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Alicia Craig Faxon
ID: 8141
Издательство: Abbeville Press

One of Victorian Englands most charismatic characters, Dante Gabriel Rossetti painted and wrote with equal passion. He was similarly passionate in his personal life: his ethereal artist-wife, his earthy blond mistress, and the ravishing Jane Morris are all immortalized in his voluptuous images. The melodrama of Rossettis life, darkened by rumors of suicide, adultery, and addiction, has often overshadowed his striking accomplishments as a painter. This evocative volume vividly illuminates his life and his art. Two hundred sixty-five illustrations-140 in full color-capture the lush hues and elaborate imagery of his romantic canvases. The astute text provides-at long last-a clear and candid account of the artist that carefully untangles fact from myth. Reminiscences from the artists great-grandniece Helen Guglielmini provide an engaging glimpse of life with the Rossettis.

Rossettis career is chronicled from his early achievements as a founder of the tremendously influential Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, through his involvement with William Morriss revolutionary design firm, to the grandly unorthodox images of his final years. Skillfully weaving in quotes from the artist and his contemporaries, Dr. Faxon brings to life a charming, contradictory man. Sometimes delightful, sometimes infuriating, Rossetti was as apt to scribble a witty limerick or dash off a jokey caricature as he was to brood over a medieval fantasy or heartsick sonnet.

Rossettis prodigious art encompassed the meticulously detailed canvases of his early years, the jewellike brilliance of his medieval tableaux, and the sensuously alluring women of his late paintings. He plundered the past for his painted and poetic images-especially favoring the tales of Dante and the romantic adventures of King Arthur-but his art was always uniquely his own, instantly recognizable and unforgettable. Beautifully designed with luscious reproductions, telling details, and graceful ornamentation, this is the first lavishly illustrated monograph devoted to this extravagantly talented artist.

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Yvette Amann,‎ Dieter Buchhart
ID: 11554
Издательство: Gingko Press

As the graffiti movement reached Europe from the USA in the mid 1980’s, Sigi DARE von Koeding, who was born in Basel (Switzerland), was one of the protagonists playing a major role.

As one of the first writers,the network of friends he created stretched over half a continent.He further developed the painting of simple pseudonyms (or tags) and in this way established his own distinctive 3D-style that he later more and more often realised and perfected on canvas using a brush.

In this way he built a bridge from the back-alley atmosphere typical of the scene to the art world of avant-garde galleries. Graffiti was now not just a special form of claiming territory by adolescents but, under the aegis of von Koeding, it became an urban spectacle with large-scale mural creations, often in combination with well-organised competitions or cultural festivals.

On a much smaller scale DARE managed by the repeated transfer of his four letters onto canvas, just using layout, form and coloration,to give the observer an insight into his personality. In this way, until his death in 2010, he reached completely new audiences.

At the same time, he achieved a change of perspective for people interested in culture, who would have automatically associated graffiti only with vandalism. Even today DARE enjoys the highest respect of his colleagues, as a pioneer of the sprayer generation, and in his hometown of Basel graffitis can be found that after 25(!) years have not been painted over.

The book Dare To Be Different will be published in spring 2016 and documents in Europe for the first time graffiti and numerous sketches as well as a large part of Koedings multifaceted lifes work that he has left to us on canvas.


DARE to be Different chronicles the life and work of pioneering graffiti artist Sigi "DARE" von Koeding, presenting photographs of street pieces, sketches, and more that fully explore Koeding's legacy.

As the graffiti movement spread into Europe from the US in the mid-1980s, DARE rapidly became one of its major protagonists. Born and originally based in Basel, Switzerland, DARE created a network of friends that first stretched half a continent and later came to encompass the globe, his art continuing to find new audiences until the time of his death in 2010. DARE's original simple four-letter tag evolved into a 3D style that he perfected on canvas as well as on the street; this versatility eventually created a bridge from the back-alley atmosphere of traditional graffiti to the world of avant-garde art galleries, and eventually his contribution to the scene helped it to become an urban spectacle, an art form focused on large-scale mural creations, well-organized competitions, and cultural festivals.

His careful eye for form, layout, and coloration gave audiences insight into his personality and often inspired viewers to change their perspective on street art, pushing their perception of the style from simply a form of vandalism to a legitimate art movement. The respect his colleagues had for DARE is still obvious today, especially in Basel, where pieces of his created 25 years ago can still be found untouched by other graffiti artists.

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Maria Luisa Martin de Argila, Francisco Calvo Serraller, Miguel Fernandez-Cid
ID: 5468

The Museo Reina Sofia dedicated to Dario Villalba the long-waited anthology exhibition that looked over in depth the work considered today as one of the greatest and most influential artists of the Spanish art in the last decades, not only his great international renown. Despite his previous exhibitions at main contemporary art museums in Europe, this show was Dario Villalba's first solo exhibition at the Museo Reina Sofia. This catalog is a monograph on Villalba's work and artistic trajectory in which the commissioner, Maria Luis Martin de Argil's text appears as well as an unpublished essay by Francisco Calvo Serraller, and a complete documentary appendix that gives a full account of his biography, artistic chronology and bibliography. The catalog also includes a text by Miguel Fernandez Cid and the reproduction of some of the Basic Documents.

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ID: 11561
Издательство: Victionary

Following the overwhelming success of the first volume in the series, Dark Inspiration 2 charts new territory in the world of macabre aesthetics, showcasing the best new artworks in the genre that are sure to disturb and alarm.

From depictions of our most primal fears to scenes of death and injury, this new collection explores the demons that haunt us all. Some appear as nightmare visions dreamt and hopefully forgotten, others are unexplainable tableaus, sure to confuse and bewilder. All are fascinating. In a variety of media including digital and hand rendered illustration, sculpture, photography and more.

Artists include: Alex Garant, Anton Semenov, Dan Hillier, Daniel Martin Diaz, Elisa Ancori, Evelyn Bencicova, Fiona Roberts, Fuco Ueda, Hannes Hummel, Januz Miralles, Johnson Tsang, Katy Horan, Kim Simonsson, Leta Sobierajski, Lola Dupre, Nicoletta Ceccoli and many more.


Fascination and fear for the unknown and uncontrollable in life has been a recurring theme in art. That mystical feeling often leads to a strong internal urge to explore the depths of human souls. To artists, the uncharted territories set no boundaries for imagination. What seems to be an eerie, apocalyptic world is only a truthful reflection of actuality in these artists’ mind.

Tapping into the uncanny domain of grotesqueries and the occult, Dark Inspiration II is a rich profusion of bone-chilling art created by more than 50 artists worldwide. Childhood reveries, aged folklore and mysteries, and morbid fascination with death and mental pain juxtapose to examine mortal sins, existence and human relationships with the universe. Encompassing illustrations, sculptures, installations, photography and set design, the sensuous collection carries forward the ritual of its first volume to amass a variety of dark and mournful expressions that are at once alluring, bewildering and inspirational to peruse.


О книге Dark InspirationII: Grotesque illustrations, art and design

Dark InspirationII: Grotesque illustrations, art and design – это продолжение знаменитого первого тома серии, который имел ошеломляющий успех. Второй том представляет Вашему вниманию новую теорию о мире мрачной эстетики, демонстрируя новые лучшие произведения искусства в этом жанре, которые будоражат воображение и вызывают необъяснимое чувство тревоги.

В этой новой коллекции собраны изображения наших самых больших страхов: от сцен смерти и увечий, до наших внутренних демонов и не только. Некоторые из картин выглядят, как кошмарные видения, о которых Вы мечтали забыть, а другие - похожи на необъяснимые сцены, которые снова и снова сбивают с толку. Все подается в очень увлекательном формате,
 с помощью средств массовой информации, цифровых и ручных иллюстраций, скульптур, фотографий и многого другого.

Dark InspirationII: Grotesque illustrations, art and design включает в себя работы таких художников, как Алекс Гарант, Антон Семенов, Дэн Хиллиер, Даниэль Мартин Диас, ЭлизаАнкори, Эвелин Бенчикова, Фиона Робертс, Фуко Уэда, ХаннесХуммель, ЯнузМираллес, Джонсон Цанг, Кэти Хоран, Ким Симонссон, Лета Соберайски, Лола Дюплетре Нор, Лола Дюплетре Нор Чекколи и др.


Очарование и страх перед неизвестным и тем, что не подвластно контролю, всегда было волнующей темой в искусстве. Это мистическое ощущение часто приводит к желанию исследовать глубины человеческой души. Для художников такие неизведанные территории - только повод для игры воображения. То, что кажется жутким или вовсе концом света, является всего лишь правдивым отражением действительности, в сознании этих художников.

Книга Dark InspirationII: Grotesque illustrations, art and design – собрание «ужасающего» искусства, созданное, более чем, 50 художниками по всему миру. Детские воспоминания, древний фольклор, а также увлечение смертью и болью, сопоставляются с существованием человека и его отношением со Вселенной. Чувственная коллекция, включающая иллюстрации, скульптуры, инсталляции, фотографии и сценографии, продолжает историю первого тома. Накапливая множество темных и печальных изображений, она манит, сбивает с толку, но вдохновляет к прочтению.

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Felix Kramer
ID: 9029
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Since the late eighteenth century, numerous artists have been enthusiastic about the sublimity of nature, the purity of emotion, melancholy, and loneliness while at the same time feeling drawn to the abysses of the human condition, as is manifested in times of war and economic crisis. Their works tell of passion and death; their themes deal with the mysterious, the uncanny, the irrational, the fantastic, the grotesque, and evil. They feature social outcasts: madmen, criminals, beggars. In 1930 the literary theorist Mario Praz coined a term for this, “Dark Romanticism,” but it has yet to have been thoroughly examined by art theory.

This publication is the first to investigate in detail the relations among the Romantic, Symbolist, and Surrealist movements, presenting Romanticism as a recurring sentiment that was embraced throughout Europe and endured into the twentieth century.

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Paul Duncan
ID: 12359
Издательство: Taschen

Loving the Alien. Behind the scenes of Nic Roeg’s 1976 sci-fi masterpiece starring David Bowie

Haunting, hallucinatory, and with a mesmerizing lead role performance from David Bowie, Nic Roeg’s The Man Who Fell to Earth is a cult piece of science fiction. This book gathers a bumper collection of stills and behind-the-scenes images by unit photographer David James, including stunning shots of Bowie as humanoid alien Thomas Jerome Newton.

First advertised as a “mind-stretching experience,” Nicolas Roeg’s 1976 The Man Who Fell to Earth stunned the cinema world. A tour-de-force of science fiction as art form, the movie brought not only hallucinatory visuals and haunting exploration of contemporary alienation, but also glam-rock legend David Bowie in his lead role debut as paranoid alien Newton.

Based on Walter Tevis’s 1963 sci-fi fable of the same title, The Man Who Fell to Earth follows alien Newton from his arrival on earth in search of water; his transition to wealthy entrepreneur, leveraging the advanced technologies of his native planet; his sexual awakening with the young Mary-Lou; and then the discovery of his alien identity, his imprisonment, abandonment, and descent into alcoholism. Throughout, Roeg coaxed a beguiling performance from his cast, presenting not only Bowie in ethereal space-traveller glory, but also pitch-perfect supporting performances from Candy Clark, Rip Torn, and Buck Henry.

TASCHEN’s The Man Who Fell to Earth presents a plenitude of stills and behind-the-scenes images by unit photographer David James, including numerous shots of Bowie at his playful and ambiguous best. A fresh introductory essay explores the shooting of the film and its lasting impact, drawing upon an exclusive interview with David James, who brings first-hand insights into the making of this sci-fi masterwork.

The editor:

Paul Duncan is a film historian whose TASCHEN books include The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives, The Godfather Family Album, Taxi Driver, Film Noir, and Horror Cinema, as well as publications on film directors, film genres, movie stars, and film posters.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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David Downton
ID: 12624
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The first monograph on the internationally renowned fashion artist David Downton.

With a foreword by Christian Lacroix, and an afterword by Dita Von Teese, this book showcases more than 150 of David’s drawings of celebrated women from the worlds of film, fashion and style.

The illustrations are enlivened by fascinating anecdotes revealing behind-the-scenes stories, and by specially commissioned photographs documenting the glamour of portrait sittings in London, Paris and New York.

About the Author:

David Downton has gained a reputation as one of the world’s leading fashion artists. His classically elegant yet highly contemporary images have been a strong factor in the resurgence of interest in fashion illustration. David’s natural ability with the human form and economy of line rapidly led to a hugely successful career working with, among others, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, V magazine, Chanel, Tiffany’s New York, Van Cleef & Arpels, Harrods, Topshop and the V&A.

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Paul Melia
ID: 6815
Издательство: Prestel

This consideration of Hockney's work from 1960 to the early nineties dispels myths and opens up new lines of inquiry concerning his contributions to post-modern art. Filled with beautiful color plates of his paintings, the book draws on extensive research and the artist's personal archives. In a broad chronological format the book reveals the major phases in Hockney's oeuvre: his early years as a student at the Royal College of Art in London and his ironic experimentation with different styles of painting; his images of life in southern California; his highly personal portraits and their studies in perspective; his reinterpretations of modernist paintings; and his forays into photo-collage.

The authors' incisive commentary reveals how Hockney's paintings question, parody and undermine accepted ideas about modern art, while forcing us to reconsider our assumptions about originality and creativity.

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Tim Barringer, Edith Devaney
ID: 11216
Издательство: Royal Academy of Arts

This summer 2016 publication brings together the recent body of work by David Hockney, perhaps the most popular and versatile British artist of the last century.

Following his sweeping exploration of landscape in the Royal Academy’s galleries in 2012, this focused display will look exclusively at the portraits he has been painting in the last few years – the subjects of which are friends, family and art-world luminaries. After the sad events that touched his life in 2012, Hockney had stopped painting altogether. His move from Yorkshire to California coincided with his decision to revisit acrylic paints and bold colours.

Vibrant, observant and full of life, these portraits mark a return to vivid, Technicolor form. Incisive text from Tim Barringer places these works within Hockney’s development as a portrait painter, while curator Edith Devaney interviews the artist about the series, which he describes as ‘twenty-hour exposures’, in reference to the time each portrait takes to paint.

The book will show the stages of each painting, from first to last mark, to give the reader a unique insight into Hockney’s working method.

About the Authors:

Tim Barringer is the Paul Mellon professor of the history of art at Yale University.
Edith Devaney is head of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and curator of contemporary projects at the Royal Academy of Arts, London.

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Andre Fichte
ID: 9054
Издательство: Edel

A set of a book and four CDs. Lifestyle, fashion and sightseeing in New York - a day in pictures and music in one of the world`s most impressive cities. The day ends where it began, with a view of the night skyline in the most exciting city in the world. The CDs feature music, which accompanies us through the day.

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S. D. Perry, Matthew K. Manning, Ming Doyle
ID: 15298
Издательство: Insight Editions

Concerned about the threat that so-called “metahumans” may pose to the world, Batman has begun compiling a detailed dossier on their incredible physiology and abilities. From villains like Killer Croc, Bane, and Brainiac to Batman’s own comrades, including Superman and Cyborg, the file brings together the Dark Knight’s fascinating personal theories on the unique anatomical composition of these formidable individuals.

This stunning and unique book delves into the incredible abilities of DC Comics characters like never before. Using beautifully illustrated anatomical cross-sections depicting twelve different DC characters, the book, told from Batman’s unique perspective, will explore how these metahumans’ physical makeup differs significantly from that of the average person. From detailed theories on how Superman’s eyes shoot heat rays to an in-depth exploration of how Aquaman is able to breathe underwater, the book delves into the deepest secrets of these classic characters. Also featuring chapters on the anatomy and abilities of Doomsday, Aquaman, Swamp Thing, Darkseid, Martian Manhunter, and more, this one-of-a-kind book will change the way you look at metahumans forever.

About the Authors:

S.D. Perry lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and two children. She writes horror/sci-fi/fantasy multimedia novelizations and tie-ins for love and money, dabbling in the universes of Star Trek, Aliens, Alien vs. Predator, and Resident Evil, among others.

Matthew K. Manning is the author of over eighty books and dozens of comic books. He has written books for Scholastic, Disney Press, Abrams, Capstone, DK Publishing, Running Press, Andrews/McMeel, and Insight Editions. Many of his books have reached best-seller status on Amazon, including DC Comics: Anatomy of a MetahumanDC Comics Encyclopedia, and Batman: A Visual History.

Ming Doyle is a Boston-based comic book artist and writer. Her work has appeared in works by DC (Constantine: The Hellblazer, DC Bombshells), Vertigo (The Kitchen), Image (Mara), Marvel, Valiant, and more.


Видео о книге DC Comics: Anatomy of a Metahuman

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Magdalena Holzhey
ID: 3010
Издательство: Taschen

Greek-born Italian painter Giorgio De Chirico (1888-1978) was hugely influential in the early years of the Surrealist movement. His paintings during the teens in Paris, where he moved in 1911, caused such a stir that such important figures as Picasso and Paul Eluard immediately praised them. This phase of his work, which he later termed pittura metafisica (metaphysical painting) was marked by dramatic compositions involving sharp perspective, striking shadows, geometrical planes, voids of space, and a general feeling of anxiety and loneliness; the sense of absurdity evoked by the mannequin-like figures in almost nightmarish landscapes seemed to suggest a Freudian expression of the unconscious. After 1930, De Chirico turned to a more classical style of painting and continued in the same vein for the rest of his career; his later work was widely criticized, especially by the Surrealists who had so admired his early paintings.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Art Series features:

* a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
* approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
* a concise biography

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Magdalena Holzhey
ID: 13384
Издательство: Taschen

Pittura Metafisica. The brooding spaces of Giorgio de Chirico

With his Pittura Metafisica, Greek-born Italian painter Giorgio de Chirico was a highly influential figure in the 20th-century avant-garde. Allied to the Surrealist movement, he developed a compelling style composed of sharp perspectives, striking shadows, ominous voids, and lonely figures, at once dreamlike, anxious, and brooding.

With his Pittura Metafisica, Greek-born Italian painter Giorgio de Chirico (1888–1978) was a major influence in Europe’s interwar avant-garde, hailed by the likes of Pablo Picasso and Paul Éluard.

The artist’s Pittura Metafisica set statues or mannequin-like figures in exaggerated one-point perspective spaces including city squares, receding arcades, distant walls, or claustrophobic interiors. Sharp perspectives, striking shadows, geometrical planes, and voids of space crafted a compositional drama and lurking mood of anxiety and loneliness.

The paintings set out to disquiet, to make the viewer reassess the nature of reality and search beneath its appearances for elusive memories and unexpected insights. While the Surrealists around Breton turned to Freud’s theories of the unconscious, de Chirico was fascinated by Nietzsche.

This dependable artist introduction explores all the ominous shadows and brooding corners of de Chirico’s Pittura Metafisica as well as his later development into a more classical style, a shift widely criticized by the Surrealists who had so admired his early paintings.

The author:

Magdalena Holzhey studied art history, Italian, and musicology in Berlin and Pisa. She held various academic and curatorial positions in galleries and museums, including the K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, before becoming Curator of Collections of the Kunstmuseen Krefeld. She has published widely on classical modernism and contemporary art.

About the series:

Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. 

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art series features:
- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

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John Elderfield
ID: 8103
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Published in conjunction with the large-scale, all-medium, posthumous retrospective of Willem de Koonings career at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), this book offers an unparalleled opportunity to appreciate the development of the artists work as it unfolds over nearly seven decades.

Representing nearly every type of work de Kooning made, in both technique and subject matter, this retrospective includes paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints. Among these are the artists most famous, landmark paintings among them Pink Angels, Excavation and the celebrated third Woman series plus in-depth presentations of all his most important series, ranging from his figurative paintings of the early 1940s to the black-and-white compositions of 1948-49, and from the urban abstractions of the mid 1950s to the artists return to figuration in the 1960s and the large gestural abstractions of the following decade.

Also included is de Koonings famous yet largely unseen theatrical backdrop, the 17-foot-square Labyrinth (1946). With lavish, full-colour documentation, this volume is the most complete account of de Koonings career ever published.

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Gilles Neret
ID: 9363
Издательство: Taschen

Goddess of the Automobile Age

The changing aspects of femininity and masculinity

Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) stood at the center of the sophisticated Paris art world of the 1920s and 30s. Her love for beautiful women, elegant automobiles, and the modern metropolis provided not only motifs for her pictures, but also influenced her artistic style.

Simultaneously with her career as artist, Tamara de Lempicka pioneered a new image of life on the screen, evident in the new, self-confident woman and the changing aspects of femininity and masculinity. The same sense of style was reflected in a futuristic cult of speed, domestic design forms promulgated by the Bauhaus, and the dandyism of a George Brummell. Tamara de Lempicka’s best-known painting, "Self-Portrait, or Tamara in a Green Bugatti", presents the artist as a female dandy brimming with cool elegance.

Whether as an Art-Déco artist, a post-Cubist or a Neoclasissist, de Lempicka struck the taste of a cosmopolitan (and wealthy) public that found its own image reflected in her work.

About the Series:
Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
  • approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
  • a concise biography


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