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Anton Corbijn
ID: 4958
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Of course, Anton Corbijn’s longtime bestseller is available again: his portrait gallery of the heroes and enfants terribles of film, literature, fashion, pop and rock.

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Anton Corbijn
ID: 5569
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

With 25,000 copies sold, Anton Corbijn's blockbuster book documenting his 22-year friendship with the Irish rock group U2 is now available in an inexpensive reduced-size version. It presents a wealth of official and private pictures taken between 1982, when they first met in New Orleans, and their April 2004 Lisbon shooting for U2's How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb album.

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Kim Knoppers, Ahmet Pola, Claartje van Dijk
ID: 16954
Издательство: Hannibal Books

Beautiful monograph on photographer Ara Guler, aka 'The Eye of Istanbul'.

Being a testament to Turkey's rich history, A Play of Light and Shadow offers a contemporary view of Guler's work while also providing the opportunity to explore iconic and unknown parts of it.

With text contributions by art historian Kim Knoppers, curator and head of photography department at Istanbul Modern, Demet Yildiz Dincer, photographer and filmmaker Ahmet Polat, and Claartje van Dijk, curator and head of exhibitions at Foam in Amsterdam.

About the Photographer:

Born on 16th August 1928, Ara Guler is a Turkish photojournalist, also known as Istanbul's Eye. His father owned a pharmacy, but had many friends that belonged to the world of art. Ara came into contact with these people and they inspired him to opt for a career in films/cinema. He worked in film studios and joined courses of drama under Muhsin Ertugrul. Later, he leaned towards journalism and abandoned cinema. In 1950 he joined Yeni Istanbul, a Turkish newspaper, as a photojournalist. During the same time, he studied economics from University of Istanbul. Then he started working for Hurriyet.

In 1958 when Time-Life, an American publication opened its Turkey branch, Ara Guler became its initial correspondent. Soon enough he started to get commissioned by other international magazines, such as Stern, Paris Match, and Sunday Times, London. In 1961, he was hired by Hayat magazine as the chief photographer.

In this time, he met Marc Riboud and Henri Cartier-Bresson, who recruited him to join Magnum Photos. Ara was presented in 1961 British Photography Yearbook. In the same year, the American Society of Magazine Photographers made him the first Turkish photographer to become the member of this organization.

In 1960s, Ara's work was used in books by notable authors as a means of illustration and were shown at different exhibitions around the world. In 1968, his work was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in a show called, Ten Masters of Color Photography. Moreover, his photographs were also shown in Cologne's fair, Photokina in Germany. Two years later, Turkei, his photography album was published. His images related to art and its history were featured in magazines, like Horizon, Life, Time, and Newsweek.

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Jerome Sans
ID: 1576
Издательство: Taschen

The subject is Japanese photographer Araki, a man who talks about life through photographs. His powerful oeuvre, decades' worth of images, has been pared down to 540 pages of photographs which tell the story of Araki and comprise the ultimate retrospective collection of his work.

Known best for his intimate, snapshot-style images of women often tied up with ropes (kinbaku, Japanese rope-tying art) and of colorful, sensual flowers, Araki is an artist who reacts strongly to his emotions and uses photography to experience them more fully. Obsessed with women, Araki seeks to come closer to them through photography, using ropes like an embrace and the click of the shutter like a kiss. His work is at once shocking and mysteriously tender; a deeply personal artist, Araki is not afraid of his emotions nor of showing them to the world.

About the Author:

Nobuyoshi Araki was born in Tokyo in 1940. Given a camera by his father at the ripe age of twelve, Araki has been taking pictures ever since. He studied photography and film at Chiba University and went into commercial photography soon after graduating. In 1970 he created his famous Xeroxed Photo Albums, which he produced in limited editions and sent to friends, art critics, and people selected randomly from the telephone book. Over the years, his bold, unabashed photographs of his private life have been the object of a great deal of controversy and censorship (especially in his native Japan), a fact that has not fazed the artist nor diminished his influence. To date, Araki has published over 400 books of his work.

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Nobuyoshi Araki
ID: 10583
Издательство: Taschen

Red petals and rope binding. The ultimate Araki collection

Decades’ worth of images have been distilled down to 568 pages of photographs in this ultimate retrospective collection of Nobuyoshi Araki's work, selected by the artist himself.

First published as a limited edition and now available as a standard TASCHEN edition, the curation delves deep into Araki's best-known imagery: Tokyo street scenes; faces and foods; colorful, sensual flowers; female genitalia; and the Japanese art of kinbaku, or bondage. As girls lay bound but defiant and glistening petals assume suggestive shapes, Araki plays constantly with patterns of subjugation and emancipation, death and desire and with the slippage between serene image and shock.

Describing his bondage photographs as a'a collaboration between the subject and the photographer’, Araki seeks to come closer to his female subjects through photography, emphasizing the role of spoken conversation between himself and the model. In his native Japan, he has attained cult status for many women who feel liberated by his readiness to photograph the expression of their desire.

About the Author:

Nobuyoshi Araki was born in Tokyo in 1940. Given a camera by his father at the ripe age of twelve, Araki has been taking pictures ever since. He studied photography and film at Chiba University and went into commercial photography soon after graduating. In 1970 he created his famous Xeroxed Photo Albums, which he produced in limited editions and sent to friends, art critics, and people selected randomly from the telephone book. Over the years, his bold, unabashed photographs of his private life have been the object of a great deal of controversy and censorship (especially in his native Japan), a fact that has not fazed the artist nor diminished his influence. To date, Araki has published over 400 books of his work.

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Nobuyoshi Araki
ID: 9410
Издательство: Taschen

Welcome to the era of the no-panties coffee shop. Tokyo "entertainment centers" in the early 1980s photographed by Araki

It started in 1978 with an ordinary coffee shop near Kyoto whose waitresses famously wore no panties under their miniskirts and see-through pantyhose. As word began to spread, similar establishments popped up across the country. Men lined up outside these cafés waiting to pay three times the usual price for coffee served by a panty-free young woman, hoping to catch a fortuitous glimpse. Within a few years, a new craze took hold: the no-panties "massage" parlor. Competition for customers led these new types of businesses to offer an increasingly bizarre range of services: fondling clients through holes in coffins whilst they lie naked inside playing dead, interiors catering to commuter-train fetishists, young virgin role-playing, etc. Amongst these many destinations was a Tokyo club called Lucky Hole. Here, the premise was ridiculously simple: clients stood on one side of a plywood partition, a hostess on the other; in between, them was simply a hole big enough for a certain part of the male anatomy to pass through.

About the Author:

Nobuyoshi Araki was a frequent visitor to the sex clubs of Tokyo’s Shinjuku neighbourhood, and he photographed them profusely until the golden age of Japan’s sex industry came to a screeching halt in February 1985, with the enactment of the New Amusement Business Control and Improvement Act. In over 800 photos, Tokyo Lucky Hole documents the free-for-all spirit of those clubs via Araki’s lens.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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David Liittschwager, Susan Middleton
ID: 7911
Издательство: National Geographic

For this project, Middleton and Liittschwager gained unprecedented access to photograph on and around these protected islands that are otherwise completely off-limits to people. Home to nearly seventy percent of our nation's coral reefs, known as the "rainforests of the sea," the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands is a remarkable ecosystem that supports a vast array of interdependent native plants and animals that have evolved in this habitat over millions of years, many existing nowhere else on the planet.

The result is Archipelago. With its more than 300 stunning images, the book illustrates the spectacular diversity of these ocean and island creatures, as well as profiles many of the people dedicated to the preservation of this habitat. The inaccessibility of these islands and the need to protect them means that few people will ever be able to visit them in person, though now, for the first time, the area's inhabitants are available for all the world to see through this important body of work. In conjunction with the publication of Archipelago, exhibitions of these photographs will be mounted in Honolulu and Washington, and will then travel to venues around the country throughout 2006.

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ID: 6517
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

More tham 450 stunning photographes taken on expeditions to the South and North Poles with descriptions of the explorations and biographies of the men taking part.

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Guido Argentini
ID: 11793
Издательство: teNeues

Colour and texture radically influence how we perceive shapes. While looking for an innovative approach on a 1995 Miami photo shoot, photographic master Guido Argentini was moved to coat a model in silver makeup.

The result was as beautiful as it was intriguing - the subtle grayish tones highlighted angles and surfaces in a way that was other-worldly. Inspired by the results, Argentini created a whole series of silver-hued models. In so doing, he uncovered a fresh perspective for nude photography.

Evoking the luminous polished planes of Brancusi and the verve of Degas' ballet sketches, these photographs endow the human body with both the solidity of sculpture and the vivid energy of dance.

Guido Argentini «Argentum»

Книга Guido Argentini «Argentum» – расскажет о том, как цвет и текстура могут радикально влиять на восприятие формы человеком. В поисках инновационного и нестандартного подхода к фотографии, во время фотосессии в Майами 1995 гада, Фотограф Гвидо Аргентини нанес на тело своей модели серебряную краску. Результат получился настолько красивым и интригующим, что Argentini создал целую серию фотографий моделей серебристого цвета. Тонкие серые тона делали все углы более четкими и графичными, а поверхность казалась какой-то иной. При этом фотограф открыл новый, необычный подход для обнаженный фотографии.

Guido Argentini «Argentum»– содержит в себе большое количество фотографий, напоминающих блестящие, отполированные скульптуры Бранкузи, и воодушевленные балетными зарисовками Дега, которые наделяют человеческое тело не только прочностью скульптуры, но и энергией танца.

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Robert Dannin
ID: 7920
Издательство: PowerHouse Books

Arms Against Fury examines the dramatic struggle of the Afghan people through the lens of Magnum photographers, dating back to co-founder George Rodger’s documentation of the country’s role in World War II. Ever since, Magnum’s intrepid photographers have crisscrossed the country’s striking landscape from the Central Asian steppes to the parched southern desert by way of the Hindu Kush mountains surrounding Kabul and the adjacent Panjshir Valley.

As early as the 1950s, Eve Arnold and Marc Riboud filed unprecedented stories from a legendary Shangri-La, showing a small kingdom struggling for statehood against the forces of underdevelopment and unfortunate geographic position during the Cold War. The ultimate overthrow of the monarchy and brutal liquidation of Afghanistan’s constitutional government in 1978 heralded the arrival of Soviet-style communism. Peasants in Nuristan rebelled immediately and initiated a jihad that was covered first by Raymond Depardon and then by Steve McCurry, and later by renowned photojournalist Abbas, who also focused on the progress of the mujahedin, who eventually faced a massive Red Army invasion and savage aerial bombardments.

The victory against the Soviets also signaled the beginning of a civil war that began in 1992. Documented by Luc Delahaye, Christopher Steele-Perkins, Abbas, and Steve McCurry, Afghan militias destroyed large swathes of Kabul. The Taliban militia subdued warring factions in 1996 and proclaimed an Islamic emirate. Steele-Perkins was one of the few journalists to report from Afghanistan during this period of theocratic tyranny. In the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United States, the hated Taliban were shaken from power by a loose alliance of mujahedin backed by American forces. Yet nothing seemed to remedy the miserable spectacle of a ruined country littered with ten million land mines and thousands of innocent victims of the hi-tech war on terror.

The future of Afghanistan, as depicted by Abbas, Eve Arnold, Luc Delahaye, Thomas Dworzak, Alex Majoli, Steve McCurry, and Francesco Zizola, remains uncertain at best.

Containing additional photographic work by Ian Berry, Elliott Erwitt, Stuart Franklin, Philip Jones Griffiths, Susan Meiselas, and Wayne Miller; commentary by the photographers; and several illustrated essays, Arms Against Fury will become an indispensable reference for documentary studies, social history, and critical photography.

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Philip Brookman
ID: 1409
Издательство: Taschen

Piet Mondrian behind his easel, Igor Stravinsky at his piano, Max Ernst sitting smoking on his throne-like chair: the photographs of Arnold Newman (1918-2006) are classics of portraiture. His subtle arrangements constituted the foundations of “environmental portraiture.” His photographs integrate the respective artist’s characteristic equipment and surroundings, thus indicating his or her field of activity. The enormous fame of Newman’s portraits can be ascribed to their daring compositions and sometimes astounding spatial structures. The photographer’s beginnings, however, were none too promising. During the Great Depression, Newman had to abandon his art studies for financial reasons. Between 1938 and 1942 he concentrated on socio-documentary photography in the ghettos of West Palm Beach, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. One might think that being forced to earn his living in a photography studio would have stifled his artistic potential: Newman portrayed up to 70 clients a day. Yet he still succeeded in developing a very personal touch and establishing himself in the New York art scene of the early 1940s. His subjects included Marcel Duchamp, Marc Chagall, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Alexander Calder among many others. With his unmistakable style, Newman became the star photographer of artists, writers, and musicians. This new edition, which includes recent work and an updated biography, provides a sweeping overview of Newman’s illustrious career.

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Lan Nguyen-Grealis
ID: 11008
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Art & Makeup is a stunning showcase of work created by award-winning makeup artist, Lan Nguyen-Grealis. The looks created specially for the book are inspired by the worlds of art, sculpture, cinema and performance art – references include Picasso, Warhol, Marie Antoinette, Cleopatra, Mad Men and The Great Gatsby.

The book contains MORE THAN 200 beautiful images and includes photography from Rankin. Makeup is an art form, and, like all art forms, it has a basis in technique.

To complement the inspirational showcase imagery of the main part of the book, the second part features step-by-step deconstructions of the techniques used to create some of the looks. There is also an insider's guide to the industry, featuring tips and quotes from professionals ranging from renowned makeup artists and fashion designers to photographers and celebrity stylists.

About the Author:

Lan’s daring style and breathtaking technical ability has led her to work with legendary names including David Bailey, Rankin and countless A-list celebrities. She is currently the youngest Golden Mask Award Winner 2013 for Makeup Art and National Professional Makeup Awards Winner 2011 for Best Studio Makeup and Overall Winner.

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NK Guy
ID: 11063
Издательство: Taschen

Art ablaze. Pyrotechnics and pure self-expression in the parched Black Rock Desert

“You voluntarily assume the risk of serious injury or death by attending.” 

100 miles from the gambling town of Reno, in the wilderness of northern Nevada, lies a vast, hostile plain known as the Black Rock Desert. The region has been an empty and windswept dry lake bed for most of the past 10,000 years. Except, that is, for one brief week at the end of each summer, when a temporary city rises out of the barren clay.

This is the surreal and amazing site of Burning Man. Baked by the sun, and blinded by dust, the gathering acquires different meanings for different people: Temporary community, spiritual adventure, performance stage, desert rave, social experiment. It’s also the incubator of some of the most remarkable site-specific outdoor art ever made: a mechanized fire-breathing octopus, a towering wooden temple 15 meters tall, and the eponymous Man himself—a skeletal sculpture set ablaze at the event’s conclusion.

Here, writer and photographer NK Guy presents 16 years of Burning Man art. His dazzling images record these participatory, collective, intrinsically ephemeral installations and happenings in the desert, which exist for no clearer purpose than because someone wanted to express something. The result is testimony to a realm far beyond the ego, commerce, and power play of mainstream cultural output: It is one of the purest, uninhibited, expressive centers of our time.

With a foreword by temple designer and artist David Best and a futureword by Founding Board Member Marian Goodell.

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Dain Gingerelli, David Blattel
ID: 9595
Издательство: Rockport

Photographer David Blattel treats every photo shoot as a work of art. When his subjects are the works of art produced by the motorcycling maestros from Milwaukee, the results are doubly beautiful.

Art of the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle pulls together the best of Blattel’s Harley-Davidson portraiture -- over 100 stunning machines -- resulting in a breathtaking review of Harley-Davidson’s greatest hits from the early 1900s to today. Harley-Davidson expert Dain Gingerelli puts each machine in historical and technical context with informed profiles. The result is a handsome, informative overview of Harley-Davidson's 100-plus years of style and innovation.

Dain Gingerelli began writing for motorcycle and automotive magazines in 1970. He’s been an editor for six motorcycle magazines, and he’s authored numerous hot rod books for Motorbooks. His motorcycle titles include 365 Motorcycles You Must Ride and Harley-Davidson Museum Masterpieces.


Пролистать книгу Art of the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle на Google Books.

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Ken Gross, Peter Harholdt
ID: 8957
Издательство: Rockport

The best hot rods are art on four wheels, and this book, a collection of studio photography of the cars produced by the world’s top hot-rod builders, is nothing less than a gallery of the best of American hot rodding.

Profiling top builders like Pete Chapouris, Roy Brizio, Vern Tardel, Troy Trepanier, and 15 others and featuring studio portraits of their most outstanding custom creations, this book celebrates the uniquely American marriage of mechanical know-how to an inspired sense of style and design. Built from the ground up, pieced together from salvaged parts, rebuilt with classic looks and futuristic technology - these are automotive works of art, as powerful on the page as they are on the street.

Through the stunning portraiture of master photographer Peter Harholdt, Art of the Hot Rod captures these magnificent creations as never seen before.

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