Музеи мира

Книги о музеях мира

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Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz
ID: 1970
Издательство: Arnoldsche

Volume 1:  288 pages, 325 illustrations.
Volume 2:  416 pages, 900 illustrations in colour and 342 signatures.

The Japanese belt accessories for men known as netsuke aroused great interest in Europe already at the end of the 19th century. Today they have become special, highly-prized collector’s items all over the world.

The main subjects are mythical creatures, gods of popular religion, and exotic animals and also depictions of Europeans, particularly Dutchmen, who fascinated the Japanese in the 18th and 19th century. The craftsmanship is of incomparable perfection, and the materials include boxwood, ivory, horn, coral, tortoise-shell and much else. Famous artists like Yoshimura Shûzan (1700–1773) and Ohara Mitsuhiro (1810–1878) created masterpieces which strongly influenced this art form.

The two volumes present more than 850 objects from the collection of Anne and Christian Trumpf, one of the most important netsuke collections worldwide, with in-depth commentary and lavish illustrations. The author, Dr. Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz, is a well-known scholar in this field. A new standard work on netsuke – an area of collecting that over the last few years has grown immensely on an international scale.

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ID: 6537
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon
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Hans-Jurgen Dopp
ID: 1045
Издательство: Parkstone

After The Erotic Museum of Berlin and The Temple of Venus in Amsterdam, a work on Paris was imperative. Rich of six centuries of gallantry and the world capital of fashion and love, Paris is the symbol of eroticism and joyful pleasures. As a matter of fact, Offenbach has written a hymn to the joy of the senses of the Parisian life. But this city still does not possess an erotic museum comparable to Berlin's or Amsterdam's. The author, with great liberty, uses a method comparable to André Malraux's by constructing an imaginary museum in this Paris where time and space is infinite, but desires are still present. The exceptional iconography comes from private collections and covers over five centuries of naughty Parisian history. This is accompanied by an academic text, which allows the reader to penetrate in a world that is never vulgar, always subtle and never-ending: eroticism.

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Jorge Ribalta, Manuel Borja-Villel, Kaira Marie Cabanas
ID: 5482
Издательство: Museu D'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

If one aspect has identified the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) over these years, it is its political position and its desire to question institutional discursive mechanisms. This objective has been the guiding light in our work. Along general lines, the museum operates in four spheres: the Collection, public activities, the museum’s organizational structure and the creation of mediating spaces with social movements and actors.

The MACBA Collection has maintained constant growth. Once more, our effort has been collective, forged from the complicity between the museum and artists.

The structure of this volume is concordant with the museum’s logic. In one direction, the text by Manuel J. Borja-Villel, director of the MACBA from 1998 to 2007, reflects on the fundaments of what at some stage became defined as the MACBA model. Meanwhile Kaira M. Cabañas describes and details the works that make up the most significant core of art acquired from 2002 to 2007. Lastly, Jorge Ribalta analyzes how the area of public programs, education and political action has evolved over these years. 

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Hartwig Fischer, Ute Eskildsen
ID: 3956
Издательство: Steidl Verlag
The Olbricht collection is one of the largest but least well-known art collections today. For the first time the Museum Folkwang presents a representative selection of works which the Essen-based collector Thomas Olbricht has gathered over the last 15 years. Its focus lies on contemporary art and features paintings, sculptures, photography as well as installations.
Works by artists as diverse as Diane Arbus, Stephan Balkenhol, Joseph Beuys, Maurizio Cattelan, Peter Doig, Andreas Gursky, Damien Hirst, Sarah Lucas, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Prince, Daniel Richter, Ed Ruscha, Norbert Schwontkowski and Cindy Sherman will be exhibited, among others. The different artistic and chronological approaches to related subject matter offer fresh views, construct innovative constellations and pose new questions for contemporary art. This richly illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition and provides detailed insight into this fascinating collection.
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ID: 10226
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

The Sistine Chapel is the geographical and spiritual centre of the Vatican City, but it is also one of the most internationally famous artistic sites. The chapel's outstanding beauty lies above all in its vast cycle of paintings covering the entire vault, featuring stories from the Book of Genesis and the Last Judgement, the grandiose, bustling scene located on the back wall. Michelangelo's masterpieces are what make the Sistine Chapel the most visited place in the world, illustrated in this volume in the minutest detail, so the reader can not only appreciate the works as a whole, but also the artist's creative process. This can be observed in the preparatory marks on the plaster, the brush strokes and occasionally traces left by the painter's actual fingers. A graphic diagram of the vault is a guide to the different parts and scenes depicted. Biographies and an index of artists conclude the volume.

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Эдуард Кубенский, Бен ван Беркель, Каролина Бос
ID: 17427
Издательство: Татлин

В журнале можно найти этапы разработки концепции, поэтажные планы, фасады, конструктивные узлы флагманского музея марки Mercedes-Benz в Штутгарте.  Здание стало манифестом архитекторов UN Studio, декларирующим создание нового типа пространства. Искусство архитекторов в том, что, сплавляя вместе несколько радикальных пространственных принципов, в этом здании в результате удается воплотить новый тип пространства, частично относящийся к выполняемым им музейным функциям, частично к периферийному положению, частично к самой архитектурной дисциплине. Авторы сосредоточились на искривлении как квинтэссенции и одновременно симуляторе мобильности, дающем чувство направленности и стимулирующем коммуникацию людей в зданиях.

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Эдуард Кубенский, Рем Колхас
ID: 17422
Издательство: Татлин

На периферии студенческого городка Сеульского университета в 2005 году вырос уникальный объект, спроектированный архитектурным бюро OMA совместно с корейскими партнерами. Это здание, условно называемое университетским музеем, на самом деле объединяет в себе функции музея, библиотеки и учебного корпуса. Прямоугольный объем приземлился на земной рельеф так, чтобы не нарушить существующую пешеходную связь между комплексом университета и городскими кварталами. Архитектору пришла в голову мысль просто разрезать параллелепипед — прямо как масло ножом. Так возникла основная концепция, и родился образ здания, остроумно связанный с конструктивным и функциональным решением. В журнале представлены основные планы, разрезы, фасады, узлы и схемы проекта. 

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Morgan Falconer
ID: 9541
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This is the perfect guidebook for all artlovers who visit or live in New York, and an essential reference book for anyone interested in the history of art.

Its unique approach draws on the cream of New York’s museums and galleries to create an easily navigable, narrative history of art and allows you to locate your favourite artist or style of art in any museum and follow it throughout the museums of New York.

Do you like, say, French art? This book will show you where to find it in New York, from great masterpieces of the genre on show in world-famous institutions to hidden gems housed in galleries off the beaten track.

Visit the Metropolitan Museum to take in Nicolas Poussin, Jacques-Louis David and Courbet; move on to the Frick Collection to see works by the Rococo painters Boucher and Fragonard, or take off to the Dahesh Museum, the only American institution devoted to the academic tradition in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Art Guide also features concise histories and critical analyses of many important artists as well as key movements, showing you where to see, for example, Jackson Pollock’s iconic works and pinpointing his former New York homes and haunts.

• ‘Short tour’ and ‘also see’ sections allow you to trace your favourite period or style throughout the museums and galleries of New York
• ‘Artist in focus’ sections present a full tour of New York’s holdings of iconic artists
• Extensive reference sections and city maps enable you to use the book as an illustrated guide to every one of New York’s museums and galleries
• Individual chapters guide the reader through a thematic, narrative history of art
• Expert commentary on the movements and artists throughout

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Phaidon Editors
ID: 9644
Издательство: Phaidon

The Art Museum is the finest art collection ever assembled between two covers. This revolutionary and unprecedented virtual art museum in a book, features 992 oversized pages of nearly 2,700 works of art. It is the most comprehensive and visually spectacular history of world art ever published. Ten years in the making, this unique book was created with a global team of specialists in all fields of art, including museum curators and educators, who have collected together important works as they might be displayed in the ideal museum for the art lover.

Unrestricted by the constraints of physical space, this luxurious book is organized by innovative color-coded "galleries," "rooms," "corridors" and "special exhibitions" which display hundreds of paintings, sculptures, frescos, photographs, tapestries, friezes, installations, performances, videos, woodblock prints, folding screens, ceramics and manuscripts that tell the history of world art.

This is the only museum to house Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, a collection of Rembrandt’s finest self-portraits, Velázquez’s Las Meninas and Picasso’s Guernica, as well as ceramics from China, Hokusai’s woodblock prints, gold artefacts from Peru, and works by Jackson Pollock in one place.

With intelligent in-depth text throughout, explanatory labels for each artwork, a comprehensive glossary and detailed location maps, The Art Museum, is accessible for everyone from casual art fans to experts in the field.

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ID: 11984
Издательство: Phaidon

A revolutionary 'virtual' museum with easy-to-navigate, colour-coded galleries and rooms

Housing the finest art collection ever assembled, this revised, reformatted edition offers the museum experience without the boundaries of space and time, taking the reader on a tour around the world and through the ages. Its rooms and galleries display some 1,600 artworks, selected from the original collection, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, textiles, installations, performances, videos, prints, ceramics, manuscripts, metalwork, and jewel-work.

Visit the world's most comprehensive and compelling museum in a book – from pre-historic times to the present, – over 1,600 artworks created with the expertise of 28 art world curators and historians.

"Unprecedented, unique, and vast in scope... a visually spectacular survey of world art. Destined to delight, inspire, and educate, as well as to become an invaluable, classic art-reference resource, it is very highly recommended." ―Library Journal

About the Authors:

Twenty-eight curators, critics, art historians, and artists contributed their expertise to create this art-lover's ideal museum. They come from such institutions as: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the British Museum, London; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu; the University of California, Berkeley; La Trobe University, Melbourne; the School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London; and The Courtauld Institute of Art, London.

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Marie-Josephe Bossan
ID: 1042
Издательство: Parkstone

What is more common than a pair of shoes? In a world where shoes have become an object of mass consumption, these accessories are now rid of any significance. Industry has accomplished its duty: producing large quantities at low prices. But there was a time when the shoe symbolised the strength of the Roman legion, the power of the medieval lords or the oppression of the Chinese woman. Its history is both vast and enthralling, as revealed by the author Marie-Josephe Bossan. Supporting her analysis with an outstanding iconography, the author gives these commonplace objects a universal quality that sheds light on the whole of civilisation and elevates them to the rank of a work of art.

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Jean-Marie del Moral, Marie-Noel de Gary
ID: 2810
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The Camondos were a family of bankers and philanthropists – ‘the Rothschilds of the East’. Arriving in Paris from Istanbul in 1869, their presence was soon noted in the worlds of business, music, art and the wealthier echelons of Paris society.

One man, Moïse de Camondo, made their mark permanent with the legacy of the Musée Nissim de Camondo, a magnificent Belle Époque mansion built to contain the family’s collection of 18th-century French art, and which became a memorial to his son who did not live to inherit it: Nissim de Camondo, a pilot during the First World War, was killed in aerial combat in 1917.

With Moïse’s death in 1935, and the deaths of remaining members of the family at Auschwitz in 1943–44, the Camondo line came to an end. The house was bequeathed to the French state, and survived the war intact.

The exceptional qualities of the house, its architecture and its beautiful decoration have been captured in superb photographs by Jean-Marie del Moral. Essays by curators and experts associated with the museum explore the splendour of each object and work of art in detail, tracing their history and setting them in context, and bringing to life the deeply moving story of a remarkable collection driven by passion.

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Alain Seban
ID: 3958
Издательство: Steidl Verlag

The Centre Pompidou in Paris houses one of the greatest collections of twentieth century photography in the world. This book comprises a comprehensive catalogue of the collection, 350 photographs by 283 of the most famous artists and photographers to engage with the medium – from Drtikol, Abbott, Strand, Evans, Brancusi, Rodtchenko and Abbott, via Alvarez Bravo, Man Ray, Boubat and Klein, to Mapplethorpe, Sherman, Struth, Gursky and Goldin. The book is comprised of 6 sections, each introduced by a short essay, and proposes a new history of photography through the collections of the Centre Pompidou.

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Sebastian Schütze, Madeleine Gisler-Huwiler
ID: 847
Издательство: Taschen

This spectacular compilation of plates, representing a superb collection of ancient vases, is the fruit of a collaboration between Sir William Hamilton (1730-1803), British diplomat and collector, and Pierre-François Hugues d’Hancarville (1719-1805), an adventurous connoisseur and amateur art dealer. As an envoy to the British Embassy in Naples, Hamilton developed a keen interest in both antiquity and volcanology, studying the royal excavations of Pompei and Hercolano and publishing the first scientific essays on mount Vesuvius. During his stay in Naples he built the finest collection of ancient vases of his time, which he sold, in 1772, to the British Museum in London. Before the invaluable pieces were shipped off to England, d´Hancarville was commissioned to document the vases in words and images. Never before have ancient vases been represented with such meticulous detail and sublime beauty. His famous catalogue was published in four volumes, known as "Les Antiquités d´Hancarville." Complete sets of these rare volumes today fetch top prices at auction. We have borrowed a fine copy from the Anna Amalia Library in Weimar to reproduce in exacting detail, so that modern readers can experience the same images that sparked Britain’s, and indeed Europe’s, taste in classical style and inspired reproductions from pottery manufacturers such as Wedgwood.

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