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Tom Aitken
ID: 7981
Издательство: Rizzoli

A sequel to the highly successful One Hundred & One Beautiful Small Towns in Italy and One Hundred & One Beautiful Small Towns in France, this book is a unique photographic tour of the most beautiful towns in every region of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. The towns of Britain’s countryside are among the most charming and unchanged in Europe’s history. Readers will want to roam the countryside: from the Norman castle towns of the southeast to the spectacular Roman architecture of Bath and St. Albans, and from Celtic cottage farms in the Scottish lowlands to the stone and iron towns of the Welsh borders and the north, One Hundred & One Beautiful Small Towns in Great Britain is as much about the history of the Isles as it is about their beauty today.

Tom Aiken’s eloquent and informative text not only draws attention to aesthetic, natural, and architectural points of interest in every region, but also brings to life the history of each place, from Shakespeare’s Stratford-on-Avon to the royal Cowes, the monastic abbeys of Yorkshire to prehistoric Ireland, and from the Pagan past of the Scottish Highlands to the legends of Roman Britain. A thorough appendix provides travel tips and details and locations for hotels, restaurants, and shops of interest in all the towns. Whether you’re an armchair traveller or an Anglo-phile planning yet another trip, this volume is the guide to the varied heritage and hidden treasures of Britain.

About the Author

Tom Aiken is a writer, poet, editor, theatre director, musician, and critic. A cultural historian of Britain and Europe, he is a past winner of the Lincoln Memorial Essay award, author of two young adult novels, and has contributed to the Times Literary Supplement, The Guardian, and The Spectator.

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Paolo Lazzarin
ID: 8718
Издательство: Rizzoli

More than any other country in the world, it is Italy that we turn to for gastronomic inspiration.

101 Beautiful Towns of Italy: Food and Wine takes readers along on a one-of-a-kind tour through the tantalizing tastes of Italy's varied landscape to explore hilltop and seaside towns, where the flavours of Italy scent the air, a good meal is considered the highest form of art and a fine bottle of wine is never hard to come by. In Alba, savour the refined taste of the white truffle accompanied by a hearty glass of Barolo.

Head to Parma for a sampling of prosciutto di Parma, and don't forget to pick up a wheel of parmigiano-reggiano. Travel to the hills of Tuscany, where a glass of red Vino Nobile di Montepulciano accompanies your meal of filetto d'anatra con tartufo (truffled duck breast) and to Campania, home of Naples, the Amalfi coastline, and, of course, pizza, in its many forms, but almost always topped with mozzarella di bufala.

Descriptive sidebars key readers into the best restaurants in town, where to buy the ingredients to prepare the dishes featured (and where to shop for the wine to accompany them) as well as tips on what to see during a visit. A sprinkling of recipes rounds out this information-packed resource. Included is an appendix with in-depth listings to help travellers plan their culinary journeys: what wine cellars to visit, where to dine, and how to navigate a busy market.

Whether you're an armchair traveller or an Italophile planning another trip, this volume provides an excellent guide.

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Donald Albrecht, Thomas Mellins
ID: 7908
Издательство: Monacelli Press

In the aftermath of World War II, New York emerged as a world-class city and the de facto national financial capital, becoming a magnet for moguls and strivers. At the same time the city remained a collection of small towns made up of people going about their daily rounds. No other publication captured this twin identity as successfully as Look magazine.

In the pre-television era, the editors of Look recognized the great demand for photographs of all kinds - politicians, titans of industry, and unsung heroes, glamorous events and intimate moments, society matrons and showgirls, violent crime and courtroom drama - that provided entertainment and diversion to voyeuristic subscribers to the magazine. Reaching a peak circulation of nearly 8 million in the late 1960s, Look was a national publication with a focus on the fascination and allure of New York.

The magazine's New York images - more than 200,000 in all - were donated to the Museum of the City of New York. Only in New York draws from that astonishing archive to present the tapestry that was New York in the 1940s and 1950s.

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Horst A. Friedrichs
ID: 6178
Издательство: Prestel

In this book, the photographer of I’m One: 21st Century Mods turns his probing lens to the world of Rockers.

With their tattoos, leather jackets, slicked-back hair, and beloved British motorbikes - BSAs, Triumphs, Nortons, and Royal Enfields - Rockers are the nemesis and antithesis of the fastidiously groomed Mods. Elvis, James Dean, and Marlon Brando made rocker style synonymous with rebellion, sparking a global cult. Friedrichs follows the British rocker tribe as its members congregate in parking lots, pubs, cafes, dance and pool halls, as well as huge gatherings at Jacks Hill and the Ace Café. Alternating between rich, vibrant color and gritty black and white, these photographs capture a spirit of unapologetic defiance in clothing as well as attitude, every bit as strong today as it was sixty years ago. Trenchant and revealing commentary from Friedrichs’ subjects sheds light on the impulses, yearnings, and motivations of this enduring international rebel chic subculture.

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F. X. Feeney
ID: 3089
Издательство: Taschen

A recognized prodigy at age 10, world famous by age 23, Orson Welles was a triple magician of theater, radio, and film - and by age 25 a promising figure in American politics. President Franklin Roosevelt encouraged him to try a run for the Senate; newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst branded him a pariah. But by the time he turned 30, Orson Welles’ professional success ended irreversibly; from then until the day he died, he endured ridicule and reproach over what many judged his “failure.” Few knew how feverishly he had persisted as an independent filmmaker. Now, decades after his death, “new” work keeps emerging, and his reputation as an undefeated genius and creator only grows.

The Movie Icon series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, TASCHEN shows you. Movie Icons is a series of photo books that feature the most famous personalities in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life.

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Jerry Uelsmann
ID: 2122
Издательство: Bulfinch Press
Jerry Uelsmann is a modern master of photography - one of a select group of practitioners who can be said to have altered the actual language of the medium. Beginning in the 1960s, Uelsmann experimented with producing images from multiple negatives, a technique that anticipated the digital image revolution by a generation and influenced countless visual artists the world over. Here he has selected a showcase of his most compelling images, spanning the whole of his career to date.
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Shawn Mortensen
ID: 9237
Издательство: Abrams

Over the last fifteen years, Shawn Mortensen has photographed cutting-edge culture-makers while also revealing the gritty reality of urban street life and the world’s political climate. Truly with his finger on the pulse, Mortensen took photographs of the in crowd before they were the in crowd. His subjects range from celebrities such as Gwen Stefani, Marcello Mastroianni, and Tupac Shakur to contemporary artists like Raymond Pettibon, Brice Marden, and Francesco Clemente. Yet these portraits are juxtaposed with haunting photo essays on the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico; the ghettoes of Jamaica; and the landscape of Mongolia - often with startling results.

Irreverent, sexy, and avant-garde, Out of Mind places Shawn Mortensen alongside the most important contemporary photographers.

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Cathy Joseph
ID: 5157
Издательство: AVA Publishing

150 colour images

Outdoor Lighting: Fashion and Glamour explores the skills required to get the very best results from daylight – the most versatile and challenging resource at the photographer’s disposal.

During recent years, fashion and glamour photography has increasingly shifted away from the false and formal setting of the studio towards greater use of real-life locations and outdoor lighting. Using high quality images from around the world, it looks at the whole process of conducting a fashion shoot, from the client’s brief to the choice of location, the time of day and techniques employed. With tips and explanations from the photographers and clear diagrams of the set-up, it shows a wealth of different ways in which natural light can be controlled, manipulated and artificially enhanced to create a mood, flatter the subject and catch the eye.
Key features

* International collection of outdoor fashion and glamour photography.
* Shows both the physical steps and the thought processes involved from brief to finished image.


* Aspiring and Professional Photographers.

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Jill Bobrow, Kenny Wooton, Dana Jinkins
ID: 10762
Издательство: Vendome Press

Owning a yacht is the ultimate status symbol. Universally perceived as the exclusive domain of the rich and the famous, yachting is a decidedly rarified world. Arguably the most well-known private yacht of all time, the 325-foot (99-meter) Christina O, owned by Aristotle Onassis in the 1950s and 60s, was the playground for heads of state such as Winston Churchill and the Kennedys, opera diva Maria Callas, and Hollywood sweethearts such as Ava Gardner and Elizabeth Taylor. Pictured here along with the newly rebuilt Christina O are 20 other mega-yachts, including the newly completed and wildly colorful Guilty, designed by Jeff Koons for the art collector Dakis Joannou; Tom Perkins’ modern sailing yacht Maltese Falcon, the ultramodern sailing yacht Esense, and the refit classic Delphine.

The yachts pictured here are special for many reasons: because they are the fastest, or the most innovative, or the most technologically advanced, or because of their travels to exotic locations around the globe. Outrageous Yachts provides information about the yachts’ builders and designers, and tours each of the magnificent vessels — ranging in size from 138 to 424 feet (42 to 129 meters) — from stem to stern. This volume promises to be irresistible to anyone who has a yacht or dreams of owning one.
Annual maintenance usually runs to 15 percent of the cost of a yacht
Today there are approximately 6,000 yachts that exceed 100 feet (31 meters) in the world

About the Authors:

Jill Bobrow is Editor in Chief of ShowBoats International, the world’s premiere luxury yacht publication. Previously, she was Founding Editor of Boat International USA magazine. She has co-authored more than a dozen books, including Classic Yacht Interiors and The World’s Most Extraordinary Yachts, and has cruised on many renowned yachts in countless locales around the world.

Kenny Wooton is Executive Editor of ShowBoats International. Formerly Editor in Chief of Yachting magazine, he has been a journalist for marine magazines for most of his career. A lifelong yachting enthusiast, his work has taken him to exotic yachting destinations all over the world.

Dana Jinkins is co-founder, art director, and principal photographer of Concepts Publishing Inc., which specializes in books on yachts and yachting destinations worldwide. Her photography appears regularly in international yachting, travel, and lifestyle magazines and books.

George Nicholson, chairman of Camper & Nicholsons International, the world’s oldest leisure marine company, is one of the most widely cruised and knowledgeable super-yachtsmen in the world.

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Alex MacLean
ID: 4081
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Aus einigen hundert Metern Höhe und mit den Augen des Photographen Alex MacLean gesehen, erweist sich Amerika, »das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten«, einmal mehr als Vorreiter – auf dem Weg in die ökologische Katastrophe. Da werden Golfplätze, Reihenhaussiedlungen und ganze Städte mitten in die Wüste gebaut, neue Ferien-Hochburgen entstehen unmittelbar an ansteigenden und orkangefährdeten Meeresufern, Kohle- und Kernkraftwerke gewaltigen Ausmaßes beziehen ihr Kühlwasser aus natürlichen Gewässern und schicken es auch wieder dorthin zurück… Seit über 30 Jahren verfolgt MacLean von seiner Cessna aus, wie sich die Landschaft unter ihm verändert, wie sie mit Straßen zubetoniert und wuchernden Vorstädten verbaut wird, was die häufiger und heftiger werdenden Wirbelstürme anrichten und welche fatalen Folgen Bodenspekulation, ein bedenkenloses Freizeit- und Konsumverhalten und der ebenso unbedenkliche Umgang mit Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen für die Umwelt haben. In bestechend und täuschend schönen Bildern führt uns MacLean die Ursachen und Wirkungen des globalen Klimawandels am Beispiel der USA vor Augen. Sein Appell, den er auch verbal mit ausführlichen Kommentaren untermauert, richtet sich nicht nur an seine Landsleute. Wenn es darum geht, den Planeten Erde zu retten, ist die gesamte Weltgemeinschaft angesprochen – und jeder einzelne von uns. Alex MacLean, geb. 1947, ist Photograph, Pilot und Co-Autor von sieben Buchpublikationen. Seine Bilder wurden in Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen in der ganzen Welt gezeigt und vielfach ausgezeichnet, u.a. mit dem Rom-Preis für Landschaftsarchitektur der American Academy in Rom. Er lebt in Masschussetts. Bill McKibben, der Verfasser des Vorworts, ist Wissenschaftsjournalist und Autor von zwölf Büchern über Umweltfragen und alternative Energien. Er schreibt regelmäßig u.a. für The New Yorker, Harper’s und National Geographic. Er lebt in Vermont.

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Ruth Artmonsky
ID: 8415
Издательство: Antique Collectors' Club

P&O: Across the Oceans, Across the Years is a beautifully compiled book illustrated with over 200 images from the P&O Heritage Collection
An engaging and richly illustrated homage to one of the most famous companies afloat, in its 175th anniversary year
Features all the details of life on board, from the food menus and tickets, to the marine paintings and silver
Official campaign book for the Peninsular & Oriental (P&O) Company

A nostalgic glance astern at the glory days of Peninsular & Oriental (P&O) both at sea and on shore. Drawing on personal recollections in the archives of P&O Heritage, Ruth Artmonsky looks back at the company during the age of empire and a bygone time when travelling P&O captured the imagination of writers from Thackeray to Noël Coward. In addition the book takes a curator's tour of the company's art collection which dates back to P&O's foundation in 1837.

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Author Horatio Pagani, Text by Luca Venturi, Photographs by Mikael Masoero
ID: 15796
Издательство: Rizzoli

The first book on the body of work of Horacio Pagani, a true visionary, with spectacular photographs that transform Pagani's extreme sports cars into unique and fascinating entities. This a must-have book for all car and sports lovers.

Horacio Pagani's work is a great adventure in artistic and engineering excellence. This book celebrates Pagani's legendary supercars, which the wealthiest people in the world are prepared to spend a fortune on. Stunning photographs, aesthetic refinement, and perfectionism combine in this one-of-a-kind book.

The book offers a rare glimpse into how Pagani's spectacular creations come about -- how a very ambitious project can sprout from an intuition and flow into an outstanding, unique, and incomparable product.

Seven iconic cars are included from the Zonda and Huayra lines. The Zonda is a mid-engined car. It debuted in 1999, and production ended in 2017 with the 760 series cars and other commemorative special editions being produced till the same year. The Pagani Huayra succeeded the Zonda. It is named after Huayra-tata, a Quechua wind god. The Huayra was named Hypercar of the Year 2012 by Top Gear magazine and received a very positive review when tested by Richard Hammond on Top Gear.

About the Author:

Horacio Pagani is the founder of Pagani Automobili S.p.A., a specialty car manufacturer. At just 20 years old, he made his debut into the world of racing cars by creating a car for Formula 3, which competed in Argentina with the official Renault team. After starting out in rural Argentina, he worked for Renault and Lamborghini and eventually set up his own luxury car company in Modena.

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Paolo Roversi, Gilles de Bure
ID: 8539
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Born in Ravenna, Italy, in 1947, Paolo Roversi discovered photography at the age of seventeen. A chance meeting with photographer Peter Knapp led him to move to Paris in the early 1970s, where he first encountered the world of fashion. His career truly began when he became an assistant to Laurence Sackman, who taught him the photographer’s craft.

Based in Paris for more than thirty years, Roversi is famed for his use of large-format Polaroid film to capture images of ethereal beauty, vulnerability and romanticism. Working in evocative monochrome or carefully articulated colour, he collaborates regularly with the world’s top supermodels and designers, and has shot for many leading fashion magazines and international ad campaigns.

About the Series:

PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world’s greatest photographers, in an attractive format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, the books are produced to the highest standards. Each volume contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction and a full bibliography. The series has been awarded the first annual prize for distinguished photographic books by the International Center of Photography, New York.

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Paolo Roversi, Chiara Bardelli Nonino
ID: 16432
Издательство: Rizzoli

This is the story in pictures of a dimension of living that differs from every other. While there have been attempts to create a philosophy of interior design, there has rarely been an effort to discover the soul of furniture and objects. That is what Paolo Roversi has tried to do with his camera in these pages, which are devoted to Poliform, the Italian company that has successfully transformed ancient Italian artisanal traditions into contemporary furniture. By using what have always been his raw materials time, light, space Roversi leads us on a photographic journey to the middle of the Poliform universe, helping us to relive the company s story and capture the mysterious, unmistakable soul that makes the surfaces and volumes of its objects vibrate.

About the Authors:

Paolo Roversi is a contemporary Italian fashion photographer. His work has been the subject of solo exhibitions worldwide, including at Pace MacGill Gallery in New York, James Gallery in Moscow, and Comme des Garcons in Tokyo, among others. Chiara Bardelli Nonino is the photo editor of Vogue Italia and L'Uomo Vogue. She is the curator of the Photo Vogue Festival, for which she curated and produced the exhibitions The Female Gaze, Fashion and Politics in Vogue Italia, All That Man Is--Fashion and Masculinity Now, and Italian Panorama.

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Tina Herzig, Horst Herzig
ID: 2041
Издательство: teNeues
Fans of Paris, as well as those who only dream of visiting this magical city, will delight in rediscovering its streets, buildings, bridges, cafйs and gardens through the eyes of the photographers Tina and Horst Herzig. Already well established in the fields of travel and journalistic photography, the Herzig's pictures draw attention to the marvelous clash of old and new in Paris: its architecture, its people, and its history. These wonderfully refreshing glimpses of Paris render the city more beautiful, varied, and delightful than our fondest memories, or our wildest dreams.
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