Интерактивный дизайн. Web-дизайн

Книги по Веб дизайну

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Rob Ford
ID: 12976
Издательство: Taschen

When the World Went Digital. A sweeping reference work of the websites that paved the pixelated way

Since its debut in 1990, the internet has seen over a billion web pages — but it wasn’t always sleek interfaces. In this visual tour through history, trace the very earliest examples of what we today take for granted, from the first website to use surround sound to the first ‘upload-your-face’ function and YouTube-like page. Complete with year-by-year factsheets, Google insights, and commentary from the creators themselves.

The last three decades have marked an era of technological upheaval as frenetic and groundbreaking as there ever has been. From early desktop computers and mobile phones to virtual reality: the web is now virtually inseparable from all facets of human interaction and daily life. But it wasn’t always funny cat videos and sleek interfaces.

This collection is a visual journey through time, gathering the very earliest examples of what we today take for granted: the first website to use surround sound, the first drag-and-drop navigation, the first page-turn effect, the first website to use seamless video integration, the first viral site, the first parallax website, the first ‘upload-your-face’ website, the first site to incorporate a mobile phone, the first-ever YouTube-like “website”, and many more.

It gathers more than 200 websites, and each comes with quotes and insights from the creators themselves — an invaluable peek into the minds of pioneers who paved the pixelized way for many to follow, including Jonathan Gay (Flash), Gabo Mendoza (Gabocorp), Yugo Nakamura (Yugop), Peter Van Den Wyngaert (NRG.BE), Joshua Davis (PlayStation), and Eric Jordan (2Advanced).

This comprehensive visual history gathers 21 chapters that detail, for every year since 1998, the best websites and examples of hardware used at the time, and explore how user experience, usability, and technological milestones have influenced the development of the internet we use today. Year-by-year factsheets and smart Google insights orient the reader through major developments across such categories as world news headlines, highest-grossing films, new soft and hardware, greatest website traffic, and many more.

For many, this collection will offer a virtual trip down nostalgia lane — but all generations will find a sweeping reference work as well as a celebration of how the earliest creative minds came to define the web, and eventually the world, as we know it.

The author;

Rob Ford founded the Favourite Website Awards (FWA) in 2000, a recognition program for cutting-edge web design. He is a pioneer of Internet awards and has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Guardian and various web-related magazines. He has judged many industry award shows, contributes regularly to web design sites and magazines, and wrote a regular column in Adobe’s flagship newsletter for seven years.

The editor:

Julius Wiedemann studied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design magazines in Tokyo before joining TASCHEN in 2001. His titles include the Illustration Now! and Record Covers series, as well as the infographics collection and books about advertising and visual culture.

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Julius Wiedemann (editor )
ID: 1546
Издательство: Taschen

In this latest addition to the Web Design series, we explore the very best of electronic commerce website design. Now that people are using online shops to buy everything from computers to groceries to clothing, e-commerce has become a major player in the sales market - to such a degree that recent research has estimated that about 10% of US "brick and mortar" sales are even influenced by online shops. From small retailers to online superstores, this guide brings you the most cutting edge e-commerce sites on the web today.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1547
Издательство: Taschen

Many of the web's most eye-popping sites are created using Flash, a program which allows for total creative freedom and maximum interactivity. In its early years, Flash was used mostly for artistic and design sites, but more recently large corporations - even Citibank - have turned to Flash.

This guide rounds up the very best and most innovative sites using 100% Flash navigation, including Nike, Adidas, Bacardi, Shrek, Nintendo, Playstation, Ford, and Honda. Also featured are two case studies and an introduction by Rob Ford, the creator of Favorite Website Awards.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 5236
Издательство: Taschen

Following up on the success of Web Design: Portfolios, this volume features the Internet's best examples of artists, design studios, photographers, designers, and corporations that use Flash to showcase their creations. What once existed only in printed form is increasingly being featured online via dynamic, animated Flash-powered sites. Flashfolios contains a selection of such websites developed exclusively using Flash, demonstrating the sophistication and range of interactive web design today.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 3138
Издательство: Taschen

100 prime examples from the world's best digital agencies demonstrating the key role interactivity plays on the web today

With its origins tied to the invention of the hyperlink, the web is defined by interaction. In the internet's early days, interaction consisted on clicking links to be taken to different pages. Today, with broadband, flash, video, sound, and online games, this concept has been taken to another level. From news sites and blogs to commercial and public awareness sites, interactivity is the key to the internet experience. This book showcases about 100 examples of work from the world’s best digital agencies—such as Greenpeace, Volkswagen, and Nike—demonstrating the most innovative uses of interactivity on the web today.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 3139
Издательство: Taschen
The internet has become a major player in today`s music market, especially thanks to online sales from sources such as iTunes; while most web music sales sites boast around 40,000 songs, iTunes offers over 1.3 million—with 25,000 new songs being added each month. From online purchasing to great artist sites like Gorillaz, Lenny Kravitz, and Iggy Pop to recording companies, labels, ringtone sites, online radios, and more, this is the essential guide for researching and enjoying music online.
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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1545
Издательство: Taschen

We've been trawling the web looking for the most interesting and well-designed portfolios - of designers, photographers, artists, illustrators, and motion graphic pros - to profile the creators working behind the scenes. The focus is not so much the work presented, but the way the portfolios are designed. Presentation, elegance, and style are key, and the individuals and studios featured in this guide represent the best the web has to offer. Entries include screenshots, designers' contacts, tools and content used (HTML, Flash, XML, music, video, etc.), awards received, and cost in hours per website for creation and maintenance.

With designers hailing from 33 countries, from the United States to Croatia to Japan, this selection of portfolios demonstrates how today's best designers are pushing the limits and experimenting with innovative ways of navigation outside of corporate contexts.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1543
Издательство: Taschen

Who are today's most innovative and successful interactive agencies?

Who are the teams creating cutting-edge websites for clients such as Coca Cola, Nike, Adidas, Chrysler, and BMW?

For anyone who wants to know who's who in the world of web design, this is the guide to get. Over 90 of the coolest design studios from over 30 countries are profiled herein, complete with examples of recent work, contact information, list of awards, and favorite tools (such as Flash, HTML, XML, etc.).

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1544
Издательство: Taschen
The follow-up to our popular title Web Design: Studios, this new installments brings you more examples of the web's most outstanding design work. Working online means working from every place you can imagine. The coolest design studios from over 28 countries are profiled herein, complete with examples of recent work, contact information, list of awards, and client list. If you are a web designer, marketing manager or your work has anything to do with the web, this book is a must-have reference for your daily work.
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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 5237
Издательство: Taschen

The YouTube phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the presence and importance of video on the web today. With increasing bandwidth speeds come more and more possibilities for the moving image to find its place in every nook and cranny of the web, whether to sell products or entertain or both. This book brings together a number of award-winning campaigns and websites produced for top brands worldwide, demonstrating the connection between the worlds of television and Internet.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 5238
Издательство: Taschen

The YouTube phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the presence and importance of video on the web today. With increasing bandwidth speeds come more and more possibilities for the moving image to find its place in every nook and cranny of the web, whether to sell products or entertain or both. This book brings together a number of award-winning campaigns and websites produced for top brands worldwide, demonstrating the connection between the worlds of television and Internet.

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Zeixs (Editor)
ID: 3769
Издательство: Feierabend Unique Books
The internet is the world's most exciting and fast-moving medium, used by millions of people every day. More than any other medium, it reflects aesthetic tendencies and developments immediately. Anyone who wants to know about the latest state of design, music, graphic, art and all the other creative fields simply has to browse through the World Wide Web.
Therefore, we’ve again searched for the most interesting and creative sites on the net. The result is “websites2”.
As you already know from the first book we have divided the content into different categories. You will find websites on graphic design, art & artists, music, photography, fashion, sports...
We have also included contact information of the producers, authors and designers (where available).
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ID: 7467
Издательство: Feierabend Unique Books

The internet is the world's most exciting and fast-moving thing in the world. More than any other medium, it reflects aesthetic tendencies and developments immediately.

Therefore, we’ve assembled a brand new selection of inspiring, interesting and creative sites on the net. The new collection includes graphic design, art & artists, music, photography, fashion, sports...

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Майк Монтейро
ID: 10967

О чем эта книга В книге известный веб-дизайнер Майк Монтейро делится секретами своей профессии.

По авторитетному утверждению Майка, успех проектов заключается не только в гениальности веб-мастера, но и в умении последнего слушать, смотреть и... да-да! учиться. Чтобы добиться успеха, веб-дизайнер должен правильно ставить цели, уметь презентовать свою качественную работу и отличать людей, которые не понимают ценность дизайна.

Для кого эта книга
Для собственников бизнеса, владельцев сайтов, программистов, фотографов, веб-дизайнеров, как начинающих, так и опытных.

Почему мы решили издать эту книгу Большой минус начинающих веб-дизайнеров - это мгновенное погружение в процесс, а не подробное знакомство с заказчиком-клиентом. В итоге клиент получает интересный, но неэффективный сайт.

В книге представлены все этапы работы с заказчиком, начиная от самопрезентации и заканчивая умениями совершенствовать клиента. В результате дизайн доставляет эстетическое удовольствие и практическую пользу.

"Фишка" книги Ценность книги, прежде всего, в практических рекомендациях. Автор анализирует распространенные рабочие эпизоды, комментирует, отмечает сильные и слабые стороны специалиста и клиента.

Конструктивный анализ поможет в дальнейшем избежать многих ошибок и неприятностей.

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Голомбински К., Хаген Р.
ID: 9242
Издательство: Питер

Если вы начинаете разрабатывать дизайн буклета или делаете собственный веб-сайт, не имея серьезного художественного образования и опыта, эта книга будет незаменимой для вас.

Написанная легким языком и избавленная от сложных профессиональных терминов и теоретических концепций, она представляет со-бой понятное практическое пособие по графическому и веб-дизайну и верстке, достаточное для освоения необходимых принципов и методов работы дизайнера в любом из форматов: от печатной продукции до Веб.

Эта прекрасно иллюстрированная полноцветная книга посвящена основам визуального дизайна и включает следующие темы:

- Основы эффективного коммуникационного дизайна, доносящего до зрителя необходимое сообщение

- Подготовка к работе с дизайн-проектом

- 13 грехов верстки - основы типографики - работа с цветом - стилевое оформление для веб, видео и презентаций - инфографика - печать и представление дизайна.

Посмотреть оглавление книги Добавь воздуха! Основы визуального дизайна для графики, веба и мультимедиа.

Посмотреть избранные страницы книги Добавь воздуха! Основы визуального дизайна для графики, веба и мультимедиа.

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