The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books � Structural Package Design � consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed � more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.
The fourth volume the series, Fancy Packaging, contains 200 unusual designs that show the amazing variation and creativity that is possible in package design.
All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.
Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.
Дгугие книги Structural Packaging Design Series
Advanced Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series