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Susan Kismaric, Glenn D. Lowry
ID: 3817
Издательство: Museum of Modern Art
Through such formal devices as series and multipanel works, JoAnn Verburg invigorates some of photographyâs common themes â the portrait, the landscape, the domestic view. Some of her work catches viewers off guard, leaving them unsure where they stand in relationship to the scene being shown; others play with the passage of time, offering narratives that play out in either space or time, or both, or neither. The intimate spaces of personal life are another of her ongoing themes, as shown in a series featuring her husband, the poet Jim Moore, reading newspapers or books, or sleeping. The unguarded intimacy of the image strikes one note here; the tension and reality of the current events featured on that dayâs newspaper strikes another, reaching out of the work into the world, expanding photographyâs space even further. Whether taking pictures of artists, swimmers, trees or pyramids constructed from sand,Verburg deftly pushes at the boundaries of the representation of time and space.
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Harriet Heyman, Acey Harper
ID: 8715
Издательство: Rizzoli

Photography collides with gravity-defying acts in this sensual and mesmerizing collection of photographs that capture the explosive energy and beauty of bodies. In this extraordinary suite of images by Acey Harper, the energy and beauty of nude female and male bodies-devoid of costumes, greasepaint, stage sets, and lighting-are photographed stripped bare (figuratively and literally), revealing the acrobats’ art, craft, and emotions. The beautiful, well-trained, and highly flexible bodies are captured in settings from the natural (beaches in the Marin Headlands, forests in Vermont, the Black Rock Desert) to the gritty urban (a New Jersey steel mill, San Francisco streets, the New York subway).
In three captivating essays, Harriet Heyman, well-schooled in trapeze arts, describes firsthand what it feels like to train as an acrobat and what motivates these dedicated artists.

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Guido Argentini
ID: 2357
Издательство: teNeues

137 color and duotone photograhps

Daring and provocative, these images of the female nude challenge the viewer to defy limits and enter "forbidden territory." Argentini plays with our notions of privacy and constructs a hidden erotic universe where it is hard to know what we will find—our deepest erotic fantasies or a parallel reality? These charged erotic images are both sophisticated and raw, with a dark glamour all their own.

Guido Argentini was born in Florence, Italy in 1966. He has lived in Los Angeles since 1990 and has photographed for Vogue, Marie Claire, Playboy, Max and Men's Health.

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Guido Argentini
ID: 2539
Издательство: teNeues

137 color and duotone photographs

Daring and provocative, these images of the female nude challenge the viewer to defy limits and enter “forbidden territory.” Argentini plays with our notions of privacy and constructs a hidden erotic universe where it is hard to know what we will find—our deepest erotic fantasies or a parallel reality? These charged erotic images are both sophisticated and raw, with a dark glamour all their own.

* Highly charged eroticism sure to raise eyebrows

* An ideal gift for lovers of erotica 

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Sante D'Orazio
ID: 4082
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag
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Giancarlo Giammetti
ID: 10397
Издательство: Assouline

Assouline presents the autobiography of Giancarlo Giammetti, Valentino s trusted business partner for fifty years.

Beginning with his childhood in Rome under Nazi occupation and his chance meeting at a café with a certain rising fashion designer, Giammetti shares stories from his remarkable life.his beautiful collector s volume features in-depth interviews, recollections from his personal journals, and a curated selection of exclusive images from Giammetti s archive of 50,000 photos, vividly portraying the exciting world of fashion.


Джанкарло Джамметти, бизнес-партнер и, как его часто называют, альтер эго дизайнера Валентино Гаравани, собрал в книгу личный фотоархив за последние полвека.


Мало кто в курсе, но я всю жизнь занимался фотографией и насобирал около 50 тысяч снимков. Недавно я их пересмотрел и понял: в нашей с Валентино жизни была уйма интересного — таким надо делиться. Лучшее я публикую в книге Private: Giancarlo Giammetti.

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Bruce Smith
ID: 5075
Издательство: Ilex

If you have a passion for fashion, Pro Digital Fashion Photography will help put you at the forefront of this competitive field. It explains all you need to know, from setting up the perfect studio and working with models, to post-production skills and how to break into, and compete within, the fashion photography business. With projects for photographers to practise and insider advice from respected professionals, this book will help you develop the skills and style needed to create a winning portfolio and ultimately succeed in this dynamic industry.

Bruce Smith is a world-class fashion and beauty photographer whose work has been continually published in fashion magazines and on billboards all over the globe for the past 30 years. He teaches masterclasses in France, Italy and Cuba, runs workshops in the UK, and online courses in association with the award-winning BetterPhoto.com. He also lectures at The Shoot Smarter University in Chicago.

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Marc Hom
ID: 11263
Издательство: teNeues

“My new book, Profiles, is a collection of portraits taken over the last six to eight years, including exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema, plus meaningful images of family and friends. The images originate from editorial assignments and personal sittings, and are a reflection on my fascination with the person and their innate beauty and character.”
— Marc Hom
Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, MARC HOM has made an indelible mark in the world of fashion photography and is now one of the leading portrait photographers living today. He is known for his timeless and classic portraits of some of the most creative, influential, and notable individuals of our time. Amongst his subjects are Robert Redford, Johnny Depp, Alicia Vikander, Angelina Jolie, Christopher Walken, Brie Larson, Kate Winslet, Julian Schnabel, Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Pop, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Michelle Obama, Quentin Tarantino, David Beckham, Royal families, and politicians, for such leading publications as W Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, German Vogue, Esquire, and Harper’s Bazaar. His first book, Portraits, was published in 2006. He lives in Brooklyn Heights with his wife Marie-Louise and their two small children.

• A stunning array of colour and black & white portraits of some of the most charismatic figures of contemporary culture
• Renowned photographer Marc Hom captures the essence of each of his personality “profiles” in a singular magical moment of candid vulnerability and vivid beauty
• This dazzling compendium is destined to become a classic for any modern photography book collection
• Exhibitions and book signings to be announced soon
• Also available as Collector's Editions. Limited Edition of 100 copies. “Exceptional profiles of creatives in the arts and cinema”

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Eric Godtland, Paul Krassner, Dian Hanson
ID: 11366
Издательство: Taschen

Peace, love, and pudenda. How men's magazines turned hot and hippy between 1967–1972

In a brief golden span between 1967 and 1972, the sexual revolution collided with recreational drug exploration to create "psychedelic sex." While the baby boomers blew their minds and danced naked in the streets, men’s magazine publishers attempted to visually recreate the wonders of LSD, project them on a canvas of nubile hippie flesh, and dish it up to men dying for a taste of free love.

Way Out, Groovie, Where It’s At — each magazine title vied to convince the straight audience it offered the most authentic flower power sex trip, complete with mind-bending graphics and all-natural hippie hotties. Along the way hippies joined in the production, since what could be groovier than earning bread in your birthday suit?

At its height, psychedelic sex encompassed posters, tabloids, comics, and newsstand magazines, but the most far-out examples of all were the glossy magazines from California, center of both hippie culture and the budding American porn industry. It’s these sexy, silly reminders of peace, love, and pudenda we celebrate in Psychedelic Sex. So put on your beads, tune up your sitar, and let the love-in begin!

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Roland Barthes, Banjamin Buchloh, Edward Steichen
ID: 5480
Издательство: Museu D'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

This book focuses from a chronological perspective on photography as a tool for a new visuality and the rupture of the role of the spectator: photographic exhibitions from 1928 to 1955, from the spaces designed by Lissitzky's to The Family of Man; the trajectory of utopian architectural-photographic space and from post-Revolutionary Russia to America during the Cold War. This space documents the exhibitions designed by Lissitzky (Pressa, Film und Foto, etc); German, Italian and Spanish exhibitions in the 1930s, and exhibitions in MOMA during the Second World War.

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Dieter Blum
ID: 2543
Издательство: teNeues

109 duotone and color photographs, 2 gatefolds

teNeues introduces a beautifully bound, slip-cased Collector's Edition of Pure Dance, the extraordinary collection of dance photographs published this season. In a series of breathtakingly beautiful pictures taken over a period of five years, Dieter Blum focuses his astute camera on 37 of 53 dancers in the world-renowned Stuttgart Ballet to explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form; its strength, suppleness, discipline, mystery and possibilities for movement. Because all of the dancers are photographed in the nude, Blum succeeds in capturing the dynamic movement, musicality, and magic of the classically trained dance artist. Each photograph is a distilled, evocative frozen fragment of an art form that by its nature is fleeting and ephemeral.

Dieter Blum's photographs of musicians, dancers, and artists have appeared in Vanity Fair, Time, Spiegel, and Stern. He divides his time between Dьsseldorf and Esslingen, Germany.

* A series of nude dance photographs unlike any other published in a beautifully bound, slip-cased collector's edition
* Strikingly beautiful photographs that explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form

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Dieter Blum
ID: 2390
Издательство: teNeues

Here is a collection of dance photographs unlike any other. In a series of breathtakingly beautiful pictures taken over a period of five years, Dieter Blum focuses his astute camera on 37 of 53 dancers in the world-renowned Stuttgart Ballet to explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form; its strength, suppleness, discipline, mystery and possibilities for movement. Blum succeeds in capturing the dynamic movement, musicality, and magic of the classically trained dance artist. Each photograph is a distilled, evocative frozen fragment of an art form that by its nature is fleeting and ephemeral.

- A collection of nude dance unlike any other

- Strikingly beautiful photographs that explore the sculptural aspects of this exquisitely schooled human form

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Dirk Krauzig
ID: 6770
Издательство: Edition Skylight

After having appeared in vast numbers of books and magazines, Pussy Club is the first collection of photos by Dirk Krauzig, the highly regarded photographer who understands uniquely how to show off his models in their best possible light.

In Pussy Club, Dirk once again demonstrates his skill at combining the provocative with the elegant. His work is classical, the lighting extravagant. Out of the darkness, his models fix the observer with dignity, charisma and a powerful erotic magnetism. Seductive divas with erotic secrets...

Located in historic city walls with just the right kind of atmosphere, a club bar serves as a suitable backdrop. Here, where the heart of life normally beats a pace, fascinating ladies take to the stage with no one else for company. Here they show off their passionate side, self-possessed, proud, and breathtakingly beautiful.

Come with us on a trip to a secret sensual universe of soft tender light and velvety shadows. Let the sensuality and sultry atmosphere of this book seduce you!

Nach ungezählten Veröffentlichungen in Magazinen und Büchern erscheint mit Pussy Club der erste eigene Bildband des renommierten Fotografen Dirk Krauzig, der es auf so einzigartige Weise versteht, seine Modelle mit Licht zu umhüllen.

In Pussy Club beweist Dirk Krauzig einmal mehr, daß es möglich ist, Provokantes und Eleganz miteinander zu verbinden. Seine Arbeiten sind klassisch, die Lichtführung extravagant und seine Modelle treten dem Betrachter würdevoll, charismatisch und mit machtvoller erotischer Ausstrahlung aus dem Dunkel entgegen. Verführerische Diven voller Geheimnisse...

Als atmosphärisch dichte Kulisse dient eine Club-Bar in historischen Mauern. Hier, wo normalerweise pulsierendes Leben herrscht, betreten faszinierende Frauen ganz allein die Bühne, zeigen sich und ihre Leidenschaften, selbstbewußt, stolz und wunderschön.

Kommen Sie mit auf eine Reise in ein geheimnisvolles erotisches Universum, durch weiches Licht und samtige Schatten und lassen Sie sich von der Sinnlichkeit und Atmosphäre dieses Buches verführen!

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Martin Sigrist (Editor)
ID: 7183
Издательство: Edition Skylight

Often referred to poetically as the “delta of venus” , this mysterious, triangular-shaped area, nestling by the female crotch is what doubtless attracts virtually every man (and also many women) more than any other! What is it about the look of a woman’s tush (or pussy, as it is also affectionately called) that is so fascinating? In our topless age, why is this most feminine of all forbidden zones still strictly shielded from prying eyes? Who knows, who can say? However, it is common knowledge that nothing inspires erotic imagination more than this yummy triangle, which attracts voyeuristic looks as magically as the Bermuda Triangle attracts ships and aeroplanes.

The incredible variety of shapes and colors, both inside and outside, featuring everything from bold hair styles to naked hairless pleasure, is simply breathtaking. It is almost as if the pussies are before our very eyes, glistening slightly, and we are virtually able to inhale their seductive scent or taste it; these pussies have been very skillfully photographed to set them off in the very best light. Enjoy!

Didier Carré, Ludmilla Foblova, Emanuel Fouquet, Ulrich Grolla, J. Stephen Hicks, Dirk Krauzig, Chas Ray Krider, Karl Louis, Bryon Paul McCartney, Jean Najean, George Pitts, Katerina Rudlova, Jiri Ruzek, Jim Fredlund, Frank Sabino, Renee Azcra Woodward, Ragnar Gischas, Robert Baham, Carnish, Felix Kirsch, Günther Hagedorn, Stephan B., Dimitar Petrov, Mark Page, Jeremy Saffer, Veselin Valchev, Jürgen Wunderlich, Sabine Modotti, Igor Amelkovich, Stefan Schaal

Poetisch oft als „Delta der Venus“ verklärt, ist jenes geheimnisvolle Dreieck im Schoße der Frau wohl derjenige Körperteil, der fast alle Männer (und auch viele Frauen!) anzieht wie kein anderer. Was macht den Anblick dieser Pussies und Muschis und wie wir sie sonst noch liebevoll nennen, so faszinierend? Ist es das auch im Zeitalter des „oben Ohne“ immer noch vor Blicken streng gehütete weiblichste aller Geheimnisse? Wer weiß es schon! Nichts dient aber der Beflügelung der erotischen Fantasie mehr als dieses magische Dreieck, das voyeuristische Blicke so magisch anzieht wie das Bermuda-Dreieck Schiffe und Flugzeuge.

Man glaubt sie förmlich leicht glänzend vor sich zu sehen, ihren verführerischen Duft einzuatmen oder sie gar zu schmecken, diese fotografisch kunstvoll ins beste Licht gesetzten Pussies.

Ähnlich wie bei anderen Bildbänden aus dem Skylight-Verlag, etwa über prachtvolle Brüste (Boob Mania), knackige Hinterteile (Hot Cheeks 1 + 2) und die mehr oder weniger behaarten Dreiecke (Shaven or Unshaven), vermögen diese intimsten Aufnahmen für den Kenner und Liebhaber der puren Weiblichkeit zur echten Manie zu werden.

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Susanna Brown
ID: 8036
Издательство: V&A Victoria Albert Museum

Photographer, costume designer, avid diarist - Cecil Beaton was also a 'romantic royalist' whose glittering photographs of Queen Elizabeth II became among the most widely published portraits of the twentieth century. This fascinating book explores Beaton's long relationship with the Queen and the royal family and describes how his royal portraits shaped the monarchy's public image from the 1930s to the late 1960s. It is a celebration of Beaton, the enduring flair of his portraits, and the myriad sources of inspiration that resulted in photographs so powerful that they moulded the world's perception of a princess, monarch and mother.

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