages.
Feel free to use every die-cut included on the CD.
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ID: 244
Издательство: Pepin Press

Text in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Это второе, дополненное издание прекрасной книги Structural Package Designs с CD, содержащим образцы сохраненные в eps векторном формате, которое можно использовать свободно менять на Ваше усмотрение и использовать для создания новых схем и решений. Уникальное руководство содержит сотни оригинальных идей и готовых к использованию дизайнерских решений, которые только могут прийти в голову. Проиллюстрирована черно-белыми чертежами. Наглядно показаны поэтапные схемы сгибания сворачивания и вырезания из бумаги и картона. В мельчайших подробностях продемонстрирована геометрия упаковки. Вы видите изнутри процесс создания небывалого количества коробок, папок, рамок, конвертов, подставок, альбомов и множества подобных изделий. Эта книга является обязательным инструментом для каждого вовлеченного в сферу современного графического и индустриального дизайна, рекламы и печати. Издание сопровождается CD. Все образцы сохранены в векторном формате. В среде профессионалов книги этой серии называют "Пособием по индустриальному оригами".

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Pepin Press
ID: 8607
Издательство: Pepin Press

This new, fully revised and updated version of Structural Package Designs contains 100% structurally accurate packaging templates for immediate use.

The enclosed CD also contains demo versions of Adobe Illustrator® plug-ins that provide amazing design possibilities, including scaling and adding graphics to your package, as well as simulating the folding sequence and viewing the design in 3D from various angles.

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Josep Ma Garrofe
ID: 2294
Издательство: Index Book
More than 1.000 images showing the processes of creation, design and assembly of a selection of innovative packaging.

A sample of the most important and exceptional projects of promotional packaging, shown on three different levels, depending on their complexity and grouped according to their features and business area: bottles, food, textile, Christmas cards, jewellery, decoration, spare time, writing, folders, chocolate, cosmetics, presents, merchandising, editorial.

Fell free to use every die-cut included on the CD.
Ролик о книге Structural Packaging: Workbook
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Laurence K. Withers
ID: 1981
Издательство: Pepin Press
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ID: 7334
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

A collection of the latest designs and packaging ideas for amateur and professional designers as well as marketers and retailers

A comprehensive resource for designers, creative professionals, marketers, and retailers, The Big Book of Packaging showcases over 500 featured designs and profiles of twelve of the world's leading designers.  the book is a must-have resource for anyone interested in the future of packaging and design.

In light of the recent lift in environmental consciousness, this volume of the Big Book Series will devote one third of its content to the increasingly important subject of green packaging, showing designers and retailers how to package their products creatively, responsibly, and economically -- concepts that will be reflected in the book's own packaging and binding as well.

Handpicked by well-respected design author David E. Carter, this collection is sure to appeal to designers, students, marketers, retailers, and aesthetes alike, providing a thorough look at what goes into building an effective package and how to think “outside the box.”

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