История искусства

Книги по истории искусства

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Renee Price
ID: 6559
Издательство: Neue Galerie New York

New Worlds: German and Austrian Art 1890-1940 is the inaugural catalogue for Neue Galerie New York. A distinguished group of international scholars surveys the development of modern art complemented by biographies on the artists represented in the museum's collection. Emphasis is placed upon the American reception to their work, a previously little-explored area in this field. In this context, the role of museums, art dealers, patrons and critics are examined as well.

Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, and artists of the Wiener Werkstätte are among the featured artists. Leading figures, such as Max Beckmann, Peter Behrens, Otto Dix, Vasily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe are also examined in the context of key movements in Germany such as the Brücke, the Blaue Reiter, Neue Sachlichkeit, and the Bauhaus.

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Henri Loyrette
ID: 5089
Издательство: Flammarion

Almost twenty years after the creation of the Musee d’Orsay, the 19th century seems more than ever to be the “Golden Age” of French art. It boasts names such as Ingres and Delacroix, Manet and Puvis de Chavannes, Gustave Eiffel and Charles Garnier. French art became a universally accepted benchmark, spreading the discoveries of Impressionism, the Haussmann models, and the daring of art nouveau far beyond its borders, and receiving in return, in the form of the countless artists who flocked to its hub, numerous influences from abroad. Other key movements associated with the19th century include Romanticism; Neo-Classicism, “orientalism,” and japonisme; Realism; the Barbizon School and plein-air painting; Neo-Impression, Cloissonism, and the Nabis; and Symbolism.This complete, chronological history is illustrated by more than 400 illustrations and covers painting, sculpture, and architecture, as well as the advent of photography, its impact on painting, and its emergence as an art form of its own.

Henri Loyrette, president director of the Louvre Museum, was previously director of the Musee d’Orsay (1994). Loyrette has published articles and books on 19-century art and has presided over many exhibitions focusing on the Impressionistst. Sebastien Allard is Heritage Curator in the Painting Department at the Louvre. Allard has also published a book on Paris in 1820. Laurence des Cars is curator at the Musee d’Orsay. A specialist in late 19-century painting, des Cars has published Discoveries: Preraphaelites: Romance and Realism.

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Tobias G. Natter, Elisabeth Leopold
ID: 13904
Издательство: Hirmer

Once firmly accepted social concepts such as “body”, “masculinity” and “nudity” have become less concrete over the past few decades. This volume presents an enthralling expedition into art history, tracing representations of naked men from the Age of Enlightenment to the present day.

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ID: 6534
Издательство: Slovart

The Visual Encyclopaedia series provide up to 300 beautiful photographic and artwork images, illustrating subjects of perennial cultural interest. Images are accompanied by narrative providing background, brief criticism, and details on relevant museums, brief biographies and time lines

The immense expanse that opens up between Asia and the coast of America represents an ancient and faascinating world. In the routes traced by the winds and currents, poluplations and cultures appeared, integrated and split up over the course of the centuries, adapting themselves to a poweful nature that generated unique religious practices that also became part of artistic manifestation.

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Umberto Eco
ID: 15317
Издательство: MacLehose Press

On Beauty is neither a history of art, nor a history of aesthetics, but Umberto Eco draws on both these disciplines to define the ideas of beauty that have informed us from the classical world to modern times. In terms of form and style, On Beauty has been conceived for a vast and diverse readership. Packed with examples from painting, sculpture, architecture, film, photography, the decorative arts and literature, it offers a rich and intelligent panorama of this huge subject. In On Beauty Eco is at his most captivating and eclectic: we read not only of Botticelli and Michelangelo but of how much the fashion of the 1960s owes to ancient Egyptian dress, and how ancient Roman and eighteenth-century hairstyles have much in common. It makes the familiar new, and sheds a brilliant light on the unfamiliar. On Beauty is illustrated in full colour throughout and produced to the highest standards.

About the Author:

Umberto Eco's first novel, The Name of the Rose (1982), was a huge bestseller which brought him worldwide acclaim. With his subsequent works of fiction, philosophy, literary criticism and semiotics, he has been recognised as one of Europe's finest thinkers. He is currently President of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Humanistici and the University of Bologna. He is also known for his lavishly illustrated anthologies, On BeautyOn UglinessThe Infinity of Lists and The Book of Legendary Lands.

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Umberto Eco
ID: 15318
Издательство: MacLehose Press

Beauty and ugliness are two sides of the same coin; by ugliness we usually mean the opposite of beauty and we often define the first in order to understand the nature of the second. But the various depictions of ugliness over the centuries are richer and more unpredictable than is commonly thought. The striking images and anthological quotations in On Ugliness lead us on an extraordinary journey through the passions, terrors and nightmares of almost three thousand years, where acts of rejection go hand in hand with touching instances of empathy, and seductive violations of all classical canons accompany an aversion to deformity. With his characteristic wit and erudition, Umberto Eco draws on examples in art and literature from ancient times to the present day. Abundantly illustrated with demons, madmen, vile enemies and disquieting presences, with freaks and the living dead, On Ugliness is conceived for a vast and diverse readership, and is an invaluable companion volume to On Beauty.

About the Author:

Umberto Eco's first novel, The Name of the Rose (1982), was a huge bestseller which brought him worldwide acclaim. With his subsequent works of fiction, philosophy, literary criticism and semiotics, he has been recognised as one of Europe's finest thinkers. He is currently President of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Humanistici and the University of Bologna. He is also known for his lavishly illustrated anthologies, On BeautyOn UglinessThe Infinity of Lists and The Book of Legendary Lands.

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Yevgenia Petrova
ID: 10240
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This richly illustrated catalogue documents the exhibition organized by the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, in partnership with the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg. Featuring celebrated paintings by such pioneering artists as Wasilii Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Vladimir Tatlin and Natalia Goncharova, it also includes the work of more than 20 other innovative artists of the Russian avant-garde, some of whose art has rarely been reproduced in colour.

These intriguing paintings are juxtaposed with native Russian arts and crafts, including religious icons, popular prints, textiles, and even children's toys, to explore the influence of folk art on the Russian avant-garde during the early decades of the 20th century.

These objects were avidly collected during this period by artists and intellectuals, who were aware of the gradual disintegration of peasant culture in Russia and eager to preserve its artifacts.

Through a rich array of some 70 paintings, related folk art objects and works on paper, the exhibition and catalogue make clear the intermingling of "high" and "low" forms of visual culture during this exciting phase of avant-garde production.

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Bernard Jacque, Le Musée du Papier Peint
ID: 7136
Издательство: Vial

En se fondant sur les riches collections du Musée du papier peint de Rixheim, ce livre a pour propos de faire revivre ces innombrables motifs qui ont transformé la vie de nos ancêtres, de tenter de leur redonner un sens. Le motif de papier est un monde : les manufactures en ont imprimé des milliers des années 1770 à nos jours, de façon à transformer à moindre frais le mur nu et lui donner un sens en rapport avec les désirs de chacun. Ne parle-t-on pas à son propos de seconde peau ?

Sommaire :
Les fleurs du XVIIIe, les fleurs du XIXe, les arabesques, les ornements du XIXe, les textiles du XVIIIe, les textiles du XIXe, capitons, rubans, dentelles.

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Vincent Bouvet, Gerard Durozoi
ID: 6855
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Between 1919 and 1939, Paris experienced a cultural and intellectual boom. Packed with evocative illustrations, this book is a vibrant kaleidoscope of the incomparable city at its dazzling peak.

The city was ablaze with bright lights and the sound of jazz, and the ideas and fashions born there spread across the world, attracting a host of international artists, writers and performers to come and share the excitement of the period that the French called les années folles – the crazy years.

Bohemian Montparnasse, with its cafés, bars and studios, was a hub of creative energy. Cubism, Surrealism and Dada turned Paris into the home of the avant-garde, and Picasso and Matisse were just two of the leading lights in a scene that included Chagall, Giacometti, Léger, Miró and Calder.

Intellectual life was punctuated by artistic quarrels, ideological debates, rival literary schools and competing theatrical styles. In literary circles, Gide, Valéry and Malraux were at the forefront of French thought, while world writers who found inspiration there included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce.

But Paris was not just a city of the mind: it was a city of unsurpassed style. The International Exhibition of 1925 became a landmark event, and Art Deco and modernist designers embraced the beauty of technology, machinery and all that contemporary life had to offer.

It was a golden age for haute couture, too, with the houses of Chanel, Lanvin and Schiaparelli dressing the emancipated women who peopled Paris’s glittering social scene, while the exotic nightlife was embodied in the sensational glamour of Josephine Baker.

When the Great Depression of the 1930s cast a shadow over the world, the carefree days were over but the city’s creative spirit continued to flourish. Political and social turmoil began to be reflected in such challenging works as Picasso’s Guernica, while the films of René Clair and the photography of Brassaï and André Kertész captured a darker side to life.

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Ulrich Pietsch
ID: 6449
Издательство: Arnoldsche

The publication of the Said and Roswitha Marouf Collection focuses the viewer’s eye on the magnificent art works of the Meissen porcelain manufactory, which in 2010, on the occasion of its 300 anniversary, will celebrate the multifarious artistic wealth of the first European manufactory for porcelain. This book is not about the history of Meissen porcelain in the eighteenth century, which has been examined in numerous publications, but is rather a feast for the senses. The collection documented here provides a representative survey of the early creative period of the Meissen manufactory, especially in the area of painting, with outstanding works of art by Johann Gregorius Höroldt and his workshop.

Also the small sculptural work of Johann Joachim Kaendler and co-workers is presented in detail. The diversity of the porcelain items, chosen with care and collector’s passion, is reflected in the some 500 reproductions – including numerous large-format reproductions – of the nearly 200 art works. In the clear commentaries and in magnificent reproductions – including many details – the individual characteristics and distinctive features of these works are vividly presented.
Since 1994 the author, Dr. Ulrich Pietsch, has been director of the Porcelain Collection of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, the world’s largest collection of Meissen porcelain of the eighteenth century.

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RoseLee Goldberg
ID: 8345
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Performance is now featured in major museums and considered one of the most important artistic forms of the twenty-first century. An astonishing increase in the number of works and venues around the world testifies to performance as the chosen medium for new generations of artists.

This is a timely update to the essential guide.

First published in 1979 and now extensively updated, this pioneering book has been expanded with a definitive account of the technological, political and aesthetic shifts in performance art that mark the early years of the twenty-first century.

A new chapter features over 100 artists from around the world, both established and up-and-coming, including Marina Abramovic, Walid Raad, Francis Alÿs, Pierre Huyghe, Tino Sehgal, Sharon Hayes and Matthew Barney among many others, who can now be seen in the historical context from the Futurists and Dadaists to Yves Klein and Laurie Anderson.

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Henri Stierlin, Anne Stierlin
ID: 8986
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Persian art and architecture have a rich heritage that stretches far beyond the borders of modern-day Iran, from the Abbasid monuments of Baghdad to the splendid Timurid buildings of Samarqand and Bukhara.

In this glorious volume a wealth of photographs capture this profusion in rich detail, creating a vibrant guide that will captivate anyone keen to explore the cultural achievements of this 
great civilization.

When the ancient land of Persia was conquered by the Arabs, its people embraced the coming of 
Islam but strove also to retain their own language and culture, celebrating their history in works of literature such as the epic Shahnama. This merging of influences resulted in a distinctive artistic style that spread through the Middle East, reflected in monumental architecture and in art forms that range from expressive miniature paintings to sumptuous carpets and ceramics.

The book follows a historical path across the Iranian world and examines the artistic legacies of great rulers and their dynasties, from the rebirth of Persian art under the Seljuqs, to the magnificent structures built by Timur-i Lang in Samarqand, to the cultural flowering that occurred under the Safavid dynasty through the patronage of Shah Abbas and his descendants, and beyond.

Palaces, mosques, madrasas and mausoleums display a mesmerizing decorative complexity, with form and ornament combining to create an indivisible whole. Spectacular polychrome tiles, intricate brickwork, curling arabesque motifs and calligraphic inscriptions attain a transcendent beauty, designed to reflect both the temporal power of the rulers who commissioned these works and the heavenly glory of creation

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Photographers Magnum, Anthony DeCurtis
ID: 5889
Издательство: Abrams

Culled from the archives of Magnum Photos, the world’s preeminent photo agency, Pop 60s celebrates the visionaries, icons, and memorable moments of the decade that transformed the fabric of American life. From Andy Warhol, Twiggy, and James Bond to Beatlemania, biker culture, and geodesic domes, the reverberations of the Swinging Sixties are felt in today’s art, music, design, and fashion.

This phenomenal collection of photographs spans the globe, including images of Tokyo nightlife, Brazilian Carnaval, and art happenings in New York City. Renowned photographers such as Dennis Stock, Eve Arnold, Danny Lyon, Thomas Hoepker, David Hurn, and many others contribute both their best-loved and their seldom-seen photographs. From naked spectators at the Isle of Wight Festival to literati at Truman Capote’s Black and White Ball, Pop 60s captures the spirit, style, and attitude of an unforgettable era.

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Eric Shanes
ID: 3414
Издательство: Parkstone

Pop Art, an abbreviation of Popular Art, is a movement that found its origins in England in the 1950s but realised its full potential in New York in the 60s.

The name referred to the interest of a number of artists, such as Robert Rauschenberg (born 1925) and Jasper Johns (born 1930), in the imagery and techniques of consumerism and popular culture. Pop Art, led by the cult figure of Andy Warhol, was probably the most extraordinary innovation of 20th-century art. It put art into everyday terms and so helped close the gap between “high art" and “low art". The British artist Richard Hamilton defined Pop Art as: “popular, transient, expendable, low-cost, mass-produced, young, witty, sexy, glamorous, and Big Business".

Richly documented and clearly structured, this book provides an overall view as well as a new and insightful perspective on Pop Art and the works of the artists who were at the forefront of this movement

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Eric Shanes
ID: 5557
Издательство: Parkstone

This book offers a radically new perspective on the so-called ‘Pop Art’ creative dynamic that has been around since the 1950s.

It does so by enhancing the term ‘Pop Art’ which has always been recognised as a misnomer, for it obscures far more than it clarifies. Instead, the book connects all the art in question to mass-culture which has always provided its core inspiration. Above all, the book suggests that this Mass-Culture Art has created a new Modernist tradition which is still flourishing. The book traces that tradition through the forty or more years since Pop/Mass-Culture Art first came into being in the 1950s, and locates it within its larger historical context.

Naturally the book discusses the major contributors to the Pop/Mass-Culture Art tradition right up to the present, in the process including a number of artists who have never previously been connected with so-called ‘Pop Art’ but who have always been primarily interested in mass-culture, and who are therefore partially or totally connected with Pop/Mass-Culture Art. The book reproduces in colour and discusses in great detail over 150 of the key works of the Pop/Mass-Culture Art tradition. Often this involves the close reading of images whose meaning has largely escaped understanding previously. The result is a book that qualitatively is fully on a level with Eric Shanes’s other best-selling and award-winning writings.

About the author

Eric Shanes is primarily a painter who has exhibited many times in London and elsewhere. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on Britain’s greatest visual artist, J.M.W. Turner, and the author of ten bestselling books and catalogues on the life and work of that major European figure. Additionally, Shanes has also written bestselling books and catalogues on Brancusi, Warhol, Hockney, The Golden Age of British Watercolours, and on the Impressionists in London. Parkstone International has published two books by Eric Shanes, one on J.M.W. Turner, the other on Andy Warhol. Shanes is a Vice-President of the Turner Society and its current Chairman, as well as the Founding Editor of Turner Studies, a scholarly journal published by the Tate Gallery. He has also frequently contributed articles on Turner, Brancusi and other artists to specialist and popular journals and newspapers. In 2000-2001 he curated the major exhibition entitled ‘Turner: The Great Watercolours’ that was held at the Royal Academy of Arts in London to mark the 150th anniversary of Turner’s death. Shanes lectures on traditional, modern and contemporary art all over the world

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