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Книги по дизайну рекламы

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Stephane Pincas, Marc Loiseau
ID: 3338
Издательство: Taschen

The history of western advertising is a long one, starting as early as the 1630s, when Frenchman Théophraste Renaudot placed the first advertising notes in La Gazette de France, or in 1786, when William Tayler began to offer his services as "Agent to the Country’s Printers, Booksellers, etc.," but the first time that the term "advertising agency" was used dates back to 1842, when Volney B. Palmer created his agency in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Widely considered to represent the birth of modern advertising, this date marks the beginning of a creative industry that has transformed many commercial works into cultural icons.

Divided into sections by decades, this book explores the legendary campaigns and brands of advertising’s modern history, with specific anecdotes and comments on the importance of every campaign. You will find the picture of the camel that originated the Camel pack, the first Coca Cola ad, and even how artworks by masters such as Picasso and Magritte have been used in advertising.

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ID: 8099
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This is a book by a company that dislikes advertising as much as anyone. Nevertheless, it makes adverts. It has worked with global brands to produce fashion collections and promoted a town with a mass wedding. It creates advertising with more human, truthful communications. The company's name is KesselsKramer.

This book describes how to make something you like out of something you don't. As well as drawing on its own experiences, KesselsKramer listens and learns from those who doubt the advertising industry. Stefan Sagmeister explains how quitting work makes you better at working; Hans Aarsman discusses authenticity in image-making; and Alex Bogusky looks at ways to help capitalism grow up.

Advertising for People Who Don't Like Advertising is partly a creative handbook and partly an attempt to make the world a very slightly better place. It's intended for anyone who has ever hated a web banner or zapped an ad break

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Tom Himpe, Will Collin
ID: 2278
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Twenty years ago an advertiser could reach 80 per cent of the US population with just three television commercials. Today it takes 150. Advertising is suffering because of the sheer amount of it, the lack of innovation within traditional advertising formats and the power that media fragmentation and technology give to consumers to tune out the noise.

The new buzzwords are guerilla, stealth, ambush, buzz, viral, grassroots, wildfire and ambient. This book is the first to harness them into an integrated communications approach, as Tom Himpe explains and illustrates:

• The four driving forces for getting closer to the consumer:
be personal, go where the competition isn’t, make the brand invisible, be unpredictable.
• The eight techniques – from consumer involvement to channelling the power of the senses – for employing these driving forces, illustrated with campaigns from across the world.
• The four types of campaign that make use of this new knowledge.

Advertising is Dead is the only complete survey of a global shift affecting all kinds of business, and is vital reading for all advertising, marketing and communications professionals.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1467
Издательство: Taschen

This second installment in TASCHEN’s advertising series joins Advertising Now! Print and the forthcoming Advertising Now! Films to provide a complete study of commercial communication in the world today. Divided into chapters by subject (from food and beverage to electronics, clothing, and more), this tome examines the most effective and important online ad campaigns by exploring the work of the globe’s top award-winning agencies, including DM9, Tribal DDB, OgilvyOne, LOWE Tesch, and 2020 London. With each chapter containing an article from one of the agencies, you’ll learn not only what the biggest campaigns are, but also what it takes to create them. From Nike to Coca Cola, FIFA, and the WWF, these are the ads that are defining the face of online advertising. The book will come with a DVD featuring the navigation of most of campaigns as well as interviews with creative directors and films produced for the internet.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 737
Издательство: Taschen

The world's sharpest creative minds are in high demand in the advertising world, because making effective ads takes a whole lot more than just marketing know-how. A great ad grabs the viewer’s attention and gets the point across in an original, surprising, funny, touching, or even shocking way. Because ads reflect global and regional mentalities, studying them is interesting not only for their selling points but also for what they have to say about their clients and target audiences. This mega-roundup of the world's best contemporary advertisements highlights the work of agencies in over 40 countries. Organized by subjects, such as socio-political, food and beverage, cars, technology, and media, the ads are dated and annotated with information on the design agencies, clients, and products. Also included are essays written by top creative directors including members and presidents of the jury in advertising Festivals such as the Cannes Advertising Festival and Clio Awards. This guide is a must-have for managers, advertising students and professionals, graphic designers, and anyone who’s interested in the different ways products are advertised around the world.

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Julius Wiedemann (Editor)
ID: 4315
Издательство: Taschen

The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it’s selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters are organized by subject, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list.

Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD

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Uwe Stoklossa
ID: 8336
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The second glance is key to successful communication.

Advertisers are constantly searching for new ways to grab the interest and appetites of consumers. Often they use words to provoke interest. But just as often, they use eye-fooling, mind-bending images to pull the viewer up short and force them to look again. Images that can do that are magical, and one of the indispensable tricks of the advertising trade.

Uwe Stoklossa knows the secrets behind the second glance.

He shares this knowledge here, both in the countless examples of ads he has collected from around the world, and also in the accessible, intriguing essays he writes on perception, optical tricks and illusion.

This book will heighten your awareness and arm you with a myriad of new techniques for visual seduction, acting as a springboard for a whole host of startling new concepts. It’s a must-read and an indispensable source of ideas for anyone involved in advertising or the business of communication.

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ID: 865
Издательство: Daab
Maintaining transparency while being able to medialise large areas in an economically viable way are parameters which guarantee the success of the transparent media facade. Be it as stainless wire mesh or panels - compared to the standard LED screen the transparent media facade is superior in terms of size, cost efficiency and possible fields of application. Graphics and video, company and brand communication, artistic animations, information and entertainment: the transparent media facade offers manifold possibilities to communicate powerfully and effectively on a large scale. The book includes a DVD which gives a deep insight to the projects
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Steven Heller
ID: 2954
Издательство: Taschen

The dawn of consumerism: when ads were works of art

A far cry from the aggressive ads we`ve become used to, American print advertisements from the first two decades of the 20th century were almost shockingly pleasant. Intricately designed and beautifully illustrated, often in the art nouveau style popular at the time, four-color, full-page magazine advertisements were welcome respites from the bland, text-filled pages among which they appeared. Sales pitches were earnest and friendly; beer, for example, was billed as "The Evening Glass of Cheer" and toothpaste was described as "Delicious Ribbon Dental Cream" - perhaps not the catchiest slogans, but they were on to something. The American consumerist boom of the 20th century was just beginning and advertising was getting its sea legs. From motorcars to hair tonics to steamship cruises to Coca-Cola ("After the theatre drink a glass… it relieves fatigue"), America was peddling its wares in style and setting an example of how to advertise in the modern age. This exhaustive compendium of ads from the period - many of which haven`t been seen for over eight decades - is a fascinating reminder of surprisingly simpler times and a rediscovery of a forgotten age in advertising history.

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Steven Heller
ID: 88
Издательство: Taschen

The Roaring Twenties Prohibition made liquor illegal and all the more fun to drink. Speakeasies, luxury cars, women’s liberation, bathtub gin and a booming economy kept the country’s mood on the up-and-up. Women sheared off their locks and taped their chests, donning flapper dresses and dancing the Charleston until their legs gave out. Gangsters flourished in big cities and gangster movies flourished in Hollywood. It was the roaring twenties in America: a singular time in history, a lull between two world wars and the last gasp before the nation’s descent into the Great Depression. Forging the way into the future like a modern ocean liner in a sea of antiquity, advertising in the 20s sought to bring avant-garde into the mainstream—which it did with great success.

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Willy Wilkerson III
ID: 90
Издательство: Taschen

World War II brought unprecedented pride and prosperity to the American people and nothing better mirrors the new wave of consumerism and progress than the ads of the time. From Western Electric communication tools (for "the modern battlefield") to Matsom sea liners ("Toward a Richer Tomorrow") to Seagram's whiskey (for "Men Who Plan Beyond Tomorrow") to the Hoover vacuum ("For every woman who is proud of her home"), the flood of products and services for every occasion or whim was practically endless. It's hard to believe that the company who made your ultra-compact mobile phone was once advertising portable radios with "Motorola: More radio pleasure for less money," or that Electrolux didn't have any qualms about using Mandy, the portly black maid, to promote their new silent refrigerators: "Lor-dy, it sure is quiet!" You'll also find some familiar products that, amazingly, haven't changed at all over the years, such as juicy Dole pineapples and wholesome Campbell's soup. Yumm.

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Jim Heimann
ID: 91
Издательство: Taschen

As McCarthyism swept across the United States and capitalism was king, white America enjoyed a feeling of pride and security that was reflected in advertising. Carelessly flooding society with dangerous misinformation, companies in the 50s promoted everything from vacations in Las Vegas, where guests could watch atomic bombs detonate, to cigarettes as healthy mood-enhancers, promoted by a baby who claims his mother feels better after she smokes a Marlboro. From "The World's Finest Automatic Washer" to the Cadillac which "Gives a Man a New Outlook," you'll find a colorful plethora of ads for just about anything the dollar could buy. Oh, and "Have you noticed how many of your neighbors are using Herman Miller furniture these days?" If only you could really travel back in time and pick up a few chairs for your collection...

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Steven Heller
ID: 92
Издательство: Taschen

60s Americana galore! With the consumerist euphoria of the fifties still going strong and the race to the moon at its height, the mood of advertising in the sixties was cheerful, optimistic, and at times, revolutionary. The decade's ads touted perceived progress (such as tang and instant omelets-"just add water") while striving to reinforce good old American values. Stars like Sean Connery, Woody Allen, Salvador Dalí, and Sammy Davis Jr. endorsed everything from bourbon to handmade suits in an attempt by Madison Avenue to urge Americans to open their wallets and participate in one giant consumer binge. Social change at the end of the era brought psychedelic swirls and liberated women and minorities to a newly conscious public. Keep an eye out for some of the more surprising and controversial ads-such as Tupperware billing its storage container as a "wifesaver." From forgotten cars such as the Dodge Dart, to cigarettes ("This Christmas give cartons of Luckies") to food (mmm! TV dinners!) and much more, this colorful collection of print ads explores the wide, wonderful world of 60s Americana.

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Steven Heller
ID: 93
Издательство: Taschen

Discofunkalicious: An exhaustive overview of the decade that spawned glam rock and The Brady Bunch. Both eclipsed and influenced by television, American print ads of the 1970s departed from the bold, graphic forms and subtle messages that were typical of their sixties counterparts. More literal, more in-your-face, 70s ads sought to capture the attention of a public accustomed to blaring, to-the-point TV commercials (even VW ads, known for their witty, ironic statements and minimalist designs, lost some of their punch in the 1970s). All was not lost, though; as ads are a sign of the times, racial and ecological awareness crept into everything from cigarette to car advertisements, reminding Americans that everyday products were hip to the modern age. In an attempt to discover how best to communicate with a mass audience, marketing specialists studied focus groups with furious determination, thus producing such dumbed-down gems as “sisters are different from brothers,” the slogan used for an African-American hair product. By the end of the decade, however, print ads had begun to recoup, gaining in originality and creativity as they focused on target audiences through carefully chosen placement in smaller publications. A fascinating study of mass culture dissemination in a post-hippie, television-obsessed nation, this weighty volume delivers an exhaustive and nostalgic overview of 70s advertising.

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Steven Heller
ID: 1383
Издательство: Taschen

With the cold war ebbing, crime and inflation at record levels, and movie star-turned-President Ronald Reagan launching a Star Wars of his own, the 1980s did not seem likely to become one of the most outrageous, flamboyant, and prosperous decades of the 20th century. The “greed is good” mantra on Wall Street spawned the power-dressing, exercise-obsessed “Me Generation” of Yuppies—high on cash, cocaine, and Calvins. The art world enjoyed the influx of capital; computers and video games ruled in the office and at home; and the Rubik’s cube craze swept the nation. Leg warmers were big, shoulder pads were bigger and hair was biggest of all. Whether your heart warms nostalgically at the memory of E.T., marathon Trivial Pursuit sessions, and "The Cosby Show"; if you think "Knight Rider," Alf, and break dancing are totally awesome; or Tiffany, baggy acid wash jeans, and Cabbage Patch Kids make you wanna scream, “gag me with a spoon,” this book’s for you. To all those who still hear the echoes of “I want my MTV”: All-American Ads of the 80s will leave you ready to reach out and touch someone. So just do it!

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