Графический дизайн

Книги по графическому дизайну

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ID: 235
Издательство: Pepin Press

В книге представлены высокопрофессиональные графические рисунки, орнаменты. Огромное количество цветных иллюстраций. В альбоме содержится диск. Альбом на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском, испанском, китайском и японском языках.

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Sandra Rendgen, Julius Wiedemann
ID: 13185
Издательство: Taschen

Seeing Is Understanding. How complex ideas are communicated via graphics

Graphs, maps, stats, and diagrams: this collection of infographics explores the development of visual communication in the big data age. More than 400 exemplary graphics — ranging from journalism to art, government to education — are accompanied by essays tracing the evolving art form that is pictorial explanation. Complete with in-depth fact sheets explaining each graphic project.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
— Albert Einstein

Our everyday lives are filled with a massive flow of information that we must interpret in order to understand the world we live in. Considering the complex variety of data floating around us, sometimes the best — or even only — way to communicate is visually. This unique book presents a fascinating perspective on the subject, highlighting the work of the masters of the profession, creators of breakthroughs that have changed the way we communicate. Information Graphics has been conceived and designed not just for graphics professionals, but for anyone interested in the history and practice of communicating visually.

The in-depth introductory section, illustrated with over 60 images (each accompanied by an explanatory caption), features essays by Sandra Rendgen, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Saul Wurman, and Simon Rogers. Looking back all the way to primitive cave paintings as a means of communication, this section gives readers an excellent overview of the subject. The second part of the book is entirely dedicated to contemporary works by today’s most renowned professionals, presenting 200 graphics projects, with over 400 examples — each with a fact sheet and an explanation of methods and objectives — divided into chapters by the topics Location, Time, Category, and Hierarchy.


- 200 projects and over 400 examples of contemporary information graphics from all over the world — ranging from journalism to art, government, education, business and much more
- Four essays about the development of information graphics since its beginnings

The author:

Sandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author of TASCHEN’s Information Graphics and Understanding the World.

The editor:

Julius Wiedemann studied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design magazines in Tokyo before joining TASCHEN in 2001. His titles include the Illustration Now! and Record Covers series, as well as the infographics collection and books about advertising and visual culture.

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ID: 232
Издательство: Pepin Press

Эта книга содержит высококачественные изображения классического двухцветного орнамента, которые могут быть использованы как готовый графический ресурс, так и служить вдохновением для создания новых работ. Все иллюстрации сохранены в прилагающемся к книге компакт-диске в форматах PCT at 800 dpi, TIFF 1200 dpi и GIF 300 dpi, которые можно использовать для профессиональной печати, размещения на веб-страницах, для создания открыток, украшения ваших писем, флаеров и т.д. Изображения можно напрямую импортировать с компакт-диска, практически в любую графическую и тестовую программу, безо всякой дополнительной установки. CD - 242 файла, TIF 1200 dpi.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 3577
Издательство: Taschen
Taschen 25th Anniversary Series
Exploding with eye-popping originality and freshness, today`s best Japanese graphics have been gathered together to make this must-have guide to contemporary aesthetics in Japan. With their unique perspective, the Japanese have a way of looking at the world that has long been a source of great interest for the Western mind.

Here, Japan`s most talented creative professionals strut their stuff in the form of posters, advertisements, print media, visual identity, and print design. Divided into chapters by media type, this highly visual guide presents a diverse selection of graphics and includes an index of designers, complete with website addresses and contact information.
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ID: 234
Издательство: Pepin Press

Альбом содержит предисловие на английском, испанском, немецком, итальянском, французском, китайском и японском языках. В издание вошли прекрасные японские мотивы, которые можно использовать как для создания самостоятельных работ, так и для вдохновения. На прилагаемом CD-диске все иллюстрации выполнены в формате с высоким разрешением, они готовы для использования в профессиональной печати и Web-дизайне.

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Tomoko Sakamoto
ID: 9746
Издательство: Actar

The follow-up to international bestseller Japan Graphics, JPG2 examines changes in Japanese graphic design.

Instead of 'more copies, higher resolution, to a wider audience', there is a greater focus on individual and original works.

JPG 2 brings together over 20 design teams, showcasing the evolution of teams from the first JPG as well as new projects, new teams, and the best contemporary design talents.

Works by Amane Murakami, Buddha Productions, Dainippon Type Organization, Enlightenment, Hideki Inaba, Higraph, keitarrow, Loworks, Keigo Mohri, Namaiki, Shinji Shimada, Ryuh Tomoaki, Sunday-Vision, Power Graphixx, Takora, Taku Anekawa, TGB design, Tsuyoshi Kusano, Tsuyoshi Hirooka, wabisabi, iseneehihinee.

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ID: 1051
Издательство: Pepin Press

Text in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish

Around 1880, a new decorative style developed in Europe that radically broke with prevailing artistic conventions. Variations of this style included Art Nouveau in France and Arts & Crafts in England. The variety that emerged in German-speaking countries became known as Jugendstil, literally ‘youth style’, typified by its flowing lines, stylizsed floral compositions and rich use of detail and colour. The importance and quality of this style is clear: it swiftly came to dominate practically all forms of European applied arts and architecture, and it survived well into the 1920s.

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Pablo Correa
ID: 4103
Издательство: Index Book

'Just for you' features numerous work pieces and stories by designers, illustrators and artists from around the world, whom exhibit their most intimate creations.

The book includes different ways of saying 'I love you' through objects, cards, logos, posters, graffiti, photos and illustrations.

These pages display the participant’s most personal work - a result of love other than responding to commercial uses for brands or clients.

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Ignasi Vich
ID: 3697
Издательство: Index Book

Containers are not just recipients; they're a part of the product. Still,there are many products that don't come in a container or that come in ones that aren't very unique.
In a products like that, labels are what make the difference. Just Labels presents you with dozens of solutions from different labels, divided up function, how they are attached, and product type, including food, drinks, cosmetics, tools, fashion and many others.

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Drew de Soto
ID: 11509
Издательство: Bis Publishers

This isn't just another design manual. It's a carousing conversation with a bloke who knows his stuff. The book tackles the creative, the business and the beauty of graphic design. Read this book and gain 25 years of experience!

This book is practical and immediate, without being condescending or overly technical. It is like having a graphic design mentor who will help you come up with ideas, develop your concepts, and implement them in a way that is engaging and humorous. It gives readers the experience and ability that normally comes from years of on-the-job training. All of the essential techniques of graphic design and its digital implementation are covered.

Read this book and gain 25 years of experience in how to think like a creative, act like a businessman and design like a god.

This book is designed like a notebook, with all the authors’ tips and knowledge already inside. However, it also includes blank pages that allow the user to personalize this reference book with specific notes that are relevant to his or her studio, suppliers or clients.

About the Author:

Drew de Soto is the founder (2000) and Creative Director of Navig8 and has gone on to work with some of the most influential UK organisations, these include the British Council, the UK Government, international charities and brands. Drew has contributed to Policy Connect, the UK think tank that works with parliamentarians, business and the public sector to help improve government policy. He has a bald head, a ridiculous moustache and enjoys a scotch and a cigar - and not taking life too seriously.

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Drew de Soto
ID: 11510
Издательство: Bis Publishers

This book sets out the principles and practices of web design. It will help you understand what underpins web structure, design conventions and best practice

This book sets out the principles and practices of web design. It will help you understand what underpins web structure, design conventions and best practice.It touches on almost every subject and gives you a complete overview and understanding to deliver outstanding web design, leaving you to discover the areas you would like to specialise in and go on to build on these firm foundations.

This book is design focused, you will not find one line of code. It takes you through creative thinking, questioning the brief, information architecture, navigation structures, front-end design, dealing with clients and best practice for file management.

Unlike a typical how-to manual, the style is light, chatty and more like having a conversation with a bloke who knows his stuff. If you want to master great website design and build process and understand what makes them work, then this book is for you.

About the Author:

Drew de Soto is the founder (2000) and Creative Director of Navig8 and has gone on to work with some of the most influential UK organisations, these include the British Council, the UK Government, international charities and brands. Drew has contributed to Policy Connect, the UK think tank that works with parliamentarians, business and the public sector to help improve government policy. He has a bald head, a ridiculous moustache and enjoys a scotch and a cigar - and not taking life too seriously.

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ID: 241
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions.

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Julius Wiedemann (Editor), Felipe Taborda (Editor)
ID: 3496
Издательство: Taschen
Comprised of 20 countries located in North, South, and Central America as well as the Caribbean Islands, Latin America is populated by over 500 million people. From Argentina to Mexico, all Latin American countries are Spanish-speaking with the exception of Portuguese-speaking Brazil. Latin America has been producing a very unique form of graphic expression for decades and this historical publication brings together the best examples from the 20th century as well as today. The book begins with an extensive historical essay about the region's contribution to design, featuring the development of graphic design in the region from 1900 to current times, while the main body of the book features A to Z entries of almost 200 designers and design offices that have built up and continue to champion the Latin design identity. Finally, a handy index facilitates access to key information in the book, such as designers' names, countries, publications, educational institutions, and famous events.
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Michael Evamy
ID: 2306
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The logo bible, this book provides graphic designers with an indispensable reference source for contemporary logo design. More than 1300 logos are grouped according to their focal form, symbol and graphic associations into 75 categories such as crosses, stars, crowns, animals, people, handwritten, illustrative type, etc. To emphasize the visual form of the logos, they are shown predominantly in black and white. Highlight logos are shown in colour.

By sorting a vast, international array of current logotypes ranging from those of small, design-led businesses to global brands in this way, the book offers design consultancies a ready resource to draw upon in the research phase of identity projects. Logos are also indexed alphabetically by name of company/designer and by industrial sector, making it easy to piece together a picture of the state of the identity art in any client's marketplace.

Packed with examples of contemporary logos, grouped according to their visual form

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Julius Wiedemann (Editor)
ID: 1863
Издательство: Taschen

Everybody knows that brand identity is key. A good logo can glamorize just about anything, so it comes as no surprise that logo design is a crucial step in the development of a product or service.

This exhaustive guide brings together diverse logos from over 30 countries, organized into chapters by theme, such as media, retailers, events, regions, service and agencies. A full index provided at the end of the book lists each logo`s company, designer, and designer`s website. Also included is a case study section, concentrating on logo application and development.

No graphic designer can do without this book, and anyone who`s interested in design will appreciate this diverse compendium of visual ideas. As scientist Linus Pauling once said, "In order to come up with one good idea, you must have lots of ideas."

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